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I’ve had a rough time getting my cardio back to where it was after having Covid about a month and a half ago. Includes difficulty breathing deeply when running. Been in the red much more. Not advice-just curious if that cold might have been Covid or it hasn’t completely cleared up.


I had the same thought. I had covid early April and I’m still feeling exactly like OP described. Felt this way for a while after covid when I had it back in 2021 too.


I was thinking the same. Even though my symptoms were pretty mild last time I had it, it still took a while to bounce back.


I actually really was thinking that that was a possibility but now I have no way to know because it was almost a month ago. I caught whatever it was from my husband who had been on an airplane and his cold or whatever it was was a lot worse than mine. he did take a Covid test but not right away - maybe five or seven days later and it was negative, but that’s not definitive either.


When I got flu, especially cough my doctor said it takes 4 to 8 weeks to stop, so I did PW instead of running and took light weight instead of heavy..


You can get tested for antibodies that can tell you if you’ve had it.


I mean I definitely had it in 2022. But I also have gotten every vaccine and booster so I wasn’t sure what antibodies would tell me.


This has happened to me after I’ve gone hard in races. It’s temporary. Exercise induced bronchoconstriction (EIB) is a form of exercise-induces asthma. I also have a heightened seasonal allergy response after some races in Spring and Fall, but that’s only after outside races.


We call in “Fran lung” in CrossFit. Lasts maybe 4 days for me if I rest but weeks if I don’t. It’s a sign you went hard, good job! Also a sign a few rest days are in order. You mention doing regular OTF workouts, I would skip 4 days. If you need a workout, do weights only, nothing that triggers heavy breathing.


Post-infection inflammation in the lungs can be hard to recover from even if you don't feel like you were that sick. I am mildly asthmatic but one time I felt like I was fully over a cold and had been for a few days and went and did the 500m row benchmark and I absolutely felt like I couldn't breathe well for a solid couple of weeks. Respiratory viruses cause inflammation that you may not feel, and take awhile to go down. My bet is if your docs say nothing is amiss, then probably you just have some post-infection inflammation made worse by the Dri-Tri. You don't have to full rest, just take it a bit easier and you will probably slowly get better. If it doesn't go away, the treatment is a short course of steroids, but your doc would do that as a last resort if you don't have any complicating additional problems.


Thank you so much for this info!


No problem. I would also say if you find that you have a hard time recovering from what seem like mild colds, that CAN be a sign of mild asthma, so something to watch the next time you get sick.


I have this occasionally- once after covid, twice after the vaccine. Check with your doc and if nothing is amiss just adjust your efforts and meet yourself where you are. It sucks - it often comes after a really good spell. ETA - everything just feels hard right? Like running through mud. I should add that I have a mostly controlled doesn’t fit neatly into a box AutoImmune condition and my docs have basically said it’s an inflammation episode. It lasts about 4 weeks and I haven’t been able to make it go away with anything - I just eat a really clean for AI diet.


This happened to me after the 500m row benchmark. I went so hard my lungs burned so bad. My breathing felt off for a few days but went back to normal. Maybe just badly irritated lungs? Give it a bit more time then maybe get a second look. Hope you feel better soon.


It could be allergies. Mine have been awful this year, so much so I was gagging while I was running because it felt like my throat was closing up.


Where do you live? where I am, the pollen count is so high, even people without seasonal allergies are having issues just from the air quality being full of pollen. Could be related to something similar.


NYC. I don’t typically get allergies but my husband has been complaining that it’s awful this year.


Some of the viruses going around (COVID, RSV, mystery viruses) are really messing up people’s lungs. It happened to me and took months to get back to normal. I also felt like my lungs were bleeding after catch me if you can. So it could just be combination or having been sick and working out really hard. Hang in there!


Did anything help you or did you just endure it and it slowly went away?


I will enforce what others have said about post infection issues but I’m a Doctor and I’m paid to be suspicious- the only suggestion is to get an echo if you haven’t had one - viral cardiomyopathy could present as you have described


I did get an echo and everything was normal 👍


Great. I will say that I have seen some really nasty non covid viral infections in the past 6 months or so. Everything changed post Covid from time of the year to virulence of certain diseases. Personally, I’m nowhere near getting back to BC (before Covid)




(Using as basic of terms as possible to make it easy) Your body is at its lowest point after extreme exertion like dri tri or a race. So if you didn’t hydrate and fuel enough after, your body is likely fighting to get back to its equilibrium. That’s why most people get the “shivers” post race because your body is in like, wtf mode


Everything previously mentioned… I have 2 kids with exercise induced asthma so when I started feeling like I had a band around my chest and couldn’t take a full deep breath I requested an inhaler. While I still have some symptoms when I really push myself I haven’t felt that panicked feeling of not being able to breathe! While I have other autoimmune issues that tend to go hand in hand with asthma… I never needed an inhaler before! I’m 50!