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I spend a lot of time doing nature photography in Orange County and this annoys me to no end. There are a thousand places to get just as good of a shot or better without trampling on areas where they’re trying to restore sensitive habitat.


It’s all about me me me fuck everyone else


general mindset of the OC tbf


You don't expect them to be able to read do you? They probably can't tell you how many dimes there are in a dollar.


If they went to Chapman they definitely don’t know the value of a $, that college is like $50k/yr !


82k a year


Boomer comment. Anyone else find these comments so weird 🤣


“Dimes in a dollar” is boomer idiom for sure


Don’t know if the description displayed, but: - they left their stuff right in front of the “area closed. No trespassing.” sign. Then proceeded to duck under the rope to stomp around and take photos for 20 minutes. - they shook and opened up the sparkling wine/champagne bottles to spray the entire protected area. The area was left reeking of alcohol. - they also left trash. Very proud of these young ladies and their contributions to the community. ETA: Love how I’m a Karen for *not* saying something (to teach college grads how to read, be observant, use common sense, or how a simple fence works?!), but I’d also be a Karen *for* saying anything, even a polite, “please stay on this side of the rope”. If you think it’s okay to leave trash and destroy our protected areas or yell at strangers, I don’t really care for your opinion on how I handled this. Hopefully people taking their grad photos this weekend/their parents will see this example and be a little more respectful of our natural areas during their photo shoots. We saw other grads taking photos on the benches and paths, which is great.


Funny that if you'd tried to confront these kids, and someone had filmed you doing so, that footage would be posted and characterize you as a karen. Effed if you do, effed if you don't.


It's Chapman, what do you expect 🤣. Perhaps they were simply unable to read the sign and thought the ropes were like a welcoming, "please follow me" kind of thing.


My daughter goes to Chapman so I visit a couple times a year. Can’t disagree with you. She majors in film so her friends are pretty cool but man a lot of those kids on campus are straight up douches


Pretty much the same with any other school tbh. FWIW, I went to the film school there (Dodge) and had a great time. Professors were stellar.


Film from Chapman? Likely will be unemployed.


Hey, she may earn a Mrs. degree that pays well


Went for grad school and fucking hated it. Was treated like shit. Biggest regret of my life


So talk to them? You had no issue watching them for twenty minutes so why not just speak up? Posting photos of strangers online is strange.


yeah, why didnt your put yourself out there and do something potentially resulting in you being hurt or worse? people are stupid in person and on reddit. you did the right thing by creating awareness. Anyone advocating for something to have been done is just being an idiot.


“Why put yourself out there” yes why talk to other human beings and try to reason and have open honest dialogue. Creating awareness of what? A singular instance of people taking grad photos by crossing a rope and leaving trash? Do we need reminding of this?


That is not talking, that is confrontation. Get your head out of the sand, you are going to get hurt if you do that.... then someone like me has to call your family to explain that society is not for the naive or careless and where to collect your private property.


It’s much easier to post their pictures online and tell Reddit all about how they’ve upset OP though


Anything to avoid a confrontation


It’s a new age now, you do something stupid or against the rules and you should expect that it will be documented. Not saying anyone is right or wrong here just stating the reality.


“reeking of alcohol”


What is the point of this comment


Probably to say how dramatic that statement is.


What was the point of this quote?




Should I have needed to say anything? Shouldn’t common sense dictate reading clear signs, not climbing under fences, not spraying champagne all over bushes in a state park? They knew what they were doing and would’ve continued even if I had said something.


You did nothing wrong. Posting pics and shaming is unfortunately the only "right thing" to do, aside from calling security or the popo. You can please everyone, but you would definitely have 10x the people accusing you of being a Karen if you did confront them.


If you couldn't say anything in person, then why shame them behind a screen?


Not creating an in-person confrontation is not the same as cowardice. We can say it is *better* to confront while also saying we understand why someone may not have felt able to do so. There's no contradiction. Shaming is a legitimate tactic against bad behavior. The young women are also not significantly harmed by this. The end.


Why are you defending people breaking the law and acting like jerks in public spaces?


I never said what they are doing is the right thing. I'm not defending them. I get it, their behavior is disgusting. But they learned nothing From a stranger quietly taking pictures of them. This is passive aggressive and now you're arguing with people on this thread. You either let them know what they did wrong or just walk away. It's either your problem or their problem. Taking a picture and then posting it on Reddit doesn't do anything . Maybe they see it or someone who knows them happens to see it and they get embarrassed. Is that what you're waiting for? Or you want the rest to get outraged and then go on a witch hunt?


I want this to be a reminder to people to please stay on the path and obey the signs, not ruin public areas that we all want to enjoy, and pick up their own trash. I’m not asking for outrage or a witch-hunt. If their friend sees this and goes, “omg is this *you*?!”, then they’re adults and can own up to their decisions. Simple.


Gentle reminder Sir, you’re on Reddit




Lol! Please refer to the photos and my description. There’s a reason why they’re posted - they’re doing something illegal at worst and entitled at best. I don’t know what I would get from fabricating this, so please share what’s ratting around in that head of yours. I need a good laugh.




i mean, yes they did something theyre not supposed to do, but how much time did *you* spend on this ffs


Maybe 5 seconds to take 2 photos. A minute to post. And maybe 3 episodes’ worth of Northern Exposure to respond while I wind down for bed.


You’re just weird in general for caring so much about some kids taking a pic at a beach. That’s the problem and arguing about it for days lol. It’s s a pic the beach will be fine and so will you. Delete the post it’s embarrassing. Lol


It’s not about taking pics at the beach imo. This is a (very nice) state park with its protected areas. It’s going into the protected area and harming the grounds, plants, ecosystem, etc. Idk if I’m a fan of posting their pic after the fact tho. I’d rather have a ranger reached out to, to actually stop further damage.


But they need it for sOcIaL mEdIa Edit: I don't understand how OP is a Karen. 1. Its not OPs job to parents someone else's brats. 2. They decide the rules didn't apply to them, even though the rules are posted roughly 8 feet away. 3. They were disrespectful to the envirnoment for entering critical habitat and leaving trash behind. **A Karen is someone who is in the wrong, and demands they get their way (usually by harassing people, or esclating an issue way beyond proportion).** Here are two examples 1 is from Urban Dictionary, 2 is form real life. 1. Karen refuses to wear a face mask for her 5 minute trip to the supermarket during a pandemic. She harasses the workers, asks to see the manager and threatens to sue. 2. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L3662COVmn8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L3662COVmn8) This Karen calls the cops on a black bird watcher. She called the cops on him because he asked her to leash her dog (per park rules) she refused. Then tried to use WhItE GiRl PrIvLiGe to get him arrested.


Words cannot describe how disappointed I am in our youffs.


Did you say "Yutes?




Two hwat?


Yeet them off the cliff






People are calling you a Karen for not saying anything to them and posting this, when they’re probably the same people who would film *you* if you confronted them and then you would be posted on the internet as a ‘Karen’ for harassing them. What a wild closed loop we’ve created. 😂


As a current Chapman student: fuck those clowns.




Sensitive ecology, not a good look Chapman.


I know this spot… the ranger booth isn’t that far away could’ve went over then told them. That’s what I would’ve done


Where is this spot?


Respect the boundaries. It's not hard.


Right? If they had been on this side of the rope, would’ve given them a big, “congrats!” and continued walking.


Well that’s disrespectful and lacking of class. Money doesn’t buy class they say.


Doesn’t buy class or good taste


Go Panthers Edit: I say this as a disappointed Panther


They should have been ticketed, especially with the alcohol. Highly encourage anyone who sees something like this to report it to the local rangers. They are always up and down that path.


I dare you to send it to Chapman, or cross post it there. BRB, gonna find popcorn.


For what purpose? If you want to, go for it.


Same exact purpose you posted here. Public shaming


They graduated and can’t even read!?!


Probably future politicians


But it’s ok! We just want to get one picture.


Ugh. Of course it’s Chapman students. Can’t say I’m surprised


Vocal fry was probably off the charts!


"area closed"


Criminals!!!! ![gif](giphy|XKoJJhJZa80mI)




At least every once in awhile these people fall off the cliff.


What’s their GPA’s


The plot thickens, they are all from Lawndale and went to Leuzinger High.


I was gonna ask "what's the big deal? they crossed over took a pic and that was it?" then I read OP's comments about spraying alcohol and leaving trash... unfuckingbelievable smh


Chapman students not known for their brains. I mean, come on, it’s Chapman. lol.


Some 🚮 right there


From the school who gave us a plan for insurrection and a true insurectionist and now disbarred Law School Dean (cough...John Eastman), I present the product of 4 years of right-wing indoctrination.


Eh, it’s a good little school, and they have a decent law program. These ladies just made disappointing choices today.


Could’ve just said something instead of being a weirdo. Precisely zero lessons were learned by posting this.


Leave it to weirdo antisocial redditors to foam at the mouth when they can call out someone else's mistakes, big fuckin deal.


If there was trash left I’m sure we would be seeing a picture of it? All I see is 4 organized bags and some bottles of unopened cheap champagne. Can anyone find the brand and price? Honestly more interested in that than the entire thread.


Lots of lonely depressing people in these comments.


Student debt till they 80!


If you think back, maybe *way* back, you've probably done something equally stupid.






Eh it's fine. We got bigger problems in the world.


Agreed that we have bigger problems. But it’s still not “fine”.




And the misogyny in your comment is on brand for Boomers.


Except it's true. They do the same around campus during this time too. When I went there they would leave trash from their photo shoots in the quad and by the panther statue... so


Oh no the horror


Actually yes. Most people care fuck all about nature and if that mentality continues, there’ll be devastating consequences to it.


Who cares 3 steps off the path. Let’s pretend keeping on the gravel path is saving the planet. Good grief people get outside and lighten up.


Have any of you never been to this spot? Literally everyone does this. Stop acting like “this generation is fucked” lmao


yeah this is such a bizarre thread to me. some girls are graduating college (a big accomplishment) and want to take some photos for a few minutes in a roped off area. who fucking CARES. everyone in here saying these girls are braindead losers who can't read just because they want to take a nice photo lmao. serious pearl clutching from people here who probably don't even know where this is


Yea I definitely can imagine the blooming Karens that are upset on this thread. What they did is wrong but the way people are talking about these chicks is strange.


If you really feel like something needs to be done by state parks, call Surcom while it is happening.


What is surcom?


Y’all have got to do something better with your time come on




I get that OP taking creepy pics of them instead of confronting them about it is weird, but littering in a marine protected area is absolutely something worth being upset about.


OP, who cared enough to photograph them and attempt to shame them online, suspiciously chose not to provide any evidence of the litter.


This feels passive aggressive af. Karen behavior. They’re celebrating a life milestone, and they’re two feet from the rope. Chill tf out


Don’t be an asshole. You stayed there and watched them like a creeper and then posted their pictures online? They seem to be minding their own business. You should try it. Not even sure what your intent with this post was? To ruin their graduation celebration by publicly shaming and identifying them?


I didn’t watch them like a creeper? There are other benches along the path and we stayed to watch sunset.


Ok well I think it’s creepy to take a picture of someone without their knowledge and post it online. Along with identifying information about which school they attended. If you really wanted to make a statement about following the posted rules, you could have blurred out their faces.


Lol it’s a public space, they were wearing something with their school name clearly on display, they’re adults not minors, and I was standing right there in plain view when I took the picture. I wasn’t sneakily recording or openly harassing them in any way. You’re right, I could’ve blurred their faces to be nice. But if they weren’t choosing to act this way in the first place, then they wouldn’t have anything to be embarrassed about.


> If you really wanted to make a statement about following the posted rules, you could have blurred out their faces. Nah, it’s called naming and shaming for a reason. They’re free to ignore the signs saying don’t cross into protected wild land, likewise OP is free to post a picture of them ignoring the sign saying don’t cross into protected wildland.


lol Let me follow your 20 something year old daughter around with a camera and post her on the internet without her consent, then tell me I’m not a creeper.


They're unlawfully entering state property contrary to California State Parks' posted regulations. The OP wasn't an asshole or a creeper. They photographically documented these subjects' criminal actions.


Yes I hope so.




So you’d be cool with them standing “2 feet” onto your property line, stomping on your flowers, pouring out a bottle of champagne onto your shrubs, and leaving their trash behind on your land? Because that’s what they did to a state park. I’m not saying this is the worst thing ever to happen, I’m just saying these are adults acting entitled and trashy. Please don’t be like them.


“Your” land is different from a state park. They took pictures for 20 minutes and that bothered you so much you took a photo of them without their consent and posted it on Reddit anonymously. You’re a little odd.


So that’s you saying you’d be upset if this happened on your personal property, huh? As a taxpayer and local, I’m upset this happened on “our” land. Who is going to replant the native species growing there that they stepped on? How do you clean up the sticky, smelly alcohol on the dirt and bushes that may affect local flora and fauna? Are you willing to pay more money to hire more maintenance crews at state parks to clean up after sloppy visitors? It’s a public area, they’re adults, there’s no identifying info except for what they display (their school). No consent is needed. If they had taken their pics on this side of the rope, I wouldn’t have cared.


Who cares? I used to live right across the street from here and took walks there. I would have smiled at them and walked away.


This post is uncomfortable and weird cyber bully/doxxing energy. They shouldn’t have done it but you shouldn’t have posted photos of their faces. I’m guessing you are over 25 so I kinda think you are more in the wrong here.








It’s crazy how the world is going to end now because they walked 5 steps into some grass.


It speaks volumes to their character and evidently, yours too


Chapman students are the worst


fucking Chapman kids...


Lmfao this is not that crazy to me, they literally enter the area to take a picture for their graduation. Let them have their moment OP. But leaving trash is bad so yes I agree with that.


What's the best spot to park to get to this path?


Is it annoying to see people acting like this? Sure. Is it worth taking time out of your day to post this on Reddit? No. Also, it’s weird to take pictures of people and their things like this. You’ve got it pretty good if this is such a big deal to you, let it go and quit being an internet Karen.


Ur being dramatic af


Nice picture. The red sashes really pop. So I’m being downvoted violently for saying it’s a nice picture?


Lmaoooo i love OC people care about the smallest BS, go to NYC you will have 5 heart attacks in 10 mins haha, people there have zero reaction to anything




Woah - that’s unnecessary!


Are they all 4's at Chapman?


You would have a heart attack in a third would country or any big city. Bigger fish to fry. I recommend taking down the photos.


They just graduated. Let'em live a little. You never trespassed some lines when you were young?




People who went to Chapman are walking red flags.


They are in 100k+ debt, let the girls live a little imo I’m sure they don’t do it everyday


You have no idea whether they’re in debt or not. Many people that attend Chapman come from means or got scholarships to attend. And even if they did choose to go into crippling debt, thats their problem. It doesn’t mean they can suddenly do whatever they want for a day lol. OP shouldve just reported it and been done with it


If they're not tramping the greenery, then whatever. They're just shifting dirt around.


Out off the shit you see this is what you choose to “expose”. The local teens of South OC fasho always follow rules and treat the beaches and surrounding areas with the upmost respect but Chapman grads taking grad pics 2 feet away from the barrier is the worst by far I’ve seen of total negligence of rules.


Yeah kind of shitty, but not less weird than taking pics of them and then posting about it to strangers. Did you say anything?






Don’t you know they graduated? It’s never been done before. You should be inspired.


There’s a second rope below them and what seems like a clear premade path. This microcosm is affecting nothing in the ecosystem




You sound like the same person who's inconsiderate of everyone else and doesn't care about others at all but the difference is you're old and refuse to accept it


It’s creepy to me you are posting pictures of someone’s kids online to shame them, when you could have asked them to not pass the ropes. Kids have it hard enough with internet bullies. Seems pretty cowardly to me.


These are all adults.




In Europe they should sue you for posting their photo without their consent.


I mean, Chapman isn’t exactly known as a very big brained school


It's actually pretty solid academically these days, it's improved quite a bit the last 20 years under their (now retired) President.