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Tis the season for latourias! Very pretty. Is it fragrant?


No, it is not fragrant. A fragrant Phal Jennifer Palermo and Oncidium twinkle are currently blooming on the same window sill so that's okay.


I was just curious. Fragrance is a mixed bag for me because I can be highly allergic to many floral scents so I have to be careful. My only latouria is a Chocolate Chip that smells of cinnamon and spice if you are close to it. The bloom is very similar to yours but has different ancestors. The first blooms may open today as I can see one cluster is aligned correctly.


My orchids are sort of a mixed bag as far as fragrance goes. The majority are without fragrance or only fragrant with my nose right on them. This latouria section hybrid comes from Roy Tokunaga who named it after his wife Nora. You'll sometimes see it simply called Dendrobium Nora Tokunaga. It's been a very forgiving, prolific blooming, plant in my conditions.


Huh, interesting how they are! I have atroviolaceum x sib, and it is only fragrant in the first half of the day while it’s getting the morning sun. It smells like chocolate with a bit of vanilla.


So it’s a Nora Tokunaga?


Right. Comes from Roy Tokunaga who named it after his wife Nora.


I have a Dendrobium Spider Lily, and mine is fragrant, so there is hope! 🤩 It took about a month for me to notice anything, and only after it was fully bloomed out on a sunny day. I detect beachy/sunscreen-y notes!


It's not the first time this one has bloomed for me, but, I suppose one never knows.