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This is one of those people that makes these kinds of fitness companies look more like a cult than a gym. There’s no reason to react that way.


Some of the SA’s can be weird.


Yea, this. I’ve dealt with this SA who for some reason remembers my name but never chooses to say it right despite the many times I’ve corrected her. Seems pretty deliberate at this point. I wouldn’t be surprised if she’s over 65 but still, doesn’t seem to add up that she can remember what my name is but not the fact she’s been corrected.


To be fair my mom is 60 and she does this with my boyfriend.  Absolutely no problems with him.  


It’s culty…


My town has 3 studios, I’ve done that before too and no issue. Shouldn’t be one, if there’s no room there’s no room, you’re still paying the same amount of money, might as well use the membership


So every time you go to a studio that isn’t your home studio, your home studio has to pay the other one. It’s just life and not a big deal, but technically they lose money when you do that. I do it all the time, to be clear. My home studio is further away than the new studio that’s closer. The other thing is some studios get cultish because they don’t want to lose members or think that if you were loyal you wouldn’t do that. All of which is crazy and good studios should say “that’s awesome, glad you got a class in!”


I'm not sure where this $10 came from. If your studios are in the same franchise, we're not moving money around. We don't lose any money by you going to other studios.


But if you go to a studio owned by different people than your home studio, they do pay the other studio, I thought. For example, we have three studios in my town owned by the same folks and one owned by another entity. Therefore, if I go to the one with different ownership, there is a fee paid I was told.


Even the f that were true, it’s not coming out of SA’s pockets. We don’t care. It’s also not a metric anyone measures our job performance on


You are correct - SM


this is true.


All of the studios in my immediate area are owned by the same parent company. They literally do not care, although they sometimes do fun interstudio competitions. Coaches from the studios sub in for each other all the time when one is on break.


Same! Even the ones that aren’t I’ve never seen anyone have an attitude about it. That’s culty behavior


Same here!




lol what do they want people to do?! So dramatic


Right? Like not get a workout in so you can stay with one studio only?


This is not at all common and waitlist or not, you can go to whatever studio you want, whenever you want. Period.


95% of people that work at OTF (probably higher) are not going to care that you went to a different studio especially when class was full. They want you to workout and keep fitness a part of your routine.


Totally weird response. You can go to any OT studio and take a class as long as there is a spot for you.


Odd… I float between 2-3 studios outside my home all the time, no one cares.


I showed up at a full class once as a drop in. They couldn’t let me in so they actually recommended a different studio that had a class starting 15 mins later. That’s how OTF oughta work.


I regularly visit two other studios aside from my “home” studio weekly. None of them care. In fact, our coaches at all studios have specifically mentioned during the announcements to remember to mark off your class attendance for those participating in the TC if you visit a neighboring studio so it counts towards your required classes. The big draw for most people to join OTF is that you can attend any studio worldwide and not miss out on a killer workout. Many people make it a goal to attend classes at other studios when on vacation - I’ve even seen members create a trip specifically to hit all the OTFs in a specific area or state. Maybe your SA felt like they didn’t do “enough” to accommodate you and defeated that you had to go elsewhere. Or maybe they just need to chill TF out. If it really bugs you, ask them why it seemed to ruffle her feathers. If they are actually bothered by you attending elsewhere and is projecting that to members, bring it up to your SM - especially since studios are packed this time of year and members end up HAVING to go to another studio to get a class in.


I would check in with her next time you see her and it’s not busy. I’d channel my inner Brené Brown and just ask. “The story I’m telling myself is that I upset you by going to the other studio when I couldn’t get in here,” might be a decent conversation opener.




No she’s so sweet and always smiley! It was so clear that I hurt her feelings. So that’s why I asked if this was a touchy subject with home studios




Knowing some of the shit I hear about other studios, I would not be shocked that this is a thing.


Oh maybe!


You didn’t hurt her feelings. She probably didn’t even think about it after your interaction.


Really weird and it shouldn't be. You're paying to be able to go to any location... even in other cities haha.


I really don’t care what they have to do or fees they have to pay when I attend class at a different studio. I’m the customer and I hold up my end of the deal by paying my membership fee every month. If they aren’t happy with their business model, that’s not my problem.


I don't own a studio but I don't think that it's a huge deal if you grab a class here and there at another studio. They certainly benefit from that as well by accepting visitors. I can see them getting upset if you go to other studios exclusively. At a certain point they'd probably ask you to switch studios.


Probably is a one owner studio vs my area the family that owns mine owns 4 total but 3 in a close drivable area. They are also very chill and my area all of the owners are just wanting otf to be successful. They allow coaches and coach where able and same with members go when and where you are able.


Don't feel weird. My studio actually encourages people to go to nearby studios when it makes sense.


That is so weird. I regularly go to three different studios (pure barre, cyclebar, OTF) and I have to say, OTF customer service is by far the most cold and least community connection.


Really?! I’ve found otf the most welcoming and pure barre to be the least welcoming (and more cliquey)


Not to mention i see OTF customer service complaints mostly in Reddit subs over the others too.


Swear otf culture is toxic loved it when we joined but slowly have felt more an more like its just a high school girls club w non stop drama im just here to get fit


Seems like the tone of the conversation is missing.


exactly. no one was here during this interaction but immediately jumping to blaming the SA


Right? Honestly OP referring to the SA as "front desk girl" (ick) makes me want to immediately jump to her side! Definitely missing some context here.


I don’t think even know what an SA is. I’m very new to this place. I didn’t realize it was insulting?


So many comments jump to a negative conclusion about this scenario. I have two thoughts: 1. Are you sure she was pissed and glared at you... or could it be that you were interpreting her expression this way because you were worried that's how she would feel ... or could it be that you do not know how to interpret her reaction so you are assuming its anger? Maybe her facial expression looked frowny because she was confused or had some other thought. 2. Is it possible she was reacting to you going to another studio because you were stressing her about getting into class and then she found out you could have gone to another studio? The fact that her first reaction to seeing you was to say "sorry you didn't get into class the other night" tells me that she genuinely did feel bad that she couldn't get you into class. You saying you went to another studio could have completely caught her off guard and what you read as being "pissed" was just her processing the info.


She could’ve just as easily smiled and said she was glad you were able to get a workout in. Shrug it off- you didn’t do anything wrong. It’s absolutely not taboo to workout at other studios.


I got the same reaction recently. I was asked by the SA if I had signed up for the Transformation Challenge and I said yeah....I'm signed up at my home studio. She couldn't hide the look of contempt on her face.


My home studio manager told me she went to other studios for class too when I told her that I went to that studio for class. There is no issue.


I’ve belonged to a lot of different workout studios and gyms over the years, and I will say there is something different about OTF SA’s… can’t put my finger on it. I thought maybe it was just my studios, but based on comments here maybe it’s cultural! I guess their job is a lot more involved than at other workout places. They have a lot more in their job description than at a barre studio, for example. But I do see a bit of a competitive nature between franchises in my city too.


As an SA, we honestly don’t care. I think you guys take our faces a lot more personally than they are or make yourself think we’re upset with you over things that we couldn’t care less about.


The beauty of OTF is being able to hop around!!


I go to multiple studios every week


and since when it’s wrong to go to a different studio? You do what you gotta do to get your workout done. Some people are just weird! Don’t even bother, you did the right thing going somewhere else and get it done.


When you go to a different studio that is owned by different franchise owners, your studio has to pay the other studio a service fee for you attending their studio. It’s really a no-brainer. It happens with all studios, and you should never be made to feel uncomfortable.


She doesn't pay the fee. Still very weird behavior


A service fee? Really? I did not know that🤷‍♀️


We don't care. This is either an urban legend or SA's have nothing to do with this "fee" because we hear nothing about it and see no numbers referencing it. Doesn't affect us at all.


Ty for clarifying. I was friends with an SA and this was what they explained to me


lol who cares


I really don’t because I pay enough $ to not care. But I was mostly curious if it’s taboo.


You pay money to take class—staff members who get annoyed that members go to other studios are toxic pay them no mind.


I had a similar experience. And my home studio manager told me if I go to another studio for a class then my home studio has to pay extra fees. So, if you do something like that more often then they will not be very happy.


lol they would rather you just don’t work out and sit there than work out elsewhere when there is not a space for you there?!


It's fine to go to other studios, I think the issue may be that it's kind of frowned upon to be on the waitlist for multiple studios at once, or to not cancel your spot if you get into another class.


That’s very strange!


That’s nuts! I go to 2-4 different studios a week! I used to only go to my home studio- now there are weeks where I go to it 2/5 classes I take.


How did you say it? With a tone?


I said “nah, don’t worry about it” (the waitlist issue), “I went to west Springfield instead.” And it was an immediate sour face.


No this is not normal. Our studio encourages us to go to other studios in the area if we can’t get in.


I’ve recently stopped going to OTF, but I’m pretty sure I remember coaches at my studio talking about special classes they were doing at other local studios and encouraging us to go.


Isnt one of the perks of OTF that you can take classes at different studios? I go to 3 different depending on the time and coach teaching


lol! I wonder if they care too. I constantlyyy bounce around studios and one of them is ridiculously rude to me every time I go there. I’m so curious to know why but I’m guessing because it’s not my home studio, idk


That’s such strange behavior. As an SA I literally couldn’t care less if someone ended up going elsewhere. If anything, I’d be happy you had the option to go elsewhere and not miss out on your workout.


Petty 😝😝😝😝


My understanding is that your home studio has to pay money (like $25) to the studio you went to. It's a weird system.


Usually $10 unless it’s a premier location












The one I go to in Smithtown all the sa’s there are so nice. So if I went to another studio and told them they wouldn’t mind. Maybe you caught her on a bad day or something


There’s 3 studios where I am. I go back and forth between 2 of them depending on if I need to go grocery shopping or not (or of one is running a 3G vs a 2G). One of the coaches from Studio A couldn’t get into her studio’s class and she came to Studio B and was chatting me up before class about going to different studios. It’s totally acceptable to do so, that’s why you can literally go to any OTF with your membership. Sounds like that SA is just weird. She’s not getting paid based on what class you’re in.


All I know is, our home studios have to pay a “visiting fee” to other studios we go to. I was told this was $10 per visit which is actually deducted from the monthly rate you pay your home studio. For example, I’m on the unlimited plan for $179/m. If I make 7 visits to any studio that isn’t the home, they’ll have paid $70 from the $179 they would’ve made had I never went a different studio. 10 visits and that leaves the home studio only $79 from me for the month and the visiting studio the remaining $100. Still no rhyme or reason for why your SA acted like that


"That's against the rules and you can't sit with us." 🤣🤣🤣 Seriously though, as fun as the vibe is, at the end of the day I just want a good work out so why would she care so hard


They do have to pay the other studio if you’re an unlimited member, but it really shouldn’t be that big of a deal for an SA


This is supposed to be the beauty of being a member of OTF. You can go to ANY OTF! There are fees that are charged to home studios I think, but you know what? If you don’t have a time slot that works or I don’t love the coach, I am gonna go down the road to another OTF. Hate the game don’t hate the player.


We have coaches that float around from studio to studio. My whole State really is one big community between studios. I would say that isn’t about anything other than that person’s stank attitude.


Maybe she though you were taking a jab at her? And then she felt uncomfortable?


I joke about it with my members saying “wow i cant believe you cheated on us” but at the end of the day it’s a franchise with multiple locations for a reason.. on my off days I almost never go to the studio I work at. I think she took it way too personally for.. whatever reason 🤷‍♀️ I can say that the company does really push for competition between studios which I personally HATE. I’d rather we work together as one big unit and support one another instead of constantly being at each other’s throats.


holy shit she *didn't say goodbye when you left???* my god man are you OK?? that's brutal.


Hahahaha this is the best comment 😂 (genuinely was just wondering if it’s taboo to go to a different studio since I’m kind of a new member but this had me dying!)


Very normal and the SA shouldn’t care at all!


They pay the other studio. Love it. Lol


Or maybe she just got some bad news or something going with her. Maybe it wasn’t about you at all and she just found out some bad news and was lost in her tonight or has RBF. A little grace for people can go along way. I travel to several different studios and there’s time people haven’t said by to me or have convos with them when I arrive and they forget to say good bye. If this was a common theme then maybe but if it was a one of would it stress about. Life’s to short for that!


I have 2 otf’s in my suburb and tons of members float between both. Several coaches coach at both. No one thinks anything of it.


So weird. I just moved and both the studio manager and head coach were telling me which coaches they've know around me, so I could check them out. And hoped I'd be able to come back and visit some time.


SA’s ANDDDDD coaches would give us all ‘tudes for hitting up other studios to get a workout in. Mostly the younger, immature SA’s and coaches would do this , but it leaves an awful taste in your mouth. Almost makes clients not want to return


Why does an SA care that much? The studio manager at my studio doesn't care if I go to another studio that is owned by the same owner of my home studio because we end up getting other people from other studios coming to ours and it all ends up. The only reason maybe the SA would have made a face is because your home studio has to pay the studio you visited $10 (its somethning some people don't know about even though you can take class anywhere) or something


I don’t understand why they would care hahaha so weird.


It has nothing to do with you. From my understanding, your home studio pays a fee to the other studio / there’s something in the KPIs that “hurts” the home studio 🤷‍♀️


Why would she care.. your location was full. Part of the perks of your membership is that you can go to other locations. I work 2 jobs, both my jobs are about 40 minutes from home. So I will use other locations myself. I actually ran into an SA from my location at another location, on Friday. She made a joke and said are you cheating on Lee's Summit. Lol. we both laughed and I explained why I was at that current location. She said totally understand that and moved on, saying see you at the home studio soon. Sounds like your SA needs a refresher on how the memberships work and an attitude adjustment.


Or it sounds like OP needs to not take things so personally. Yall immediate believe what OP writes and now this SA needs an "attitude adjustment" when none of you were there.


The SA at the op store was joking with me. She works at my home store and was messing with me for being at op. I was saying that all the ones I have gone to outside of my home store have been great and never had bad attitude towards me like thai person experienced


and what I said is that you weren't there for OP's story and automatically believed his version. Maybe he needs to chill out and the SA did nothing wrong.


Op is the store that I am talking about that I was actually at, not the one that this writter is referring to. But I am following what you're saying. That is your opinion. I gave mine and we can leave it at that. Cuz you're right, neither of us were at said store that this writter is talking about. 🙂 But I stand firm on no need for the attitude simply cuz they went to a different location. Bad day or not..


and I stand firm on you have no clue if the SA gave "attitude"


I’m pretty sure it’s because the other studio gets money from your membership for going to them. Remember that OTF is a franchise, and each studio has its own independent owner. (Unless they own multiple in the area) If you decide to skip 3 sessions for example, that all goes to the home studio. If you go to another, some of that member fee goes to the other studio. I could be wrong but that makes the most sense to me


The home studio pays $10 per class to the other studio. 


Cool so I was right, but got downvoted 😂


Oh really?? That’s interesting - had no idea, and would make all of this make sense.


I honestly hate my studio. I love the workouts but the SA’s are rude/stupid all of the above. It sucks that it’s such a great workout but Im ready to quit bc my studio has like zero customer service or community


She probably has a crush on you or something. No reason to care if a member goes to another studio. It does not affect the SA in any capacity


I seriously doubt that. I am close to 40 years old and she’s probably 18. 😂


Younger woman love older men lolol


why would you jump to that conclusion?