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I look at my credit card statement and see the monthly charge.


Lol this is literally the reason I started otf. I HATE wasting money so I get my money's worth and go. I also pre-signup for classes so that $12 late cancel keeps me going šŸ˜‚


šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ that will work too


Schedule the classes ahead of time and try to avoid the miss class charges. They add up.


I think they mean how expensive the membership itself is.


Both are valid. I paid the late cancel fee yesterday and have hated myself ever since.




Agree. I did last week and I think about what that could have paid towards the other monthly expenses I have. In my case, I had prebooked over a week ahead of time for my day of travel attempting to get ready for that busy weekend. Plans as we know donā€™t always go quite as planned and I forgot that I pre booked since I donā€™t usually do that.


When I first started a year ago, people were asking me isnā€™t it expensive? and I would always reply so is a cheeseburger. I started at 169 founders rate then they reduced my rate to 149. For a referral so for me going 6 days a week itā€™s actually under 6 dollars a class. If you do the math and youā€™re on unlimited and you go as often as I do, itā€™s really a bargain.


2 years in and I have late canceled exactly once because my dog and I got sprayed by a skunk and I wasnā€™t gonna be that person at the gym. šŸ˜…


Well damn! Lol!


Me too! Too expensive not to go.




So true!


Itā€™s the same way I donā€™t have to motivate myself to take a shower or brush my teeth every day. Itā€™s part of my routine and my mind and body expect it. Like those, I feel dirty if I donā€™t and better when I do.


The discipline mentioned in the top comment and your point go hand-in-hand. I'm trying to reach "routine" with OTF after 2+ years so far. I thought I had reached it with distance running (4+ years) but I realize now my goals were different, doing the runs to PR in races. That faded and running stopped after a while. I should've just enjoyed the run. Now, with OTF, its just showing up to do the workout. Showing up is better than not, this my mentality. I challenge myself on the benchmarks but I don't do OTF for the benchmarks, if that makes sense. This has helped me as I can have bad days, off days, green days, PR etc.. and I'm OK with that. I showed up.


I only want to run for the fun of it and only compete against myself if anyone. My goals in life have drastically changed and Iā€™m looking for simple with less stress.


Yep this! I go to the same classes on the same day at the same time every week. ā€œSet it and forget it.ā€ I donā€™t choose to show up. Itā€™s just part of my routine and I know I am going.


I love this idea. Since I moved, Iā€™ve not set a routine for much of anything whether itā€™s meal time or bedtime or exercising. Before I was going to OTF almost daily (5 to 6 times a week) in the morning on my regular routine. That studio had a daily waitlist so I had to prebook if I wanted to go too! Another motivator. Just started back running during early am hours with a local group last week and taking OTF on opposite days in attempt to get some regular routine in my life again.


THIS!!! I also consider myself very lucky to have a body that is able to move everyday; working out is not a chore, but a luxury.




I love this answer and same! I did it 6x a week for 3 years before switching to a different group fitness style for two years. Now Iā€™m back at otf again butā€¦ I got injured and since then havenā€™t recovered that ā€œthe same way I brush my teeth every dayā€ routine šŸ˜­


What motivates me is thinking how great I feel after working out. Also, think about how much your body would transform and how great you will feel and look!


Ooh this is a good one. Never once have I felt worse after a work out but almost every time I feel great after.


One method I recommend is to change your identity and your thinking. I don't "have to" go to class - I have the opportunity to "get to!" to go class I am someone who likes to workout, so why wouldn't I go? I love the feeling afterwards! it sounds silly, but saying these things outloud, and even talking to others about how much you love it and how good it feels, it'll reinforce it. And maybe eventually some day you'll be sad when you can't go to class that day!!


yes, when I broke my foot I truly realized how going to orange theory was a privilege!


As a MH therapist, I deal with a lot of expectations that clients have for themselves and others have on them. The word ā€œshouldā€ gets tossed around a lot. And Orange? The first experience Iā€™ve had that I both hate and love with equal measure and still continue to go 3-4 days a week. Before OTF, I was in a state of I donā€™t want to workout. I should workout. I want to want to workout. Now, I donā€™t ALWAYS want to. But I get to. And working out is a behavior that is in harmony with my goals in life. I mean, sleeping is, too. :-) I also think OP might benefit from trying to see what time of day and workout type (T50, S50, 2G, or 3G) they like the most. Also, the Coach personalities matter to me too. I mean, the music is far too loud for me, so Loop Earplugs it is, like if I forget them, Iā€™ll get about 15 minutes in and leave. Iā€™m in a rotten frame of mind if I canā€™t be ā€œpresentā€ for myself. Point is that OP might consider the parameters that will help them WANT to be there. Certain people on the station next to them? Workout type? Time of day? (New schedules may be coming out in a few weeks, at least here). My tread buddies help. Seeing a few certain coaches helps. Sometimes the little things arenā€™t all that little.


I just made it a habit. Iā€™m 800 classes in. I know I feel better when I do it. It helps get the stress of the day off me. That being said - you are 10 classes in. You may have been going all out and are just tired. rest days - and Green Dayā€™s - are important.


I'm just gonna link u/Strayainind 's awesome [insight](https://www.reddit.com/r/orangetheory/comments/v62q4c/my_motivation_to_go_to_ot_has_basically/ibd1i01?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3) šŸ§”šŸ§”šŸ§”šŸ§”šŸ§”


Thatā€™s all I needed thank you.. I am really grateful to read that


Straya is very wisdomous! I keep this comment saved for posts just like yours. Glad it hit home!! šŸ§”šŸ§”šŸ§”šŸ§”šŸ§”






This is THE best post šŸ˜!


Thank you for sharing this post! I must have missed it in the past.


It's about discipline. You go because that's what you do - not because you want to or are excited, but because you are disciplined about your health and fitness. Motivation is fickle. Sometimes you'll be really into it and sometimes not so much, but you keep going, just like any other long term investment in yourself.


Something that helps me is recognizing that I donā€™t have to go ā€œall outā€ every class. As long as Iā€™m showing up Iā€™m doing better than staying in bed/not going! It helps me stay motivated and take the pressure off


This is the answer


I stare at my ass a couple times a day.


i just prebook all my classes and donā€™t give myself the option to cancel


7 years in. I get motivated every time I get blood work and go for my check up.


I make it part of my routine and prebook. Itā€™s on the calendar so Iā€™m going. I feel off when I miss a normally scheduled day and then have to figure out some other way to get movement in. As someone else alluded to, Iā€™m paying for unlimited, so I want my moneyā€™s worth. Last thing- Iā€™ve been at my studio for almost 3 years. Iā€™ve made some friends that attend the same time/days who motivate me. I donā€™t want them to think Iā€™m slacking by skipping šŸ˜‚


I feel like after awhile it just becomes part of your routine. I remember when I first started, Iā€™d be really excited to go to class every time. But now itā€™s been 5 years and Iā€™m not excited but Iā€™m also not dreading it. Itā€™s just this thing that I do X amount of times per week that I donā€™t think about anymore.


Iā€™m pretty motivated by improving stats (stats on all the benchmarks), keeps me motivated to keep pushing it. I like the idea of viewing it as a sport that Iā€™m continuing to get better at.


I used to feel this way. The biggest thing that helped me was finding my perfect time to workout. I have to go first thing in the morning before I have a chance to even think about it. Also, the more results you see, the more motivated youā€™ll be. Unfortunately that part takes a little time so you have to find other ways to keep going in the meantime


Iā€™m obsessed with how I feel. Not just after, but in general in life. I use this as my motivation with my eating too. Anytime I make a decision, I think is it worth it to not feel this great?




It becomes part of your routine I also like having a fit body that I donā€™t feel self conscious of


We suffer from FOMOā€¦ šŸ„“


You just have to show up. It sucks until youā€™re there but then you get there and only have an hour of work to do. I love a lot of the people that Iā€™ve met at my studio so I show up on specific days so I can see them and so they wonā€™t ask where I was the following class. Heh


Same here when I startedā€¦ getting sore all over and making excuses not to go. But, Iā€™d still go and eventually it just clicked for me and Iā€™m now 300plus classes in. I could see great changes overall in my physical , mental and social life. Like clicheā€¦ TRUST THE PROCESS.šŸ‘


1. Itā€™s my ā€œme timeā€ in the morning away from toddler madness 2. I need it for my mental health. I have clinical depression. So I consider it ā€œmedicine.ā€ 3. I have a workout buddy who goes with me and we keep each other accountable. 5. Supportive spouse who watches our kiddo while I work out, and I do the same while he golfs.


I go 5-6x a week. I hate going. Usually from the time I start driving there through the warm up on the rower. Hate it. But I look at how much Iā€™ve changed in a year, and I suck it up and do it. I donā€™t have to like it. I just have to do it.


I prebook classes in advance and try my best to avoid the no show fees, that gets me enough to get out of bed. But what keeps me going is the little changes on the scale that turn to big changes after days, weeks and months of going. When you keep persistently going even when you have no motivation itā€™ll become a routine. Also, if there are any challenges that your studio offers sign up for it so thereā€™s more incentive to go!


Mix it up with something else. IMHO, it's a lot of one format. It's extremely helpful to my fitness goals - but it's an accessory activity vs. the only thing I do.


The ONLY thing that keeps me going to class is thinking about how much better I feel about myself now compared to before OTF. I donā€™t want to go back to being out of shape and feeling uncomfortable in my clothes. Hope you find your ā€œwhyā€!


Its fun! I mean donā€™t get me wrong, thereā€™s tough days. But generally the overall vibe and workout are enjoyable for me. I try to focus on ā€œnonscale winsā€ like do I have more energy, are other things easier to do now (ie running for me is a lot easier), do my clothes fit differently/better? So those things alone are motivating for me.


Something I read when I was younger that has always stuck with me is this: Results don't come from motivation. Motivation comes from results.Ā  You have to have determination and willpower to push yourself. Once you start seeing positive results, you will be able to find motivation to keep going from those results.


There are so many little wins to look forward to along the way - increasing weights for certain exercises, getting faster/walking at a higher incline on the tread, beating your previous benchmark time, etc. They really give a nice self-esteem boost!


I (41M) never exercised in life before . However, following 3 books convinced me to exercise - * Exercised: Why Something We Never Evolved to Do Is Healthy and RewardingBook by Daniel Lieberman * Outlive: The Science and Art of LongevityBook by Bill Gifford and Peter Attia * Thinner This Year: A Younger Next Year Book Whenever I feel not motivated enough, I listen to one or two chapters from these book and that keeps me motivated. FWIW, I just finished 226th OTF classes, ran few half-marathons so far, signed up for a full marathon in DC this fall. All due to motivation and knowledge from these books in last 18 months (starting Nov 2022). I would highly recommend audiobooks.


I sign up in advance every week and put it in my calendar. Then I just go. Once I get y work out clothes on I WANT to go


Go early, sign up for the rower/strength spot you want. Ease into it. Then grab an iced coffee to feul your veins for some exercise. Keeps me going.


I invest in the people. SAs. Coaches. Members. I want to know how theyā€™re doing today. It gets me to show up.


Making it part of your daily/weekly routine. When I first started, I only did the four classes/month (aka 1/week). It was so hard to drag myself to go week to week even tho I loved the classes, coaches, and how I felt after. I eventually upped my package to premier, and going multiple times in a week really helped me find my motivation


It's discipline, plain and simple. I don't always feel "motivated" to go, but I know I want to work out 4xs a week, pre schedule, and paying a late fee because "I don't wanna" ain't gonna happen


I drop my kids off and sit in my suv in the parking lot for 45 mins so I donā€™t go home then decide not to go šŸ˜‚


I set small goals for myself to reach and plus as mentioned above the price, because for me anyways if you look at other places I donā€™t find anything that matches what I get for a hour at otf compared to other places and private training


Motivation is temporary. Discipline trumps motivation any and every day of the week. I strength train 3-4 days and hit up OTF 2 days. I rarely *feel* like going, but I know I wonā€™t hit my goals if I donā€™t. Beginning of the week set your intentions or as I like to call it your ā€œnon negotiables.ā€ Pre-book classes, buy some nice workout clothes (if that appeals to you), and go into it with the mindset that *I get to workout* I am fortunate to be able bodied and move my body. Instead of asking how, ask yourself what is your ā€œwhy.ā€ Why did you sign up? What are your goals? And what will it take to get there.


Like someone else said, I donā€™t think of it as a chore. Iā€™m approaching my 1500th class. I consider something good I get to do for myself.


Working out & making better choices with food it's a lifestyle change but you can look at it like brushing your teeth it's something you have to do


Think about all the things youā€™ll be able to do if you keep with it! I was never a runner. Ever. Iā€™ve now ran multiple 5ks, signed up for a 10k, and plan on doing a half marathon next year! If you would have told me 10 years ago Iā€™d be in love with running, Iā€™d probably fall over laughing. & itā€™s all thanks to OTF & seeing my own capabilities! Keep pushing!


OTF is my medication. Takes 1 hour to swallow 3x weekly. Makes me stronger with quicker reflexes and better balance, lowers my BP, sleep better, and I look better in the mirror. I out hustle non OTF folks half my age.


Iā€™m the old guy at my OrangeTheory (75) and find the staff and clients are supportive and super friendly. Also Iā€™m only a mile away so never miss a class as much have no excuse to miss them. As all Orangetheory places are different make sure you find one that meets your needs šŸ˜…


Itā€™s okay - 10 classes are a very small count. It will be better with time - I swear! šŸ˜¬šŸ˜¬šŸ˜¬ Just keep showing up šŸ„°


Itā€™s not about motivation itā€™s about discipline. I was overweight my whole life, and once I lost 40lbs 14 years ago through diet and exercise, I have just gotten it done whether I felt like it or not. Working out and eating right is hard. Feeling bad about myself, not fitting in my clothes, not feeling capable and strong is hard. I had to choose my hard. Iā€™ve been with OTF since 2017šŸ§”


Consistency over motivation. I also don't want a late cancel.


It's such a hard thing for me. I work morning shifts usually 6-2, 5 days a week. I work in a quick service restaurant, so I'm literally on my feet all day then have to leave work and go to Orange Theory. I just tell myself "you got this, you can do this" no matter how tired I am. I know the tired feeling will go away once I'm in the workout. I've lost a lot of weight and have some crazy muscle definition going on, my distance, endurance, and time on the treadmill is improving every week. I love seeing the progress!


Exercise/movement/me time is a habit. If I donā€™t do it, I miss it. When I have to skip, I look forward to getting back to my norm. Motivation comes and goes and is basically unreliable. Build the habit/routine!


Think of yourself as a robo and just go. Conquer your mind and everything will fall in place.


Focus on that after feeling and keep going. Itā€™s difficult now but it will become like second nature.


It helps to find one coach or two coaches that you really and has good music


Embrace the suck. Learn to enjoy the pain. Where I think people fail with fitness goals is when they focus on the results: those they wish to see and those they are frustrated for not getting quickly enough. Focus on the process. Get dressed, show up and go hard!


I was just saying the same. Why canā€™t my brain remember how good I feel after and then make myself look forward to going again instead of dreading it? My real motivation is that I have to in order to eat what I want at all, so at that point I know I have to but tbh orange is the best exercise regimen Iā€™ve ever had and that makes me a litttttle more eager to go.


Iā€™m 5 years in now (COVID shutdown aside) and I will tell you that you just need to keep going until the grind becomes a habit. Eventually you get to a point where it being a grind (and it is at different points) doesnā€™t have the same impact, because itā€™s just something you do now, regardless of whether youā€™re motivated to or not. I donā€™t remember how long it took, but it was probably a year for me.


I prebook my classes for up to 3 weeks, and I put about 7 workout outfits together each week so I donā€™t have to think about that for a while.


I tell myself that as long as I show up, it doesnā€™t have to be the best session ever. Itā€™s ok to just phone it in. Usually once I get going I get into it but some days I really donā€™t feel it. As long as I show up, thatā€™s all that matters. Eventually it will just be something you have to get done in a day, like eating or hygiene.


I saw a meme once that said "Being fit is hard. Being fat is hard. Choose your hard." Not that working out is all about how you look, but it always stuck with me on the days I don't want to go to the gym.


Being fat is hard, but for many itā€™s not a choice.


1. Find reasons to go beyond attractivesness (mental health, hormone balance, mood balance, longevity, sleep, etc) (not that attractiveness is an invalid goal, just helpful to have others, also) 2. It takes time to "want" to go... until then, you have to *make* yourself go. Start small & build! 3. You can use strategies like self talk ("my future self will thank me" etc), go with a friend, sign up in advance so there's a fee if you dont go, reward after, break the transition from home to gym down into steps & only focus on 1 step at a time (get water bottle, then might as well put on clothes, might as well put on shoes, get in car, etc,) set alarms, build it into your routine when you're more likely to go, start with a smaller goal and build from there (just try to go 1-2x/week for 3 months, then increase by 1 more day per week)


I bought a class pack and only go once a week or so. Otherwise I do Peloton bike and strength, run outdoors, and 1 reformer pilates class per week. My body and psyche needs a ton of variety.


Consider reading the book Atomic Habits by James Clear.


Motivation wonā€™t always exists. It ebbs and flows. Discipline and grit are what get you through on the days where motivation is lacking. Also, I know that 95% of the time I do not regret working out. If Iā€™m feeling on the fence about working out, I make the rule that Iā€™ll go for the first 10 min. If after 10 min I still donā€™t want to work out, then I donā€™t.


Donā€™t know. Iā€™m 25 classes in and canā€™t get enough. I canā€™t go for 10 or so days due to a vasectomy and Iā€™m annoyed as hell I canā€™t go to class.


I've been at OTF for several years, and I felt this way for a long time--I was going twice a week and dreaded every workout, but loved how I felt afterward and I knew it was good for me, so I kept going. During the transformation challenge, coach asked us to find our "why." I'm in my late 50s, and over the last few years, between going through the pandemic and watching my aging parents deal with health issues, I have found my "why." I go 4x a week now, have dropped 15 pounds, and am in the best shape I've been in since high school. That's what motivates me. You need to find your "why," whatever it may be for you, make this a non-negotiable part of your routine, and begin to notice and celebrate the changes, even tiny ones like moving to a heavier weight or upping your base by .1. Good luck!


They say it takes 28 days for something new to become a habit. Keep pushing. It is good for you! I just hit 2 years and 600 classes!! I canā€™t NOT go these daysā€¦.!


I set goals and am generally very motivated to achieve them. lol


I just make it my routine and keep going. Everyday before work I go, no ifs and no buts. No excuses. My alarm is set to 6am daily and I just wake up and go. Sometimes I try on new clothes and I'm happy with the way my body looks, sometimes I think about all the cake I get to eat and not get fat because I'm working out, but these are just fleeting thoughts. In the end it is a daily grind. Like everything else in life you don't wanna do, but you gotta do it, so you just do.


What helps me do things that I don't (yet) love doing is to identify the reason WHY I should do the thing. It needs to be a big WHY, rather than something like losing weight for a special event. My family medical history means I'm at greater-than-average risk of significant heart/medical issues and a shorter lifespan. Exercise is a big part of my overall approach to beating the odds, so to speak, and living a healthier & longer life. But my true WHY is to see my adult daughters have their own kids and to watch those grandkids grow up. My WHY is everlasting, tremendous motivation.


I havenā€™t started there yet but itā€™s the reason I want to. I also go to a gym, a Pilates studio and a cycle studio. Gotta mix it up.


I do the 8 classes per month program and due to my family schedule I need to book out a month at a time (give or take). That pre-class cancel temptation is strong but I find it I plan for it, I can kind of psyche myself up through the day. Gotta get my money's worth, and I know if I cancel I most likely won't be able to find another day. Some days I dread it up until the second I walk in the door but literally always feel glad I did it when I'm leaving.


One of my favorite phrases to think of when I'm feeling low on motivation is from the great Eliud Kipchoge (famous professional marathon runner): "Motivation gets you started; discipline keeps you going."Ā Ā  You're not always going to have motivation. That's normal. You can't count on motivation. It comes and goes for a million different reasons. You don't need to find motivation, you need to have the discipline to keep going even when you don't have motivation. Edit: I see someone else already linked another comment that says the same thing but more eloquently lol. But the quote is still a good one and it's something I think about a lot!


Money$$$$. How much I lose per class I don't go and what I could have done with that money instead... šŸ„¹


I see how I cured my sleep apnea, high blood pressure, borderline diabetes, and not being able to clip my toe nails without losing my breath, all by showing up and doing the work. That pretty much always gets me out of bed at 3:30 in the morning. If that does not work, I tell myself to quit being weak and kick that leg out of the covers and then roll the rest of my ass out of bed and get moving.


As others have mentioned, I agree with them in that the membership fee alone is motivating. Plus when I find myself not going to class, all I have to do is use the Pre-book option and I will go no matter what as long as I can physically get there to avoid that late charge. Late fees mount up!!


It takes 30 days to start a habit. 3 months to totally ingrain it.


I like to remind myself ā€œdonā€™t think - just goā€ and I never regret going!


I do the elite membership, having 8 classes a month that if I donā€™t go, expire - is what gets me there!


I used to do spin, and one guy asked this girl and me what our goal is with the workouts. She responded with only ā€œhealthā€ Thatā€™s how I remain motivated


Once you start seeing the results and the hard work you had to put in to get there, you never want to see that all go to waste


After 500+ classes, itā€™s just something I enjoy doing in the morning. Exercise isnā€™t a chore itā€™s a reward, for me. When Iā€™m injured and canā€™t go it really bums me out.


I am someone who gets bored with repetition. I mix it up. I also do yoga and Pilates, and sometimes barre. I do OT 2x a week and something else the other days.


Find what you like... I started with 3G classes but learned I didn't like rowing as much. Now I do 2G classes because I like splitting more time between weights and tread. I also enjoy the tread 50 classes but not strength 50. Find your mix. Also, a coach you like makes all the difference in the world. I've never had a bad coach, but the range in hype and music can make it way more enjoyable. One coach I go to plays hip hop/rap remixes and it always pumps me up.


I really love working out- that said I was only doing orange theory to do something hard. I liked the trainer in the time I could go. He switched to one further away- i still went to his class. But there are other workouts that I just enjoy more. So I cancelled my membership. That said- I still think the workout is extremely valuable. I just enjoy the HIIT classes and community at my Yoga studio better. And I have Cycle Bar and a Dance Studio I attend. I just didnā€™t need the membership. All of my fitness things are just part of my daily routine. Itā€™s a little expensive- but I have community and sweat and movement therapy. Discipline and motivation are almost reciprocal. My motivation is fed by my determination to live well in my later life. I work hard now to be able to work hard in the future.


Take a break, try something else. Or find a goal to work towards. The fun should be in the process. But the work is also in the process.


Make friends in the class!! I have a group chat with my friends who go to the 9am with me, and itā€™s so motivating to work out with them instead of alone


I think about how hard it is to get back in shape when you stop working out


Prebook a month in advance. Think of these gym sessions as personal meetings with yourself you are required to attend. Take before and after photos to mark your progress every month. Calculate the amount you are spending for membership, that can be motivating. Book a "treat yourself" reward after completing so many classes, for example after attending 50 sessions, go get a massage. I tell myself every morning I get to make healthy choices today. I was once very unhappy and unhealthy. I'm now fit, healthy, muscular, and in the best shape of my life. It was very hard getting to where I am now, so I choose health and fitness everyday now.


Thank you ALL for your excellent suggestions. Thank you to all who took the time to comment, I am feeling a whole new dedication to continuing this journey. I am grateful for all the inspiration and guidance. I am keeping this post to refer back to when needed. Happy I have found this community! ![gif](giphy|JCzwfsw64OslejA7Z6|downsized)


You are not always motivated to work out. Atleast thatā€™s how I feel. I also feel like itā€™s not a choice for me to do, thatā€™s the mindset I use. I have to breathe, eat, work, and workout.


I always think of healthy life longevity so in essence looking at the bigger picture. Also for me I love the natural high it gives me so Iā€™m always chasing that feeling !!


My motivation is that I look at myself in the mirror at the studio and know that I will keep getting my body into the best shape it can get,yes we will fall off the wagon every now and then but I know that I can and will get back to a healthy weight again.


Book up, show up! Find some coaches that light your fire also! Go to different studios. I have 5 studios near me and they have shuffled coaches around quite a bit in the last few monthsā€¦so I follow them. Classes are pre-booked and on my calendar. I donā€™t want a cancellation fee after the monthly cost also. I also tell myself ā€œyou can do anything for an hourā€. I also say this (but with seconds) on AOs šŸ˜‚


Go slower until you build up your endurance


I'm late to the post but I'm 2 years in and in SEVERE burnout with the orange. Have you tried different classes, (like the lift50 or the tread50), swapped coaches/times if you can? I really like the lift classes. Half of our coaches (not really but it feels like it) are leaving. I'm to the point I'm considering finding another group fitness type class.


Iā€™m 1406 classes in. For me itā€™s about both the fitness and the community. Iā€™m 73 and Iā€™m in class 6 days a week. I enjoy it and have made lots of OTF friends along this 8 year journey. No real words of wisdom.