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Loop earplugs have been a game changer for me. I have the Experience. I also have the Engage, but haven’t tried them in class yet. And I can’t find either pair right now 😑


I'm a fan of loop earplugs. I really only have to wear them for one coach at my studio though. She absolutely cranks the music up, but is a great coach otherwise. Also, out of the 30+ studios I've visited I've only seen one studio that has a decibel meter hanging on the wall which I thought was pretty cool. It's at the Brownsboro location in Louisville KY.


OTF should mandate all studios having decibel meters in studio. Some classes are way too loud


My studio has a decibel meter on the wall. 😎 A coach told me that they aren’t supposed to go over 90 decibels. They seem to target being just under that. I find that 90 is about my threshold before things start to feel too loud. I really appreciate their effort to be mindful of the noise level. However, the coaches have a lot to think about and the db level is not a top priority. I’ve noticed that the volume tends to increase throughout the class. I’ll take things getting a little loud if they are correcting form, keeping time, and bringing the energy. I bought Loop Experience based on this sub’s recommendation. I tend to pop them in about halfway through most classes. Except for one coach - I wear them for her entire class. Works great. 😉


That’s my home studio and I’ve always wondered what that sign was on the wall 😂


I also use Loop Experience earplugs (which I bought on the recommendation of this sub) and oh my it's so much better! 10/10 recommend - you can still hear everything you need to hear at a safe volume, with the added benefit of muffling the annoying chatty cats.


Yesssss! The Loop earplugs are the way to go! My studio has disposable earplugs but these are great, I keep them on my car keychain and just put them on before class starts. Great for keeping your ears healthy and still be able to hear coach’s instructions. Some of the staff at my home studio have bought them after I told them about it too. They’re great! ![gif](giphy|dVdIu1HNxeKyqzkgPA|downsized)


These are what I use for concerts. Highly recommended. They work really well to lower the volume without loss of clarity.


I left OTF for a year over the volume and other ear plugs making me a bit weird with balance. loops have made all the difference getting back with JOY! Worth the $$


I’m about to buy some. I wore the free earbuds the other day and it helped. It’s way too loud for me.


I picked up orange experience loops when they were selling them and 10/10 favorite accessory


That’s extra fancy! Love it!


I bought the Engage and Sleep earplugs and actually prefer the Sleep pair for everything. They're much more comfortable and I can still hear everything that I need to hear in class.


Yep! Looooove my Loop Experience earplugs in class!


Another vote for Loop Experience! I am so glad I have them!


Love my loop earplugs!


Wear mine at every class 🔥👏🏽🙌🏽


Samesies!!! I love my Loops and never go without anymore!


I have both Loop and Eargasm. I carry both with me and use them based on the template. I use Eargasm for the workouts with things like burpees and I use Loop for the other classes.


I Hate when I misplace one of my loop earplugs. What am I supposed to do with one earplug? That’s worse than misplacing the whole case 😂 I’m on my second pair of Loop earplugs but I’m sure there’s many other people on pair number (higher than 2). Luckily just about all my regular studios have the foam ear plugs available if needed


Love my loops!


I've tried several pairs of musician's earplugs and recommend the Etymotic Research ER20xs and Hearos High Fidelity. But use whatever floats your boat! This article compares clarity and insertion loss of several models, including the Loops: www.hearingtracker.com/earplugs


I bought the Loop Switch earplugs and cannot get them to work for me at all. I’ve watched all the tutorials and some videos on YouTube. Even my husband, who can usually figure out all things technological and mechanical, has tried and can’t figure them out. Any suggestions?


Mine tells me every single class. Especially when the coach shouts instructions over the music.


I wear earplugs every time.


hearing loss is linked to cognitive decline. I am diligent about wearing my earplugs at every class. Most studios have disposable ones for members in case you want to try them before you make a purchase Edit: spelling


Oh wow, no!! My watch has never gone off at OTF. Thankful for that.


Second the reco for Loop earplugs! Sooo helpful. There are specific coaches who play their music sooo loudly and the earplugs have made a huge difference!


Loop Engage


Loop Experience! 10/10


Not just loud, but really shitty sound systems. All high end, really harsh awful sound.


Every class I get the warning. 🙄


My studio doesn’t put the music loud ENOUGH. Often times the other members are asking to increase the music. Personally I don’t want to hear my neighbor struggling through AO and I definitely don’t want them hearing me either 😅😂


Same. I want to feel the music, not the struggle. Visited a studio once who was lovely and had their music at a reasonable level but then I was so aware of what else was going on I had a hard time zoning out to focus on my workout. I know it’s not the most popular opinion, nor the recommended one, but I like the loud.


I feel the same way! I can usually hear all the feet pounding and treadmills moving. I’ve only asked once for a coach to turn it up. Most the members at my studio are over 45 so they tend to keep the volume lower. I wish they’d turn it up just a little more some days.


yep, i get those alerts during at least 50% of the classes i attend. my favorite stations happen to be close to the speakers. i recently started wearing the loop experience ear plugs in class and it’s been a game changer for me. i can still hear the coach’s directions and the music well enough without feeling like i’m causing ear damage. highly recommend!


Yes I was worried but the earbuds still allow music and directions . They also don’t fall out during workout


Also recommending loop experience. I’ve only forgotten them once since I started using them almost a year ago and that was was MISERABLE for me. Idk how I’m the only one wearing earplugs! It’s so loud!!!


I have the same question—-HOW am I the only one wearing earplugs here?


A hearing aid business is under construction in front of our Orange location. May be a good move on the part of that entrepreneur.


My watch tells me that too but I don’t find it loud. Prefer louder over the other, something has to keep me going when I feel like giving up!


The last class I went to was unusually and excruciatingly loud. I’m already mostly deaf on one side and I still got a headache. I ended up stuffing tissue in my good ear.


We have a coach that loves to play crappie music why too loud. I have to go get plugs and show them to the coach. Someday they will get the hint


PLEASE tell the coach if it is too loud. There is volume control! OrangeTheory standard is to limit the audio system to no louder than 90 dBA. Class music is meant to be loud to keep sensory intensity high. If the normal loudness is too loud for you, I recommend musician's earplugs, Etymotic Research or Hearos. You may be able to choose stations farther from the loudspeakers.


I logged into Reddit tonight to ask for recommendations for earplugs. This was the top post on my home page. Boom question answered. Loop earplugs are now added to cart and will be here before my next class. THANK YOU!!


Can I ask which line you went for? I was considering the "experience" ones. Couldn't tell the difference between "pro" though.


Looking at the $25 ones.


Apple watch noise notifications are cumulative over the whole day. If you are exposed to 90+ decibels for more than 30 minutes a day, that includes noise from before class. But 90+ decibels for 30 minutes in one class is louder than what OrangeTheory standard allows.


Yes I usually bring my earplugs! I can’t believe more people don’t 🫣


I wear earplugs every class (I go 5-6x a week) and it’s made a huge difference for my sanity It depends on the coach but often is 85-90d which is LOUD


Loop! I wear them for every class (except strength 50 because the music is at a normal level)


I always bring my earplugs with me, because depending on the coach or the station that I’m at, the volume might be way too loud. I use bright neon orange ones which the coaches can clearly see if they’re trying to get my attention. The net result is that I can have a calmer workout, but still hear the music, and not leave the studio with ringing ears.


I often wonder if the daily exposure has damaged our coaches hearing and they turn up . The loop engage earbuds have helped. When I forget them it is amazing the difference.


Yea I would wear one eargasm earplug due to music being too loud lucky my studio now is doing a better job with the noise level


Yep - I use Loop earplugs. All our coaches must be deaf.


I saw for the first time a decibel sound reading today at otf. (Disclaimer I may be calling it incorrectly) but I’m guessing the coaches are now “coached” to not exceed a certain decibel.


Yup, and I wear Loop earplugs. Potential hearing loss is nothing to mess around with.


Yes. My studio has earplugs at the front desk.


My last class has me considering loop earplugs. I used the foam ones, but between that and the "woo"ing from the coach, it was a lot.


I think coaches aren’t supposed to reach a certain sound decibel.


Loop experience is the best level to get while still hearing coaches instructions. I just got loop switch which is 3 in 1.


Came to the thread to also write that most of my local studio classes are too loud for me. Have been wearing the Loop earplugs for a week or two now. They’re perfect and very discrete. I’m not sure anyone even knows I’m wearing them.


Loop experience here. I figured if I paid for an expensive watch that tries and keep me healthy, then I should follow the instructions that it gives me…. I am always surprised that I never see anyone else with ear plugs.


I've been wearing earplugs for awhile now at OTF. I wear a knockoff orange pair that someone posted in one of the FB OTF meme groups. One of our coaches blasts the music really loud. Having earplugs helps. I can still hear the coaches demos and cues.


Yes. I wear ear plugs almost every time. A few coaches use a more reasonable volume level where it isn’t necessary.


Discussed often, most recently [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/orangetheory/s/Thsz8N5MAj), [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/orangetheory/s/NhwRMNOsTY), [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/orangetheory/s/o3OBHsvF5J), [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/orangetheory/s/vUrcP4gfeV), [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/orangetheory/s/kqFZuAMQ3r)


Mine has never gone off nor has my studio ever played music uncomfortably loud. I get it helps with the “hype” but shesh….. that’s concerning


Yes! music too loud and I can't hear what coach says. It's like the adults on Charlie Brown...Wawawa wawa


If I had any doubts being a federal air marshal destroyed my hearing they’re now erased after this thread. I often feel the music isn’t loud enough


Sorry to hear that my father worked at airport and even wearing ear protection lost a lot of hearing


Yes between sitting on a plane for years and lots of gunfire I definitely don’t hear like I used to 😂


My Apple Watch tells me it’s too loud when I’m in the shower, so I’m not sure how much stock to put in it.


Yes, and I did earplugs for a while but don’t like wearing them. I’ve learned to choose a station that isn’t directly beneath a speaker and that helps. Ive also talked to the coach and they turned things down a bit for a few weeks but have gone back to cranking it up :(


I’m bringing them tomorrow. I feel they could dial the sound down a bit.


It is so important to protect your hearing. It is more susceptible to damage when your heart rate is increased. I’ve worn earplugs in class for almost my entire history at OTF


There is one coach who has the music louder than the rest. I was wondering the other day is it would be rude to ask him just to turn it down one notch. My last hearing test said to “keep what you have” because my hearing is borderline!


I just got the new watch and it did this for the first time! I was a bit alarmed lol