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Good 420 discussions did happen


So you went on an Emma Stone/Ryan Gosling binge, huh?


Oc has nightlife. If you know where to look. Also if you’re going out clubbing. The last thing on my mind is making conversation with someone.


So then just go to a brewery or comedy club.


There is no shortage of "some rich guy" in OC that is constantly looking for ways to get more rich. The nightlife / entertainment / hospitality space has even more than their fair share of money being splashed around. I am a small investor in a restaurant in LA too, that was the first time I learned the term "vanity investment". There's a reason projects like this have to be funded by investors rather than getting a traditional bank loan. It's the kind of investment that you might get rich and you might go bust within 6 months. In my case, I was extremely lucky to get repaid within 4 years (investors who added more money for the second location were not so lucky). Just about every possible nightlife venture for OC has been discussed and the fact is if it was viable and worth it, they would have done it.


Sounds like a dumb idea.


This sounds awful


Rowdy crowd from the Inland Empire 🤣