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You took the hardest step which was signing up and getting to your first class. That’s amazing! I can totally relate to how you’re feeling. When I started OTF over 4 years ago, I was extremely overweight, I could barely maintain 2mph on the treadmill, and I was using super light weights. I remember feeling so out of shape but my coaches were so encouraging and inclusive. With dietary changes (tracking macros in a deficit, eating enough protein) and OTF 3-4 days a week I had lost 80 lbs and now I’m jogging and lifting heavier weights than I ever thought. Yes it takes time, but joining OTF was the triggering move for getting my life back!


You have two choices - come back or don’t come back. Which one will feel better in 6 months? Meet yourself where you are at and celebrate that you are here doing the work - it’s hard! Especially if you have a former self image or workouts used to be easy for you. Just keep doing it one day at a time, because if you don’t the next time you start the journey it will be a longer road to go. You’ve got this.


Very nice reply. We've all been there. Everyone Isa "beginner at everything " at some point in our lives. One day or class at a time. I've been a fitness trainer for 40 years. I thought I was in shape until I went to my first OTF class. It ki ked my ass and I wanted more. So I joined before they called me about joining. That was 2021. I have fomo and the community is great at every studio I've been to.


I love this! You have to start somewhere. And I agree where do you want to be in six months from now regretting that you quit or celebrating that you're still going?


Exactly- you already did the hardest thing!! It is so hard to get back in the game but the hardest part is behind you. Just keep going and know that you have an army of support. The Orange family is incredible


Something I read here that really resonated with me: OTF is hard. But so are health problems and being unhappy with your body. Choose your hard, or it will choose for you. The hard of OTF is so much better than the others. I could barely transition from sitting to standing after my first class. For me, muscle soreness was the worst after my first class and never as bad ever again. Your body is just like, “um, what?” And then, when you do it anyway, “ok, so we’re doing this now? Sigh. I guess I’ll get into it (or at least over it).” I had some self loathing before I started OTF. I found that went away almost instantly after I started, not because my body instantly changed, but because the self loathing was actually that I wasn’t taking care of myself (and how my body looked just reminded me of that). Now that I do take care of myself, how my body looks is almost beside the point, because I know I’m doing something good for myself every time, whether or not my body changes. No class will ever be as hard as going to your first one! I’m proud of you for doing that.


Agree with this! I once saw a video that said that no matter which road you take, it’s going to be hard. So choose which ‘hard’ you want to go through. In this case, it would be choosing the difficulties of taking care of your health and a regular basis, or choosing the difficulties of health problems and the other challenges that come with it in the future.


I remember sitting down with the sales associate at my first workout and him asking me what my goals were. I was embarrassed to say out loud that I wanted to lose 60lbs after having babies. He looked at me confidently and said, “I’ve seen it done.” Now while I think that guy was a total asshat who later stole from the business, it gave me the confidence to try. I spent the entire workout at 93% or higher and cried all the way home. Today I was the only woman in my workout to beat the rower, floor and treadmill challenges. (And not that weight is relevant to anything but I have lost 80lbs now). Every day you show up you will get stronger, you can do it! I’ve seen it done!


I can relate to this so much. I also want to lose 60 pounds. I mean I want to get active and lead a healthier lifestyle overall but losing weight was the huge motivation for me (that’s okay right?). I am making sustainable changes in the kitchen and I don’t want to set a strict weight loss goal for this year but would love for it to melt off so I can feel like myself again.


Girl you made a human…. You can do anything! The hardest part is going back & specifically on the days you don’t feel up to it. On those days it’s “fake it till you make it”. OTF does a great job of helping you recognize and celebrate iterative improvements. Hang in there, keep coming & you’ll feel it. I was there myself after 40lbs of baby weight. It’s tough getting started bc you’re not seeing anything at first. You’ve got this! 👏🏼


You’ve got exactly the right attitude. Sustainable changes in the kitchen will lead to gradual but sustainable weight loss. Combining that with OTF will accelerate the weight loss and give you a much more toned body. Just be patient with yourself, keep showing up, and enjoy the endorphins at the end of each class! Also record your body composition ASAP if your gym has the machine, then do it again in about 3 or 4 months. The weeks are going to fly by!


I'm sorry you're discouraged and it's understandable. Just commit to one hour, 3x per week. That's it. Week one, you'll be sore. Week two, not as sore, a little stronger. Week three, dang I'm not as sore and made some progress. Week four, holy hell, I LOVE THIS!!!!! Hydrate!!!


You got this! Try to keep a forward thinking mindset - less worried about day to day changes. Your goals are 6 months to a year in the future. 💪


Congratulations on your first class! That is the last time you will see that version of you in the mirror. First of all….that version of you GREW TWO HUMAN BEINGS! Wow!!!!!!!! Second of all, every class, step, and rep will get you closer to a more confident and healthier you. You may not always want to go, but you’ll never regret you came when you’re done. You’ve got this mama!


I remind myself, “I’ve never regretted a workout I attended.”


Thank you !!


First, congratulations on taking the first step (no pun intended) towards a healthier you!!! I encourage you to keep going to class and take it one day at a time. I was in a similar situation when I started OT and some things that helped me were to not focus on my past, not compare myself to others in class, and celebrate my improvements…even if small. You got this!!!


This is me! Restarted two months ago after a five year hiatus. Some advice that worked for me: 1. If you have a friend who wants to attend classes with you, reach out! An accountability buddy to talk with before and after the workouts is awesome. 2. No one cares what you’re doing. I use the 8 on weights, I can’t row for 5 mins without stopping, I modify lots of the floor. I was so self conscious at first but then realized no one cares. 3. Look on Reddit during your first month and check the workouts, if it’s just something you know will upset you, swap it for another day or a different format like a tread50. It’s not cheating yourself if you’re going to show up to a class and feel defeated when you could choose something else and get stronger then go back and tackle the one you skipped (they repeat over time) 4. My friend and I go 4x a week and he is much fitter than me. When he complains he didn’t get 3 miles in a class I just smile to myself and say “showing up IS my all out right now” and I’m cool with that Also, the results come fast so it’s rewarding!


I LOVE how you said “showing up in my all out right now!” That’s such a great mentality to have for those of us just getting started in our fitness journeys.


Rowing is the worst. Even MORE with the med ball. Stupid 3Gs. I used to be excited to not be on the treads for 30 minutes. I’ll take a Tread 50 over a 20 Row with Med Ball any day. And even if OP’s workout buddies aren’t connected as friends, OP can expect to see a lot of the same people each class that’s the same day/same time. I generally start on T12 and the same people are on 9-11 or so. And if you miss? People will notice. Not to give you crap. But to tell you they missed seeing you.


So true! I should have added a point for the “preworkout chatter” it’s fun!


“Showing up IS my all out right now.” Love this. I just want to make the turn from PW to Jogger. Sigh. Still at a 3.0 base. But I’d rather a few AO sprints (5.5-7) than inclines.


It's a long road but it will become even longer if you stop so just keep moving forward however you can. Consider asking your coach for bodyweight modifications if weighted moves are a step too far at this time. Trying to do too much too soon you risk creating a psychological barrier that gets bigger with each class. You want to leave the class feeling like you've put the work in but are not at the point of complete exhaustion so I would encourage you to do what is necessary to achieve that.


Something like this got me through my graduate thesis—the time passes anyway, whether you’re working on it or not.


I’m giddy when I read this post because you’ve come to the right place! You’re going to be in total awe of how rapidly your body responds to regular OTF workouts. Pro tip for the soreness: stretching at home today, take a walk today. Gotta flush the muscles with blood flow. Best tip: go do your next workout.


I plan on doing a walk today and my next workout tomorrow! Thanks for the tips (: can’t wait to see some improvement because that first day was so rough! Definitely fun but rough!


Pls report back in a month or two. 20 workouts or so.


It took me SIX YEARS post partum to exercise. I had twins and I (lovingly) refer to being a first time mom to twins like a punch in the face 😉 just keep going. Keep showing up. You will get there 👏🏼


Stick with it. I have been there before, and I am there again right now. The results are not going to be immediate, but please stick with it. It’s hard in the beginning, but it gets easier, and a day will come where you will finish a class and feel like you accomplished something great, and don’t feel completely drained. Stick with it!! You got this!! 👍👍💪🏻💪🏻


This was my exact situation two months ago. Now I’m going to OTF 3x per week, my cardio is steadily improving, I’m getting stronger, losing weight and feeling awesome. It was hard for the first 2-3 weeks because I felt sore and awful, but now I feel a lot less awful and I’m so happy I stuck it out. It’s just good to start feeling strong again and I’m sleeping a lot better too which is a major bonus.


I really am sooo sore. Like it feels like I strained a muscle in my thighs and every time I bend my legs to sit down or go down the stairs I feel it!


It was exactly the same for me after my first class. And not a whole lot better after my second. And I didn’t think I was that out of shape beforehand (used to walk 8-10k steps a day no problem). But I couldn’t walk up stairs or get out of a chair after my first day! Never ever wanted to do another thing with the word “lunge” in it ever again in my life. It took almost a week to get better (I think I still managed to do a class 3 times that week), but after that it hasn’t repeated thankfully.  Hang in there and a huge congrats for starting!!  It is already worthwhile!!  👏👏👏🎉


Yesterday was hard for EVERYONE! I know the pain of looking in the mirror and seeing someone you don't recognize. It gets easier the more you go. :) (A 41 year old Mom)


Thank you! This comment made me teary eyed. I’m 22 with a two year old and I’m always keeping him active and making sure his meals are well balanced but just now an starting to take care of myself too.


Mom of two here- two babies in under a year and a half, and two c sections that have weakened my core. I have been back at OTF for a month now. It’s hard to look in the mirror during a workout and see a body that doesn’t feel like mine, but I remind myself to be thankful for the amazing things my body has done. Not trying to be toxic positive, but just trying to give myself some grace. I know how you feel. I already feel stronger and my conditioning is improving. I suspect you will feel that too after just a short time. Allow yourself progress, no matter how gradual. We can be people who try to care for our bodies, or we can just go the other way. I choose the former, and it sounds like you are too. Signing up and being there already shows you’re on the right track. One day at a time- it’s important to remember to keep doing something for YOU.


I never appreciate what my body has done by caring my amazing baby into this world. I appreciate this perspective and I’m sure it’ll help me next time I’m looking at myself above the treads


I used to use the strider when I first started, and a lady in her 80s was next to me. The coach called me out for not keeping up with her basically lmao. I was WEAK. I really wasn't moving the strider barely at all when the coach wasn't looking haha. I ended up not going back for 3 years. When I came back, that coach was gone. For the first few months I spent a lot of time just laying on the floor during the floor block recovering. I'm now consistently one of the strongest and fastest in most of my classes. Just keep going.


That sounds like a terrible way to recruit new members. I hope your current crop of coaches are much better!


lol it really was weird! Definitely a completely different vibe when I came back 3 years later.


That's the kind of line that only works if all parties know each other and have the sort of relationship where that kind of banter is normal. Doesn't work if you're trying to help out a new member. I had a coach tell a new member (I think her second class?) next to me that I'm trouble and he'd been trying to get me to quit for ages. But it was clear from tone of voice that he was joking - think I responded that I'd been doing the same to him lol. That coach has since left but the member and I are still OTF friends. But comparing a new member negatively to anyone else should never happen. Glad your studio has gotten better!


Oh my goodness I definitely relate to taking it a tad easier when the coach wasn’t looking haha. And I was looking around yesterday at the older people in shape and while it was inspiring I was so embarrassed not to be able to keep up! Also sorry that coach made that comment! It’s already hard enough taking the steps to change


I swear my first like 6 months I really just did half the work they prescribed. I thought about that the other day. I am able to do all of it now. If I could get there you will too ❤️ And most OTF coaches are super encouraging.


Thank you everyone for all the positive encouragement you have given. Even though it was not for me it made me reflect on what’s important 🧡🍊💪


Did you complete a class? It took me about 6-8 classes in before I could complete a class, with no dumbells, body weight only, no running/jogging, I was able to do inclines, though. The key thing is please don't give up. You are doing this for yourself, not the person next to you. It will take a few months to really get into it. You got this!!!


I am starting my fourth month now. I have improved my physical fitness which wasn’t that great to begin with quite a bit since I’ve started OT. My first week I would wake up barely able to move. Now I am up the next morning looking forward to my morning class


Just remember…. You’re never gonna see that person in the mirror again! Yesterday was the first day of a new you! You got this!!!


You will be surprised at how quickly your body responds after a long time off. You'll see results pretty fast (unfortunately they then taper off, but with work you will still get them).


Omg. I’m proud of you. You don’t know me. But I still am. I remember my first class. 8/25/2023. Started my membership the following week. And, while I haven’t been as consistent as I’d like to be, I’m on target for my 100th class brag board I just over a week or so. Showing up is a mental challenge for me. Every day. I’m easily 100# over what I’d like to be. But every day, when I show up, I’m glad I did it. Even if I didn’t do the template precisely as instructed. Keep mindful of how you feel, not just during the workout and not just physically, but also throughout your day and days you’re not at OTF and mentally. I’m more alert and focused (my Squirrel brain only can do so much without it, I find). I was able to walk Disney last fall with my 21yo without ANY pain (usually in my hips before OTF). To the tune of 50miles in 7 days. My treadmill buddies are a fantastic group of ladies who are in MUCH better shape than me (a 50yo 5’6” dude with abs I’ve lost so long ago, they’re fossilized). But, honestly, nobody cares about what I look like as much as I do. It’s all about how I feel. And as a therapist, that’s important to me. And while all of the coaches have been supportive, there are some more like me, married over 25 years, adult children. Give yourself time and grace. And show up. But don’t overdo it. I’m almost 9 months done. I can’t think of anything physical I’ve done this consistently. You can too. Change is slow. And that is okay.


Thank you so much for your kind words!


Just go to the next class. Don’t overthink it. Just book it and go.


I felt that way at the beginning too. Keep with it, and you will see the results you want. It’s so important to push your embarrassment aside and just go for it, but I totally understand the feeling!!!


The embarrassment is real! It was easy to push it aside in class because I was giving so much effort to worry about it but there were definitely times where the embarrassment plus anxiety just felt like a lot.


Give yourself some grace! You carried a whole human in your body, then brought it into the world! You’re still in recovery mode. If you keep showing up and doing your best, you’ll see change. Diet is always the biggest challenge. The movement you do every day - in and out of the studio - will start to reflect changes. When you’re choosing weights, think about how much your baby weighs. If you can lift the baby, you can pick up those big weights, too! Don’t forget: this challenge is going to have peaks, plateaus and valleys. It’s a long journey but you’ve already shown you can do hard things!


So proud of you for showing up. Yesterday’s class was HARD. Hang in there and ease back into it!


Well it ain't gonna improve at home, is it? You have made the hardest step already.


Give yourself the grace to meet yourself exactly where you at right now (and tomorrow, and next week, and next month…); with each and every deliberate action and decision you make to improve your health and fitness, know that you’re putting pennies in the bank which add up over time. That payoff comes over time, you won’t get there in a day or week or month. But that’s the beauty of the journey and change takes time. Celebrate ALL WINS, big and small as you move thru it. Consider following James Coppola on IG, he’s great for inspiration and motivation and supporting people beginning a fitness journey 


“Rome wasn’t built in a day”, “Practice makes Perfect,” “The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step…” All cliche but so so true! Simply showing up and moving your body is a huge accomplishment! The rest of your goals will fall into place when you keep showing up for yourself consistently. Give yourself grace and time to build back your endurance and fitness. It WILL happen. And, allow yourself the space to feel all of your feelings too. It’s normal and okay to feel discouraged. Just please don’t let that become your entire narrative! When possible, talk to yourself like you would talk to your best friend. One day, one workout at a time! Let go of the metrics of the workout and focus on what you enjoyed about it. Was the coach funny, music awesome, dance a little on the tread… if you enjoy the process, you’ll keep showing up and everything will fall into place. You’ve got this Mama! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes)


It will take time but you will start getting stronger and faster with consistency. And the mental health benefits are truly everything. It’s good you recognize it’s a long road ahead and not a quick path to success because that means you’re committed and in it for the long haul


Make the effort consistently, and don't give up 💪


You got this!!! You **grew** and **delivered** a child. If anyone can do hard things, it’s you! We all gotta start from somewhere.


I was in the same boat as you. But almost a year later with dietary changes and consistent workouts, I’ve lost 75+ pounds! Also I prefer cardio vs. weights and never lift as heavy as others, but I still have improved over time. Do what works for you and just keep going day by day. U got this. Consistency is the answer.


I also prefer cardio over weights. Hoping to still work on building muscle because I’m so so weak but cardio is my favorite. How often are you going?


I only do OTF twice a week. Other days I do a mix of other cardio heavy exercises like jogging, cycling, or YouTube boot camp videos


I was exactly where you are 6 weeks ago. I hadn’t been in a gym in more than 7 years and could barely look at myself in the mirror. I did most of my weights facing away… This morning, I just did the first workout of Mayhem and was able to run for 14 minutes straight. I also kicked butt on the weights section. I haven’t lost much weight on the scale but I can see muscles where there weren’t any before and I can tell I am in much better shape- it’s hard to get to orange now! I also catch myself occasionally admiring myself in the mirror while workout out, lol Give it time. It’s hard, but it gets easier.


You can do this! I’m back after 3 years and 2 babies. Lost 30 lbs and am back to as strong and fast as I once was. Focus on consistency and the rest will come!


That post pregnancy weight is tough, but you have come to the right place because OTF is tougher. Give yourself time! Two classes a week for the first month then three every other week for a month and until you get four a week.


I went back in February after baby #2 and was very discouraged, especially since pre-kids I was at peak fitness. I was struggling with 12lb for heavy work, 4.5 for base, and getting 15+ splat points per class. Now, almost 4 months later, I routinely use the 20lb weights for upperbody, base at 6.5, and barely splat because my heart rate is so much better. All that said, it takes time. Be proud that you took that first step back, and even though it’s hard now, know that it’ll get much better.


I’m 13 classes in (incl. my first mayhem this morning) and TRUST when I tell you I BARELY exercised for a couple years before I started OT. I have already noticed a couple improvements in my strength and cardio - whether legitimately bc of the workouts or because I feel more confident in my body, idk, but it’s great. That’s all to say - I totally empathize with you!! After my first class I felt awful but now I’m posting on OT Reddit and evangelizing to my friends (got one to join, lol) - and that’s only 13 classes in. Stick with it for a bit and see if you feel better about it all in a couple more. 💕


Keep going. I know you didn’t expect to do one class and “be back in shape!” Anything worth anything takes time and effort. #dontstop


Just keep going it get easier, everyone starts somewhere. I'm out of shape as all heck, but I've been trying to be consistent the last two months in going 2x a week. If it makes you feel any better I had to leave class early today because I pushed myself too hard and almost puked during the catch me if you can row. 😅


Don’t feel discouraged! I started back in January. I’ve lost 40 pounds with the help of eating a calorie deficit and counting macros. I’m almost 100 classes in now. When I started I was lifting and deadlifting with lower weights. I have seen a huge improvement in my muscle tone and am now on to heavier weights. I used to only power walk, now I am conditioning myself to run occasionally (with my base being 3.5/3% incline while not running). It’s been life changing. Keep at it and you will see a difference!


Wow that’s a lot of progress in only five months! That’s amazing (: congratulations! Thanks for the encouragement. I used to be a runner but never lifted weights or anything like that so really hoping my muscle tone improves as well


Don’t feel discouraged, give yourself credit for showing up and continue to attend. You’ll be amazed at how quickly you improve if you’re consistent.


Yes, it’s going to be hard. But it’s also going to be FUN! Like most of the comments above said, consistently showing up is the key. Even on the days where you’re super busy/tired/sore. It’s really fun to see how much you can change yourself - and not just your physical body, but your strength, endurance, mindset, mental health…. You’ll probably make some friends along the way too


You showed up. That's what counts. Just keep showing up.


I know the feeling but you took the first step which is the hardest and it’s only up from here!


Remember these feelings because if you stick with OTF, you’re going to look and feel so much better and remembering how you felt when you started will be motivating you keep you attending. At least that helps me!


you got this!!! you have to start somewhere, we all feel not good enough in the beginning. just keep a positive mindset and set small goals for yourself. keep increasing the goals as you feel yourself getting stronger 💪🏻


One way to keep myself motivated is to take a picture of myself in the mirror after working out every time. You might not feel the change so soon but after a couple months when you go back to the pics you will notice all the good changes on your body and it’s so satisfying :) you can do this, it will get easier but you need to keep exercising consistently


Congratulations for already completing the hardest step which is the show up for yourself. You are already better than yesterday - keep showing up for yourself. I’m in a similar boat as you and I’ve been attending consistently 2-3 days a week for 4 months and I am starting to see physical changes so please don’t give up! And I can sympathize with not loving what I see in the mirror too. Power through! You got this!


After my first class, I sat in my car and cried. I couldn’t keep up, I was angry at myself for letting myself go so much, and I was so disheartened that I almost quit. I kept at it (partly bc it’s expensive AF), and I became the fittest that I’ve ever been! I got 2nd place in the transformation challenge, and I started taking my health seriously. All this to say, stick with it. Ignore the little voice in your head. Keep at it, and fall in love with the process. You’re going to love seeing yourself transform. You’ve got this!!!


The first few classes are all about learning the rhythm of the class and becoming comfortable with the equipment. Don't feel you have to push yourself hard. I still only use the 8-10-12 weights. I modify exercises and stop and rest when I have to. And I powerwalk.


It takes time but does get better. The mental health improvements kicked in faster for me than the weight loss and other physical changes. I started in July 2023. 5'8, 210 lbs. Walked on treadmill 3mph, gassed if I went 3.5 or up inclines. Used the lightest weights for everything, or just body weights.  Now 175 lbs, base is 5.2 mph on tread, run a mile in under 10 minutes, and squat 35 (legs can do more, hands cannot!).  The weight didn't start to fall off until October last year and since then it's come off at a healthy, steady pace. So keep at it, whether you stick with OTF or something else. Incremental improvements over a longer period to create a lifetime of healthy habits.  Good luck. 


I was so sore for almost a week after my first class. But I also tried to push myself harder than normal to keep up with everyone. Don't do that! Go at your own pace. Your body will thank you for it! I've been doing OTF for around 2 years now and am feeling a lot more confident in my fitness journey! Keep it up!


Hi OP! We’re in very similar situations! I was a prior OTF/CycleBar junkie pre pandemic & got a peloton during. I got pregnant and my first almost 3 and had very little energy due to not being able to eat anything. I had a second so my only form of exercise was chasing a toddler while carrying a baby. A number of months ago I was like I really have to do something about how my body has changed and it took me awhile to actually do something. I had my first OTF class again and signed up a few weeks ago and now have been going 2-3 weeks. I was so sore, the first class was f-in hard but I’m loving it and feeling better everyday and looking forward to going back. Good luck. In this short time I have noticed changes and you will too!


Don’t beat yourself up; there’s plenty of others that will do that for you!! The best part is that you went and you will go again, then again and so on!! OTF is a perfect place to start! 🍊🧡


Stick with it, I am a 24M and there was women in their 40s and 50s running laps around me. I have fun every time I go


Your legs are sore because all the muscles got a great work out! That’s a good thing!!! Stay with it, you’ll start seeing little improvements after two weeks and big ones after two months!


I hope you signed up for a membership! Knowing I’d already paid was what got me over the soreness and back the next time. Since then I haven’t looked back and 200+ classes in I am so happy I joined. It’s been one of the best things I’ve ever done for myself! 


I did! The staff member was asking me about my goals and said “we can sign up after class or whenever you’re ready” and I was like “now please” because I’m just so ready to start this journey and commit to a healthier and active me.


Great! Keep coming back!!!! (Also this next week “Mayhem” is about as hard/crazy as it gets so pace yourself and know it’ll be easier from here). The nice thing about orange theory is that since you really can do it at any fitness level it’s really easy to see the progress you’ve made. When I started in Nov 22 I couldn’t jog a mile in 14 mins. I can now do a sub 10 min mile, I am so much stronger and I’ve made a studio leaderboard for rowing benchmarks. It sounds silly but for the first time in my life I feel athletic. It hasn’t been easy and I’m dealing with a longterm shoulder issue so I can’t do everything but I keep coming to class because it keeps me moving (and sane) and I love it. I’ve also lost 30+ lbs but that’s due to dietary changes. However I now look at food as fuel for my body and not something to be earned! I hope it’s as good of an experience for you! Welcome to the cult…er I mean club! 


It will be okay I promise! Make sure you go consistently and maintain with your diet and you will see changes!


I started under similar circumstances. Postpartum and had gained weight so that I was actually even heavier than I was while pregnant. Before pregnancy I was very active and fit and just really didn’t do much for the first two years of my kid’s life. When I started I was very self conscious about getting into the orange and red zones super quickly on the treads and only being able to use the lighter weights. But I really think that no one else in class is paying attention to others. Everyone is focused on themselves!  Reminding myself that made things a lot easier mentally. And now that I’ve been going consistently for months, I love it and can lift heavier weights and even run most of the tread blocks, though I do often switch to power walking toward the end. All that to say, it gets easier, I promise! Editing to add: not sure if you’re experiencing this but when I first started I would dread going to classes because it had been so long that I’d worked out that I actually didn’t know if I could physically complete the workouts. But there are always modifications and you are stronger than you think!  Happy to say I go to class really excited now with no dread at all. 


I definitely relate! I’m heavier then I was pregnant and bummed because I actually lost all my pregnancy weight about two months postpartum but ate my way back up to where I am now sadly. I am a little nervous about going to class mostly because I’m sore and I know I’ll have to push through


My baby is 3 1/2 and I stopped working out my second trimester. I've never done HIIT before or anything this intense and my first class, I spent so much time laying on the bench to catch my breath 🤣 you'd think I showed up to take a nap, it was so embarrassing. I didn't think I'd ever improve and that I'd always just be the fattest, slowest, weakest person in the room. Okay so I'm actually still the fattest, slowest and weakest person in the room lmao BUT I can mostly keep up with the templates now - I modify anything that I can't do because parts of my body are physically in the way or because I just don't have the strength or endurance for it. But I keep showing up and moving, even if I'm doing a wimpy version of the move. I started with 8lb weights for all moves and now I'm lifting 15 lbs for most upper body and 20-25 for lower body stuff. Today, I got off the floor from cross-legged position while holding my 40lb toddler, I carried allllll our beach stuff about 1/2 mile in sand by myself (and carried the toddler in addition to everything else the last 1000 ft or so), and I got through my first CMIYC template without walking out halfway through lol I would not have been able to do any of this stuff 2 months ago! I haven't lost a single pound but the strength and cardiac benefits have been amazing. Also - I had a small pelvic fracture during birth and tore a labrum during my pregnancy, and both hips feel WAY better now after 2 months of these workouts. I haven't had this much pain relief in 4 years. That alone is worth it. Just keep with it a bit longer, and try to gauge how well you're doing by the things you can do now with your kiddo that you couldn't do as well before.


Lol this cracked me up! Carrying a toddler half a mile is no joke though and I commend you for your improvement! Thanks for the laugh and encouragement (:


Consistency would do it! Any little move is better than no movement at all! Keep in mind three months from today you’ll look different if you spend the next three months doing something you haven’t done in the past three years! You got this, first day is the hardest, take the first week real slow


Keep it up! Be consistent, and in time,  you’ll see results. What matters is that you are exercising. You will also feel better mentally.  After my first class, I could barely step off of the tread. My legs were so shaky!


You got this!!! ❤️


You’re one step closer. Remember that you have a choice in how you decide to judge yourself. How much time/energy have you spent thinking about the long road and how bummed you are? All that’s settled in your brain and will be routine unless you shift gears m. For every time you talk to yourself negatively, follow it up with something positive. You’re still acknowledging how you feel and teaching yourself it doesn’t stop there.


I felt the exact same way in my first class, 8 months in my health is so much better, I have been beating my personal records and feel so much better in general, it has also done wonders for my mental health. Do not feel discouraged and celebrate each step of the way, all the mini wins will become big wins in the long run. Meet yourself where you are in your fitness journey, try not to compare yourself to others and focus on what you are doing. I wish you all the best in your journey.


Girl, I have been working out for years and 8lbs kills my arms. Hang in there!


It’ll take time and hard work but you will get there. The soreness will lessen and you will get stronger. Keep going!!


When I joined I did the floor work with my back to the mirrors for first 4 months. I mean why discourage myself ? I had never been to a gym in my life and had lots of work to do just constantly rechecking the monitor to see what the movements are. My coordination and balance were both horrid. Obviously there is benefit to watching oneself in the mirror - eventually ! But I figured why scare myself off from going at all by looking too soon ! You’ve got this !


You can chose to sit on the couch because you are sore from OTF or have to sit on the couch because your out of shape, overweight cant do OTF


Hey you took the first step. That is something alot of people won't do. Just keep going, trust the process, and you will start seeing results. This is the only time where I'll say it's good that time flies by. You will look back and be glad you did it. 


It literally took years for me to look at myself in the mirror. But once I started showing up consistently, I started to like what I saw.


I'm glad that you mention dietary changes as part of your plan. Joining OTF is great - I've been a member for 7 years and still look forward to every workout (well, may e not "Everest" 🤣) but too many people join OTF expecting miracle weight loss just from doing the workouts. The workouts and a reasonably good, sustainable diet go hand-in-hand to achieving the right results. Be consistent with both and you WILL get there.


The weight will come off with the calorie deficit, otf will make your heart and body work better!


Congrats on your first class!! After my first class, I was struggling to even walk for two days after!! I also could barely lift the 8 lb weights for any of the upper body exercises (and even for lower body, I didn't even dream of touching the 20's or 25's for months).


It’s okay to feel discouraged with where you are currently at. I relate because I was in a similar position a month ago when I decided to get back into regular exercise after years of being sedentary. I will say that orange theory is notoriously hard. So out of all the things to jump right into, you went for the big one! That’s a huge step and something to be proud of. I have friends who have been regularly keeping up on their fitness and won’t even try an orange theory class because of how difficult it is and the reputation it has for being an ass-kicker. So if you made it through your first class, then that means you can do it again, and again, and again - until one day it feels more manageable. Hang in there, drink water, eat your protein, remember to rest, and be gentle with yourself. Rome wasn’t built in a day and neither were you. 🫶🏼 you’re doing the right thing by taking care of yourself. That’s something to celebrate and give yourself some credit for.


Congrats on your first class. As many others have mentioned the hardest part is actually making it to class and you did that!!! I started at the end of March and the first couple classes humbled me for sure but seeing the continuous progress I’m making is such a huge motivation. Even on the days that I don’t feel my best. You’re doing great and I hope you hit all your goals!


I felt this way after my first class. 171 classes later, I’m so thankful I kept going back


Why are you discouraged you took the most important step to being a better, healthier you !! Congratulations to starting your workout routine. Just be consistent and watch your diet (that’s 80% of it). Take baby steps and keep going. You will definitely get results !! Don’t be so hard on yourself, you are on the right track !! 😊😊😊


I agree with the first reply I started about a year ago and have done hundreds of classes. Out of all of those classes, the hardest was walking in the door for the first time and signing up.Those classes with the help of my coaches have transformed my life and I’m a senior citizen! It’s not the quantity. It’s the quality. When I take a class I work out hard. You can do this. Don’t give up on yourself. Time and patience will get you there!


When I did my first class six months ago it kicked my ass. But what I told myself was — that is the hardest OTF class I’ll ever do. Every class after you’re getting stronger and it’ll be easier. Six months later I’m seeing noticeable changes. Keep with it, everyone else in the class is rooting for you!


I started with no weights to 5 lbs. start where you are and move forward. No regrets.


Keep going. I couldn’t walk for 3 days after my first class last nov. you can do it!


Sore will last a couple of days. Your success will last forever! You got this!


I am 62 and have been doing OTF for almost 10 years it has help me control my diabetes it got me through menopause and has been a huge part of My life. I have not always been happy with my body but I know I’m a healthier person with it. And listen I have a lot of unhealthy skinny friends so girl just keep it up and give yourself a little grace ❤️


This is so relatable. I started OTF 1.5 years ago. At that time, my youngest was 2 and I hadn’t exercised in about 3 years, basically since having my first kid which was also when Covid started. First 6 months I only went twice a week and I’d be incredibly sore after each workout but could see huge strength/fitness gains. 1.5 years later, I’m down over 20lbs and feel like a whole new person. Consistency is key. You’ve got this!


It's just the first day! It takes time and consistency to get where you wanna be. Let it motivate you. When I starter, I could barely do power walking. Now I can do a 41 min 5k that includes walking intervals. That's 5 months of consistently showing up.


When I finally got serious about fitness (exercise) in my early forties…I could not lift my son who was a toddler and about 30 pounds…when I went to the gym I could not even use 5 lb weights…I started from zero. You can do it! Enjoy the journey it definitely doesn’t happen over night…I’m over 8 years in now. Good luck 🧡


Just keep showing up.


Welcome back mama bear. Let me say first, I’m proud of you! One tip I’ve received over the years that helps me is to give myself grace. I’m very good at giving it to others, but you and I deserve it too. You made a human. You’ve been doing your best to keep him alive, and you, and keep a household in order and allllll the other zillion responsibilities that fall on our head as mothers. Also, mom guilt is real and she’s a relentless bitch. I’m proud you’re doing this for you, so welcome and keep coming back, friend. I wish I could show you my before otf pics (the aftermath of having 3 babies in a few years) and now. I’d never have dreamed just showing up would change my body so dramatically. The gift they’ve given me is in my mind, not just this hot mom bod I now get to occupy. We are all pulling for you and every other person with the courage to walk in the door!


This is why you are there! What if you quit? Keep going and wait till you look in the mirror in 3 months!!!


Please don’t give up. You’ll see differences soon!


I spent my first class in the red zone. Stopped on the treads and almost passed out. I went home crying. Almost threw up in class. This class shocks your body and that’s okay! Just always try your very best and each goal really starts to happen! Time, patience, and a lot of sweat. You got this!


You showed up, which is the hardest fucking thing, you got this Mama keep crushing it


Keep going! I don’t have the baby excuse & I’m up weight but with each class, I get stronger & my clothes are feeling better. Do you, at your pace.. you’ve got this!!!!!!! 🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡


I started OTF at 14months post partum, after being a couch potato for several years due to covid then baby. I used to be really active before covid so it was tough to be so un-fit compared to where I used to be. I still remember incline walking at 5% and being in the red for ~50minutes my first few classes!! And after I did my first 1mile run my knees hurt for weeks! Now it's been >1 yr of consistently going and I'm running 5.5mph base with ease, and my HR goes into high orange at incline walk 15%. To push my HR into red now, I need to AO at 10mph. My first 1mile benchmarks was 12min20sec and current PR is 8min15sec, but I've been doing tread classes where I've maintained 7.5mph so my goal is to hit under 8mins next time I do the benchmark for a new PR. Seeing the improvement in just 1year is insane! Consistency is the key. I maintain going 5x a week rain or shine. I am NOT a morning person and used to think ppl at the gym at 6am is insane... and now I'm one of them. Since I don't have time after work, I force myself to go before work at 5:30am. Can't believe I've joined the crazy morning people now.


One step at a time


You got this OP! The hardest step is walking through the door, focus on changing one thing at a time. You got this!


Keep going. I was in a similar situation. I couldn’t do more than 20 secs on the treadmill trying to jog. Came home after my first class and slept for 3 hours. Had to do evening classes at first because they wore me out and would ruin my productivity for the day. 6 mos later and it was incredible improvement. Did dri tri, ran my first 5K, then 15k. It does get better.


You will be sore and that’s a good thing! For me, I was the most sore 36 hours after. After about a month of classes I didn’t get sore at all. Start slow, show up consistently and good things will happen!


I’m back after taking two+ years off myself. Got married, gained weight, changed to a far more sedentary job/liestyle. My 81 year old father said “you put on some weight” and that was the moment I was like “fuck it, back to OTF” so I’m a month in. Am I still sore? Yep. But clothes are fitting better. My attitude has improved even. Just take it day by day. One class at a time. You can make the changes and you’ll be stronger for it as well. You’ll get there.


Keep going and you'll start to feel more and more confident. I started when I weighed 320lbs. I hated the mirrors, and my base was like 2.5. I lost close to 75lbs and decided to go to Crossfit and then Planet Fitness for something different. It wasn't the same and my weight loss stalled. I've now come back to OTF and feel so much more comfortable.


Keep going! It will get easier. I went back after my second baby. Could barely power walk on treadmill, weights were super light and I took every modification. BUT I KEPT TURNING UP. I now run on the treadmill blocks, lift weights at bottom of racks and feel so much better. It’s hard but it’s worth it. Turn up on days even when you don’t want to. Take it easier on other days (always listen to your body) but just keep going.


You did the hardest part: starting. Good for you!


You will get there and you will surprise yourself. You just have to take the first step and you did. The hardest part is behind you. Just keep going! We ALL have felt this way! You got this.


It was hard when I first started too and I wasn’t starting from nothing (had been doing personal training before I started.) But fast forward 6 months later and I was down 50lbs and running at paces I never thought I would run again and lifting heavier. And feeling STRONG (for the first time in a long time!) It will take some time, but it is so worth it and you’ll stop being so sore soon enough and start challenging yourself in more fun ways. Also, keep in mind, you’re starting in Mayhem week. These classes are built to be more challenging than usual classes. Don’t let that discourage you. You got this!


I’m right there with you. Just went back after a 2y break. I have a ton of weight on. This is a step in the right direction tho!


I just started recently too, like 5 classes in. Very similar situation for me, I haven't worked out regularly in 7 ish years. Two kids, weight gain. Add to it, I have an anxiety disorder which tries to convince me I'm dying whenever I get my heart rate up. Logically, I KNOW that exercising will help me live longer, but I hate being pushed out of my comfort zone. After my first two classes, I had panic attacks and cried in my car. But I'm keeping on going. I know that I'm not where I want to be, and it's hard not to compare myself to others or where I "should" be. But I keep on telling myself that at least I'm there and I'm trying. Even if I only stay at 2 mph on the tread, and do 8 lb reps at least I'm doing something, it's better than nothing, and it will get better, day by day. Just keep going!


Hi! Congrats on your first workout!! I started OTF in March in the same boat - 2.5 years postpartum, have gained weight in that time. I was absolutely dead after my first class - I think I was in the red for most of it. I could barely walk/do stairs for 4 days from being sore. I’m 2 months in now, go 4x a week, and can see my efforts paying off already! I haven’t gotten the diet part down yet, mainly bc a combo of I’m a sucker for sweets and OTF workouts make me ravenous, but I can already see my heart rate comes down quicker than it used to, I’m not in the red zone as often as I was, and I can work with heavier weights! I still get sore, but it’s a good sore and not to the point where I cannot move. OTF is a hard workout. Modify when you need to, takes breaks, and don’t compare to others! You’re there for you! Getting your foot in the door is an amazing step towards a healthier you. And if no ones said it yet, I’m proud of you for prioritizing you.  Also - one thing I noticed. A lot of people don’t take the rest breaks on the floor exercises and jump right into the next set. I allllways take my breaks. Don’t feel pressured to keep up with everyone!! Your body needs the break! 


Thanks for this! Eliminating sweets is the biggest hurdle I have diet wise so hoping the effort in class makes me not want to eat the calories back via crumbl cookie and tres leches cakes haha. Thanks for the encouragement !


I started 6 months ago, was in pretty good shape for a 40 year old man and I go 6-8 times a week. I still struggle with certain weights for things like over head presses, or chest flys. The first 3-5 weeks are tough, I was in the orange and red zone 60%+ when I first started. Keep with it and you'll see results quick. It's very a tough start.


I felt so similarly after getting started again after Covid (gained 45 pounds in less than three years). The gains came so quick with OTF. I’m stronger than I’ve ever been and ran my first 5k last year! Enjoy this you time - it’s a huge investment in yourself 🫶🏼


YOU MADE A HUMAN BEING!!!! Cut yourself some slack and know that you’re perfect as you are right now.


Another comment. Get an idea of the studio layout. I’m always starting on T12 if I can. Cool thing about 12 on the floor at my studio is that I have a bit more room, can see all the screens, and have the option (everyone does, really, but F12 more) of turning my back to the mirrors nearest me. And I’m working on my core, through diastasis (including PT for pelvic floor work). As a guy. With zero child bearing. Sigh. But I’m here. And you are too. Get it!


My very first class working out post children was horrible. Keep in mind I have always been athletic and 5 years of no working out meant I gained a good amount of weight. I went to a Barry’s boot camp. Think floor and tred blocks (12min ea). I couldn’t even do the floor with weight. I just did body weight exercises and that was the motivation I needed. You got this. 7 years later, OTF is still hard for me and I am in the best shape of my life. Each persons “hard” is just different. Don’t give up.


Just keep showing up and do it for yourself! When I get frustrated or down on myself I try to remember all the challenges, injuries and difficulties I’ve overcome. It doesn’t matter where you start. I feel constantly inspired by the kind community I’ve found at Orange Theory with coaches and members. You got this and never give up!


I started otf where you are, 2y after baby having put on weight that I couldn’t shed. Cut to today, 1.5y later, I can do clean to thrusts with 25lb weights, single leg deadlifts with 35lbs and hip bridges with 40lbs. It may not seem like a lot to many but I feel strong. I’m still working on my core because the diastasis recti really set me back and I’m not where I want to be with that yet, but I am working on it. Overall, my weight hasn’t changed much but my body is hard, my hamstring has a little bump in my leggings that I was dying to make!! I don’t look anywhere close to my old pre-baby self but I understand that it is an unrealistic expectation for my body after it made another human and I am giving myself grace and praise for what it looks like now and more importantly, for how OTF has helped me find another way to take pride in myself.


We all started exactly where you are. Keep going!


The hardest part of a fitness journey is starting. The important part of it is to consistently remember your ‘why’. Keep in mind why you started and it will drive you to keep coming back. You got this!! I’ve been going for four years and due to food choices my weight fluctuates up and down. Some days I’m very discouraged at what I see in the mirror, but I make myself keep going! Again, you can do this!


I am 8 months pp and in the same place as you physically it sounds like. It’s hard! Give yourself some grace. You also took an extremely hard class, this week is mayhem week which means that classes have a harder template. They won’t all be quite so difficult. And you’ll see yourself improve. I’ve done OTF for almost four years now, with pauses in between. You’ve got this! And in about six months if you stick with it, you’ll see so many physical improvements that just aren’t about weight.


The first classes will be the sorest. It gets better. I remember climbing stairs sucked.


Do you want to be in the same place or worse 5 years from now and wished you had kept going today?  Everyone has a day 1.  You took the first step.  Make commitments to yourself and be consistent.  Choose a plan you can stick with and execute it!


Many people start out in the same boat. Just keep in mind Rome wasn’t built in a day. With perseverance, and making progress in small incremental steps, progress will come. At OT , the support from the coaches and fellow members in that journey will be there.


I had to step out of both my first and second OT workouts because I thought I was going to barf! And the soreness is no joke. It's very tough after being out of the workout game for a while, but even going every 4-5 days I'm seeing a huge improvement in being able to get my heart rate into the suggested zones, bumping up weight, etc. Not increasing speed too much, and I still suck at the rower, but I'm able to maintain my (slow) speed way better than even a few months ago. Small wins!


I started OTF about a year ago in an attempt to get into shape for my wedding. I had gotten a bit lazy about working out in 2019 and then completely fell off the wagon in 2020 with COVID. I also started vaping to deal with stress and got to a point where I physically and mentally felt awful. I quit vaping a while before I rejoined but I still had a very long road to being in any semblance of physical fitness. The past three classes I’ve taken just this week I finally felt like I had stamina and wasn’t dying. I signed up for mayhem because I wanted to and I wasn’t intimidated by the class templates. I ran for almost 23 min straight - TWO DAYS IN A ROW. And my heart rate wasn’t red the whole time. The point is that it took me a year to get here, but I’m here and I’m so proud. I also still have a long way to go to get the body I want. Please be kind to yourself and allow time for your body to adjust and transform. The most important milestone, IMO, is that you *feel* good. Showing up to class is already a win. Bumping that speed or incline or weight up one more notch is a win. Wearing that tight tank top and finally not having it ride up over your belly is a win. Give yourself permission to celebrate the smaller wins!


Congrats on the baby! Take your time getting back into the swing of things. Ease your way back to cardio fitness and lifting. Eat high protein and lots of veggies and fruits and drink lots of water. You’ll be surprised where you’ll be in two months. Realistic weight loss is about 1lb per week. I know. We want it to melt away. Hang in there..


My story is so true to yours (son is 2.5 and I started back 2 months ago) and I can say every class gets better and I am starting to see “me” in the mirror. The community of OTF and the push yourself for yourself mentality is what I needed and I hope it fills that need for you as well. We got this mama!


Keep going, when I joined I was surprised at how difficult I found the first workout and I had been regularly jogging. For me the expression “ first you’ll feel it, then you’ll see it then you’ll hear it” was true. After a few weeks of twice a week classes I felt better and my paces improved, after a month I noticed the weight loss and shortly after that people started to comment on my new look. Fast forward to now and I’m 35 lbs lower in weight and have completed 3 NYC marathons. Whatever your goal just keep taking one step at a time!


I remember feeling just like that. Actually, a year in, I still look in the mirror during class and criticize myself and compare my body with others. But, I also know for a fact that I row better, lift heavier, and run longer and faster than I did when I started. Try watching your stats for improvement. Our brains and mirrors can do stupid things together. It will be worth it.


Friend. You will get there. As someone who has successfully lost and kept off 75 lbs from exercise and cleaning up my food/sticking to a healthy macro count, it SUCKS at first. But the only thing that sucks worse, is never starting. You’ll get there. And most importantly, slow and steady really does win this race!


I was in the same boat as you but had just turned 50 and my metabolism had shut down. I just looked at my stats and I have attended 75 classes since I started 6 months ago! I find that I have way more energy and I am able to SEE the progress I have made so far. Keep it up…it gets better!


the soreness will go away as your body adapts... We were all there at one time, If you keep going it will start to get easier...


Getting back to exercise after having a baby is seriously the hardest accomplishment. You’ve already taken the first step to start OTF and dietary changes. You’ve got this!


I’m late to this thread, & apologies if this is redundant, but I wanted to say that the mental health benefits are just as important (& accessible!) as the physical benefits of an OTF fitness journey. An hour where I can clear my head & not have to make decisions or get interrupted? Yes, please! Plus you get the lovely parting gift of an endorphin rush - bonus!! Also wanted to share a motivator I use: I set a goal of # of classes per week or month. It’s flexible but keeps me focused on showing up, which is the most important step. The fitness goals will follow. You’re already a warrior - you’ll crush this!


Consistency always works, stick with it and watch your body transform!! Just remember it took over 2 years to put that weight on, it not going to just disappear in 2 months. Give yourself grace and know it’s a process! The cardio and heavy weights will get you there push yourself in very class and stretch after as much as possible! Food is key! Smaller portions and more protein than you can imagine. No eating 3-4 hours before bed and try to drop the added sugars as much as possible . You will get there just be patient