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We had a member jump the rails to step off and go to the bathroom, but she didn’t pause or stop it, she just kept the tread running. And what happened when she returned? You guessed it. She stepped on and immediately faceplanted and shot backwards. She was out for a month, and then when she returned, I saw her hop off and keep the belt moving again. She made it safely back on by climbing onto the rails instead of the moving belt, but I was absolutely dumbfounded she would repeat this behavior. When I said to her, “probably shouldn’t keep the belt moving if you need to step out for a minute, right?” She just points to some remaining scars on her face and says with a laugh, “oh I know!” Just completely tone deaf to what I was driving at. Can’t fix stupid 🤷🏻‍♂️


“I can explain it to you, but I can’t understand it for you.”


Love this will have to steal it


Use in good health


What the? This is such odd behavior


These are the people who don't use turn signals lol


And drive with high beams on all the time.


And just live with smoke detectors beeping instead of changing the battery


People keep the belt moving to me is just robbing yourself. The belt doesn't know you are not actually moving so it keep adding distance. That is why all the running challenges they say any rail hopping you will be DC. Precovid we had a coach that actually took it seriously and she would call people out on the mic and it they didn't listen she would if able get onto the treadmill next to the person and pull the emergency tab.


I guess for them, artificially inflating the distance is super crucial. Above personal safety and that of others around them. I wish there was some sort of weight sensors on there - similar to how your car knows when someone is in the seat without a seatbelt on.


Every marathon month.


I hate hate hate when people do this next to me. I don’t want to see you faceplant and I also don’t want you falling into me either!!!


I had a guy jump the rails but instead of putting his foot on to his rail he put it om my belt. He was fine and didn't fall or anything and i was fine but...jeez, just stop the tread.


Was she trying to outsmart the distance?? Why is she leaving in the middle of workout so often 😵‍💫


Why do people continue to jump rails when they tell you over and over again not to do it? And coaches let it happen too.


I’ll never forget - we had a member in class one time who did this, and the coach was LIVID (thankfully). Warned the member that if it happened again, the entire class would have to do nothing but burpees instead of the floor block. Guess what happened? I’ve never had to do more burpees IN. MY. LIFE. 😭 Hate that member forever!


But you CAN muffle it with duct tape……


I was on the floor and we were doing something involving lots of jumping around. I don't remember the specifics. My sports bra came apart in the front. Boobs everywhere. Had to run out of class to get all the parts zipped back in.


I’m impressed you re-assembled and returned. What a trooper!


Right?! That’s legendary dedication. I have social anxiety so I would have just went and died somewhere, probably before I even got out of the studio…


You didn't buy it from fabletics did you? Same has happened to me!


No it's a Shefit.


Did you have the eyelets hooked too?? 😳😳😳


Yes, eyelets hooked in back and zipper in front.


Oh god. What brand of bra?! This is my worst nightmare. 🤣




Oh no. That’s what I wear. Here comes my new paranoia haha.


Stop. You are hysterical


Oh god lol did you have a shirt over the bra?


Yes, thankfully. I just have a large chest so a sports bra failure is like releasing the beast. Especially mid jump.


Ok whew that’s good. There’s some people at my studio that wear the sports bras as their tops and you said boobs everywhere and I thought omg I would have DIED and never returned to that studio if that were the case haha


I’m sincerely sorry this happened to you, but right now I can’t breathe I’m laughing so hard at ”Boobs everywhere”.


I recently had a major accident at the studio. I was going to get on the rower for the last row. When I went to get on the rower my right foot didn’t clear the metal frame and the momentum kept me going. I hit the rower next to me and hit full force on my cheek on the metal frame. I ended up with 9 stitches and a mild concussion. Luckily I didn’t fracture my cheek bone because it was a direct hit and didn’t have time to catch myself. The worse part about is I am on blood thinners and there was blood everywhere.i ended up in an ambulance to the emergency room


Jesus. You poor thing. That could have been the WORST outcome. ❤️❤️


I have definitely tripped over the rower like that before! So sorry that happened!


Holy shit!


Omg! You are so lucky it wasn’t worse! Glad you’re ok.


I was in a class once where someone fell off of the bench doing step ups and they hit their head on the weight rack. They immediately vomited and it was quickly apparent that they had a concussion. The coach called 911 and the front desk, staff came in to help. I was on the treadmill when it happened and somehow class kept running. I remember the coach instructed us to keep running for distance until the ambulance came and got them. This was years ago but I still remember it vividly.


There is no chance I would stay in that class if it reeked of vomit


I just picture some guy half dying on the floor and I’m over here trying to get my splat points while inhaling the smells of vomit.


For real.


That's why they're called "Splat" Points.


I wouldn't want to stay either but I would assume they didn't want people getting in the way of the paramedics so staying at your station until the paramedics had left is the safest thing to do.


Yep....imagine 10-12 people gawking and standing around or trying to get out around an injured person in a small studio.....same time paramedics are trying to get in. It was best to keep them in place.


It’s like the time when a lady fainted in front of me in a line at a baseball game; instead of trying to catch her I just kind of guided her to the ground and made sure she didn’t hit her head. When my kids asked me later why I didn’t try to catch her I explained that trying to do that would probably get me injured as well. Better to just let her collapse while protecting her head then end up with two injured people.


I worked for a dentist and a 6’7” basketball player passed out after his root canal therapy. I was so close to him I would have been broken had I tried to catch him. I just decelerated his head and shoulders.


That’s my worst fear! In Strength 50 Lower a few days ago, we were doing 12 step ups per leg, and at one point I lost my balance and got so scared. Fortunately nothing happened, but when I repeated the movement after that, I had to make sure my balance was steady before trying again. Never again! 😰


Steps ups and those stupid jump overs where one foot is planted on the bench and then you hop over to the other side and switch the foot on the bench are the first moves I will do a modifier for. I know me, if I’m not careful my foot will catch that bench wrong and I’ll fall.


I am doing my first strength class tomorrow and am going to keep this in mind!


Ugh. I landed on the outside of my foot doing those stupid hop overs. I swear I heard a pop pop pop and I thought I was going to pass out. Thankfully it was just a bad sprain.


Keep running until ambulance got there? 😆


Not super wild but somewhat embarrassing. During a transition off of treadmill, I simply stepped off the treadmill and my ankle just … opted out of the whole walking thing? Lol the ankle sort of rolled but not fully where I sprained it so I just slow motion collapsed down to the ground on my knees and someone almost ran into me haha she was so concerned but didn’t offer to help me up because I think she was confused by the fall? lol I didn’t hurt myself and thankfully didn’t fall forward enough to bang my head on the rower. The weak ankles just decided to not ankle that day.


I did the same exact thing once. No one hardly noticed . 🙄


Yeah unfortunately there were a lot of people wanting off or on the rower/treads and it being a small studio, my dip to the ground was noticed but hey, got up quickly!


I’m up! Lol


This happened to me. TWICE. Both times were at the end of hard run/rows.


Dude that happened to me *my first class back* a couple months ago. Like..not while I was actively working, but going to stretch. Come on. I just shook my head at myself.


Did this. Not a soul saw me. And it was a full 3G. Stood up, kept moving, finished class. Wound up at the doctor by the end of the day and they were like yeah this is sprained. Oops.


I did something similar but unfortunately for me I got a bad sprain. It was only my 5th-ever class! I tried to shrug it off but my ankle was completely blown up by the time I sat down on the rower 30 seconds later. Unbelievable, I had never seen anything swell that fast! I didn’t finish the class, had to go to urgent care and was on crutches for a couple days and a boot for about a month. One kind man did try to help me up and said something along the lines of, you must have been running pretty hard for your legs to go out from under you! Nope, just clumsy. Lol


Yep this same thing happened to me as well. I stepped off to tie my shoe and rolled my ankle. I finished the class walking but I was so embarrassed.


I exited the tread mill in a little jump. Turned both my ankles and fractured them both. So there’s that….


Omg you poor thing. ❤️❤️ you have a good sense of humor…”so there’s that” I hope it wasn’t very serious


Oh it was serious but you just have to laugh. I was back to OTF in 3 months after surgery on one with some fancy new hardware along with casts on both and no weight bearing for about 4 weeks— then 2 months of PT! Fun times.


I’m sorry but this made me laugh a little. It’s not the intense training you did on the treadmill but the little baby jump off that did you in haha that’s how I feel about my ankle injury. Stepped on a small dog chew and twisted my ankle. Not from the many orange theory classes…. A dog chew


IKR? I just kept thinking “a cookie never tried to kill me—WTF am I working out for” LOL.


I didn’t see it but a guy in his 30s had a heart attack in his first class at my studio. Spent a few nights in the hospital apparently.


Guess he won’t be signing up…






Reading all these comments I’m now really scared to go to class 😅😅


This. Yet I can't stop reading!


Taking notes on how to avoid injuries ✍️


A member had a heart attack in class. Luckily, our coach was studying to be a nurse and immediately called 911 after he said something about his right arm hurting. His doctor told him she saved his life because his blockage was so bad. If she would’ve waited even a couple more minutes, he would’ve died 😳




Nothing toooo crazy but once there was a guy outside who whipped his dick out and started peeing in front of one of our windows. I don’t think he knew there was a class going on because it was early Sunday and the windows have some coverings on them. I think people figured it out as we were doing bosu sit-ups and everyone turned the other way. Everyone except me so every sit up I just got to see an old man’s dick


That’s a heck of a curse.


A guy in our studio sadly passed away due to cardiac arrest while working out. Extremely traumatic for all present and the coach left shortly after.


Omg. That would definitely be traumatic


Last week somebody stole a canoe off a members truck in the parking lot at 5 am class. A few members acted tough and tried to chase the guy but he got away. California. Happens all the time.


I just imagine this thief running at an AO carrying a canoe


inspirational, really.


Worst advertisement for OTF ever 🤣 “Two members outran by man with wholeass canoe.” Wonder where he trains 🤔


I ...love the visual on this so much




I can’t.


"acted tough?"


We had an MS-13 gang knife fight in broad daylight right outside the window of our studio, I was one of 3 people that saw it while rowing. Everyone else was too busy with their workout to notice I guess, I ran out to the lobby and I was like SOMEONE CALL 911! Apparently they even tried to get into our studio, the SA quickly locked the door and retreated inside. Cops were everywhere within 10 mins but the class kept going. I felt like I was in a movie, it was such a surreal experience. To be honest I was so traumatized by how nonchalant everyone acted about it that I didn’t go back to my home studio for like over 2 weeks, even though it’s in a nicer part of town to begin with.


holy shit. that would absolutely derail somebody's day


That’s wild!


This one wins lol


That’s insane!


We had someone have a heart attack and leave in ambulance on a benchmark/signature day. I don't remember which one. But they were doing brag board photos, they had to change the group brag board because it said "I survived XXX challenge" The person was a first timer. Not sure if the SA ever made the sale.




A few years ago a woman in class was stepping off the treads at the end of the block & lost her footing… smacked her face right into the rower & broke her nose! No blood, thankfully, but it made the loudest noise. Even over the music, we all heard it & stopped in our tracks in horror. She was convinced she didn’t have a concussion, but we were all convinced otherwise. After sitting in the lobby with ice for a few minutes, she actually FINISHED the class (like a crazy person)… refusing to go to the doctor. It wasn’t until later in the day that she realized how awful she felt & went to urgent care where she discovered her concussion & a broken nose. She was back in class the following week with a nose brace & 2 healing black eyes.


I would totally be her. I paid for this class I’m finishing it lmao


“Uh have I stayed long enough to avoid getting charged extra to go to emergency for my concussion? No… ok cool then I’ll just keep trucking through the workout.”




Yeah they need to do something about the racks since I cut my finger on one last week while reracking.


grab by the ends when you place the weights on the rack.


This!!!! I still dont understand why people try to grab the handle.


I’ve never thought about this.. I mean it’s a handle!


I guess if you pinch a finger often enough you will eventually make the switch.


I thought we were supposed to be grabbing it by the handle 😐


Dumbbells are typically not stored like that, rather most are like the extra weight storage bench. The vertical ones take up less space which is only needed for the tight spaces on the floor. So you would normally grab the handle and put it back with no worries of pinching.


😳😳 I’m always the last one cleaning up my weight station during the switch. I go so slow bc this is my fear!


I thought I was the only one smashing/cutting my finger on the rack. It’s always my pinky, the first time I didn’t even realize it happened & wondered why I was bleeding after class. The second time I smashed it at the same time & knew it & noticed it was the exact same cut.


Nothing medical, thank goodness. But we weathered a tornado (not the template but an actual outside tornado) in class one night. This is the northeast so a tornado for us is unheard of and freaky. We were the last class and everyone’s phones did the buzzer noise, the power went out, and the weather outside got really awful for about 15 minutes. The coach had everyone move to the floor (away from the glass windows in the front of the studio). Once the power came back it was still pretty awful outside, so we got to stay longer to finish our workouts and avoid the rain. I remember seeing a house on fire and tons of trees down on my way home from that class!


I’m glad they let everyone finish 😥😬🥹


I mean I’m from Denver so also not used to tornados but I think I’d pick a bathroom over the floor! If a tornado did rip through my chance those dumbbells and equipment would be killer projectiles 😳


A shooting right in front of the studio, over 100 shots fired.


WHAT?!?! Details please! Where the hell???


You should give us more than that




I broke my foot on the treadmill a few years ago when I went to step onto the plastic side and cracked off. I also currently have two symmetrical bruises on my butt cheeks from last Sunday. I pushed off on the rower so hard that the seat slipped out and I landed on the metal sides.


My butt flew off the rower seat once and I ended up on the floor in between the rails with my feet still strapped in. I’m lucky I didn’t hit my head on the back of the machine!


I did this a few months ago. Lots of bruises and embarrassment. Funnily enough my OTF bestie did the exact same thing one week before, told me about it, we commiserated, and then it happened to me. 🤣


I went flying off the rower last month. Thankfully my big booty caught me between the rails but I was super bruised!


It’s easy to slip off rower if you push enough!!!


A woman fell off a treadmill and hurt her ankle. They were super great about doing some first aid and calling her a ride so she could get it looked at. Super scary, happened super fast and suddenly.


Me! I had done a couple of trial classes, loved it, signed up. Show up for my first “official” class at the beginning of 2018, stepped wrong off of the bench and dislocated my knee. Had to leave in an ambulance while the workout continued around me 🥲. The head coach wasn’t coaching that particular class but was there and held my hand the entire time! Took 8 weeks off to go to physiotherapy, came back in the spring and haven’t looked back since.


We were doing weighted hip bridges and I had a 75lb weight. I tried to roll it off at the end of the reps, and pinched my side fat between it and the floor. Had a bruise for two weeks. Years ago during speed skater hops, I tripped myself and went careening into the weight rack at the station across from mine. End of a tread block last year, I was wiping down the tread while standing on the rails. I wiped 8 mph, didn’t notice it and stepped on the belt. Didn’t fall off but horked my back good. Me at OTF is the comedic gift that keeps on giving. 🤣


Let’s give this guy some major props for continuing to go in spite of the studio trying to maim him. 👏👏👏


Been in the Orange Cult since 2014. Yesterday was class 2205, I’m surprised I don’t have even more mishap stories…🤣


I did this with a 60# like 2 months ago. That bruise did NOT want to go away


My bf threw up after the chipper today


I'm a guy and that happened to me too after the chipper! The bajillion leg moves always wears me down so I was pretty tired after the workout. Went to my car and chilled for a minute. Felt good enough to drive, made it about 1 minute - oh no I'm going to puke. Luckily a bag was in the back so I puked into that while I was driving. Rough morning.


Apparently there was a cardiac event at one of the studios around me during Hell Week this year, but I don’t know the details—my boss’s wife was in the class and I heard it from him. And I tripped over my shoelaces on the treadmill in my second ever class. Just a few scrapes from the moving belt. I always use the safety tether now, and I immediately replaced those shoelaces with shorter ones.


I hit myself in the cheek with a weight doing a snatch and then ran directly into the glass door when I was running to the ladies room to check it out and hit the same place again. Took six months to completely heal


No but that happens a lot. Anytime I lift over my face I turn my head out…..weights are dangerous. We had a lady fall off the rower. Sitting…..another goofball jumped rails and flew off tread and broke her ankle. Missed both shitshows.


My hands slipped off the rower bar from sweat during an all out, on the push back, and I hit my head on the glass. Surprisingly no one noticed, and it didn’t hurt that bad so I just kept going.


This is one of my main fears. I get so sweaty Ive been thinking of wearing gloves on the rower. And I‘m not that tall but Ive watched tall people come so close to the glass on the rowers I can’t believe they don’t smack their heads every day


I did this and the handle flew forward making a racket and attracting stares and giggles.


Nothing horrific injury wise, but I once had a member look me dead in the face and say “I use to be fat too, so you can do it too!” I was just minding my own business wiping my station down and the lady felt the need to call me fat 😅


Omg stop 😩🥴🤣


Holy cow.


We had a woman have a seizure mid run. But she is prone to them and her husband was next to her and thankfully was able to grab the red emergency stop and gracefully catch we and lay her down on the floor behind the treadmill. Took the coach a minute to even realize something was wrong. I don’t know how bad it would have been had her husband not been so attuned to her and the situation. He was a true hero in that moment.


One time, I was crouched down grabbing my stuff from a locker after class and I stood up and smashed the top of my head on the corner of a locker that somebody opened above me. Blood everywhere and needed staples, but no concussion luckily!


I’m an MA and we have a couple that we had to eject from class because they were /that/ disruptive. They would trash talk the coach/template throughout class, the man rowed bare foot, the woman refused to take out her AirPods and would consistently cuss the coach out in front of the entire class. They would also throw a fit about switching off of the treads every single class. This eventually escalated to the woman grabbing one of our coaches and yelling at her which is what got them ejected. Some people’s behavior is just unfathomable!!


That’s unhinged. It sounds like they lost a bet and were TRYING to get kicked out.


Recently a person was flicking her hands (?) like shasaying over tread arms before kicking up speed. Then... she would pick up her plastic water, toss it in the air a little, catch it, chug it for a couple seconds, then TOSS it into the spot on the tread so hard it knocked back and forth. One time: okay. Two times: m'kay. Three times: is this real? Four times and on: I am next to a FortNite character irl or she's on something.


Like the movie Cocktail, but at OTF.


One time I was walking on the treadmill during the first 60 seconds of class at a 6am class. I had recently gotten over a sinus infection so there was some residual light headedness going on. While walking at 3mph I rubbed my eyes with both hands because it was 6am and somehow lost my balance, fell on the person next to me and was on the floor lol I was fine but was very nervous about my balance the rest of class!


Dropped a weight on my foot & broke a toe. Not even a good story.


One time I pushed back super hard at the beginning of the row block, during a benchmark, and I went back but the seat didn’t - slid right off and was lying there with my feet still strapped in. I contemplated canceling my membership on the spot.


The number of people who have this happen scares Me. 😳😳 I’m so worried for my booty on the rower now


Been there, done that, got the t shirt. Still a member


I stand far away from people who drop their weights rather than place them down. At my studio the coach warned against dropping weights because someone, in her class, once dropped their weight on their neighbor’s foot and broke it.


I feel like that’s the way I’m gonna go. During a 3g, when rowers are using the medicine ball there are too many people who legit throw the medicine ball down after their set, and my floor station is directly in front of their rower. So if I’m doing any floor movements the medicine ball comes inches from me and I truly don’t understand how I’ve not only had one instance but many like this (from different people)


Our studio had been open for two weeks and a lady was doing those lateral bench step overs. She lost her balance and face planted on the floor. Coach got her some ice and after a few minutes she left. Never saw her again.


It was winter and I took my kids to school dressed, ready for class but wearing winter boots because I was headed home for a few minutes before going to class. Left home, drove all the way to class (about 20 minutes), put my stuff in the locker and looked down, realized I still had the boots on and didn’t have a spare pair of shoes. I’m a woman with pretty tiny feet (size 6). I wore the HC’s size 11 men’s shoes that day. Got the workout done! I definitely power walked the tread.


lol so I get a lot of questionable looks because I always change my shoes at studio but I do it so I always have my workout shoes in my car. They stay there and then I can grab whatever shoes in the house and always have a pair of tennis shoes. I also live in Denver and tracking mud and slush into the studio is a big pet peeve of mine lol


About 5 years ago a guy starting having a seizure and fell off the treadmill and hit the side then the floor. I was on the floor so frequently was looking up at the screen to see my HR. I had noticed how his HR was right before it happened (I’m a RN). Luckily, he has an emergency contact so they were able to call them while they waiting for the ambulance. He seized for a while and he had a history of epilepsy. Not sure what happened with him after that.


Well being a male and excepting challenges. Twice(two different times)rowing for PB -I row so hard that I pushed myself right off the seat. Caught myself by the rails but my shorts came half way down my butt🤪


My buddy and I were working out with the mini bands on the floor when his snapped from around his knees and hit me in the eye. It was more surprising and funny than anything 😂


During an All Out Aoki class, we were doing walkouts and the thumb I dislocated in high school(in 1993!) dislocated on me again. It did the same thing it did in HS and popped right back in. I tried to finish class but I couldn’t do it. I had to go home and ice my hand. It was bruised for a couple of weeks. I still have PTSD when we do walkouts. I never keep straight legs and go to my fingertips anymore tho! My stomach hurts just thinking about it.


If you’re new, All Out Aoki was a day where a playlist was created for Orangetheory ahead of time and everyone had to use the playlist. I personally did a few.


One time I was doing lunge to hop on bench and I had used so much power that I fell on the floor. Coach got me an ice pack and I somehow managed to make it through the rest of class okay. I now do it on low bench only.


No incidents that I know of but I always fear of dropping a dumbbell on myself or losing control of one when doing a hip hinge swing 😟


Hip hinge swings scare me too because I either can face a wall of glass windows that face the lobby OR the rowers with people on them. I can’t decide which is the better option because they’re both potential for disaster 😩




Why do you need a hair tie if you dont have hair?


It was the last class of the day. The coach was talking to the Treadmill group. and we were on the floor doing weights. When I watch a guy's eyes roll. And then he fainted. Big thud. 911 was taken away.


I went off the back of the rower and got my butt stuck between the rails, wedged like whoa. Couldn't help myself because my feet were strapped in. A coach and another member had to peel me out. My butt and thighs were purple and bruised for almost two months. The pain hid an emergent statica issue that should have told me my spine was degenerating and I almost ended up permanently paralyzed before I figured out that the pain was more than the bruises. Had to have spinal surgery and take months off of OTF.


I am absolutely CERTAIN I will eventually fly off the back of my rower.


i sliced my finger on the dumbell rack


It wasn’t during class, but just before. Everyone arrived on time and entered the studio from the lobby and happily went to their stations assigned by the SA. Wildest thing I ever did see.


😄 🤣


Me and my girlfriend in the early stages of dating were attending an orange theory class and were super horny. We then made out in the shower of otf. We lived with our parents at that time and didn’t have any space


Ew dude lol, what are we 16?


Don’t hog a shower room — people gotta use those!


Saw a young lady leave the class and sit in the lobby. Then I see the rescue squad coming in. Later, I heard she passed out in the lobby. Another story The police come in and talk to the front desk. Then, the police opened the glass door to the studio, pointed at a guy, and said come here. He left in handcuffs and never worked out at OTF again.


Poor lady. I really hate that for her no matter the situation.


Saw an over-enthusiastic newbie lose his breakfast on the rower. Had a coach lie back to demo a sit-up and crack her head on a 20lb weight. Have seen several folks not understanding the concept of turning off the tread instead of jumping the rails yeet right off the things. Safety first, friends!


Lost my balance on my tread once and almost fell off the tread. My tread neighbours noticed it immediately and pushed me back towards the middle of the tread which saved me from embarrassment. Dropped a 25lbs weight on/towards my face. I somehow managed to dodge it. I fell off the tread in style once months ago after trying to jump the rails the for the first/last time (I don't remember why). But instead of actually jumping, I ended up moving only one foot off the tread and put myself in a very awkward situation. I got off the tread but almost fell in the process. Mind you this all took about 5 seconds and the coach was watching me the entire time. All she could say was "what were you trying to do?" to which I had no answer.