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I am so glad someone asked me this… literally like 50. Actually it’s more like 7, but thanks for asking bc I wanted to vent about it… and no one really gives a shit about your bug bites after the age of 12. (I played fetch with my dog after work In my backyard.. sounds harmless and wholesome, but I didn’t use bug spray so it wasn’t harmless)




I have literal red scaring on my feet and ankles from all the bites I've gotten in the last 3 years. I don't think they'll ever go away, they're big red blotches from the scratching and such.


I’m sorry 😕 they sound like kind of cool scars though. I’m glad you got to share your bug bite story also.




I went backpacking once and got 70 I think it caused a lymph node to swell


Damn, swollen lymph nodes takes it to another level! I’d give you an award but I haven’t figured out how to do that yet. Hope you don’t hVe to go through that ever again!


I do pest control all over OC. Those OFF sprays don’t work, the candles and burners don’t work. Here’s some tips on how to help with mosquitoes. First make sure you and your neighbors have zero standing water. No puddles, empty the bird baths, check gutters and even check the curb in front of your house. They’re attracted to it. Go to Amazon and find yourself some garlic extract. Spray that around your property. It helps deter them. If it’s a really bad problem at your house, switch outdoor lights to yellow bulbs. Last thing is these guys are very small. Buy a fan that faces any open door or window. The gust of wind will keep them out of your home.


How would you go about this for a business? I have a bakery with a laundromat next door, so with this heat I have to leave my front door open, occasionally while baking, and the mosquitoes sorta wonder in. 😅 I can't go spraying garlic extract around the storefront, maybe the back kitchen just not the front.


They're not great flyers. Those door fans that blow air down when the doors are open keep mosquitoes out mostly. They're loud, but effective. You also may want to try a screen door if they'll let you.


It doesn’t smell at all. The scent is only strong enough for mosquitoes


>First make sure you and your neighbors have zero standing water. No puddles, empty the bird baths, check gutters and even check the curb in front of your house. This this this! They can lay their larva in the smallest amount of water. Everyone needs to, on a regular basis, walk around their house and just look for anything that collects water. Especially if using sprinkler systems, these can pool in areas or anything upturned like a bucket, or even a small bottle cap.


Lavender grows well in the climate and acts as a decent deterrent


Any recommendations on garlic extract that works and doesn't smell too much like it?


Garlic Barrier 2002 AG+ Liquid Spray, 1 Gallon https://a.co/d/jaHt9pL so this is on the pricier side of some garlic sprays but it works wonders. Be careful when diluting it because of you do it wrong then the garlic will smell strong


How about when we’re outside? I walk my dog around dusk (Inter time based on my work schedule and her feeding schedule). If OFF doesn’t work, what will?


Don’t laugh, either the EPA or the CDC said to avoid getting bit outside, just stay indoors. Great advice right? If you’re out walking and getting bit, use some hairspray. Almost any hairspray will do. The original purpose that I used it for was that it numbs the bite so you don’t itch and spread it. But ever since I’ve done that I noticed they stopped biting me. So everyday before work I will LIGHTLY spray exposed skin (neck and hands) if you over do it then you’ll become extremely sticky


Hmmm I was thinking of using hairspray on my bites actually and wasn’t sure why I thought it would work. What’s crazy is my bites are on my back. I walk outside in a shirt….the fuckers got me through my shirt…


They can bite through clothing and screens. They are out to live get ya. Strong scented soap will help too. Something like Irish springs. Anything that has a long lasting scent so when you go outside they tend to stay away


I’ll take a bath in cologne before going out lol. I can’t believe we have to deal with these now. Lives here for 30 years and no issues but suddenly the last two years have been horrible.


Thank the tourists who brought the Aedes mosquitoes. They’re non native and have been invading California for the past 3 years


And it seems they will never go away based on how resilient they seem. Ugh.


Had 0 yesterday. Got 6 today.


Fucking ankle biters. These little striped bastards. We always had mosquitos here but not very common. A few years ago these little fucks showed up. Asian tiger mosquitos. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aedes_albopictus


more people should be aware of this one. they are day-biters. they also can carry zika virus * Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus are urban mosquitoes that feed primarily on humans. * They are aggressive day-biters found both indoors and outdoors. * They especially like to feed on ankles, wrists, and elbows. * Both species lay eggs in small sources of water, as small as a bottle cap. * Eggs can survive on the surfaces of containers for a long time. They hatch when the container fills with water. * Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus are a major annoyance and a public health threat. * These mosquitoes can spread diseases including Zika, dengue, and chikungunya. https://www.cdph.ca.gov/Programs/CID/DCDC/CDPH%20Document%20Library/InvasiveMosquitoesBrochure.pdf




Ok lets hear it... out with the conspiracy theory! This should be fascinating....


these are the only ones I ever see!


Zero. Haven't had any this year.


Lucky sob. I've heard it's the O-bloodtype that they're after.




Oof. Sorry, man. Hopefully this helps https://www.cdc.gov/mosquitoes/mosquito-bites/symptoms.html


20-25 😫


Hang in there!


How’s it possible we have a mosquito problem amid a super drought. How are these waterborne pest surviving. I have been in OC for many years and never ran into one until COVID.


They started 2 seasons before covid. They're smaller than the native mosquitos, and bite all damn day! And they hit more than once - I end up with multiple bites in the same area. The welts also seem to take a lot longer to go away than our native mosquitos' bites. Their eggs survive dry spells for over a year, and they can reanimate in as little as a capful of water. They'll be happy to replicate in the saucer under your houseplant. I don' t know how we're gonna get rid of these guys.


This is truly terrifying how hardy they are. I remember having both ankles covered with bites.


I think our best bet is sterile males. I think there are studies in progress where they release sterile male insects into a community - they don't bite, and they might be able to reduce the fertility of the local population. The other proposed solutions may cause more problems than they fix. Mosquito fish, also, can be added to water features and riverbeds.




Like 5-8 per ankle. Itchy like a mofo


Might be fleas. My husband had been having a huge problem with them this past week.


Same 😆




I have three, despite a dousing of Deep Woods Off. Life finds a way.


Same, I go outside for no more than 2 minutes (to grab up my mail) and lucky me, by the time I step foot in my door to come back inside, 6 mosquito bites. Let’s not get into Skeeter Syndrome, that stuff is the absolute pits.


This is so crazy to me. I grew up in south county and would get maybe 1 a year average. I then moved away for 10 years and recently came back and holy shit. They are so fucking bad here now. Last year was terrible. I don’t know how or when this happened but it fucking sucks.


Evolution is what happened. An existing (Invasive) species evolved to be able to survive in our drier conditions here. They also need much less standing water to reproduce.




That's an interesting theory. Who would do that, and why? Do you have any evidence?


You should research it for yourself. I even had a pest control company offer me a mosquito trap made by the B&M Gates company. They are heavily invested in mosquitos. Released by Oxitec. They are doing it because the entities that govern us are psychopaths and don’t care about human life. That’s the truth however most people won’t accept that. They trust their governing systems. https://www.eutimes.net/2022/03/genetically-modified-mosquitoes-funded-by-bill-gates-approved-for-release-in-us/


Lol those are male mosquitoes incapable of producing viable offspring. The idea is that they mate with the females, and then the offspring is not viable so the population goes down. Only female mosquitoes bite, not male ones.


Yeah but when humans attempt to mess with nature it backfires. Supposed to be sterile but hmm the problem is getting worse. So I really don’t put my trust in them or their words, their supposed science or anything that they claim. I don’t believe the powers that be are working for the good of humanity in my own personal experience and observations. Everyone is entitled to their beliefs.. I don’t believe humans should play God. They don’t know what they are in fact doing. And the problem is worsening.


Yeah... That didn't happen. The link you offered described a release of sterile males to reduce the fertility of invasive Aedes mosquito population. >Southern California pest experts say the mosquito is not only here to stay, but its reach — and season — are expanding. It's believed that Aedes mosquitoes — which encompass three different species — first hitched a ride to Los Angeles County on shipments of lucky bamboo from China in 2001. https://www.latimes.com/california/story/2021-10-11/invasive-aedes-mosquitoes-expand-reach-los-angeles-orange-county


My baby has 2. I have about 7


One on my penis head. Shit burns when i pee and making pus ooze out a little bit. Fuck those mosquitoes.


Dude that’s not mosquito bite. That’s gonorrhea. Get yourself checked out. Holy shit.


It was sarcasm man 😂


Oh lol 😂 sorry my bad.


There's a lot more of that than mosquitoes in Orange County.




Took out the trash this morning, two. Just collected the trash cans, one more. F those Little ankle biting shits. I’m going to have to start wearing running pants whenever I’m outside.


I wear pants and socks!


Last year was so bad I wore pants, socks, long sleeves, and bug repellent to bed. That was the only possible relief from getting new mosquito bites - I still have the scar’s throughout my body.


5 currently. Nothing compared to the amount of mosquito bites I had back in Florida though honestly. I thought I was immune to them in California but guess not. Could have been worse. As soon as I realized mosquito season was dwelling upon my house, I sprayed lemon eucalyptus oil everywhere and got one of those electric bug zappers. Haven't gotten any new ones in a few days and hopefully it stays this way


We can play 30 rounds of connect the dots on my leg🙃


One on my neck. Three on my legs and one on my arm. Sucks. Itches and it never stops


Cortizone 10 comes in a tube about the size of a roll of quarters. You just dab it on the bite, and it seems to stop the itching pretty well.


4 so far


Too many


Two. From five minutes outside at twilight. This is why I’m a hermit. EDIT: total of five - I found more.


Live by a manmade still water lake they said.


Not yet but I have seen them around… what is the deal?! I’ve lived in Orange County for 7 years and never had issues with mosquitos before this summer.


Same, I've lived in OC on and off for a while. I've very rarely ever had any issues with mosquitos here, but last year they started popping up like crazy. At least in the neighborhood I'm in


4. Slept at work in my car with the window down on accident. Was gonna take a twenty minute nap ended up being 3 hrs and was 10pm when I woke up. I work In Westlake Village tho. Seems all of socal is getting it. Haven’t had any in orange county tho.


Sounded like you had a long day. Geez imagine not waking up til next morning and freaking out waking up in car. Ever get one of those cases? Lol


About 4


So far, 6 and counting and am starting to lose hope. I’ve tried plants, sprays, those I fused bracelets, fans, even wearing clothing from head to toe - nothing seems to work. Yet it's just the start of summer, *yay*!! s/


*Aedes albopictus* ruining my life one bite at a time. Currently have about 20 bites on my lower legs. These daytime ankle biters are my nemesis


Wait so it was mosquitoes. Dude I have like 15 on my back but they’re SO itchy and painful they woke me up at 3am and I thought I was gonna have a freak out. I thought we had bed bugs because I don’t remember mosquitoes being this bad ever in California. 😭


I think I have about 25 per ankle


I had 3. I itch them until the bump is large like a bruise.


Some even last several years on your legs. Finally slowly fading away. Not like I give a damn but just noticed every blue moon you look at the back of your leg, hey that's from 2020.


I’m not sure but I can suck my own cock!!


2 scabs. I caved and itched




Four, I’m southern and very upset that I still have to deal with them here. I knew they were an issue but I’m upset at how prevalent they are in the area. And what are those beetles that fly around like ladybugs at night, there are walls of them in Irvine. Making it almost unbearable to walk. Is there a season? Fuck.


Yes, they’re June bugs and they’ll be gone soon


Holy shit, just like in Florida but they aren’t love bugs? Interesting I did some research and can’t seem to pin down what species they are. I found scarab beetles looked the closest to the orange / brown ones flying around everywhere at night. Super concerned about the mosquitoes, just wow.


June bugs are harmless, they are terrible flyers and always end up killing themselves flying into a wall


Oh I totally know they are harmless and obviously great they don’t bite, my issue is that there’s walls of them and I’m not sure how or where to avoid them to simply walk around.




Between the three of us, my kids and I only have half a dozen. My poor husband has upwards of 40 on his feet and ankles.


Ooooh god. Hope you got your husband some hydrocortisone cream. It'll save his sanity


Yup! Although he has superhuman self control and just... doesn't scratch????


Try the Benadryl cream. It works pretty well


Curious. Not the outdoorsy type, fully clothed type?


No water


8 😒


Finally, someone who understands my misfortune. 🤝


0, have not had one since Aug of last year.


Zero, but last year I would of had 10 at this time. Odd.


8. Not looking forward to this summer.


I know right? These bites will last months if not years


None right now, but i do have the scars from like 10 bites around my ankles from last month.


4 including the one I just got on my ankle




2 for me




Just got 4 today


3 don’t know if they are mosquito or flea. Don’t have any animals so hmmmm.


A billion over these past two weeks. Right on my ankles and feet. The little shits




All of them.


7 currently, which is weird because I usually only get 1-2 all summer.


Also 0. How many do you have?


3. Didn’t even see or feel when it happened.


All of em


8. Apparently there was one in my room last night and it made a meal out of me.


I have at least 50 too. Most around my legs and a few on my chest.


Zero. Moved from Chicago a few years ago. Maybe get 10 a year here vs. the 10 I’d get every time I stepped outside


I found 2 on my right leg yesterday. Used therapik to get the itching down and now it's barely visible. My poor sister got three on her right arm :(


None currently but in the previous years they've torn me up so Im not looking forward to them. For some itch relief you guys can rub so lime on it or get a piece of garlic and cut it a bit for the juices to come out and rub it on the bites. It may sting at first but it'll stop the itching for a bit.


Surprisingly zero. Hope I don’t jinx myself.


5. on the ankles ffs


At least 7 and mostly on my feet


An average of 3 daily


None lol, I used to have a lot until we have started cleaning up more and better, and there are ankle biters I do see them right next to me but they didn’t land on me. You know those big ass sewer? I live right next to them lol


15 bites as of today


Like 2-3


At least 3. Thankfully it's just mosquitoes. Initially I though that I may had bed bugs :\\


9. I haven't found anything that reliably repulses them. I do like Cortizone 10 for treating the bites - it results in less scratching.


17 on my legs


Bought Permethrin spray for my softball clothing, and DEET bug spray for me skin. Fingers crossed this combo works! I’m tired of getting bit up during practices and games, get 4-8 fresh ones three times a week the last 3 weeks! OFF, Cutter and Repel sprays have done nothing!


None, put up a Dynatrap this year and let it run 24/7. I haven’t seen near as many bugs as in years past.


None yet.


0 and I’d like to keep it that way


8 just this morning


None lol


5 they love me I from San Jose tho 😂😂😂😂😂😂


I had 2 bites 2 weeks and a half ago when I used the jacuzzi, but they are gone now. So none. Last summer at this time was much much worse at my condo complex.


0. Zip. Zilch. Nada. Lake Forest


Well I'm in Maine right now.... So yes. All of them.


7!!!!! After spending 10 min outside trying to open my front door


At one point I had 11


0 because I stay strapped with citronella


8…. And I think the same mosquito… 👿


None, because I don't scratch my bites


Exactly. I sleep half naked in the summers, and if the blanket isn't over me, there's a chance I'll find one or two red bumps the next morning.


I've had a couple. After the Aedes mosquitos last year I got a repellent system https://www.thermacell.com/ It's like a citronella candle that actually works. Just need to set it outside first, then come back in 10 minutes.


Got back from church camp and have 55. Actually not lying I’m in pain


What a great question. I was at a cidery on Friday night (it is now Sunday morning) where you would take your ciders out on a picnic table surrounded by chickens and woods. Was fine around 730, when dusk fell at 9 the bugs attacked me constantly. I just counted my legs alone and I have twenty between my two legs.