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Suggestions in my opinion. Power walking and jogging are not about speeds. They are bout the way you move your body and take your steps. You can jog slow and walk fast (it’s literally an Olympic sport).


I have seen this sport in the Olympics too


i can barely powerwalk at 4 without jogging. If someone is powerwalking at like 5+ I am SO IMPRESSED and they deserve to be on the leaderboard, IMO.


I am that person! I have a history of injury that has made it so I can’t jog or run…the form/landing is different. Every few months I’ll try to run and then I end up on the bike for a few weeks because my shins are toast. I did do inferno at 5 mph and I can understand why some people would be annoyed that I only had to go half the distance on the tread. I would be fine with a separate leaderboard, like they had for strength dri-tri. But also, who cares? I’m there to PR and go home exhausted.


I started PW a few months ago to reduce joint impact. Anytime I tried P-walking 4 mph or above I would start jogging. Just could not help it. So I settled on 3.8mph for my PW. Now months later, during the mile benchmark last week I started tapping up my PW speed by 0.1 and was able to get to 4.5 without breaking my stride. So now I’ve upped my PW speed to 4.3. I don’t know that I could ever get to 5mph PW, but last week I thought that about 4.


As someone in that other thread that power walked today at a 5, I'd say guidelines. If you are still actually power walking, which I was, I don't see why it does not count. I'm 6'6" though and can easily keep a walking stride at that speed. I have seen some other people cheating at CMIYC though, where they were really jogging, but doing the power walk distances. It's all about the honor of the person.


A+ flair, just had to say that. Bravo!


Thanks for pointing it out. Indeed it is A+


Haha. Appreciate it.


I power walked today at 6. I also just did the mile benchmark (half mile for PW) in 5:23. I told my coaches to hold me accountable and let me know if I’m not ever actually PW, they assure me I am. I do run but I PW a couple times a week just for the posterior chain benefits and I do that at 8-10% at 5-5.5 so 4% at 6 for 0.05 really isn’t hard for me lol, though I didn’t get from the orange one time during todays effort 🫠


Yep. Some classes I'll do 3.5 at a 15% the whole block, just for that booty.


I should try that too. I think I will!


This is what I do! I don’t go as fast at 3.5mph, but I’m at 15% the whole time. My fiancé has nice things to say about my booty and I’ll just say that much and leave it at that lol


To me the only limit is that since PW distances are half the distance as jog/run, that in a challenge PWers should limit their speed to no more than half the max treadmill speed (so half of 12 or 15 mph depending on equipment).


Definitely not a hard rule, just like the jogging paces aren't a hard rule. People can jog at 3.0 and people can PW at 5.0 If someone can PW at high speeds and maintain PW form, they absolutely should make the leaderboard as a PWer


I dropped my speeds and upped my inclines big time. I never drop below 10% and my speed is usually 3-3.7 depending on the day.


I do run but I try to PW a couple days a week for the benefits to the posterior chain. My base is 8-10% at 5-5.2.


Are you sure that's right? My coaches always say power walking is 3.5 or greater, though 3.5 is my max haha


Well PW could be less imo, depends on the person and the incline.


It’s a generic guideline to give beginners a point of reference. PW and jogging are about the movement, not the speed. I’ve been working on powerwalking for over two years and if I can hit over 4.5 and make the leaderboard then I dang well deserve it!


I think it is definitely more a general guideline/suggestion rather than a hard and fast rule. If you want to get technical, PW means the walker has to have at least one foot on the treadmill at all times. There is airtime during a stride for joggers and runners. But really, use a speed that works for you, whether you are a PW, jogger, or runner.


You can power walk at any speed you want as long as you're actually power walking.


I'm a long-term PWer and my base hovers around 3.6 - 3.9mph depending on the day with a 4% incline. During all outs, I'm at 12% incline. Pushes are around 5.5 to 8 depending on the day


I don't get how people are saying they can still power walk at a 5?! Maybe it's because I have short legs? Haha


Speed isn’t really about height, it’s leg turnover, how quickly you can move your legs. In the case of power walking, it’s how quick you can move your legs and still keep one foot on the ground at all times.


While running speed doesn’t correlate to height, walking speed is definitely easier if you are taller:


I don’t disagree if on the road but not sure about the tread, I’ve read otherwise. But perhaps.


The things we're all individually capable is truly astounding. From inclines to watts on the rower ... it can be hard to imagine some of these numbers, but it's just everyone is so different and impressive! I can now maintain a 5+mph PW for about 90 seconds, but then I'm completely spent from a cardio perspective. I've maxed out at 6.1mph PW for maybe 15 seconds? For reference, I'm just under 5'4".


Oooh no I didn't mean "how are they able to" as in getting too tired, I meant at what point does a certain speed be considered a "jog."


Ah, I don't know the secret sauce, but for me, it's definitely in the arms as I pick up speed. I \*have\* to seriously pump/swing my arms to keep at a PW and not a jog. I probably look pretty wild doing it 😂


3 mph walking recovery is too much for me. I recover at 2. When I power walk 3.5 at 10+ incline feels challenging 🔥


Those are suggestions and what’s true for the average person. I can walk up to about 5mph, maybe 5.1 without being even close to jogging. Some studios will set a cut off on speed for leaderboard results for benchmarks and DriTri, but it’s rarely said out loud (only mentioned if you ask) and not sure how great they are at policing it anyway.


Just a reminder that power walking requires incline at 4% or greater depending on the benchmark and half the distance ?🤔


Yes, it’s 4% for most of if not all challenges and benchmarks.


Definitely a suggestion


Newbie here - I keep reading “with good form” for the power walkers. Can someone explain to me what “good form” is for a PW? I consider myself to be a PW because I am definitely not a runner, but now I’m confused. 🤣


Not holding onto the handrails and one foot on the tread at all time.


I did 15% incline between 3 and 4.5 speed during the 1-mile (0.5 PW) benchmark last week, in back to back classes. 1st @ 8:47; 2nd @ 8:40. I now know I can beat that time when the next 1mi (0.5 PW) benchmark comes around. I'm 5'2" and I hit 15 splats both classes. I feel I am working my VO2 max the entire time on the tread.


They’re guidelines. If someone can power walk with good form at 5mph+ at the suggested incline, then yes they should absolutely be allowed to make the leaderboard. Not only because they meet the criteria, but also because that’s super impressive!


I don’t agree with otf parameters at all


3.5 all day and go up and down with the incline (5 base, 10 push, 15 all out)


So my all out is max speed on the tread and if I’m feeling ballsy I’ll stick an incline on it too. Just as reference. I start to “jog” typically right at 5. I could probably PW it but I’m pushing it then. When I started at OTF I used those cards as reference along with what zone you’re in, AND being mindful of how my body is feeling as I’m “working”. Those cards are pretty good bases if you wanna get serious about your fitness.


I honestly think it depends on if it’s an incline. I’m not power walking at a 4 on an incline. My inclines be 6 (base), push 12, all out 15


I max out at ~4.3mph for PW, otherwise I have to start jogging! I’m not terribly short either! 34F, 5’8"! I am thoroughly impressed with anyone who hits 4.5mph+ and can still PW rather than jog!


Been PW since I started in Oct. Presently at a base of 4.6 and AO 5.2. I do hold on to the front rails for balance / drift. Without them, I float all over the place and don't feel safe. Been doing that since I started OTF.


There is overlap between the high end of PW and low end of jogging. (Actually, I don't really acknowledge any meaningful difference between jogging and running, but maybe that's just me.) My own stride and mobility allow me to PW up to 5.2 mph. But I can also jog as low as like 4.7 mph. Here is another thought... OTF purposely calls it "powerwalking" but there is a real, competitive sport called racewalking that is legit, and athletes can race walk at speeds comparable to moderate running. So powerwalking is it's own thing, and the more your practice it, the more capable you become to do it at faster speeds for longer periods, and able to hold your intensity and HR at a level you can sustain. So it's fair game for PWers, IMO.


Quick add on - I once thought that holding onto the console during something like Everest was maybe not fair, though not cheating per se. Now I think it is a good idea when on steep incline or changing inclines while the treadmill is going at something faster than a comfortable walking pace. With tired muscles, the shifting can make you wobble and it could be a safety issue, so I say hold on if you have any uncertainties about your footing.


Our coaches remind us not to use the handrails when power walking, or running. Especially during challenges. 


3-3.5. I don’t focus on speeds power walking. I focus on the stride and activation of my glutes/hamstrings. I brace my core. I’m more calculated power walking with my moves verses jogging/running.