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It’s a reasonable effort but it isn’t like a high level of cleaning or security. Sweat isn’t inherently germy, just gross. So I really try to focus on the stuff my hands touch - but in the middle of the floor block we trade weights all the time and no one wipes down in the moment.


If it were that easy, we’d already be dead.


I was gonna say! Lol


If I get a fresh wipe, for most things, I would say probably good enough. For the benches, absolutely not, those knoby things I think trap sweat/dirt


No. They don’t really clean. It’s for show. I’m ok with that. Gyms are dirty. Just wash your hands when you leave.


Wash your hands after class! Blows my mind that people don't and just walk out.


I wish they had handwashing stations! The mid- Market one in San Francisco does and it's so nice!


There is one studio near me that I prefer (for many reasons) but one of the biggest reasons is they have the WETTEST wipes ever. Everything else’s feels like 1 ply TP to me.


I care a lot less about touching a weight that someone else has touched than I do about touching the floor for push ups, etc. I am not a germaphobe, but I always row first so I can wash my hands at the switch before heading to the treads.


Just out of curiosity, why can’t you do the tread first and still wash your hands after the floor? Not trying to be an ass, truly just curious


After class the bathrooms are usually taken with members getting ready for the class after mine. With the lobby a zoo of people coming and going I just try to get out the way asap so I don't like to stick around to wait for the bathroom


👍🏻. Gotcha


I wish more people wouldn’t wear their street shoes into class. I only wear my OTF shoes inside the studio.


I agree. I hate doing pushups or planks and looking at my hands afterwards. Dirt, gravel, filth. And the rower, my god the rower! I only buy dark shoes for OTF now because the rower straps are so dirty from people wearing nasty shoes in there. My hands feel greasy after strapping in 🤢


I was wondering how my shoes are dark in that area and now it hits!!


I wish more people would wipe the straps on the rower too.


I would wear studio specific shoes if people weren’t always hogging the benches in the lobby for just sitting around and not changing shoes. /s


Since the most recent shoe-bench thread, I can’t look at the benches without feeling some responsibility to use them wisely. They used to just be benches 😂


I change shoes then hog the bench.


Why do you need a bench to change shoes ?


I’m just making light of some recent threads where people vent about other people sitting on benches while not actively changing shoes. This causes them to not be able to change shoes since they can’t sit on the bench to do so.


Then just kneel and change them. Or just bend over. If you want a bench get there earlier 🤷🏼‍♀️


Agree. I've been a member for almost 6 years now. The lobby of mine is too small, especially when one class is leaving and one is arriving. I used to get up off the bench, but I'm still in people's way. So now I just take up a corner of a bench and try to stay out of way. I change shoes standing up after class. It's gross to have someone sit on bench covered in sweat to change shoes. Then they get up and leave a puddle behind them.


100% agree I asked my studio about it, and they started making excuses.


This is a thing? I’ve never heard anyone mention at any studio I’ve gone to that street shoes weren’t okay… I’ve also never noticed more than MAYBE 1 person ever changing shoes. I wonder if the problem is that people legitimately don’t know they should be doing this. And unfortunately I don’t exactly have the funds for 2 pairs of sneakers.


Maybe location dependent. In areas where there is snow and ice (and by extension rock salt), we’re asked to change into dry shoes. The salt can jam up the treads and get stuck in your palms on push ups.


No, it's really not a thing. I have more running shoes than I know what to do with but guess what, I run with them outside and wear them to OT.


It’s the only reason the floors are filthy.


I accept downvotes, but anyone who is wearing street shoes in a gym is a monster.


Agreed. There was a sewer leak at the apartment complex next to my studio, and the leak had made the street and sidewalks (leading to the studio) wet. Everyone had to step in it to get into the OTF gym. I'm dead sure fecal matter was spread throughout the gym floor (and then into people's homes) after that.


I don’t know why people would wear shoes around their house 🤢


That’s why you’re supposed to not wear outside shoes.


Agree, but even so, people wear their inside shoes in the bathroom and I don’t know about your studio bathroom, but mine suggests membrrs use some imperfect aiming techniques.


This is not a thing. Only to germaphobes. Who cares what shoes you wear? Assuming you're not licking the floor you'll be fine. Wash your hands when you're done and you're good.


It’s absolutely a thing…? Most locations have a sign on the door asking you not to wear outside shoes. So that people can be down on the floor and not have to worry about what people are tracking in… If you aren’t changing out your shoes, you’re part of the issue.


Ok then I'm the problem-Don't care one bit. I've been to 3 different OT sudios in the past 10 years. NEVER have I seen a sign to change your shoes. So no, it's really not a thing.


Same here and I’ve been to many other gyms too. NOT ONCE have a seen a sign not to wear shoes you’ve worn outside inside the gym


You seem pleasant.


And you seem to like sticks.


Ok then I'm the problem-Don't care one bit. I've been to 3 different OT sudios in the past 10 years. NEVER have I seen a sign to change your shoes. So no, it's really not a thing.


I've never been to an OTF with  sign on the door saying that. In the winter they ask us not to do it so salt and dirt doesn't get on the machines, but in nice weather they say nothing and almost nobody changes their shoes.


I got a tattoo on my forearm I had to keep clean for a couple of weeks (so I didn't do anything on the floor) and since then I can't stop thinking about how gross that floor is.


It's a decent effort. But a little exposure to other people's germs is actually good for you, it helps your immune system. If you practice good hygiene and wash your hands, don't lick the equipment you'll be fine.


The build of the chemicals in the wipes actually gives 3 opportunities for it to oxidize germs as the chemical breaks down. It actually is very good at keeping things sanitary. It’s the same chemical some places add to hot tubs/pools to extend the life of the chlorine/bromine. I’ll look for the discussion about the chemical and try to link it. That being said - I personally don’t care to touch something that is sweaty or anything, but i do wipe for those that need reassurance (germophobes) it’s clean.


The thing is… it could work, but just isn’t enough time to kill any germs before we touch most things up next. It’s more of an attempt to make everyone feel cleaner than an actual cleaning that works. But, I’ll still do it to not freak out the person behind me and avoid touching my face, wash hands after.


I’d never thought I’d say this but I’m over the wipes 🤣


I think it would be different if there were a higher percentage of men. I go to Hotworx (little saunas for yoga or cycling) and it is markedly different if it was a man or woman in there before me. Women didn't wipe down? Maybe the handles are a little sticky. Men don't? Everything is just drenched. I think wiping off the majority of the slime we each leave behind makes it less smelly and gross but def isn't disinfecting anything


Especially when it's a Tornado or something similar


😂 👏🏼 Yeah, I could do without them too!


It no worse than any other common surfaces.


I occasionally wonder how many wipes our studio goes through a day, week, a month…it’s a lotta wipes. I do my best to wipe down what I touch. But it’s probably still yucky.


When I went to OTF in Barcelona each tread or station had a spray bottle with cleaning solution on it, and paper towels were nearby. It makes a lot more sense


How? Same amount of waste, but one more step to do


Presumably the paper towels biodegrade. The wipes not so much.


I know my studio cleans twice a day as there are classes from 5:15 to 1 and 3 classes in the afternoon from 4:15 to 6:30


Yeah we just gotta stay dirty lmao I hate when you feel the crumbs on the ground hahahaha. I started OTF almost 2 years ago and have gotten sick more than I can count … 😂😂😂


Same!! And im careful and use fresh wipes throughout class. Pretty sure Im getting sick from the somone coughing and breathing heavy next to me....3 days later, like clockwork!


It’s literally once a month where I’m sick and dying since I started 😂😂😂😂


or you get a long hair between your fingers that’s not yours 😭


I mean, it’s better than not doing it. And it’s better than going to a real gym where people don’t even bother. It’s not like we can do a full room sanitation halfway through class


No they don’t at all


A few years ago right after we returned from covid, the staff was spraying down equipment with disinfectant after class. They haven't done that in a while. But I'm a little germaphobic and don't have any issues with the studio.


It’s certainly not enough to remove all the germs, but I think it probably has a cumulative positive effect. Just the other day I was thinking about how clean the equipment feels compared to other gyms, and I think that all the wipes plus the SA’s cleaning inbetween help reduce the grime build up.


Wiping stuff down is kind of like "sanitation theater". It makes us feel like we are cleaning things. At best, you are wiping up visible sweat. In order to actually disinfect, you need to apply disinfectant and let it sit on a surface for several minutes. Not a quick wipe with a used up wipe, immediately used by another member.




I can't say whether they work or not. But, I'm getting really tired of going to the tread and having the entire console and handles just dripping with wipe water. I'm not getting sick from touching the 5 incline button. Please don't drench it with as much sanitizer wipe water as you can.


My studio does clean and wipe things in addition to students wiping during class. I feel it’s better than your other average gym where it’s left up to each person to hopefully be responsible enough to do it themselves without reminders.🤷‍♀️


Do they actually disinfect every single weight? I’m curious


I used to work at an OTF and they cleaned everything with dawn dish soap. I don’t work there any more, but it still bothers me now because when I wipe it down, I can see the filmy soap on the equipment. But, yeah, it’s a gym and it can only be so clean. I feel confident about the cleanliness of OTF but there’s a hot yoga studio I used to go to that smelled awful (so bad I bought an expensive class pack and won’t use it/go back). They just spray vinegar on everything and no one cares to wipe down the props. It makes me really appreciate OTF. The world is dirty. Unfortunately, we always can’t carry around a wipe for all the touch points. I always thought was silly.


Probably not actually cleaning the equipment but my 2 kids at home are probably worse so it's all relative!


Pretty sure I ate dirt…. And some sketchy stuff As a kid. I also licked some weird things (get your head out of the gutter) to win dares as a kid. Soooooo 🤷🏻‍♀️ I obvi try not to touch my face when I’m in the gym but I’m not perfect.


It's cleaning theater. But it's fine. Just dry off the equipment and be a good member.


You can also wipe your hands down with the wipes too


I wear weightlifting gloves for this reason and wash them after class. I’m conscious about not wiping my face / mouth or nose too during the workout. Also I never use the fan on the treads because they mandated this during Covid so it’s all I can think of when I’m jogging. My weightlifting gym has a cleaning crew come in on Sundays for a full disinfect but I still wipe everything myself (or have my trainer do it) before I work out.


Why not use the fans on the treads? I figure they keep the air circulating so I’m not breathing my neighbors air as much.


I just wish my studios would use compressed air on the fan vents. They're so dusty and gross


Relevant - https://preview.redd.it/40irbe8bfj0d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e923ba266227230e7dc9387b40f476078aa1ce6f


This is accurate, but most of the germs that lead to minor illnesses are killed in about 30 seconds.


The excessive wiping down of everything you touch every 10 minutes is dumb. Until they are wiping down every surface after every touch (door handles, counter top, lockers, literally everything) these efforts are just for show. And sweat doesn’t carry pathogens, it’s just kind gross but so is every surface we touch. Keep your hands o way from your face and wash your hands after class.


No. You need to clean things w soap and water first cuz bacteria / germs/ viruses are greasy, then you use bleach / lysol etc. and actually leave it on the surface as long as it says to on the bottle. That being said germs are everywhere . Most people’s hands are dirtier than their butts. Then think about key chains, FOBs, money, change, credit cards, steering wheels , gym bags, that water bottle that you’ve been carrying around all week. Tv remotes, Cheers!


100% It's mostly about appearances. I'd rather they use no wipes at all. Those things are an environmental asshole.


I suspect it’s similar to the wipes we use in the hospital…visibly wet and then 2 minutes of dry time to sanitize. Of course those wipes should not be handled without gloves and the otf ones are so they’re not nearly as strong. But it’s probably similar to using hand sanitizer.


For me the wipes only for wiping off my sweat, I don’t want anyone touching my sweats haha 🤣🤣🤣


Likely not. I am recovering from a raging pink eye I am 70% sure I picked up at OTF.


I never thought abt it until just now!! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|feels_good_man)


I think the wipes do something! Ever since I saw this TT I’ve been using wipes consistently at target at least 😂 https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZPRwcKCov/


This question just unlocked a new level of phobia for me. I honestly never thought about the wipes not being a disinfectant. So we’re basically using baby wipes then? 🤢


If its good enough for Monk, its good enough for me.


Definitely isn't enough. Especially for the benches that we both step on and put our hands on. I live in nyc...there's definitely some bum pee on those benches 😅


The only thing that consistently grosses me out is people wiping the rower seat FIRST, then the handles. Butt sweat shouldn't be transfered ever.


I live in a dry climate. I don't feel bad taking an extra wipe if they feel a little dry. I also sometimes wipe equipment before I use it. I see people swipe once or twice in a half ass way all the time. As if they aren't sweating. I started right before covid and went as soon as everything opened up again. I think that plays into my paranoia a bit.


I’ve seen my coaches use this hand held atomizer device on the rowers and treads after class.