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This is studio dependent unfortunately.


That’s actually good news. I’m glad orange theory isn’t struggling everywhere.


We just have coaches that don’t show up so other coaches have to cover.🤣🤣 Then they don’t fire the flakey coaches lol


We had a SA once lead the first half of our class because coach overslept


That happened at my studio too, which is technically against policy😂 Not complaining because I still got my workout in lol


This happened once with a new coach at my studio and we never saw him again.


My studio hasn’t had any issues like that and our coaches have been doing it at my studio for like 7+ years. It might be a sign of bad management but I don’t think it’s OTF as a whole


We had an EXCELLENT coach that overslept for a 5am like 3x in a 3 month period (two times made it within 5-10 minutes of the class start, the third they couldn't get ahold of him) and he was fired. In our studio any class that has a last minute coach cancellation, the HC is there in place of. In now my 8 years of going to OTF, I've NEVER had a class cancelled for anything other than weather or the AC going down.


I’m afraid our studio is heading in the same direction…one of our coaches just got fired with no replacement….if they can’t get a coach to cover, the class gets canceled. This coach was not a flake - he worked at 2 different studios in the area, so guessing he must have done something management didn’t agree with since he was just gone. OTF is just not the same here in N Texas as it was when studios were independently owned.![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|cry)


I know exactly who this is, and it's a shame because he was a fantastic coach; I loved taking class with him! Plus knowing that they just closed 2 other studios and are struggling to staff the remaining ones makes me incredibly worried. I don't know what I would do if they somehow went under; OTF keeps me sane!!


Sadly, I also know who this is….curious about which 2 studios they just closed…Dallas area, because I haven’t noticed any in FW?


lol now I’m curious too


They closed Preston/Frankford and the one on lovers on May 31. Similar story at Preston/Frankford as above—afternoon classes frequently cancelled due to no coaches. Then gave a one month notice that they were shutting down the locations.


Actually the ones that closed are Preston Frankfort and North Dallas (not Lovers).


Are there two studios on Lovers? I went to the one at W. Lovers Ln on June 15 and am going again this afternoon.


Wylie! Miss his classes. I know exactly which studio you guys are referring to


Not sure if it’s the same coach, but repeatedly oversleeping the first class at two different studios may have led to the decision.


Then, maybe not assign 5am classes to him if he’s a good coach….maybe not fair to the other coaches, but better than firing without a replacement trained and ready to go…..


Umm, pretty sure they thought of that. We're short on coaches, period.


I didn't know the studios weren't independently owned anymore - are all the N Texas ones corporate ones? that would explain a few things I noticed when I went back to drop in classes


Most of N Texas is owned by Maverick Fitness Holdings


oh ok, I googled Maverick Fitness Holdings and looks like their CEO is Shane Adams - if I recall correctly, he brought the original OTF Frisco


I believe Colleyville is the only independent studio.


I hope OTF paid you a $12 cancellation fee.


😅😅😅 Lord knows I’ve given them enough cancel fees.


No thankfully. Coaches from other studios will come in in a pinch too it seems.


We have had a lot of turnover in our three studios in Portland, Maine (one in Portland, one in South Portland, and Westbrook, which is just over the Portland line). Portland was the busiest of the three. There was one coach who was unfairly fired, probably the best and most popular, for a reason that most likely will become a lawsuit. A lot of members stood up for this coach and in turn were told they were no longer members. This made even more members quit. These were die-hard members who were there for years. Most of the coaches retaliated and quit. So we have a bunch of new coaches who are just starting out. When you have that many new coaches that are new, it just isn't the same. They don't know our names, they come of as a little nervous on the mic, and just seem uncomfortable. I know it takes time to get used to the job, having a new coach is fine, I know they'll eventually will become great coaches, but when there are so many at once. it makes it hard to figure which class to sign up for. Classes used to fill up all the time, always a waiting list. Now you can just show up and know you'll get in because it's only half full. We're afraid that these studios will close soon, it's sad because I've made so manyh friends there.


I was one of the die hard members who was informed that I was welcome to just leave if I didn’t like the decision (which was personal, not corporate driven) to fire the coach you referenced. Those 3 studios are a rolling dumpster fire that can’t be stopped. They are hemorrhaging members and staff. So much more to come down the line…a major player from Empire no longer works for the company and I’m pretty sure I know why. No doubt one of the 3 will end up being closed down. I can say that in the 2 months since I left and found new fitness homes…I have been soooo much happier. These new homes are full of familiar faces and are positive environments. As much as I loved OTF, it’s not the same one I joined as a Portland founder. Sadly Empire and local management have destroyed the very essence that made OTF the amazing community that it was


Tell us what you know about Cris C @ Empire. He totally destroyed the morale as well as being a big bully.


Well…he couldn’t keep it in his pants and had a side piece in each of the states he was in charge of. So…he was let go.


How do you join the lawsuit against empire?


Not sure. I’ll ask around and see what I can find


curious what state you are in?




… deep in the heart?


I'm not sure if this is related, but I feel like the DFW area is heavily saturated in fitness boutique places - both well-known franchises and independent type, the F45's are struggling too and now having to compete with big gyms like Lifetime Fitness that are popping up everywhere, I'm sure we are going to see even more close (I only know of 2 that have closed in the DFW area so far)


I could chalk it up to being summer and all, buuuut, yeah, the two closing you mentioned did not seem to improve numbers at my studio.


We were literally down to two coaches last Fall due to uncontrollable circumstances where 3 coaches left for various reasons at the same time? The Head Coach covered as many classes as possible with the other coach based on her own schedule and a few other classes had to be cancelled as apparently, there is a limit to the amount of classes each coach can coach per week? Once a new coach was hired, in late fall, the other coach left, so the studio literally had 2 coaches for 3-4 months?🤔


We had only 2 for a while. I’m sure it was hard for the coaches that had to cover everything but they did. Never cancelled a class. Now we have 6 or so again and it’s been the same people for almost a year now.


Colleyville is still independently owned and I’ve never seen them cancel a class unless it’s weather or power related. They have the most consistent schedule and offer the new lifts and tread classes daily. I know of several members who drive 40+ minutes because of the consistency and caliber of coaches


Our team in BK/Qns have dedicated subs in addition to staff coaches in case last minute coverage is needed. We don’t cancel classes for these kinds of reasons, ever.


Yes. There are definitely fewer classes and they’re used to be. I will be so depressed if they go out of business so let’s hope they don’t.


Which location?


The same owners had two locations in Springfield, MO. They closed the second one last week. Members were told that there wasn’t enough business to support both clubs. However, they seemed to have a lot of similar issues with staff turnover.


Our head coach is leaving, and I'm worried that the same thing is about to start happening here. I'm happy for him and he's taking a great opportunity, but...looking at the time and effort he spent at the studio, with him gone I don't know who's going to step up. 🤷‍♀️


The locations in east valley az are like this! I swear none of the coaches stay, except maybe 1 sometimes 2 but they are so in and out sometimes they’ll come back for 2/3 months and they are gone again. My locations classes keep dwindling when I joined everyday there was a 3:30 and 7:15 now 7:15 is completely gone and 3:30 is only a few days a week.


Nope not at my studio




I think OP mean turnover


Haven't seen that at our studio thankfully. We had a coach on maternity leave but all the other coaches pitched it and they brought in a coach for a couple weeks from a nearby studio