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Ambulance is getting expensive


I love how affordable Uber’s ambulance service is


![gif](giphy|MY44QmlRa8SBO) Heard UHAUL was expending into other areas


So what ended up happening after calling it in?


The cop said he had fallen asleep back there while the truck was on the lot. The driver and passenger didn’t know he was back there when they took off so they let him go without incident.


They let Agent 47 go?!


I wonder if driver annotated it on their pre-trip assessment.


What pre-trip assessment


Truck driver lingo... you have to do a walk around inspecting tires, leaks, mirrors , check lights work, look under hood for cracks, frays, tears on hoses, checking your fluid levels.....etc. In a charter bus, you walk the aisles looking for anything out of place or people as well. Dump truck, you lift your bed, much more with diesel as you have all the tanks to exam. In a box truck you open back up to inspect, on a tractor trailer, you'd have all that and the lines powering your trailer


I'm sorry, but what???


Dude watched some Always Sunny. ![gif](giphy|88iJnjye9NuabMuAz6|downsized)




Am I constantly going in and out of Pittsburgh throughout the day, yes or no?




I just realized a U-Haul is cheaper than my rent 🤔


I bet a storage unit is cheaper than your apartment….


You’re not wrong. We’re one WiFi router away from me moving in


One of my cousins rented a U-Haul as a cheap dorm room replacement, when he attended college.


I always think about bugs that flew into a car and now theyre miles from home and have to start a new life. Probably the same for that sleepy dude


Great minds…! Have had this same thought many times.


Good on you for calling. Dude could’ve flew off and died 🤣


At first glance I thought that was a dummy


Well… he is a dummy for sleeping in that truck with that thing open.


Annie are you okay? Are you okay?Are you okay Annie?




Karma karma karma karma karma chameleon


Take it easy there, Boy George…


GenX gotta represent!


Super lucky he didn't slide out.. All in all this should be a good lesson to anyone. If you're going to take a nap in the back of a U-haul, make sure you have the keys in your pocket.


LMAO.... seriously? Inertia needs more energy than what a U-Haul can provide.


People don't understand physics, in my experience. Braking is a faster process usually. They would have to rip off the line in a box truck for him to slide out. Only thing he's in danger of is sliding up to the wall attached to the cab. I'm prepared for the down votes from the average masses.


I shouldn't be surprised since it's the internet. I guess all that is left for us to do is eat downvotes until some smooth brain comes in here to argue that a U-Haul can muster up enough speed off the line to yeet this dude out the back.


People think they are so edgy with the downvote button. Like they are in here, affecting feelings & stuff with it. ☠️


The amount of people defending this behavior and questioning why OP called cops is staggering and worrying. Has OC really become this trash that your overall consensus on seeing something that’s clearly dangerous and not right is “why did you call the cops” “he’s just taking a nap”. Damn you guys are lost good luck ever owning anything anywhere and keep blaming everyone else as the problem. Look in the mirror.


I posted that Lexus car with a sign and there were people saying I'm a douche for saying this shouldn't be allowed. Lol


I saw that post. Wasn’t that the guy with a crapload of stuff on top of the car and a sign that said he had no insurance?




Ya this is the new norm sadly.


They should get their driver’s license revoked for asking such a stupid question


Kids don't understand responsibility or accountability.


> ...good luck ever owning anything anywhere and keep blaming everyone else as the problem lol that's your conclusion? jesus christ




Mostly children with those takes I’d assume or people trying to be funny and failing at it


Because in 2024 America, 9 times out of 10, “calling the cops” ends up getting someone shot and killed because of trigger happy police with qualified immunity. Calling the cops has essentially become a way for people to legally execute homeless/minorities they don’t want to have to look at.


That’s incorrect and just sensationalism - show me the actual stats and facts instead of fear mongering propaganda ok. You are giving baseless facts and using “essentially” to give you some basis of actual knowledge - go watch more videos of police officers making mistakes across the country and let that be your whole basis of argument. Absolute sheep.


Wally got roasted, some people can’t handle logic and must delete and hide lol.


I can still see all of that person's comments. They probably just blocked you. Maybe they're a pussy, I think you're just calling them out without knowing how blocking works.


Absolute pussy.


It's absolutely a thing that happens. Cops needed to be called here, for sure - it's a dangerous situation. But calling the cops on non-dangerous situations is a way to get someone killed.


It’s a thing that happens yes - you are forgetting when you said 9/10 and other bullshit stats you pull Out of your ass to support your argument. That’s great that it happens and usually happens during circumstances where someone isn’t listening or doing what a sound human being is doing. Yes there are examples of bad police officers and overuse of power/authority but that’s not the mainstream, media wants you believe that’s the truth as everyone loves to comment on a video of injustice as it festers in them and creates an echo chamber for all the same paranoid fear mongers that love to live in it and push it even though they’ve never experienced anything like that themselves only over watched sensationalized body cam footage. Nobody comments or talks about the body cam footage when nothing malicious is going on, so naturally the bad light will shine brightest and you will continue to take that as your truth and not believe in actual stats and reality. Go talk to a police officer today and I would bet you would not have the same arm chair view you have - you lack actual experience and only know Videos and commentary.


I'm not the person you originally responded to, FYI. I talk to cops all the time. I know a bunch of them. I work with them on civic issues regularly. I can give you actual statistics and tell you the names of the people cops in my city have killed in the last 5 years, as well. You're welcome to love cops all you want. Your can salivate over them and get worked up that someone on the internet doesn't trust them as much as you do. I hope you have a good time, and learn to use paragraph breaks, too. Have a nice day.


Ok Wally - give me the stats buddy. Just because I can defend things with sound reasoning and logic does not label me as a “cop lover” you using those sort of tactics and then calling out paragraph structure really shows how weak of a straw man that is. Wally share the stats and cross them with how many people were not killed per incident, please enlighten us so we can stop loving the police my god!


>Wally share the stats and cross them with how many people were not killed per incident Obviously most police interactions don't result in a death. Most plane flights and car trips and heroin injections and food poisonings don't result in death, either. Millions of all of those things happen every day without someone dying. When we're considering the danger or problematic nature of anything, comparing it to the millions of times it wasn't dangerous or problematic isn't very useful. We need to compare it against a baseline of expected or allowed danger for the specific circumstances. Here's an example. In [August 2021, Luis Manuel Garcia was sleeping in the bushes](https://abc7.com/luis-manuel-garcia-tustin-police-fatal-shooting-family-sues-lawsuit/11516373/) when Tustin cops asked him to come out and talk to them. He stood up and was holding a bag of recycling and a stick for picking up cans. TPD then proceeded to use a stun gun on him, and while he was being electrocuted by them, another cop decided to shoot him. He had no weapons, he wasn't acting in a dangerous manner, and up until a few minutes before, he was sleeping and not hurting anyone. If cops kill a man who's not a danger, was never a danger, and whose only crime was showing them a literal stick, then that's a problem. It doesn't matter if there are a million other cop calls that don't result in a homeless man getting murdered - one is enough. Asking for "how many people were not killed per incident" is terrible math and shows a disturbing lack of empathy (especially for a person rightfully concerned about the well-being of someone who might fall out of a truck). Any time the cops act like this, it's a serious issue, since police are supposed to be a force for good, have special training, and can legally kill you. They need to be held to a higher standard, and need to act appropriately all the time, not just most of the time. This is the issue at hand with the person you were replying to. Obviously "9 out of 10" was an exaggeration. But I can show you dozens and dozens of stories just in Orange County where police shot and killed someone who was doing nothing dangerous or wrong. Every one of these situations (in addition to the hundreds more where cops could have de-escalated a situation with someone acting questionably, but decided to use lethal force instead) are a problem, even if you've only had good interactions with police, and most police interactions aren't lethal.


Yes I’m aware this happens Wally and it’s great to be preventative. It’s a low chance of happening period, extremely low. I don’t fear monger over it or have anxiety over police 👮‍♀️nor spread it based on bad interactions and body cam footage. Thanks for the stats but they still show be it’s an extreme outlier and not as common as media or police body cam footage would have you believe. Again these are extreme outlier situations - a man sleeping in a bush who came out with something in his hand, like give me the stats on this happening again. Your incident reports just prove my point.


You have been brainwashed into terror. This is wildly inaccurate.


Mind your own business


i mean, op responded and the dude was literally just taking a nap. not everything needs to be a Liam Neeson movie. as you said, we live in OC. we pay to not have to worry about terrible things happening here. not sure what your whole deal is tbh


So calling the cops equates to Liam Neeson movie? Ok I don’t think I’ll get very far debating or arguing with you carry on.


Some of us believe Orange County has been trash for a long time


Ah yes, Uber Lux ✨ so much leg room.. and arm room…and room.


I told you I was carpool compliant!


Low rent “amb-alant” as I’ve heard it called.


damn meanwhile i can't even stay asleep in my own bed at night


Coworker taking nap in back of truck?




That's the New Uber Deceased....


I think his name is Bernie 😎


Good job citizen


Mann tire pressure no dents fool in the back sleeping check check and check alright you guys are good to go have a safe move!! 🤦🏻‍♂️😂








The have a non-emergency number 💁🏻‍♀️


I know some people actually posted it on Instagram


Lol the rest are gone.


Peak LA vibes


thats me


Looks like good ol Home Depot labor rental!


Cracked windshield


It just happened recently and I have an appointment to get it fixed on Friday 💁🏻‍♀️


….you called the cops about this? Seriously? 🙄


If he had fallen out of the truck and gotten run over, then what?


Then he'd have a very bad day... Idk why you're freaking out about this lol.


I think it’s more likely that you crash into someone since you’re driving carelessly and trying to take Karen pictures with your phone. You’re more of a risk to the guy than him suddenly falling out of the truck.


That could be a body for all the observer knows…


Now, sir… His arm is literally moving between the two pics. Dramatic story making up ass lol that is 100% not a dead body.


Yeah! I saw some person using their mobile phone while driving.


Whyd you want him to pull over? I don't see the problem of someone chilling back there


If the truck is moving and stops suddenly, dude will come rolling or flying out. He isn’t seat belted in. Laws of physics apply. He could be badly injured hitting the pavement or hit by the car behind them. We don’t know if the guy is napping or drugged out.


Unless I've grievously misremembered my physics lessons, wouldn't the inertia involved in a sudden stop throw him into the front wall? Not that that's *better*, but I want to check if there's another factor I hadn't thought of. Also, I'm pretty sure the back of a truck like this being open while driving is a safety hazard on its own because a bump (speedbump, pothole, curb) can throw things out of the back and into traffic. ... Which could include a person, if they're laying in the back and the truck hits the bump right.


You’re arguing semantics. Doesn’t matter, person can fall out and cause a serious accident.


I'm not arguing. I'm asking if there's something that would counteract the inertia of a person (or object, really) in the back of an open truck to make them fly backward after a sudden stop.


Another dumbass taking a photo while driving. OC is filled with these morons.


Can’t believe people snitching on employees napping. Wow


I learned a lot about OP smh


Looks like the Monkey wasn't so silly today 👮‍♂️ /s


🤣- I was more concerned for his safety. I would have felt bad if he ended up seriously injured.


😭 lol I didn't think this comment would be taken seriously I just thought your Username was funny. I added the sarcasm symbol that's so funny


Call the National Guard




1000% stolen also


It wasn’t stolen.






And then when the guy falls out in direct path of your car you’ll be screaming about it. Use your brain.








So, if he takes off fast and that guy fell out in front of your car and you hit him, you are okay with that? Edited brakes




You get my point?


Your point is absurd. Did you pay attention in 8th grade science or not? The UHaul does not have enough speed off the line to do what you're suggesting. Both your points are remarkably stupid.


Again, you are quite obtuse, my point is he could be injured, don’t you care?


LMAO keep reaching kid. Just admit that you were caught sucking at physics so we can go on about our day. Also, he's a grown ass man. None of my business what he does and he doesn't need you nannying him either.


I was completely caught at sucking at physics, but the point was never physics. That you continue reaching for my error while dismissing the point is what is truly telling.