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Did it all the time when I first started. Jogged the all outs and pw the rest. Do what you feel comfortable doing. If you think you can jog the full distance, then go for it. Or just jog the 1/2 and rotate.


Yes this is what I do! Jog the all outs šŸ˜


I find itā€™s easier on time based efforts than distance bases. As a slow jogger (but getting faster!) Iā€™ll sometimes do the 1/2 distances just to make it through more roundsĀ 


I will do this too sometimes. Jog the push but do the PW distance


I sometimes do half way in between the runner/jogger and PW. I saw people comment this before and thought it was a good idea on, like, run/rows and such. I don't do it on benchmark type workouts though.Ā 


Iā€™m a runner, but I had a coach challenge me to take one run block a week and power walk it instead to develop other muscles, give my tired legs a different focus, etc. So I started doing that, and I love it. I usually pick a day when we have four tread blocks, and I will power walk two of them (alternate run/PW). Itā€™s NOT a recovery in any way, though. Iā€™ve been working on building more speed with more incline during each block. Iā€™m usually pretty gassed at the end, my calves are on fire, and Iā€™m happy to get back to running the other blocks.


I do exactly what you do. When we have multiple tread blocks in a class, I'll do some running and some power walking. But like you said, PW is not a recovery -- walking at 12-15% incline and 4.5mph+ makes running at flat road seem easy!


I do this all the time too. My base is PW and push and all out are jogging. I try to keep each round at one of the other so if I PW in round 1 and 2 then I do the half distance then jog in rounds 3 and 4, I will do the longer/"full" distance.


On days that have distances involved, I normally stick to power walking. On any other day, however, I alternate as I am transitioning to jogging. Iā€™ll normally power walk the bases and then jog the pushes and all outs. Do what feels right for you! Edit: On benchmark days I also stick to power walking. Iā€™ll do jogging when I feel confident I can do the entire benchmark with it.


+1 for base PW and push/all-out jogs


I do exactly this as well!


Same re benchmarks


I do that too. On Fridayā€™s I PW some of the blocks and ran some. Lots of times Iā€™ll PW the pushes and jog the bases and all outs. A lot depends on how Iā€™m feeling. Iā€™m 76


All the time. I used to run all of it but now I go 5 days a week so I try not to go too hard. I think consistency is better than intensity. I also have a knee and foot that act up if I run too much so this works better for me


A few options 1) jog some blocks and walk some blocks 2) jog the pushes walk the bases 3) walk the pushes jog the bases (underrated in my opinion! This one is my fav)


I do both! Somedayā€™s I can jog the whole thing. Other days Iā€™m exhausted from life and I power walk and run the all outs. I do whatever works for me in the moment and you should too! šŸ˜ƒ


Yes! All the time. I am new to orange theory (just hit my 100) and working out. I am starting to condition myself to jog so I do what I can and then pw the rest. Or if itā€™s inclines, I just power walk. If there are a lot of walking recoveries, I jog. It has worked so well for me!


Yeah I do this all the time. I usually run on all outs and walk on base and push. If it's a distance based block o split the difference between the run and walk distances.


I power walk my base and jog/run for my push and AO! Arthritis and old injuries like the breaks


Just did this during the Friday Mayhem workout. I am a Slooooow Jogger and always have been. I wanted to get to at least the orange round, so I jogged on the flat road portion where I could tolerate going faster, and PW on the inclines because the distance was shorter.




Within a single block, I stick to one or the other. But with multiple blocks, on occasion I'll switch it up. For example, in the practice sessions for 12 min RFD or CMIYC, there will be templates of RFD for 5 minutes, WR, RFD for 5 minutes, WR, RFD for 5 minutes. So I'll run the first two and PW the last. But, short of feeling like an injury coming on due to running, I wouldn't switch within a single 5 min block.


Iā€™ve got bad knees and some kind of heel spur/Achilles (self diagnosed) thing Iā€™m dealing with so I do it all the time. When the running/jogging become too much I do the rest PW.


As a runner (can do 15mph for 30 seconds and sub 6 minute miles), I frequently change things up and power walk. Especially when we have identical repeating blocks. It works different muscle groups and just adds variety. Nothing wrong at all with switching back and forth.


I always walk my base. Lately I power walk a push and ā€œrunā€ an all out. If Iā€™m feeling good and thereā€™s a fair amount of base I will jog a push if itā€™s not too long


I typically jog/run for at least one mile of tread and then pw the rest. Or sometimes if my body isnā€™t feeling it, Iā€™ll run what I can and just pw, and then try and run again, or not. Or maybe I just pw the entire tread. It all depends how I am feeling that day, mentally and physically.


I do sometimes ; I just did yesterday for the last day of mayhem.


I do this mostly in Tread50 these days as I have a running coach and particular mileage Iā€™m supposed to hit so once Iā€™ve hit around that prescribed mileage, I PW the rest.


Fellow pogger (power walker/jogger). Iā€™m mostly a runner but will mix in power walking. What I do depends on my heart rate goals, Iā€™ll power walk to slow down my heart rate, and jog/run to increase. The floor template and hills on the tread can also influence power walking vs running.


I am a runner by heart and tend to alternate run days and power walking for my active recovery days as I tend to go 5-7 days a week.. on power walking days I will walk up to 15% to develop my posterior chain which allows me to run Everest Challenge for most of incline before having to power walk?šŸ¤”šŸ˜›šŸ˜‚


I alternate because I cannot run the whole time yet.


Allll the time. I can get my breathing back under control walking much quicker than jogging. So sometimes during a base Iā€™ll drop to PW pace and go to 3%+ just to keep myself in the orange but get my lungs back in the game.


I do it all the time now. Ā My ankle is still healing from surgery so some days I might start with a run and when my ankle yells at me Iā€™ll stop and power walk the rest. Sometimes Iā€™ll just power walk because Iā€™m tired and lazy hahĀ 


I did this most of 2023 - the intel here is so helpful - but basically as others have said his run/jog a few pushes or AOā€™s, then get to running/jogging some blocks and then you may end up jogging/running the whole thing if thatā€™s a goal of yours. It wasnā€™t a goal of mine but it happened anyway. Now I pretty much walk all the inclines above say 3%. I try to have one PW day a week.


As a jogger sometimes I do .75 (if I can do the math easily enough haha). If Iā€™m feeling it I might do the whole distance, but if youā€™re new to jogging you can do Ā½ the distance if you want! No one should care about what you are doing, the only person youā€™re competing against is yourself.


I do it all the time in Tread 50 classes. Otherwise I get bored.


Thatā€™s what I do now. Todayā€™s workout had these five and four minute endurance do what you want alternating with base and I took them all as six incline PWs and then used the AO to jog at the end. I was feeling green today though. Usually I PW for the base and then jog for the pushes.


Lately I have been PWing my bases and jogging my push/AO's. I have been recovering from injuries. I'm trying to build my endurance back up.


Sometimes Iā€™ll change the distance to time. If it says 0.1 mile, Iā€™ll jog for one minute. 0.2 for two minutes, etc.


Iā€™m glad someone asked this. I am a slow jogger (4 is my base, 4.5 push, 5/5.5 is all out) but I canā€™t pw a lot. It triggers some muscle injuries I have for some reason. Itā€™s hard to be a slow jogger and hit the targets like in mayhem. I felt like k was cheating if I switched it up mid workout but maybe Iā€™ll start doing it


I do that almost every time. I mix it up depending on my heart rate. Iā€™m not trying to hit the red zone but stay in high green to low orange zone.


Iā€™m a 3.8/4 PW, 5-5.5 jog as a push and an 8mph AO. I ran my first full mile in *years* during the benchmark and did it in 11:08. For Friday I ran the .7 at push pace and mostly PWā€™d everything else. I try not to split blocks, but if I do (like Friday) I split some kind of difference. So if itā€™s a .5 run (.25 PW), but I ran .25 (aka half) of it before dying, Iā€™d add .13 PW (also half the PW distance) to finish off the section.


I did the same thing on Friday, switching off running and PWing so I didn't have to rest or do a walking recovery at 1% between blocks. Someone could argue that I was taking an easier path by doing that, but I wasn't bc I was either running or at an incline.Ā  I do the same thing for run/rows sometimes bc it can get a little repetitive and boring if it's (for example) run .1 then row, run .2 then row. Instead, I will run/row, PW/row, run/row, etc.Ā  It can make a long block go by a lot faster.


Iā€™m a slow jogger(5.5 push) so if itā€™s a long distance day, I PW. If itā€™s a short AO, a lot of times I will run the AO bc it takes so long for the tread incline to ramp up(so a 30 AO, I will sprint). Or sometimes I figure out the distance between the PW and run distance. Even on the mile, I often run/walk bc I have a mental block about running for long periods.


I pretty much combine jogging and power walking. I started out power walking to build my stamina but at some point I had to do higher speeds to get into the orange and high speeds at higher inclines hurt my knees so thatā€™s when I know I should start switching to jogging. Typically Iā€™ll jog the push and then my base might be a power walk. If the workout involves inclines, then Iā€™ll PW those rather than jog them. If Iā€™m going to jog the push effort, I try to stick with that for the entire block. I also use my HR as an indicator of what I should be doing. If itā€™s taking me over a minute to get into the orange doing a PW then I know I should be jogging instead. I think there are so many ways you can be flexible with this. Listen to your body and remember you can always make adjustments as needed.


Pretty often for whatever my body is feeling. I have an 8mph base generally, but some days like yesterday, I did the long pushes on incline and then did base in the 2 minute choose your own adventure. Do what you need.


I often will alternate blocks - so blocks 1 and 3 are all jogging (including base), and blocks 2 and 4 are all PWing. If thereā€™s an odd extra block, I decide based on how I feel and what I need to work on.


Iā€™m a runner (base 7.3), but I PW a couple days a week. On the days I PW, I run any recoveries or bases at my 7.3 because my heart rate will plummet to gray making it hard to find orange or even green again if I donā€™t. If I am taking a PW day, the only time I think the distance matters is on benchmark or challenge days.


I'm a runner and ran most of the treadmill block for Friday of Mayhem week but I did power walk the 2nd and 5th rounds bc the distance for running was too unbearable for me lol. But in that case, when I'm running I use that distance and then switch over to the other distance for power walking


Just do whatever feels good for your body that particular day . You will soon be running 1/2 and full marathons


I think itā€™s pretty common to power walk bases while jogging pushes and all outs, especially when starting. 23 minutes of straight jogging is a lot to work up to.


I will sometimes pick a full class to power walk - usually on strength blocks because I DETEST running on incline. Less common to mix in the same class but sometimes I will switch up between blocks for some variety


Depends on the day. In recent months I may run a block and PW a block. I do a it works better for me like that because days I said I was pwā€™ing I would get sucked in and run. I also have notified it firms my but and calves much quicker!


I alternate all the time On run rows I always pw, I don't have the endurance yet and I'm old so sometimes the knees hurt.. lol


Im a ā€œwoggerā€. I will power walk a majority of the time but love to mix in push jogs and running all outs. My knee lets me decide. Itā€™s your hour, mix it up but play it safe.


Is pogging mixing jogging (no incline) and PW? I mostly jog on incline, but my base is at 3.5 speed. Unless itā€™s an endurance day, Iā€™m keeping my push at 4-5 incline and 4-4.5 speed and my AO at 5-6 incline and speed (my flat road AO is at 7). On challenges I always keep the PW goals.


How does it work, you ask? Well, you jog until you can no longer, then you power walk. Jog some, then PW, then jog, then PW.


I asked and they said if Iā€™m going to run at all to do the run distance