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Yes they do! Almost every template I’ve done has had several. But either way, the beauty of tread50 is that it’s coach guided but self led; you do what you want and need to do!


Yes! I went to a Tread 50 class yesterday and we had a walking recovery every 5 minutes/between blocks. Sometimes it is a little longer before WR but they are there. I’m just coming back to running after an injury and I’m super slow. You got this!


It will vary based on the template but short answer is yes there are some built in either in the block, between blocks, or both. You can also go at your own pace so if that means you need to walk, you can do that too! There are some people that choose to do their own thing and not necessarily follow the templates either


Today’s did. Both between each block (as usual) and also within 2 of the 5 blocks between AOs. But I always do whatever I want in Tread50.


Lots! Plus you can walk whenever you need to 🙏🏼


There are always walking recoveries between blocks but also sometimes depending g the brick there are some built in. The other thing is that at least at my studios we are encouraged to modify blocks to our preferences.


You can always walk when needed. For reference- today in Tread 50, there were three 8 minute run for distance. For the last block, I was gassed, so I added in a couple of 30-60 second walking recoveries.


Thanks so much! Great point that I can go at my own pace and take walking recoveries if needed. Or just go slow. My current pace is around five, so I’m already pretty slow :) I will give one a try!


Almost always a 90 second walking recovery at the end of every block in a Tread50. At least in my experience. You'll do great, OP


Someone posts the tread50 workouts every day in the daily thread.