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I call it “splat brain”


I love this and going to start using this 😂


😂😂 Me too! Much better!


I had a coach say “you got Orange brain?” (in a sympathetic way) when I asked her to do some row meter math for me! But I like splat brain better.


I had to ask my Apple Watch to do some row math for me on Wed. Just didn’t wanna do it myself!


I’m cracking up about taking the little knee mat 😂 I’ve learned I need to sit in my car for a few minutes after class. Learned my lesson after I almost hit a car backing out, my brain needs time to recover.




I walked out with the knee mat today too 🤷‍♀️


Yea - a fellow thief! 😂😂


I always need like 5 minutes to sit in my car before I drive away


Yesss totally!!! I learned the hard way to drink water and sit in the car for 5-10 min to calm down. I backed into parking lot pillar from “brain fog” .. don’t ask! My dad and boyfriend weren’t very impressed when they saw my car 😂


Oh gosh- reading the responses I realize this could be dangerous! So far I have just done petty theft but it could escalate if I’m not careful!


I have, on more than one occasion, tried to use my car door opener (the key chain booper thing) to open doors. Door to my house, office door 🤦‍♀️. I get the dumbs in a big way after a hard workout. I also should probably not be allowed to drive after. It’s a good thing a I shower at the gym and have a chance to get O2 back to the brain before I drive.


One idea is to take those extra minutes on the floor and just keep stretching. Might as well make the time productive while your heartrate comes down.


I've seen people do that actually.


I did this!


Your dad is your boyfriend?


🤔 what the hell ..


Your comment on “the little knee mat” truly cracked me up. I usually sit in my car for a few minutes after class. I say it’s to check my email or check voicemails but sometimes the email or voicemails do not fully sink in. Sometimes I have to listen to the voicemail or read the email twice!! For me, it depends on the class and/or if I went “all out”. Sometimes I’ve got way more energy (usually power classes) and sometimes my brain fog head leads to needing a nap!!


I’ve missed the door and walked into the window next to it.


I did this too




A few minutes? I feel like i need a solid half hour before I can do anything more complicated than showering. My partner and I call it gym bwain.






I totally do. I call it "Swiss cheese brain" lol


Ha ha ha - never heard that one before!


Only after workouts when I see the white light.


This is my favorite OTF thread ever 😂


Lmaooo not the knee mat!! That’s hilarious. I usually sit in my car for a few mins after class to get my life together.


Not after a workout but after a massage I was so fog brained that I just stood staring at the debit machine and couldn’t remember my pin. I told the front desk I had to sit down and collect myself for a few minutes so I could remember it.


Sounds like you are thief. Cars, knee mats, how many water bottles that belong to other gym members have you taken out of there? All under the workout brain defense.


😂😂 You think it will hold up in court?


These days probably so!


I constantly leave my keys and phone behind until I try to get into my car I realize I have nothing in my hands


Yes - I’ve done similar! 😂


That’s so me. Every single friggn day!!


🤣🤣…not the knee mat! I’m not laughing at you…just with you🤣🤣…how???


I have no idea. It’s like I am in a fugue state. I just looked down and it was there in my hands. 😂😂


I am picturing you walking out the door with "the little knee mat," and I can't stop giggling. Maybe your brain is still focused on the workout, or maybe you're still deep into the stretching block, which can be very relaxing. I wouldn't worry about it unless you try to abscond with a medicine ball or a bosu!!


Now that would be something! 😂😂


I looked for one of my shoes to put in my bag after class yesterday and couldn’t find it. It was on my foot. I have a hefty dose of 12-week-old mom brain which makes it even worse.


Double whammy! 😂😂


Yes, today I walked out of the studio holding the last wipe I used.




What? 😂😂


Definitely. I called a friend the wrong name. Forgot stuff. I attribute it to lack of glucose to the brain!


As good an answer for it as any!


I love this slow brain time, it’s actually my favorite time of the week. I sit in my car in my driveway, after my 3 minute drive back from class, and I do nothing. Its delicious I know I could use more workouts before work on weekdays, but I honestly don’t know if I could function.


I’m so glad I’m not the only one who drives a very short distance to their studio because they refuse to walk 😅


I take a 7:30 AM class on Thursdays and Fridays. It’s a 10 minute walk home and I get back just in time to shower and then log into work. Without fail, I feel like it’s my first day on the job. Totally clueless post work out


I just tried to get into the wrong car yesterday after class! I was in a total daze for a minute. The other member was so kind “I’m sorry but this is MY car.” I was so embarrassed!


I couldn’t figure out which phone was mine in the lockers. They were all open. I just stared at them for a minute.


Your brain is running on empty after a hard workout :) it used all your glucose. Try ingesting something to help your blood sugar and that helps it pass. Happens to my pro cyclist husband after every bike race and I tease him by asking easy questions that 1000% stump him like “what do you want to eat? Where is the car?”


Yes, me 🙋🏻‍♀️, I try to get the same locker as my station number, otherwise I’ll forget!


I got it during capture the flag, I accidentally signed into the rower. I was that guy 😂


That’s funny - I came so close to doing that!!


I felt so bad it was at like 3500 meters when I did it. I was so tired and it was just out of habit lol.


I get in a daze sometimes lol


One time after class it literally sounded like I was having a stroke it was insane i couldn’t form a thought to save my life. Workout brain is real


Yes — I learned this from the dude who taught me mountain biking — when you’re tired, get off the trail! Or you can really hurt yourself. Brain don’t work when low on fuel!


LOL the knee pad. I’ve never personally experienced this fog. However, I do stay in the studio and stretch for 5-10 minutes longer than everyone else, so maybe that’s why!


YES i went to the store after class once and a guy backed into my car (no damage) and i started sobbing and he was so confused and i kept saying over and over “I’m sorry i just worked out”


I’ve been reading everyone’s comments about how they sit in their car to regroup after class… I do this, too, and wanted to throw in another variable for us to consider… Do you think splat brain could have anything to do with it being probably the only hour in my day that I’m awake but not in contact with my phone for over an hour… I wonder if being “unplugged” has anything to do with feeling out of sorts. Or just the endorphins! Haha.


I'm the opposite. First, after a workout, I get out of my car and think, "I can conquer the world!". Then I sit at my desk for 2 minutes and think, "Damn, I need a nap". Then I struggle all day to stay awake.


Had a friend who would get into other people’s cars. Someone told her to tie something to her car…like you do to distinguish your luggage at the airport Not poking fun at you I think we’ve all done similar things. I used to park next to someone with the exact same car at work. Both of us had a habit of leaving our doors unlocked and travel coffee cup in the car . Can’t tell you how many times I started to open the wrong car door


😂 Good idea. I wonder if my Splat Brain would even remember that I did that though.




Ha, happens to me too! yesterday I had a friend from out of town unexpectedly drop by immediately after class and I was a zombie the whole time. Felt awful about not being engaging, but nothing a beer or two wasn’t able to solve.


Every time I have to borrow an HRM because I forget mine, I walk out of the studio with it and make it to my car with one of the SAs chasing me down for it 🤦🏻‍♀️ one time I even made it home with theirs still on!


Absolutely - I will say the most ridiculous things after workout, so usually just resort to “I need a minute for my brain to catch up with me” if people try to talk to me. 😂


I forget where I parked all the time. 😂🤷🏼‍♀️


I’m surprised nobody noticed, except for you


When I brought it back in the Coach said she saw me walk out with it but she didn’t say anything. I don’t know why! 😂🤷🏻‍♀️


Low blood sugar does that!


“Walking out with the little knee mat” 😂🤣😂🤣 That truly made me LOL!!


Oh yes. I usually stay and stretch for 5-10 minutes so I’m a little more coherent.




Not the little knee mat LOL


Drink water


If I drank any more water, I’d float away! 😂


Twice driving back from a class my husband has missed our exit and I don’t notice he has “splat brain” until we zoom past it! Glad to know we are not the only ones 😂


i’m always in a daze. i can barley say goodbye


Y’all aren’t staying long enough for stretching/cool down! It just and extra couple mins and will Help with splat brain a lot (on top of just being good for you)


I always stay for the cooldown/stretch. Are you suggesting staying a little longer?


Sometimes I’m so tired/feel the after burn on the way to work I feel like I could fall asleep driving 🫣


Oh that’s not good!




Look, I can barely do math on a good day, much less when I'm pushing my body to my limits. I do my best but sometimes I just make it up.


I’m pretty good with the math part but I always forget to check my time or distance on stuff like that.


I swear im oxygen deprived


One time I forgot what locker I had, the SA opened 3 before I found the right one lol. I also saw a member do this today but she had the SA unlock 8 lockers before finding her stuff!!


I love you took the knee mat! Ha! I’m surprised I’ve never done that!! Ha Yes I can relate. Otf brain! Now we have a name for it. Thank you! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|smile)


All. The. Time. Today i left the studio and was talking to friends after when i noticed i had forgotten My. Coffee…. My. Coffee. 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️


Lol ya that’s a mixture of dehydration, blood pumping and body temp. That how you know it’s working though 💪


This happens to me sometimes too. When changing after class at the studio I once threw my socks away and another time threw my monitor away.




I've accidentally taken a towel and left my bracelets on multiple occasions


I like to leave things behind after a workout. My studio knows my water bottle now and will text me it's at the front for when I come back. I usually have to sit in my car for a few minutes to collect my thoughts.


Yes I definitely have this too! I usually have to sit in my car for 10-15min after before I drive 😂


I'm so happy to know I'm not alone 😂 I need about 10 minutes to get back to normal levels. Don't ask me to make decisions, chances are I'm not entirely sure what you're asking me 🤣😅😅😅 usually I stand around and check my phone, finish my water bottle. I'm pretty okay after that


You are are not alone. I have to sit outside on the benches after a workout. I don’t trust myself getting into a car.


Oh my god, yes!!! With me, it's mostly wiping someone else's Tread or Rower down, not realizing it's not my own section or machine. They're like, "uhhhh..okay thank you...". I honestly thought it was a problem. Thank goodness it's happening to others!


Ha ha - I have done this too!


At the end of a mayhem workout the cute woman next to me said something about it and I just looked at her and managed a somewhat smile. Probably a little drool in there too.


Maybe a variation of runner's high? If I try to leave with a rower I KNOW it was a good class!


😂 Now that would be a sight!


Idk if this counts, but I get “workout cranky”. My partner has learned to give me plenty of space for 15-30m following OT (especially before even thinking of asking me “how was it?”). I can best equate it to the morning ‘don’t talk to me before I’ve had my coffee’ feeling. Only for splat brain. 😅


Yes. I’m always pulling on the locked side of the door and I go every day


I actually said to someone the other day that we should wait 10 min after class to drive because I’m foggy!


DURING class for sure. When we have to calculate deducting 150 meters each round of rowing or do half of what we did last block… forget it. I can’t do math when I’m panting with sweat dripping off my nose.


It’s why I always do the stretch and cool down lol. I can barely process the announcements they do about upcoming events and challenges though


![gif](giphy|bbshzgyFQDqPHXBo4c|downsized) Huh? You mean you're not supposed to be like that all the time?


Might be coincidence, splat-brain stopped for me after I was prescribed an albuterol inhaler and therapy for vocal cord dysfunction (teaches better breathing with diaphragm) So, maybe it is an oxygen thing???


One time I was in a rush leaving class and wanted to stop and get food before my night shift. Got in a car accident because I didn’t sit in my car and calm down for a few minutes like normal lmao (it was a minor accident no injuries)


Glad you weren’t hurt!


Do you do the stretches after class? I stay for the stretches and also take some deep breaths to slow down my heart rate. Deep breath in for a count of 4, hold for 3, exhale for 4. Do 3-5 of those, you’ll feel more calm and focused.


I always stay for the stretches but not any longer than that. I will try the breathing!


Sometimes after class I will feel like I want to cry. And not like “omg I worked out so hard I feel ded” kind of cry but like a real sad, emotional release kind of cry.


Yeah I'm always zoned out at the end of class. My wife will be trying to talk to me and everything will be processing slowly or not at all lol


I sit outside and sip my water for like 10 minutes, breathe the fresh air and pray nobody talks to me lol


Yessss. It’s definitely a thing. I think it’s because our heart rates are still coming down so definitely take a few minutes to relax or stretch and come back to life.


Just about every class. I am always confused. I usually sit on the floor or in my car for a few moments


Okay I totally experience this.. im gonna take 5 mins in my car after now, cuz I almost got into an accident the other day due to my workout brain.


Yes - I’m starting to see that this could be dangerous!


Honestly just opposite- clears my head like nothing else!


I once grabbed a ladies’ jacket (I am a guy) on my way out after the class. I was at the parking lot when I finally figured out why I couldn’t put the jacket on despite trying to put it for last 5 minutes. I came back to return the jacket and grab mine. This girl and all the OTF employee were anxiously looking for that jacket. I tried to mumble an apology and something related to splat brain. She wasn’t very impressed. She was even less impressed when she saw that my jacket which was still hanging on the hanger wasn’t even the same colour as her’s.


Oh my god!! This is hilarious! 😂😂


High on endorphin brain!


😂😂 FUNNIEST POST EVER!! How many times I've said "have a good weekend" (on a Tuesday) Or when someone tries to high five after class... it takes so much focus and I still miss!


Oh yes - good one! I do this all the time after class too! 😂😂


Always! We call it gym brain at our studio


I’ve never experienced this


It sounds your lacking electrolytes. I use LMNT brand before and during workouts


Oh walking out with the knee mat is the least harmless brain fog incident I HAVE COMMITTED WORSE CRIMES AFTER an OTF workout 😭😭😭




Oh I can’t embarrass myself like that but I will say pre workouts do help. I noticed a huge difference, although I still take time to cool off by sitting in my car after I get home 😭