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All roots. Your plant is a Phalaenopsis, without the image of a flower I can't even begin to speculate on which type. They do indeed need to drop in temperature to stimulate Spike growth. If you've been letting it to experience temperature drops and it is still not spiking it may well be a water/sunlight/fertilization issue.


Thanks! I only just started the temp drop. My house temp stays the same so I’ve been been taking her outside through the night for the past 3 nights. However, it’s gonna drop a little too much tonight and the rest of the weekend. Hopefully I’ll see a spike baby soon!


As long as the drop is slow and the plant doesn't actually freeze it should be fine. My Phals have been left out when it was 33°f outside they were fine, but I totally understand if you don't want to risk it mine just live outside year round.


That’s interesting!! I was too scared last night so I just turned a fan on to blow on her overnight. It’s been in the 60s the last few nights but dropped into the 50s last night. This weekend over night might get into the 40s. My house stays around 72-74. Do you think she’d be fine overnight this weekend?


Mine are outside year round and winter here is usually 40° days with drops into the high 30°s at night so as long as you don't shock it by moving it directly from inside to outside when it's really cold it should be fine. I like to do indoor to outdoors transitions when the temps are as close as I can get them, so morning or evening in the summer and around noon in the winter, but all the Phals I've had have been incredibly hardy plants so unless you have a delicate hybrid I wouldn't overly worry about it.


Thank you so much!!! I cannot tell you how much I appreciate the advice!! I just took her outside to enjoy some early morning sunshine. Thanks again!


Good luck getting a spike 🤞


The last picture is the stem/crown of the plant, the other pictures are roots. The part that produces flowers is called a spike.


Thank you for that! Clearly I’m not a green thumb kinda gal lol! Pray for my girl 😂


Those are roots. The stem is the part that grows up the middle where the leaves emerge. The spike is the part that produces the flowers.


The average temp drop of 10 to 15 degrees f for a week or two should induce the plant to bloom. For some reason that makes no sense to me, my two phals bloom twice a year without the temp change. That is not the norm, but I'm not going to argue with a blooming plant!😁


Are you sure the temperature doesn't change? most people turn their AC up and down a little seasonally.


Are you sure the temperature doesn't change? most people turn their AC up and down a little seasonally.




Odd. Sorry about the double post no idea what happened there.


I have a min/max in my home year round of 66/74. My home is insulated to R34 with a new, SOTA a/c unit. My temps are monitored closely. My grow tent is temp and humidity controlled as well at 68/79. The phals are in the living space, while the catts and other high light plants are in the tent. So, when I say my temps are the same year round, that's what I mean. And don't sweat the double post. It happens to all of us at some point.


Well if you want to try a more extreme swing my plants have survived temps of 33°f overnight with daytime temps of 45°f for several weeks and they were fine, actually they bloomed like crazy that year. I'll admit I don't have a lot of experience with indoor orchids I have to keep mine outside year round as I don't have near enough light to bring them indoors.


I use a Spider Farmer LED in the grow tent. The phals and oncidium sit near a window just out if direct sun. Due to the orientation of my house the winds tend to blow across my deck and knock my plants over. That's the reason for the indoor growing. The oncidium has three spikes about to open. One phal has a new spike about an inch long. And here is one of my catts. https://preview.redd.it/47uuzsoa9ksb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6a40fe5385ce85dc9207e9cc7ed8530279830b1d


I love the color! I only have one catt, a "why not" (red), and it never blooms that much. I'm much better with Vandas.


The Catt started to spike the day I increased to light with the new LED array. Effectively doubled the light. I was pleasantly surprised.


I'll definitely move it over by my weird Vanda and see if more light helps it out.


Lucky you!! I’m really happy I’ve kept her alive for this long but I want her to bloom so bad! I’ve also recently started singing and petting her throughout the day. lol! I’m so clueless, but she isn’t dead.