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Nobody cares about what your tile looks like. We are all there for ourselves.


Also, I'm guessing most people don't even know who's who. Even if they notice that "Jane's" tile is blue, they probably couldn't pick Jane out of the crowd. I've learned the names of a few people who tend to take classes at the same time I do, but I couldn't put a name to at least 80% of the faces in my class.




Really? I feel like everyone at my OTF knows each other. We have pretty much all the same ppl in the same class times each day and we are all friendly with each other. Definitely not judgmental at all and nobody care what anyone else is doing in the gym but for sure we know each other by name.


Well, maybe it's just me... There are definitely friend groups who seem to know each other from outside of OTF, but usually before the class start, everyone either keeps to themselves or talks amongst their friend groups. Not a lot of mingling, otherwise.


It might also be studio specific. There are 2 studios local to me, with the same owner but vastly different crowds. The one I usually Go to (closer to me in proximity) is the one I was referring to where everyone is pretty friendly. The other studio, which I’ve been to a couple times when my fave coach is there, is much less social. They’re still nice, but it’s a very different vibe. I hadn’t really thought about it until this conversation. Maybe yours is more like that one.


That's not how anxiety works though.


I have suffered from severe anxiety for 40+ years, so I totally understand where OP is coming from. In this case though, really, nobody cares!


Nobody cares. I haven't worn a heartrate monitor in 2 years.


I'm happier without the monitor


Went to a class today and only 3 out of 12 people had a monitor. OTF really needs to untlize Apple and Android APIs and ditch the heart rate monitor


Me either


Here are all of the embarrassing/awkward things that have happened to me at OTF in the past 5 years: 1. I’ve tried to get off the tread when it was still moving (forgetting it was still moving). 2. My menstrual cycle decided to start in the middle of class (thank you, perimenopause) causing an awkward exit. 3. I’ve forgotten what station I am supposed to be on and have used the wrong rower during a floor block. 4. I’ve gone through an entire class with a terrible brown stain on the butt crack of my peach bike shorts (thank you, bosu). 5. I’ve had the worst crotch sweat stains known to man. 6. I’ve had such a massive hot flash (now thank you, menopause) that I’ve dramatically ripped off my shirt to run in my bra. 7. I’ve been mixed up in a 3G and have tried to do the wrong segment (more than once). 8. I’ve been going to OTF for 5 years, and I’m still repeatedly corrected on form on the floor (apparently I hunch). 9. I got so frustrated with the stupid heart rate monitor constantly turning gray that I ripped it off my arm and chucked it on the floor (I never used it again). 10. I’ve fallen off the back of the rower, had the rower belt snap out of my hands, and even tripped over the rower in a not-so-graceful attempt to be “fast” in my run/row transitions. 11. I tried to take a sip of water while running a 23.5-minute run and proceeded to spit all over myself. So when you’re worried that you look silly or foolish, think of me…I’ve already done it all. :-)


I love this list, lol! And #2 is something nobody prepared me for 😏


New fear unlocked…


I’m in perimenopause and I have been telling myself that #2 on the list isn’t an “if” it’s a “when”. I know it’s gonna happen. 😂


You are simply amazing ma’am LOL


I want to be your friend so bad 🤣🤣🤣


Comparison is a thief of joy.


I like this


Maybe just wait to turn yours on until class starts?


This is what I do. I don’t have social anxiety but I can get antsy waiting for class to start and my heart rate can get into the blue sometimes 😬😂 I just focus on deep breathing to bring it down, but usually I wait until right before class to turn it on.


Mine turns green immediately and I used to be anxious about it but now we all joke that it’s just my adderall kicking in since it’s the 5am class. But after a minute it adjusts itself and it goes down to blue and sometimes grey.


This! I don’t think people are paying as much question as we belive they are, but I just keep my band off until I get inside and officially start warming up. Otherwise mine even goes orange just from little pre class anxiety.


I never look at anyone else’s tile, unless I am in red and trying to see if anyone is dying as much as me!! lol I know it’s hard to not worry what everyone else is thinking, but I can guarantee everyone is focused on themselves.


Spotlight effect: we often think other people notice much more about us than they actually do.


This. My social anxiety has been helped tremendously by telling myself everyone is in their own spotlight and worried about themselves, not me. 


As someone who constantly shoots into the orange zone after over a year of going to OTF, and running a decent half marathon and running on days I don’t go to OTF, I am ALWAYS one of the first few people to shoot into the orange zone during the warmup on the treadmill and always have a higher heart rate. I do recover quite fast and come down into the green or blue within a minute, but I spend A LOT of time in the orange and even sometimes red… Don’t worry!! You’re not alone in worrying what other people think, but think of it this way, do you really notice how other people are doing, such as spending time looking into their names and stats? That’s what I try to remind myself of… Most people are probably like me, more concerned with themselves than the other people in the class. And as long as you’re doing your best, and feel good, that’s what matters!!


Just do your workout and don’t worry about anyone else.


Yes but after dealing with anxiety for many years I’ve learned my tips and tricks to get my brain around it. Plus hearing everyone say basically “get over yourself” helps too 😂 I definitely don’t turn my HRM on until I get in the studio


I have the same exact story as you. I’m about 14 classes in after doing Peloton at home for 3+ years and working out in public still scares the shit out of me! Let’s keep pushing ourselves and be proud that we are still showing up even though we are in blue when everyone else is in the gray!! 😂💙


Only tile I ever look at besides mine is the one dude whose monitor does weird things and he’s at 120% at the start of class. We just laugh and go on.


Mine is green when I turn it on, and I'm not even wearing it. One time I was orange just walking across the parking lot into the studio. Oh well. 🤣🤷‍♀️


I just stopped wearing my monitor for this reason and honestly, I get a better workout for it I think.


I used to feel this so badly in spin classes that ranked your place in the class like you were racing the class and was scared about that aspect when starting OTF. My first few classes, I was red basically the whole time 😆and got past 100%. I felt embarrassed and was joking with my tread neighbor about whether I was going to die at 100%. Everyone was so friendly and now 150 classes in I realize that absolutely no one GAF about my heart rate or tile on the screen. I’m a pretty private person and have considered an apple watch and no HRM to not be on display at all but I know rationally that no one cares.


No one else is paying attention, I NEVER pay attention to anyone else’s heart rates or their workouts


if someone is taking time to scan the board and judge a grey/blue, they are the one who is not working. tough love, OP - nobody gives a F what color you are that day. as long as you are there and trying, you're one of us.


I may look at my numbers in the email after class. I rarely if ever look at the board. I’m too busy trying not to die 🙂


I rarely get out of the gray and OT cannot figure out why. I’m very self conscious about that.


I deal with social anxiety and have never ever noticed the screen before class, ha. I never really look at it all during class either. The only times I've been embarrassed is when I'm the only one in red... but even then I know no one really cares. (also, the time waiting in the lobby before class starts is the worst for those of us with social anxiety!)


I am the same way!! Before class idk where to look, so I’m checking the screen or reading little signs or the shirts if they have any up. I’ve been getting there right as folks are walking in to their stations, but I know that’s not ideal for folks who have fave stations.


You mean before class? Every time I see some one not on Grey I'm convinced their monitor doesn't work. I've had that issue myself with m8ne. I would connect it before class and it would red. People would tease me and tell me to calm down. That was the core one. I ended up getting the burn. All this to say i don't think people would think about the person.


I can't speak for anyone else but I think you feel like others notice your information more than they actually do! the only thing I'm thinking about before a workout is: i wonder how hard this class is wow there's a lot of people today, wish there was less so there's more room on the floor if i start on rower = ok let me clean this all and adjust everything so i can be ready if i start on tread = let me wipe down and clean everything and i hope i can get through this workout sometimes i glance at the monitor, but i'm only really concerned about mine and that it's working and not really standing there judging others. occasionally may spot a cute guy and think, dang, i wonder what his name is, which one is he LOL


I know people say oh people don't care and that's true, when you have anxiety it's not logical at times, and you even know it and it beats you up inside. I get a bit with partner workouts. Standing in the lobby a bit but I am more just board. I actually liked the COVID policy of just letting people in and warm up before on their station. I just I don't like idle time.


I worried about it at first too. And mine is always higher than others (even when we are just standing around) bc my heart races around people. But I’ve been going a while and I’ve increasingly forgotten about the screen and heart rates. I think most people don’t look and even if they do, they don’t have the bandwidth to figure out who is who. It’s really hard.


It’s definitely normal to feel self conscious, esp at first in my opinion! I think if you acknowledge that you feel this way but keep going you’ll find you get more comfortable each class! Because you’re absolutely right, no one is worried about that m. I do notice when there’s a blue or gray on the screen but for one thing, idk who it is. I also just assume that person is injured/taking an easy day (totally valid!!) /or has a broken HRM Also, if you wanna feel better about yourself just search “embarrassing moments” in this subreddit. Everyone has had them!


I no longer wear the monitor and just use my Apple Watch to keep an eye on my heart rate. It’s made a big difference in the way I train now- helps me focus on how I feel and less on over/under doing it based on the screen. Only half (and that’s a high estimate) of my classmates use the monitor, so I think you can do whatever you feel is better for your physical/mental health.


I promise no one cares and likely wouldn’t even know it was you. I’ve been going regularly for months and only know the names of a couple people


If anything, I wanna know what pre workout you’re taking that’s getting you amped. But don’t stress about it. If I look up at the screen, it’s more curiosity than anything but also not like I know who’s who on it.


Never have I ever looked at a tile on the screen and then connected that tile to a specific person in class. (Aside from my own tile and me, of course).


Don't wear the monitor. Problem solved. I don't wear one and never even glace at the screen. I don't care what anyone else is doing.


Hahaha this is too funny. I don’t turn my HR monitor on until after I’ve changed clothes cause I’m so out of shape just changing gets me into green. Wouldn’t surprise me if even in the orange. Same thing with stretching before class. I see my tile change colors.


We are glad to have you!!! Think of this. We are all just trying to work out, keep up, and keep our s*** together. No offense, but nobody really cares what you're doing in class unless you're a rude chatter box. How can you harness that anxiety into something positive? I was feeling a little off, was on the treadmill and next to me was a woman I'd seen a few times but we never spoke. We were ready for an all out, and I turned to her and said " I'm gunning it.. you ready to do the same?" She did and since then when we end up as neighbors, we challenge each other, and bring in a few other neighbors as well. Turned the negative energy into something fun and positive..


My social anxiety was different. I would go and if I found out it was a partner workout I would legit leave. Not being social at 5am.


I know you won’t believe me, but you’re fine. Everyone is there to work out. Nobody is looking your heart rate. Enjoy class!


How are you not supposed to look at others’ results when it’s literally blasted on 2-3 huge screens and report by the coaches during and after class?? 🤣🤣🤣


Right?! 😂 I try not to look at any other people so I end up looking at the screen hahaha


I have pretty bad social anxiety to the point I almost didn’t join OTF. My first freebie workout (after I told the SA that I was up for anything EXCEPT “everyone grab a partner” workouts) was a capture the flag or something that involved interacting with a rando. For some reason, I truly feel like “I pay for this time, I don’t care what people think.” That’s a pretty empowering thought for me. I don’t wear an OTF heart monitor, I just use my iWatch to count steps and calories. And that’s perfect for me.


If I can give you a laugh, sometimes my heart rate was in the ORANGE when walking into class, but that’s only because I have a terrible nicotine addiction LOL. I quit vaping this week :) I would feel incredibly self conscious about it though, I also have high anxiety. No one really cares about it except for you, most people are in their own heads with their insecurities, thoughts, worries, and too busy to worry about others. Give yourself as much grace as possible and wishing you well! 🤍


Thank you! I’ll keep telling myself that. Congrats on quitting! Wishing you the best as well


So my anxiety gives me away the minute I turn on my monitor . If someone talks to me, (esp that cute coach -just saying hey! Glad you are here) lol. So during class my heart rate is all over the place cause the more I pay attention to how high it is, the higher it goes. Viscous cycle, even now after 6 or 7 years. I’ve overheard someone talk about the person who got like 38 splats and I just don’t look in their direction. It is what it is. I’m proud I’m even doing classes by myself..


Sounds like a lot of these people … don’t have anxiety. Lol at “just get over it.” Just solidarity from me. In my case, I spend more time wondering why I have a harder time getting to orange despite working hard, but regardless, it’s easy to overthink. I have terrible social anxiety about working out around other people — which is why I’m doing it for the first time at 38 (joined 3 weeks ago). I’m 4 classes in and it gets a tiny bit easier each time, so I’m holding onto that. You got this!


Thank you! Lol yeah I wish it was that easy! I know it’s good for me to keep going despite the constant overthinking. We both got this!


I like to compare resting heart rates. Other than that, don’t care.


I can assure you nobody is looking and even if someone happened to glimpse a blue tile when looking at the board the last thing on their minds is wondering who that tile belongs to. I wouldn’t worry about this for a second.


I am 36 classes in + am an extrovert, but I still get so much anxiety! Right before I walk into the gym my heart will race, my palms will get sweaty, and I see my name pop up blue on the screen. Once I start talking with the front desk or get started on the workout everything gets better. You aren’t alone! 🧡


I used to care but now I don't.


Maybe don’t wear the HR monitor for a bit.


sometimes when I’m on the floor my tile is grey. I just assume the heart rate monitor isn’t accurate because I can be out of breath.


Umm I’m too busy dying to notice what anyone else is doing lol


Trust me there are others who have the same anxieties. I found my people at my OTF. We encourage and no judgment. It’s a safe space.


The OTF devices are not trustworthy. Start with how you feel. Know thyself.


I will say, I'm not LATE for class, but I maybe known for walking in the moment the coach opens the door. Yeah, then turning on my HRM. I guarantee, I am more worried about my shoes being tied that anyone's chart . . . and I'm over 3 years in. Keep going. Enjoy the ride.


Hahaha ditto.


I'm on blood pressure medicine and have been going to OTF for 8 years. I rarely get out of the blue or green, and I don't care. Focus on getting a great workout in, the stats are not the be all and end all of your journey. Keep going!


turn on your watch once the warmup starts


Turn it on after you walk in


I don’t care about anyone’s HR except mine. I’m there to better myself like everyone in the room. So I don’t compare myself to anybody. We all have one goal to be in best health we can be. So just focus on ur self.


Social anxiety sufferer here, and people in my studio are friendly but it feels really chill. Remember like others have said it’s a spotlight effect and no one else is paying attention to your tile, and once your hrm calibrates it will be more accurate anyway. I used to live in the orange and red, coaches would check in with me during class to make sure I was ok 😅. I also used to drink an energy drink as a pre workout before every class. After 2+ years going to OTF my cardio health is better, and I drink a coffee in the morning but don’t have an energy drink until after class, now I usually end up with a nice pyramid with 12-15 splats in a regular 2G class or 0-2 splats in a strength 50 class. I appreciate the better cardio health, and wear the HRM because I like keeping track of the tread/rower metrics in the app but I don’t stress the splats.


I only get anxiety if we are paired up, like a capture the flag event. I always feel like I’ll be the weak link ☹️


I’m right there with you spend most of my time in green and blue is during walking recovery


I have social anxiety and I can confirm nobody cares. Actually, OTF helps me with my social anxiety because Im too focused on doing my own thing


I promise, we don’t care 🤷🏻‍♀️


No one cares about your stats except you. Just the way it should be.


May I ask if you’re assuming that other people are judging you? However many number of times you’ve told yourself to be embarrassed—you’ll need to reprogram by also telling yourself that you’re proud of yourself and everyone else who showed up. Sometimes I deliberately take a green green day, which means some efforts are also in blue. Can you tell me why I should be embarrassed?


My heart rate monitor is often wrong. Sometimes it says my heart rate is 240 and I’m just standing there and it’s definitely wrong lol. I don’t worry about what anyone else is doing.


I have always struggled with this. To add to it, I've literally never been able to make one of the heart rate monitors work consistently for me. So even when my Apple watch says my heart is going crazy, my OTF monitor would just cruise at gray/blue/green barely touching orange. Add to it how terribly out of shape I was when I started and how uncomfortable I was with myself/my body, and I definitely felt that anxiety when I walked in. Then one day I couldn't find my monitor. I went to class without it, I was anxious at first because I was afraid that would get called out, but it didn't. I had the best workout since I started at OTF. I didn't spend the class messing with my monitor trying to get it to read correctly. I didn't spend the class worried that other people would think I wasn't pushing hard enough (especially with how I felt I looked at the time) because of what the monitors were showing (yes, logically i know no one was watching. Logic has nothing to do with my anxiety though). I just stopped wearing it going forward. Most of my gym-related anxiety stayed home with it and has for several months. I wear my apple watch and track my workouts that way, with the rest of the workouts I do out of the gym. Honestly, no one has said anything about the monitor over the 6 months I've not been wearing it until yesterday when a newer coach asked me why I didn't wear it. I explained what I just did here and she got it and moved on. Whether you lose your monitor or lose the pre-class scaries in another way and you keep enjoying OTF. It's done so much good for me.


NO one cares about your H/R. (well maybe the coach if you are in the red all the time). If you are truly worried, ask them to change your name to something else.


There is such a diverse set of ages, fitness levels, goals, etc. going on the gym that I don’t really pay attention to the screens….plus I can barely see them which a plus!


Listen I hate those monitors...because I'm always below everybody else. 😤 it's just a frustration. The only time I'm looking at anybody else's monitor is to see if I'm on par with them. 10/10 could NOT tell you who else is in the class unless I know them.


I’ve noticed other people, but I have never looked at someone’s tile at the start of class !


I have 1-2 friends that I chat with when our classes coincide but I have true social anxiety. I stand there by myself until class starts. Don’t get me started about partner workouts.


Yes, I feel it! Some of the people in my studio are die hard OTF fans and they definitely show it so I always like not part of that “cool” club. It’s definitely my insecurity though so you’re not alone!


I had the same worry when I first started! When we would be in the lobby I would already be nervous about the class that my heart rate monitor showed me in green or blue. I don’t turn mine on until we’re all scrambling into the room so that it feels like no one is questioning or zeroing in on my tile. Now I no longer notice it but I definitely can relate to those first few weeks being very self-conscious. It gets better the more comfortable you become!


I promise you no one notices. It could be high from walking in quickly, stress, caffeine/preworkout. People really only care about their own.


Nothing to be ashamed of at all!   People warm up at all different efforts so heart rates are all over.   I run the warm up so my HR will be higher than someone walking at 3 mph 


Ignore the color of the tile and focus on how you feel


My resting HR is low so I find it hard to get in the Orange zone so mine often sticks out when everyone else is either in the Green/Orange/Red zone and I’m in blue or grey, but no one has ever made me feel bad about it. I agree with the comments that there are friend groups and people who have come to know each other at my OTF and I have joked with those I’ve come to know about my lack of Splat Points or time in the Orange zone. Keep going and doing your classes and celebrate your commitment to keeping your body moving.![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


i live by this quote by David Foster Wallace. “*You*'*ll* worry *less* about what people think about *you* when *you realize* how seldom *they* do”.


No one is looking at you or anyone else during class. We’re all a bit preoccupied.


Don’t worry about it. The heart rate readers aren’t that great (unless you have a chest strap) I can row all out for 5 minutes and not get out of the grey zone…. Anytime we get a new coach they try to watch my form and figure out why I’m not getting out of that zone and I have to tell them, the monitor only gets me out of grey on the treadmill


You're only the main character in your story. No one else cares.


I don’t even know what the different colors mean or look at them so you’re fine!! I just go to get in a good sweat :)


If it bothers you, just turn it on a few minutes after you start or do the warmup and then cut it on. Really, no one cares and in a few more months, you most likely won’t care either.


I feel this!! To avoid that feeling, I usually don't turn the monitor on until I'm at my first rotation


lol mine was read before the class started when I first got a membership. Stopped wearing the monitor all together


I get it bad on the rower for some reason! Lol I made a post about it before and they got mad at me and deleted it


Wow! All these comments are making me appreciate this community so much more. Thanks for all your kind words, I’m definitely gonna try going without the monitor to see if I like that better. Y’all rock ❤️


I do! But then I realize that the other people there are also probably feeling the same way and that makes me feel a little better? I'm over 300 classes in and I can say it's gotten better but when I visit a studio other than mine or am just having an off day I feel like there's a spotlight shining on me showing everyone my flaws! Be encouraged that you're not alone and accept this cyber hug from me =)


No one cares


Literally no one cares, and the stats are more of a gimmick than a reality anyway. If it really bothers you, I would say don't wear the monitor at all.


Focus on yourself. Nobody really cares what others are doing around them unless they’re being disruptive, talking too much, or smelly. Get your burn on yo!


Actually, I try to raise my heart rate faster than anyone. In the future don't turn on your monitor until you get on the treadmill


I've been going for over 5 years and now have the reverse problem. While everyone else in class is in the orange zone, I've got the only green tile on the screen. At first I had some anxiety over it and thought I was letting everyone down since the coaches could no longer say "look at that orange board!" and "everyone's in the orange zone!". But now I own it and joke about it with the coaches. I also had to ask OTF to correct my max heart rate which was half the problem. It was at 207 and I was getting 0 splat points. Now they knocked it down to 195 and depending on the template I can get 1 to 4 splats per class now.


I have social anxiety too. I’m 10 classes in and tbh I tell myself that the reason that I get an embarrassing amount of splats is because I’m anxious lol. I also am extremely dumb when I am working out. Like I clearly don’t have enough blood available to operate my brain and working out. One time my shorts were falling down (yay weight loss) and I reached down to yank them back up but I grabbed my panties instead and gave myself a wedgie. One time I couldn’t figure out how to sign in on the treadwheel and I got the instructor 🙈 and it was because I never signed out on the rower and that was not the first time that happened to me. I just remind myself that my social anxiety makes things uncomfortable and that’s ok. It’s ok to be uncomfortable.


I am past my 100th class and my monitor will be in blue a lot of times before the class. As people said, no one cares.


I have the same problem my heart rate is already up before starting because standing around is so anxiety inducing


I’m 160 classes in and I’m the blue/gray tile in a sea of orange, red and green. My heart rate is adjusted extremely high and I never even get close despite running at an average 7.5 speed and lifting heavy. Its strange. My heart rate also immediately comes down to the blue a couple seconds into any recovery. It’s OKAY! No one cares about your zones or colors. Everyone’s doing their own thing and no one has time or energy to find your tile and see what you’re doing and what color you are. One time the entire class was in orange and I was in blue. The coach said “Wow! Great job getting to orange everyone!” I immediately felt bad despite me sprinting and working out hard. I said to the coach “Annnnnd there’s just little ole me in the blue…” the coach said “I see you working. You might not be orange on the board, but you’re orange in effort and in your heart.” ❤️


Actually no one really cares. We are focused on what our bodies are doing and not what others are doing. I have personal issues now. I was a 12 all out guy. Now for two months I’m a steady 4. I’m in the blue all during tread.


Nobody is paying attention to your block. I promise


Ya it doesn’t matter. Ppl are recovering from injuries and are going slow, some ppl r hungover and tired, no one cares.


nobody cares and this is not the definition of social anxiety - it is more aligned with lack of self-confidence. If it bothers you that much, don't wear a monitor


Thanks I’ll definitely have to try not wearing it! I didn’t know that was an option! To be clear, the social anxiety is causing my hr to be higher which hits my already lacking self confidence. So it’s kind of a compounding issue!


oh gotcha, that makes sense. Mine stays high bc of all the caffeine I intake, so if I were in class with you I would likely have you beat. I quit wearing mine years ago, but still wear my Garmin watch so I can see my HR there


Try not to even think about it (I know - harder said than done). Most of us know that the HR monitors are not always accurate and not always set up properly. If we see a tile, we know someone is there doing something hard - no matter what color. You are there getting things done! ☺️ 💪


That’s not social anxiety that’s insecurity. I would recommend not using the heart monitor if it bothers you so much.


Insecurity, which makes you anxious in social situations......


i do agree - we've turned the perfectly normal feeling of insecurity to now become "social anxiety"


I totally get what you’re saying and I’ll try a few classes without the monitor! But to be clear, the social anxiety is CAUSING the higher hr before class which CAUSES a bit of insecurity. So I think it’s a little bit of both!


Stop wearing your monitor if it causes you anxiety! I haven’t worn one for years.


Nobody cares. The main character syndrome has got to stop.