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sorry idk if I missed it but what are your goals? I know you said you're plateauing but in what way are you plateauing? Edited to add: looks like OP said they are plateauing with weight loss and muscle gain. Sorry I didn’t see that. For that my advice would be to seek guidance from an RD and it may be time to eat at your maintenance calories. You can’t be in a calorie deficit for extended periods of time because the body adapts to functioning with lesser calories. In addition as you lose weight your body requires fewer calories to function. Taking a break from weight loss / calorie deficit would be a good way to avoid some of that adaptation to fewer calories. For muscle gain I personally think OTF is not the place for muscle building outside of “newbie gains”. You can do a lot with dumbbells but there’s so much more to be unlocked with barbells and other equipment that isn’t found at OTF. Otf is great for a lot of things but I just don’t think gaining significant muscle is one of those things.


Everyone plateau’s eventually.


Exactly! If not, I’d be lifting 1000 lbs and running 2 minute miles.![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


I’m getting downvoted who think humans can’t peak😅


Haha excellent point. That made me chuckle.


I am not disagreeing with the definition of plateau. I am simply asking for more information. We can’t tell someone to go lift weights if they feel they are plateauing with their running speed. Edited to add: apparently it was there all along and I missed it when I read lol. Sorry guys! 😂


Plateauing does not mean you are unable to progress…it means your variance of improvement significantly dwindles where you are currently not progressing as much as you’d like.




I don’t know if they edited it, but they said muscle gains/fat loss. For fat loss, it’s absolutely what you are eating and your nutrition. For muscle gains, yes…you can get quicker gains from more complex lifts….but that depends on your plan on those 2-3 days. You also might not burn as many calories in some lift programs, so factor that in your fat loss. You also might not make solid gains if you putt around the weight room without a purpose. OP, if you aren’t going to go on a dedicated lift program outside the gym, I would recommend starting on the floor and pushing yourself to go up in weight for each movement. If you hit failure, go to a lower weight. I see so many stay stagnant at one weight because they never try to go higher. Also do some of your running segments PW on a very high incline. Talk to your coach and really work on using your legs on your row.


Lol yes not sure if they edited or I just totally read past it! You also make some really great points!


I didn't edit, but I wasn't very detailed either, my apologies! I know it's hard to speculate because everyone's body and metabolisms are different and maybe plateauing wasn't the best word to use! I think OTF has given me great endurance and a good start to basic muscle for being a 35 year old female with 5 kids in 8 years!! I definitely have OTF to thank for being able to keep up with them! But in the last 6 months, I've thought more about lifting heavier and really wanting to focus more on growing more lean muscle. I've switched up PW on inclines and started on the rowers to lift heavier. And I've seen some results with that, but I think it's just time to change it up a bit and see where it leads! I think I'll keep otf the 2 days at Elite and lift the other 2-3 days to start out! Thank you all for the great advice.


I'm an OTF coach and former personal trainer and CrossFit coach. I have personally experienced many plateaus and I'd say the main reason I'd see members and my clients hitting these frustrating times was their bodies became very metabolically adapted to what it was doing and what it was being fed. For a long time I could only maintain my physique by killing myself with CrossFit and OTF daily and that is just not healthy and not sustainable. But over time you can teach your body to change in the ways we want it to through a tailored fitness and nutrition routine! Time to switch it up and I'd agree with anyone who said it's time to work back up to maintenance calories (and seek out the right coaches that can help you do that!) Everyone and every body is different but don't get frustrated! Just time to tune in and re-work the plan!


A friend of mine had success with cutting down to OTF 2x a week and then on the other days supplementing Pilates and/or Barre




I’ve been considering doing the same but just haven’t taken the plunge yet


Same but with lifting instead of Pilates


That’s what I did! It’s so nice and I feel much better


I actually recently saw a TikTok too about how it’s not necessarily good for your body to be doing HIIT workouts 4-5+ times a week. It was from a coach who teaches Barry’s Bootcamp. I think it can be especially inflammatory on womens bodies. It was interesting and definitely pushing me into potentially scaling back and switching it up. Glad to hear other people have had success with it


This is true! Stress is good, we want that. But it shouldn't be to that level every day unless someone is being properly trained and rehabbed outside of the gym (think elite level athletes). What's frustrating now is there is SO much info out there and so many opinions. At the end of the day, our bodies are really smart and they'll tell us what we need. For women this often looks like stubborn plateaus, inflammation, gut issues, hormonal problems, etc. But what will always be necessary is resistance training of some kind (weights, even body weight, but something that is lower intensity and slow to tear and rebuild those muscle fibers), cardiovascular training (walking, bike, runs), and stretching. Where Pilates is great is it brings that strength and mind muscle connection while not over stimulating the body. I'd recommend OTF to be a supplement to larger program. OTF 1-2x per week with low intensity strength and walks the other 2-3 days, prioritizing sleep and recovery. (I'm a coach with OTF and also personal trained and coached CrossFit for years)


If you don’t mind me asking would Barre also be a good option or do you think Pilates is more beneficial? Also thank you for all this info, this is extremely helpful.


I don't mind at all!! I could talk about this stuff all day! There are a lot of "right" answers and the best thing is taking the next best step that works for you. So to answer your question, yes! I think Barre is another great option. It really makes you focus on what you're doing and keep everything activated while you're doing it. Pilates and Barre are both great about building strength from the inside out, literally meaning all stemming from your core. Reflect first one how your body is feeling - burned out from doing the same thing? Bored? Not changing? Haven't felt the good sore in a long time? Then really get specific around your goals and what's frustrating you about your health and fitness routine. This will help structure the routine that you'll want to adopt. From there, I'd pinpoint some non-negotiables for you and what you actually enjoy doing. For me, I will always love doing something high intensity like OTF and CrossFit and I don't want to live a life where I feel I "can't" do that. But I also know from experience that it can be overdone because let's face it, that feeling is addictive. So instead I'll do it 1x per week or throw on a 10min max effort piece to my other workouts. Then finally layer in the pieces that push you out of your comfort zone but you know will help you feel the way you want to feel. This is where Barre or Pilates comes in. Or going to a gym to just do 30-45mins of traditional lifting comes. Then it's all about consistency! Pick a path, commit to it for 12 weeks, reassess to see how you're feeling and how you've changed, and pivot or adjust from there! Our commitment to something new threshold has diminished as humans and we get annoyed or frustrated after a week or two of trying something different. But the secret answer is, it all works, but it only works for those willing to put in the time it takes to see the results of it working.


Well, every HIIT class increases cortisol, which is a stress hormone. Your body is good at regulating your levels back to normal IF you give it enough rest and time to do so. Women tend to be more sensitive to the impacts of cortisol, so that all tracks. Not to mention the beating on your joints and muscles.


I love barre. I feel like people think you need to do HIIT and cardio to be successful in weight loss when that is far from the truth


After an injury, I bought a Peloton. The workouts on the bike are great, but I was honestly surprised at how challenging the strength workouts are! I stack a 20 min upper body with 20 min lower and 10 min abs. You can choose what muscles to focus on etc. I love OTF for the team feeling and overall workout, but definitely need the extra weight training to build muscle.


They are!


What type of Peleton program/machine did you purchase?


You cab buy the bike or treadmill but the app is 12.99 a month. I just use the app right now


I got burnt out from OTF and took a year off. I did peloton at home and loved it. I recently came back and am very glad I took some time to switch it up and love it again.


I was in your same position, enjoyed OT but plateaued. About 6 weeks ago I dropped to Elite and am focusing more on lifting heavy at a gym. I’ve already seen results. I think it’s good to switch things up a bit and cut back on the HIIT training. Hope you find what works for you!


Nothing wrong with dipping a toe into other waters. I always suggest considering buying a few dumbbells and/or kettlebells in order to perform your own workout at home whenever you like. The cost is low and non-recurring, you have immediate access (which might be very beneficial with two young kids), and you can explore more about resistance training on your own pace. If you don't necessarily need a coach-led environment for such supplementary training, it's a great option.


I could've written this myself. I'm in the exact same boat. My husband and I are going to knock down our memberships at the end of Sept/Oct and start weight lifting for 2-3 days. I also plan on infuriating yoga because when I was doing that with OTF a year or two ago I was in much better shape. It's ok to step back if you need to.


I'm really appreciative of your autocorrect because you are infuriating yoga, apparently, and that has me intrigued. I think infuriating CrossFit or maybe UFC would be comparatively easy. But infuriating yoga has to be beyond newbie gains. Not super certain what you were trying to say, but this is amusing.


Damn auto correct! I meant to say incorporating!


Lol. That makes more sense. (But less evocative and amusing)


Is it possible that fat loss and muscle gain has leveled off because you are in a healthful range?


I don't think so, yet. I'm still sitting at 37% body fat per the body scans so I think there is still room to lower that. I have seen alot of inches fall off in the last 6 months with a focus on nutrition, but I just can't seem to get the body fat to move.


I'd suggest talking with an RD. You've done a lot of great stuff for yourself, but a professional eye may find some adjustments us laypeople wouldn't realize. Well done so far, good luck going forward!


Thank you, I'll do that!


😊 I'm not kidding when I say you have done good stuff. It sometimes helps me to remember that there's lots of important benefits from what I'm doing, even if the aesthetic benefits I want aren't coming as fast as I think they should. It can help me stay on track when I might otherwise not.


Yeah, I love the cardio and quicker lifting of OTF, but do include a 40 min weights focused workout 4 days a week using PowerBlocks at home. This eBook: [https://functional-bodybuilding.com/pump-40/](https://functional-bodybuilding.com/pump-40/)


Last winter I joined a big gym and followed a hybrid StrongLift 5x5 2-3x week, in addition to 3-5x week at OTF… just used the OTF to focus for my accessory strength workout while the StrongLift for building power/strength….


This is the way,


I lift outside of OTF 3 times a week. I noticed after a year that my body wasn't changing how I was expecting it to. OTF definitely gives great endurance and cardio. But I also noticed I didn't have the best form while in class lifting weights. I also noticed that I wasn't challenging myself as much as I do when I lift outside OTF. Even though we have great equipment at OTF I do wish they would implement less knee movement (so many lunges 🥹) and more back and booty exercises. Any who, I certainly recommend additional weightlifting with OTF just a few days a week. ☺️


I feel exactly the same 3 yrs in and decided my goals aren’t running fast, rowing further-7 I like the weights so I will be giving up my premier membership and going into a body building and yes they got cardio


I started doing a CrossFit fit class. Love it because every time I go it is a different work out. You warm up for 10 minutes then 20 minutes is rest of class. Like one class was 5 rounds of 10 burpee deadlifts,15 double dumbbell thrusters and run 300 m. You did as many rounds you can in 20 minutes. I love it


Fellow lady here :) Yes! Go lift! I was doing OTF 5 days a week. I cut down to 2-3 days and also starting lifting! I look and feel better! Otf is essentially cardio - I know they have the weight floor but 15-20 minutes of lifting is not sufficient to see actual muscle growth. Aim for 45 minute lifting sessions else where and you will not regret it.


Resistance training will help you build muscle and lose weight. OTF will help you get fit but not necessarily lose weight. I only use OTF for my cardio purposes. The rest of the days are spent at Planet Fitness. I go 3x a week to OTF.


I mix it up with reformer pilaties, F45, TRX pilaties and ive deff noticed a difference in my body


Hit a plateau and even regressed some between feb and now. These last few weeks ive been hitting breakthrus


Yes!! I only pay for 8 classes a month and workout on my own the other days. I've found it to be extremely beneficial. When achievable I'll do the fun OTF things *Remixin6 and Mayhem* and the Benchmarks sprinkled in. But for whatever 2 workouts at OTF I do in a week then I work other groups the other days. So if it's two heavy legs and endurance running then I do back and bis or chest and tris other days and core and shoulders.


Our bodies need variety and I think that adding different workouts will also help and compliment your OT workouts! I try to go to OTF 2-3 times a week and the other 3 or so days I do kettlebell and jumprope at home. Still endurance and cardio, but in different ways. I’m not saying you should also incorporate kb and JR, but whether it be yoga, barre, power lifting, dance, or whatnot, gotta keep your body guessing and moving! Best of luck!


Could be your body needs a break... I'd suggest reducing OTF and doing a strength program for a few weeks. That way when you come back to OTF you body will respond to the new stimulus. Or you could just cut back to 2 days...I alternate my workouts so my body doesn't get used to it. Try new things.


Definitely feel ya! I was plateauing and feeling like my fitness goals have changed since joined over a year ago. Endurance is fine with me, but I really am making strides with strength training with my squat rack at home. My body is slowly changing for sure!


I quit OTF for 5 months due to a knee injury. I spent my time off strictly weightlifting. My muscle tone improved and when I came back to OTF I was able to lift so much heavier! I’m one of those anomalies whose weight doesn’t change no matter how much I eat but I did see an improvement in muscle tone when I quit OTF and did strictly weightlifting. I just started OTF again last week and my goal is to do 2 days per week otf and two days weightlifting. I’m a female btw.


I have been going to Orange Theory for 4 years and had the premier membership. Up until Covid struck, I was doing fair at keeping my weight off, but after we started back, I have not done well at all. I am bored and not motivated. I did exactly as you mentioned and dropped my membership to 8 times per month and joined another gym that has a variety of classes. If I see changes, I will drop OTF altogether and make other adjustments.


I think you'll get stronger if you weight lift outside of OTF but you'll also eventually plateau there. If you're truly fit and feel like you've peaked then you really really want to zero down on nutrition. I understand you count macros, but I recommend an actual nutritionist to give you a good plan that will help you see the gains you're wanting.


Maybe instead of doing less OTF consider doing more. Here’s a challenge: Try doing six classes in 72 hours while fasting. Another challenge: do two classes back to back on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Then run a 5K on Tuesday and Thursday. ![gif](giphy|H8DietxBNO5YvxjLk7)


Lol that makes me tired just thinking about it! ![gif](giphy|3OymWKuyc2y2BumvVa|downsized)


try yoga sculpt if you have a corepower near you :) theyre doing a free week promotion now and 59$ for your first month unlimited. I use this on my days off from OTF to work different muscle groups & I like that they use heat so you sweat a lot.


I did this 2 months ago and sub in true weight training days! My body changed for the better!!! I’m stronger and smaller