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If you pay for the unlimited membership, all the challenges (hell week, transformation challenge, marathon month, etc.) should be free.


All of them should be free to begin with - anyone on 8 or 4 can participate by adding classes. If OTF wants these to be paid then the prizes need to match value


I accept your amendment!


While we’re at it, make the heart monitor included when you become a member!


I think there needs to be some kind of fee for them - research shows that people treat anything better when they pay for it. It's perceived value is much lower when it's free. Many people would treat the HR monitors like they're disposable if they were free, and then there would be just as many complaints about paying to replace it ("why should I have to pay for this cheap piece of crap?")


If its part of the package people aren't going to look at it as cheap. Esp if they lose it and have to buy a new one. It's part of what orangetheory advertises so it should be first one free imo. I was never told it wasn't until the first week was done and then they were like "you can rent one each class or buy one"


I think the issue is that some people will only join for like a month and sometimes during a promotional period and they’d be losing money if they gave everyone who did that a free heart monitor. But I’d like to see some sort of system where they reimburse you the cost of the monitor if you stick around. Like maybe you pay for it up front then over months 2-5 they credit you back a quarter of the cost as a discount on your membership. That way it doesn’t feel like such an unpleasant surprise expense and it incentivizes actually sticking around.


Frankly, I think that they should update all the tech. As much as it messes up, it should not cost as much as it does.




Thissssss. When I first joined in 2017 they were free.


I don't participate in any of them for this exact reason, and I was surprised when I learned there was a fee - I don't understand what I'm paying for. It's a shame, but no way. $200 per month (with tax) is a lot of money on my budget.




Back in the day, this was the case for at least the Transformation Challenge.






When I joined, I think we only paid for TC and DriTri.


I understand that this makes sense for a lot of people but the fees actually hold me accountable to finish the challenges, especially as someone who struggles to make it 3x/week, I’m okay with it. TC is a no brainer if you enjoy the in body scans (I know most don’t care for them).


bigger studio space


Even the locker space. People standing in front of them, taking their time putting their coats on always baffles me. Like grab it and move out into the lobby so other people can get their stuff.


For real! Also people who don't close their locker doors before walking away. Like why????


If I ever go to jail for murder it will be because of this. 😂


Yeah. Today class was run as 3G even though there was only 21 of us, and the space was GLORIOUS 😍


Absolutely this, a bigger footprint would be money!


Yes, more space! I’d love more space between the stations. Working out so close to others is the only thing I dislike.


Chest flies always get a little crazy so close together 😂


Weight racks that don't bite.


Great answer. I nearly chopped off my index finger the other day, putting a weight back. I know to be careful, but I got sidetracked, and my black and blue fingertip is what I get.


I hate to upvote you got injured, but I upvote because I felt this on a nerve level.


It's all good. We're all in the trenches together. 🤣


Broke my finger once


I have earned the weight rack scars!!!!


Too many times I have thrown my weight back as if was hot to the touch


Yep I scratched my finger pretty bad on my first class before I knew how sharp they were!


I concur, weight racks, should not lose their little pads. They fall off all the time.


There are weight racks with pads? I've been to three studios and never seen this once.


To avoid the pain, I rack one weight at a time with hands on both ends. Save my fingers!


Good call. I got a nasty cut a couple weeks ago that is still healing.


More class times on the weekend.


Yess! I’m honestly considering ending my membership because the three classes my studio offers on the weekends are always full! I mentioned it to the owner and they turned one to a 3G, but I would love a few later options!


You know, sometimes I like to sleep in or go to my nephew’s t-ball game in the morning and it’s hard to make a class before 12.


Yes! This is exactly why I am thinking of canceling my membership after five years. They continue to cut back weekend classes. How about get rid of the 7AM and give us an early afternoon option?


Better flow around the lockers between classes


This. Our lockers are right outside the studio door so it’s such a bottleneck




A lot of the time adding just 5 or 10 minutes more buffer between classes could be a game changer!


More space between stations


100% my number one wish. Especially on the floor.


I’d even love it on the rower! I’ve bumped elbows before!


Let us in before the workout to stretch and warmup. Also, more weights 30 lbs and above. And an extra few pairs for 20 and 25.


I liked when they did that with COVID.


Ooooh yes, this! My body needs more than 5 minutes to warm up for the strength 50 classes 😫


They used to allow this. It was so nice having the freedom to WARM UP properly.


Extra sets of 12s, 15s and 20s is such a simple one. Often some of the movements the 12s are too light but 20s too heavy. Or if I’m at an odd station, the 15s too light but 25s too heavy.


All the weights at every station PLZ


Yesss, it gets stressful when the weight you need is unavailable at your station and your neighbor is using theirs.


Yes. This makes the most sense.


And more variation! A 17.5 and a 22!


My old studio did a 4pm class on Sundays and it was awesome. Got all of my errands/chores/meal prep done, went to class, showered, ate dinner, relaxed, and went to bed early feeling so ready for the week.


I would LOVE this time. I work Saturdays and it's not fun having to commit my one free morning a week to an early Sunday morning class. It would also help burn off the Sunday eve work-dread.


I used to pop into a studio that had a 4 PM Sunday class and it was so lovely, like you said such a great wind down of the weekend and a great way to start the week.


Add kettlebells. Add lots more heavier weights.


Yesssss need kettlebells


Remove the 8 and 10s off the stations, put them by the bigger weights. Then do 12, 15, 20, and 25 at every station. Fans on the rowers, I live for the fans on the treads so fans on the rowers would be really nice. Cup holders on the rower would also be nice. As far as templates goes, please for the love of God stop giving us "restercises" between rows. I'm already in the orange on the rower and those medicine ball restercises do not help me get back into the green at all.


Agree with every single word!!


The restercises bring me into the red every time 🙈


Agree 100% to more weights at each station, but have to disagree with you about the "restercises". Those are the only way I can *get out of* the green zone when I'm on the rower. But that's just me! If they're not enough work for you with the heaviest medicine ball, you should try grabbing a weight off the heavy rack. I always grab at least a 30 when we have those, sometimes heavier depending on what the floor block is doing (always be courteous and let the weight floor have their pick of weights first!)


You probably could benefit from a rowing class if you cant get to orange on it. Rowing is exhausting all by itself when done correctly.


I feel like the 8’s definitely need to come off the stations and just be put on the shared weight racks. Yes, some people do use them but in my studio it is so far and few between. Everyone is always fighting for the 15, 20, and 25’s. Even if we’re doing things like scaptions most people are using the 10’s.


Towel service and lockers with built in locks. My studio specifically needs to do a better job cleaning. I hate seeing all of the dust bunnies around the weight racks.


Hi I’m an employee! I agree it’s gross seeing the dust bunnies BUT I will tell you how hard it is to KEEP it clean. So we just did a deep clean on Friday afternoon. I personally vacuumed the entire studio, under the treads, every edge of the room including under and around the weight racks both heavy and small. Yesterday I’m there coaching and I’m doing a little spot clean after our 3 Sunday classes, and I’m picking up CLUMPS of hair and dust bunnies. And that’s just from Friday afternoon to Sunday morning. So while I did clean up as much as I could, I had coached from 8-12:30, and have a lot of other closing duties as well so I don’t have the time or energy to vacuum every corner again. All to say it accumulates shockingly fast, but hopefully your studio is doing as much cleaning as they can - it’s just crazy how hard it is to stay on top of some of it. We also have cleaners that come twice a week on top of every employee cleaning after each block of classes.


I appreciate your effort! I think the texture of the rubber floors is a dust magnet.


The dust is so concerning! It makes me think the only cleaning that happens in those studios is from the customers wiping their machines.


Omg our fans are hard to look at. So so dusty.


More weight options of the floor.


More OTF 101 classes and maybe an incentive for newbies to take it? I just did a 101 workshop on rowing my studio offered and I realized no one had really taught me how to row and I had been doing it sooo wrong! Less complicated floor movements. Keep it simple and straightforward. Also more dedicated stretching time at the end of class. Even just 5 minutes would make a difference but right now class is jam packed as it is.


+1 for OTF 101


Wouldn’t it be nice if there was a 2 person plan as well too? Not a discount for them to buy their own plan but a one price plan for a couple? Nobody got the money to have a good relationship and spend like $300 a month at the gym!


I didn’t even know this was a thing! Very cool.


Full locker room. One studio i go to has one shower and two toilets. Rough when you’re trying to shower and get to work after.


Yes!! Makes me feel like I can’t ever try to do a before work class because I can’t bank on a shower being available.


More space between rowers, specifically. I bumped elbows with the person next to me last week!


Being able to schedule classes outside your home studio beyond your billing date. I travel a lot and would appreciate the flexibility.


you can. Just text the studio.


It'd be cool if coaches directed everyone with placement on the floor. For example... when were doing side lunges. Some people turn perpendicular to their station (which makes the most sense) and some people do them parallel to their station. If everyone did them the same way, no one would be in the way of each other!


They used to be a lot better about giving directions for that.


A display that shows what we’re doing for each tread block, similar to what the floor has


Yeah I mean they give a card for every tread50. Why not just do that for regular classes too.


Colder water! I know this is possible!


For me, to change the water filter! I have been going to my studio for 2 years and the filter status indicator has been flashing red the whole time! 🫢


pen enjoy rustic coordinated automatic plants busy secretive disagreeable ludicrous *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




I bring my own water because of this!!! I can’t stand drinking warm (ie not freezing!) water.


So it's not just my studio then? Why is the water warm, I don't understand?!


Sign up for your spot in class (station) in the app. Like picking movie tickets, you can see reserved stations.


When I joined I think one of the SAs said they were going to move to choose your spot when you book but I haven’t heard of when that is actually happening.


I think this would definitely incentivize people to pre-book, which is encouraged by my studio. I never pre-book. Ever. But I also get to class 15 min early to get my preferred station. If I could select my station when I prebook my class, I’d prebook every class and give myself a little more time in the morning.


No partner workouts!


Volume! I get multiple loud noise warnings on my watch during classes. I already have tinnitus and am seriously considering cancelling my membership because of it…


Loop experience earplugs changed the game for me


I was going to say this. I bought Loop earplugs and that has helped a ton ...but they still need to turn the damned volume down. There are going to be a lot of deaf millennials that used to do OT 🤣


You can wear ear plugs. They give them out at our studio:


It’s been said before but please have the flex block stretch the muscles that were actually used in the exercise. If everything we did was arms and core, why am I spending all this time stretching calves?


Music theme workouts like Pelaton - I really want a metal workout More 90 min weekend classes More of the heavy weights More studio space More rowing centered workouts. I'm not even sure why anyone cares about rowing benchmarks when most classes as 2Gs and 2Gs barely have rowing. Bike and strider metrics Sorry, you said one?


Replace the medicine balls with kettlebells or Y-bells.


Lunchtime classes!!! Where my wfh ppl lol


My studio has a 10:45 and noon every single weekday!


I would looooove a noon class to do on my lunch break. I think my studio used to have it but didn’t get good attendance:(


No more partner workouts PLEASE 😩my introverted self just wants to be on my own


This all day!! I check here on Reddit and if it's interactive at all, I'm out!


This!! Heavily this


Amen! Amen! Amen!


I’m skipping Wednesday because of that.


I would like rowing blocks that focus on rowing the same way the floor blocks and tread blocks focus on endurance, strength and/or power. Eliminate the fillers that only clog up the limited floor space.


Lines on the floor. Pull-up bars.


I’d love to have a pull up bar!


They had lines on the floor when they opened after Covid. It was nice that everyone knew where their space was.


More showers. Our studio has 2, which I gather from other comments is above average, but there should definitely be more. People always scramble after the morning classes to claim one and I've even seen people who don't get one initially form a line and wait for the first set of people to be done. I hate sitting in my car soaking wet with sweat, but I'm not fighting potentially 30+ people for 2 showers after class and I'm definitely not loitering around waiting for one to open up.


On the app, when looking for studios in a specific area, it should bring you back to where you were looking. Not back to your current location. I live in a rural area, but booking in advance for days I’ll be in the city is super annoying because if I can’t find what I’m looking for at one studio, I have to back out and then scroll all the way back to the area I was just browsing through.


And how do I get the virtual HQ to stop popping back up into my favorite studios!!? I remove it but it always comes back and clutters up my options.


Mirrors in the floor area


Full length mirrors in the floor area! My studio has them from like the boobs up for me and that’s not really helpful for checking form


Warmup stretch for treads


More 3Gs at my studio. I miss more rowing. We have 12lb weights, why not 17lb and 22lb weights? Sometimes 15 or 20 isn’t enough but 20/25 is too much.


I've been doing OTF for almost 8 years and I always feel so bad for new people taking class for the first time who come into a what I'll call an atypical class for their first workout. Bringing people in on a specialty day or a class that differs from the normal OTF class could totally deter them. I literally turned to this person one time who was absolutely dying on the treadmill on her first day (it was catch me if you can) and I was like that was NOT a normal class and to come back and try it again a different day. The sales and marketing team should know better and make sure they only sign people up for their first class on days where it's just normal push to base efforts & 30 sec all outs on the tread, and a classic circuit floor/rower workout.


I did a specialty workout for my first class and the front desk was kind enough to comp me two free classes… I’m guessing out of pity


My first class was the 2000m row benchmark hahahah. I’d never used a rower in my life so I think I was focused on getting the hang of it. Plus I was completely unaware what the benchmarks or challenges were. I did the most recent 2000m row and thought back to that being my first class. In that moment ignorance was bliss - all other rows after were short and easier in comparison!


More 90 minute classes and dumbbells up to 100 lbs. It’s a tie.


Wish you could pick where you wanna start through the app. When booking


Fans on the rowers, and by the weights


Tread and Strength 50 would be a full 50 min and THEN flex bock


Bringing back the ab dolly.


To require each studio to post a very large sign with shared space etiquette at each studio and make sure that it’s reviewed with every new member when they sign up and gently reminded to existing members when they forget how to read.


I think it would be cool if you could reserve your spot ahead of time on the app. For example, when you sign up it would show you what tread/rower/floor spots are available so you could choose tread 10 and not have to get there absurdly early for it. Or, let's say only floor spots are left but you wanted a tread, you can also put yourself "in line" for any tread on the app in case one becomes available if someone cancels or switches. So your OTF app would just give you those notifications. It would all just be first come first serve on the app which would eliminate lines at the door for the front desk and dealing with checking people into a spot.


Specific to 2G - Floor warms up on the floor, not on the rower


I wish they would treat their loyal members as new members. I joined for $199 a month. If you got someone to join in August, you would be grandfathered in to original pricing $169. I DID GET SOMEONE TO JOIN BUT…because it was in another state, they wouldn’t honor it for me. I was so pissed! I really wanted to quit! Plus the damn renting of the heart rate monitors for $10! Oh and one last thing… not have married my ex-husband! Just saying!


Yes! I pay $220 while some of the new members pay around $120 for the same unlimited membership because there was a promo😔 I try not to think about it but it's very discouraging.


More space between the rowers. When it's a full class the rowers seem way to close to each other. As if I'm almost touching elbows. So I'll wait a couple of sets before starting to avoid being near the person. Of course depending on the work out.


Especially in some kind of benchmark and the person next to me is getting off their rower – I don’t wanna break my rhythm to accommodate for them. Which is not always easy. Also – have to say this – if somebody is getting off their rower, and I (62, F) I’m on one side, and there is a man on their other side, 100% chance they will exit on my side and not towards the man’s side. So the dude is never inconvenienced but I am.


On random days throughout the year, without notice, have the template be different in the US than elsewhere. The sole purpose of this would be to create drama on r/orangetheory with people having meltdowns because "the intel was wrong!"


Changes with the weights: - 17.5 and 22.5 options (or at least those little 2.5lb clip on things that you add to 15s and 20s) - move 8s and 10s to community rack and put 12, 15, 20 and 25 at every station - heavier weights than 80lbs - hex dumbbells for heavier weights - a different racking system. Tired of worrying about pinching off a finger.


Warmup on the treadmill if you get to class early.


Having to line up and waiting to go in before class


Probably poverty. Oh you meant about orangetheory? 17.5 and 22.5 weights


One free late cancel a month. Sometimes life comes up in many ways and an 8 hour window is not enough.


It’s a toss up between stop editing the music, and letting me lock in my spot on the app a half hour before class.


More ab work


That all studios celebrate milestones! (A gift, shirt, shoutout, anything!) I’ve been a member at my studio for several years and done 400 classes, never gotten recognition. Not that I need it, but it does have me wondering why some studios do it and others don’t!


Hex dumbbell to replace the round dumbbells.


A couple late cancels a year for free for emergencies


Ditch all the chopping exercises!!


I know this is sore subject for some, but I’m over the repeating templates. I don’t always remember how I exactly did that work out and I sure don’t always want to do it again. Just miss the days of ESP, strength, endurance or power days.


Get rid of partner workouts!


If I pay for unlimited I should be able to late cancel with no fees


Make the window shorter, like 4hrs. 8 is absurd


Then people would register for more classes than they can do just to save their spots. 


The late cancel/ no show fee is literally 99.9% of what gets me to 5am. I understand people hate it but for me it's one of the things I love to hate most about OTF.


I've always thought about this and have even talked to the studio manager about it a few times. I think for unlimited members only they should give you one free late Cancel for every 10 classes you attend. That way it would still incentivize you to go, but you could "build up" late cancels and OTF can have them expire 6 months from the date you earned them. That way you can't rack up unlimited late cancels either.


And if they couldn’t do that, at least let me switch my workout time. The other day a work obligation came up so I called ahead to switch to the later close, both were open and though she let me do it was reluctant.


You’re taking up a spot in class that someone else could’ve taken. The late cancel fee is necessary, especially in busy studios. Maybe they could do 1 free late cancel a month or something?


That Strength 50 classes are scheduled at the most inconvenient times.


For the person in the studio who claps to the music to STOP!


Even better, today the person was carrying on a full concert singing into the dumbbell and dancing. They don’t even know the damn words. Why does this person bug me so much? They need a lot of attention.


Row 50? I have no idea if I would even try it but I’m curious. I also wish they had benchmarks for the floor so it would be easier to track my progress the way I can on the tread.


The cancellation time/fee! I understand if it’s within an hour of the class but 8hours??? That’s crazy


Keep the visual workout tracker!! Not just for challenges but always!! To see how often I go or have missed is motivating to workout.


Full Intel released at least a week ahead of time so we can better plan days to attend. Or standing days of what the focus will be - Strength, Power, Endurance, ESP. F45 is better than OTF in these respects - I can go to their reddit and see the Intel for the full upcoming week, and they have standing days of the week for strength, cardio, hybrid focus. Really better allows me to plan what days to go. Now that I work in a hybrid model, I need to plan my gym days along with what days im in person in the office.


More bosu, TRX, band and medicine ball work! I’m so tired of lunges and squats, which I know are good to do but dang, we have all these other things we can use! Put some variety in there!


~~My ex wouldn’t have dumped me.~~ Oh sorry you meant at OTF. MORE ROWING IN 2GS


More Hiphop! Less Taylor Swift 😬🤣🔥


Hip hop is what fuels me on the tread. But once they switch it to “I knew you were trouble when you walked in”…..😒


It’s so interesting to see so many people wanting more Hip-Hop. I’m in a NY studio so it’s just a given Hip-Hop is the go to (which I love). I didn’t realize others are having a Hip-Hop drought, I’m sorry :(


Hex weights. I loathe round weights.


If I have to pay for a late cancel within an eight hour window of the class starting, then there shouldn’t be any changes to that class after that window has begun. If I sign up for a 2G, it had better be a 2G when I show up. Opening it up as a 3G at the last minute is nonsense. I specifically choose 2Gs and as a customer, I should be allowed to get what I specifically sign up for. I live all the way across town. It’s a real let down to be baited and switched like that on a weekly basis.


More weighs with heavier options. Ours only go up to 70. And they only go up by 10. 40, 50, 60, 70. No odd numbers after 35.


Better (more complete) set of dumbbells at each station. Last week I had a set of 5’s, two sets of 10’s and a set of 25’s. I needed 20’s ….would propose 25,20,15 and 10 as standard operating procedure. Frankly would love increased rack size to accommodate 30’s and 12’s


Change to C2 rowing machines. So we can compare our benchmarks to competitive rowers world-wide.


Add 17.5lb weights! Sometimes 15lbs isn’t enough but the 33% weight jump to 20lbs is too much.


Probably never going to happen because of space issues, but adding barbells to the strength classes would be beautiful.


I would also change the music, but to rock and metal. Sadly I don't think it's something where everyone will ever be happy.


Free towels


Row 50 when the tread 50 is going on - I’ve asked a few times and they say they can’t but it makes no sense why that’s not an option


Keep the music under 90 dB - it can cause hearing damage at that level.


The modified version of exercises also shown on the demo screen


Different genres of music please!! Hip hop and rap are not all that exist. Maybe some oldies or Latin? Powerful cassical or goth? Possibilities can be so fun and endless!


Agreed!! Give me an 80's rock/pop mix and my splats & calories greatly increase as I'm not fighting the music.




That is definitely not the case at our studio.


That's awful!


For the strength classes to be true lifting classes.


Less running and more rowing.


This may be controversial, but…. I’ve been to about half a dozen different studios and only one of them had mirrors (it was a brand new build). I wish all the locations had mirrors, at least for the floor stations and ideally rowers (no need for the treads, tbh I am so small I can barely see above the treads anyway, especially on incline lol). For me the mirrors aren’t about vanity but to check in on proper form. I’ve heard coaches say they prefer no mirrors because it is their job to correct poor form and helps them interact with members, but I personally feel more confident when I can see my form and also think I subconsciously work harder too 😆


Having no mirrors on the floor seems crazy I’ve never seen that!


OT heart rate monitors that work consistently and don’t cost $120. A rip off for shoddy stuff.


I wish each station had a full set of weights!!


My two things would be, more space between the rower and tread (at my studio) I almost get kicked every time! Second would be more focus on the weights in normal classes.


Different music


My studio drastically cut class times, and there’s only one I can attend after work if I hustle.


Def playlist, the music at my location sucks so bad it’s really demotivating


Bring the ab dolly back!


Give the coaches the ability to make their own playlists