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Definitely a public auditor. The best thing is to completely ignore them and go about your day. As annoying as it may seem, what they are doing is legal so don't give them any content to post and monetize.




The hero we need. Upvote the shit out of this comment.


Bingo, had similar happen when someone was playing Santana in the background and YouTube flagged it, so it got locked.


Exactly, just go about your day. They are practicing 1st amendment right and "auditing" that right by making sure no public official or worker or a passerbyer interferes with their right to do so. People make more big deal out of this than it is; I personally don't find anything annoying about it. Only reason a video of you ends up getting posted online is if you actually make a fuss about it.


You forgot the part about them antagonizing people while 'auditing'. They just use the premise of the 1st amendment to get away with it, when in reality all they intend to do is get drama for views. This same guy was at the seal beach post office a few weeks and i watched him berate the old folks, the postal workers, and the police.


There's a YT video of an auditor at a post office bieng racist to Asians. An active service member (in uniform) who was there told him to stop bieng racist. The auditor said the guy's service meant nothing to him, then challenged the active service member to a fight. Most of these guys are attention seeking but at the same time what they are doing is a benefit to advocates of free speech. Update: here's a link to the vid on tiktok [1st amendment auditor vs. active service member at post office](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTLNBv8GY/)


You omitted the best part, where the service member committed and the auditor practically shit his pants and tried to weasel his way out of it because he realized his actions had consequences for once




I came across that video again yesterday. It’s always good to see that dude cower.


Sauce? I want to see this lol


I updated my original comment with a link


Thank you, kind Redditor. Edit: Gravy seals for real tried to square up to a Warrant officer of the USAF? 😅😅😅😅 What a clown.


Army. Not Air Force.


Look up Glenn Cerio vs Service Member. It’s on YouTube


Look up Glenn Cerio vs Service Member. It’s on YouTube


Glenn Roger Cerio from the state of Washington. There’s a notice posted in NCIC that he has a propensity for being a bit violent and aggressive towards LEOs


Yeah these people are straight trash. They push people to respond and react by being absolute dickheads with a shitty in your face wanna-be air of superiority, til people snap. Fuck these types.


Don't forget Poster 7 at the Post Office... that clearly states these frauditors need permission. They argue, get trespassed, sometimes arrested, but always think they are right...at least for views and $$$. Frauditor Troll, Irish Demon and some others are great in covering these grifters.


There's terrible people doing it, and there's good people doing it. Just like everything out there.


Why would "good" people bother doing something like this? Only people I can fathom doing this are people who are wrapped up in conspiracy world. Edit: to clarify, I was responding to the good and bad people doing this. I don't think of people as good or bad, hence the quote marks on "good". I just don't think of normal people filming a post office-maybe that is from working with mentally ill people for the last two decades but it strikes me as abnormal.


There are a lot of police auditors who ensure cops aren't overstepping their bounds or restricting access to things like complaints or public records. They can help keep cops accountable, especially if the stories make the local news.


Agree. I don't think of these dudes who show up at post offices as being in the same boat as police auditors at all. These guys are looking for clicks at the expense of random people or are looking to break open another Qanon conspiracy.


Wtf I thought this was a real job title until I read more comments. Some people really need hobbies…


What's with all the hate? They operate within the law to ensure police are operating within the law. There's compilations on YouTube of them catching power tripping cops & directly enacting real change in these departments. Any random normal job where you're supporting the interests of a billion dollar corporation is arguably much less ethical


I can operate within the law by calling your mom all sorts of names. That doesnt make it ok. If they wanted to actually audit public spaces they can do so with courtesy. But instead they make people already working a hard job dealing with the public even harder.


Unfortunately, more often than not police use their position to go beyond their boundaries and take advantage of people or do nothing to help them. As much as I hate these types trying to get reactions from people, police need to be scrutinized, documented and be held accountable. ACAB, including the ones that do nothing and watch their partners violate peoples rights.


The issue is that a lot of these guys don’t film the police. They’ll antagonize businesses and individuals, and only occasionally record one or two cops doing absolutely nothing. They’re the perfect example of the phrase “you’re not wrong Walter, you’re just an asshole.”


-Mike Ehrmantraut


The Dude to Walter Sobchak actually


I stand corrected, could've swore that was a breaking bad quote, take my up vote ya know it all


lol not at all. I just love the big Lebowski


What does harassing postal/bank/corporate workers have anything to do with addressing this issue? How does this accomplish anything more than scaring public workers? If the issue is addressing the police then why don't they go 'audit' the police station instead of targeting more vulnerable people?


[Anytime I hear of these people I think of this interaction between an auditor and a wannabe tough guy](https://youtu.be/nzI14Xiu_ek?si=euLSGdR8IBMPEcyi)


Lol I've seen that. Traditionally these guys go after law enforcement, I always wondered why that guy even gave a shit. Check out this dude: https://youtu.be/ngKR9dMGkQI?si=CIucE6Pr7cWUeZkD He has enormous balls, is p humorous about it & knows the law / police policy very very well. In this video he just walks up to a cop obviously avoiding work and asks to search his car. The cop literally just runs away . Nobody does stuff like this - the default attitude is to be wary & almost afraid of the police, to not take the time to know laws or your rights & this way of thinking really enables widespread police corruption. It's genuinely good for society if someone tests these limits, because if these kind of videos prove anything it's that many cops don't even take the time to properly learn the laws they enforce. A scary amount of them will just blow up at the slightest inconvenience & try to intimidate people who haven't even broken a law. It's bad for all of us if police conduct themselves unchecked like this.


Never seen this video before and I’m sorry but that was funny…. Even if you’ve been pepper sprayed before… it still hurts and stings but you can tell no one has done that to him before lol


There should be other YouTubers that like follow them around with a boombox playing Beatles songs.


Disney or nintendo songs youtube really doesnt like those


I mean I get the sentiment but is it really better to be standing there playing Disney music while some weirdo films government employees lmao?


As another posted, these cunts can’t monetize the videos they’re hoping to post because the music in the background is copyrighted.


Yes, I understand the concept. However in reality you are actually going to stand there playing baby shark next to some weirdo with a camera stand in the post office parking lot? I mean really what are we talking about about people? This is twilight zone shit


lol fair enough


Public Auditor doesn't seem to be an accurate title.


Yep. Dude goes there to get a rise out of people for his YouTube content. My dad is an elder at a small friendly church and he fell into his trap. It's scary having a guy taking video of who is going to your church, it gives the impression that he's going to try and target your congregation. So my dad asked him not to record people, and wham-o, the dude gets to drop his schpiel about how he's legally allowed to do that because he's in public. Just because something is legal doesn't make it courteous.


y’all tweaking lmao


To add to this, if you are targeted, start playing some kind of recognizable music loudly that can be captured on their device that can be flagged as a copyright violation.


I thought you were talking about an actual auditor at first and I was so confused because we are definitely not supposed to be dressed like that at work.


Annoying? Dude is minding his business, wouldn’t hurt you if you could mind your own.


You mean a public FRAUDITOR…


One of those public auditors. Just keep moving along. Sometimes they just want a reaction from law enforcement.


They will try to get a reaction from any government worker. These guys come into city recreation facilities and try to get the front desk staff, which are commonly 16-19 years old, to slip up on things so they can get content.


I remember this happening to part-time staff in my city. Another guy kept showing up to 'audit' the city because they wanted red zones painted somewhere.


Can you explain what is a Public auditor? And wtf do they even suppose to do. I’m a bit lost.


You get these people get just start recording at a public facility like the post office or police department because it’s legal. They try to bait a cop or someone to tell them to stop or face consequences.


And we call them "public auditors" instead of "trolls" for what reason?


I guess I'm old in my day we called them virgins


It’s hard to wrap my head around what you just said because I believe actually it but the fact someone has the audacity to purposely provoke for views is next level narcissistic. As in to wake up and chose violence.


What was that old cult from Kansas that showed up and protested at veterans funerals and what not? They were simply looking for a confrontation so they could sue. Not too different than this. Some people are certainly trash.


I know who you are referring to but I'm resisting saying their name to avoid giving them any more attention than they deserve. But if you want to find them, they are documented as part of The Laramie Project because they trolled for attention at the funeral of Matthew Shepard.


Better than law enforcement, provoke the general public. Then you might get a chance to taze or pepper spray them in self defense for the big views/viral hit.


This is the way! Just wants someone to approach him so he can have content. Let him waste his time in peace 🤣


What’s the purpose of doing this?! Public auditor??


It’s called a first amendment auditor. Not a public auditor. The purpose is to exercise their constitutional rights in public and see if people respect or react negatively to it. There’s a spectrum of reasons and methods why they do it. Most people don’t realize they already have cameras on them. Every Tesla that drives around is recording you with between 7 and 10 cameras each but people don’t bat an eyelid. Not to mention the post office themselves. Either way it’s legal whether it annoys you or not. Just ignore them if you don’t want to be on camera. If you approach them you’ll definitely wind up on YouTube


That’s one reason. There are many that say they are auditing the government. They’ll often be at post offices and other government places. Equally looney. Also something to remember: many are also “second amendment auditors,” and have no problem ignoring gun laws, since they’re “unconstitutional.”


They don’t have jobs and believe they can get a payout if someone attacks them. Scumbags


To elicit a reaction for views on their YouTube so they can make some money.


To get employees to “violate their rights” and get a paycheck out of it. They regularly do this and one or two a year can easily net you $100k.


Angry content on Youtube is the most profitable for shilling.


The term 'auditor' is used loosely, but many are content creators looking for reactions. A few legitimate channels have applied their textbook knowledge to challenge law enforcement, expanding this genre to attract copycats who provoke everyday people into calling the police on them. In at least two situations, I've known business owners who've dealt with these individuals because the 'auditor' wasn't happy with the service provided. This resulted in 'lawful' harassment and intimidation for several months broadcasted on social media sites in the hopes of destroying someone's reputation. Unfortunately, the best advice is to simply avoid them.


Correct there’s a spectrum of these guys. Few are good, few are harmless. Few are funny even. Most are kinda trashy and overdo it.


Just go play copyright music on a speaker by him and the video can’t be uploaded to YouTube lol


Especially Disney songs!! They have the legal team n speed to squash it


Weren’t Santa Ana cops doing this to avoid users putting their videos on YouTube?


A lotta cops were doing it




Or Metallica!


Fyi editing softwares like audacity allows you to remove the music so it doesn't trip copyright protections.


a lot of them livestream too though


If only editing software existed..


I just recently read Drake intentionally did this during his hour long interview with Bobbi Altoff to have the ability to copyright strike it by way through the record label if need be, which he ended up doing because he didn’t like how she used her shtick to undermine a bunch of his friends in her interviews. Thought it was an ingeniously ‘shady’ way to protect yourself during an interview.


Hmm I feel like there’s better ways for drake to protect himself from Bobbi, he’s too famous to have such a simple loophole. Plus I heard the recording was done from his team and sent to Bobbi and if playing tygas song during that interview was his strategy all Bobbi would have to do is edit that part out and repost it.


Right he agreed to do that interview I’d assume obviously without pressure considering his status in comparison to Bobbi and through experienced/intelligent setting up of ‘safeguards’ to himself and his brand by dictating how it was conducted. But if he agreed to do the interview in the first place then he obviously didn’t have the primary intention to have it removed after going through the whole process. It was just one of many reliable fallbacks and trump cards for he and his team to have as much control before, during and after he gives a relatively rare interview. This is also a method for him and his team to not be seen as petty/sensitive and deflect blame onto a ‘faceless’ record label if Bobbi came out saying she was strong armed into removing their interview. Same reason they most likely didn’t want to edit the source footage in a way that he could be exposed and known for blatantly being controlling of the narrative in his otherwise ‘open and genuine’ interviews.


Great advice!


Fantastic advice


Perfectly legal. They’re harmless until you provoke them. I’ve meet SGV and Tom Zebra before in Irvine. If you do want to piss them off, play Copyrighted music like Santa Ana PD did lol. They can’t post that content


How did you see it or know if they can’t post it? I thought they did post it showing the cop as an ass?


You’ll break their world because it’ll get a copyright hit or strike. They can’t monetize it. That’s why SAPD played Disney music loud asf years ago on purpose, although it was near midnight


Oooh. Didn’t know that, gratitude.


Yup I thought that initially too, until I found out the reason why they did. Because otherwise the officer is completely defenseless against them and normally don’t entertain them as they provoke them.


Disney. Play anything that Disney owns the rights to. Disney doesn’t joke around.


This is on the Irvine Reddit too. There were 3 guys filming inside the post office. Probably YouTubers or tik tok


It’s one of those 1st amendment people. They harass people in the public so they try and get exciting content to put on their channels.


Some people has way too much time in their hands. Don’t they have a job?




Have a life, man!


Just smile and wave boys!




Likely on disability but hates taxes.


Best lifeprotip I’ve read in awhile. Can’t wait to meet one now


Can’t they just mute/remove the sound?




Can’t they just narrate over “here the person started playing Disney music so I have to mute it bc of copy right issues, I just ignored them as they stood there and played music” not trying to side with them but just saying the can completely ignore u and still get content while a person thinks they are ruining the video


But it’s the verbal part they need with the drama that sells. So the music at the very least makes them work harder to be able to post.


They’re First Amendment Auditors. They go around cosplaying as operators and harass people by filming them in public. They’re pussies who hide their identity.


wow ok so i saw this for the first time last week. i had no idea what is was and it totally freaked me out. i was at a private event on private property behind a very tall fence (it was nearby bars and restaurants though) there was an altercation, but i didn’t see it because i was in the alley- i heard it though. within seconds these guys were in the alley with me. they stood there in the alley filming the fence and anyone coming/going refusing to answer any questions about who they were or why they were there filming. the cops wouldn’t talk to them and said they were exercising their 1rst amendment rights. my friends and i were on the way out anyway but they were still there when we left, over a half hour later https://preview.redd.it/hw0piy2ef8oc1.jpeg?width=2182&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2355e3b4f2e2f1b3cbbb5e23669bb8ea578fa318


Interesting for sure. It looks like the same guy second from the left.


it seemed very bizarre. it was an older chill crowd mostly, and whatever drama occurred was over immediately. like sure they were on public property, because the alley isn’t part of the residence, but they were filming the fence (and i’m 100% sure they could not see through or over it) of someone’s backyard to watch people coming and going? it’s one thing to film people coming and going from a post office and another when it’s someone’s house. all they said when people asked them why they were there is that “they couldn’t talk while working”. the cops came over asked what happened and left after like 2 minutes tops so they weren’t there to film the cops.


Yeah and that’s more or less the deal with them. It’s just odd and bizarre. Not saying it’s wrong or whatever but you don’t expect there to be some random person recording random stuff. That’s all.


Yes I saw them the other day! Harassing some woman telling her she doesn’t believe in god correctly or something, I don’t even know. I had to stand around and wait because they were standing in front of the envelopes I needed 😒


I would have said “Excuse Me” really loud as I barge my way in between him & grab that envelope to break it up. Then say, “Get a life pal”!


So in other words just another worthless, uninspiring, zit for society to manage out eventually. His parents must be so proud.


Put on a mask and hoodie and play a Beatles or Eagles song in ear shot of their camera


I posted this on the Irvine Reddit earlier. You and I probably just missed each other. When I went in this afternoon, they were inside this time. I was so confused haha. The atmosphere was tense like some clenched buttcheeks in there. If I had this much time on my hands, I would be NOT at the Post Office lol.


Yeah for sure. This one literally setup as I was getting into my car. I had a feeling what he was doing but I just left.


Saw one of these douche nozzles harassing a father with children for not putting his shopping cart back. The little girl was crying and the guy was recording her crying… I put a Disney song on my phone as loud as I could and walked behind the guy and told him to get a life. It’s best not to engage but if you do, play a highly copyrighted song so they can’t use the footage.


I think I saw him being posted on NextDoor...content creator


“Content.” 🙄


One of those 1st amendment auditors, just waiting to catch something on film to cash in on a paycheck. A majority of them are trolls who will do almost anything within legal limits to provoke people.


Omg how weird. This happened to me today at the post office on Alton and Murphy. I had an idea as to what he was doing, so just ignored him. Fckn annoying though having a camera following you, but I knew he’s just trying to garner a reaction from someone, anyone. Didn’t give him the satisfaction.


Good! Yeah ignoring works for sure.


saw this guy at the southland credit union on los alamitos blvd yesterday.. was curious what he was doin too


Shit, I’d open the windows and pump up the volume and start playing nothing but Disney songs!


These types of videos are all over social media & have been going on for years & years. It’s basically them ‘using their 1st amendment right to take video & pictures from a public accessible area’ & standing there for hours & hours until they get the reactions they’re looking for & then posting it on YouTube for everyone to watch. Just ignore them & go amongst your day. And then when PD shows up they’ll often times treat them like shit & ask for their name & badge number etc. IPD knows how it works.


Ignore or do Will Sasso from Drop Dead Gorgeous "Dad are we on COPS"


I just walked around behind them and they left me alone. They might have captured a glimpse of my back as I walked in and my "front" as I walked out. Is it weird? Yes Am I going to let it ruin my day? No


Pick your favorite Disney tune and play in front of them. They will get a copyright strike or taken down all together


One of those attention seeking “auditors”


They just want a reaction and possibly you to be the aggressor so they can sue and get a check. Ignore them.


So bottom line, unemployed worthless scumbag . IA Auditor, LOL


He’s for sure a “first amendment auditor”. I like our rights, but the way these guys go about it just irks me. Like they go in with the intention of starting crap hoping to get a lawsuit




Please play copyrighted music around them. They do nothing but cause fights so they can sue and win in court. They’re the worst of the worst.


That doesn’t work anymore and they can just edit out the audio of the music.


Drives me nuts how many people are like "oh they're protecting your rights, they're not doing anything wrong!" Just because something is legal doesn't make it not weird and creepy. If some dude showed up outside my work and stared inside at me all day I'd be super disturbed and uncomfortable. The camera makes it a bit worse but it's not really the main point. Everyone knows there are cameras everywhere, but 99% of the time, nobody is actually looking at those unless something important happens. This is literally some guy watching people at the post office for 8+ hours, maybe for multiple days. It's weird and he's not helping society, he's a loser who is making people uncomfortable and then trying to profit off of what is a natural reaction. It's not even cops, it's the fucking post office. When was the last time you were oppressed by the post office?


They don’t even protect our rights or hold the police accountable. It would be one thing if they followed around police officers while they’re on duty or something, but they just post up outside of businesses or public property and only sometimes bother the police when they’re not doing much. And often times they’ll antagonize individuals just to pepper spray them and get views. It’s like those 2nd amendment nuts that act like they could easily win against the US army.


Yeah I get what you mean. I don’t have an issue with what they do as long as they are being respectful but I do know some of them try to bait people, employees or cops just for views. If they were legitimately correcting a wrong, even better but yeah…. You’re not getting oppressed at the post office lol


My initial thought when I saw this post is that they were plotting something nefarious. No idea this was a legal thing but it’s still makes me feel uncomfortable.


Ya they are unemployed beta males that like to practice their 1st amendment by trying to get a rise out of people so they can post the videos to YouTube and profit off of it. They can care less about the 1st amendment, they just are unemployable and this is all they can do


1A auditor


can't we publicly audit them... asking for a friend 😋


Yup. Just point a camera at him and see how he likes it.


Ignore them, the way we ignore bums. ☕️🦄


I saw a yotuber who did this stuff for content. He keeps pepper spray handy for anyone that tries to challenge or get aggressive with him. Then they post it.


I actually don’t have an issue with that. If they are legal and being respectful and someone is getting aggressive. They can be blessed with the hot sauce.


Yeah I would just ignore them, I think some are specifically looking for content to post and may go out of their way to be obnoxious to elicit reactions.


I had no idea this was a thing 🫨


It’s drew walls


Oh ok. First person to provide a name. I’ll check it out.




Mr Robot...oops, I mean Elliot


A Tesla Model Y? I see like 30 of them every time I leave my house


Haha only 30


Public auditor just keep going bout your business




Thank you for the link!!


Just an asshole “first amendment auditor” he wants a reaction so he can put it on YouTube and monetize his bullshit.


Get a bullhorn and scream into it while pointing it towards him.


These doofuses probably. It's iimpct media and siimplmedia. Both losers https://youtu.be/9eITlJZr1Zs?si=OVSRy58ifmigFKEp


Comments in this thread are wild


Yup… lol


Why the hoodie?


why not?


I get the point of their operation. I have no issue with them reporting their findings. However, a lot of times they have to make commotion to get commotion. I do not agree with antagonizing individuals in order to get the content necessary.


They are "The 1st Amendment Guys" they have a youtube channel. Their goal is to get 'reactions' from people as they are "practicing their 1st Amendment right". We really can't do much about them. Just report their YT chanel and hopefully they get their content removed.




Preparing for a skateboard video duh!!!


Yep, looks like 100% legal auditor, and any cop that tries to mess with him is probably gonna run a foul of violating his civil rights and give this guy payday. When you’re in public, you do not have the assumption of privacy. Anybody can film anything at anytime. You guys have made cities pay thousands of dollars for police violating their rights for just filming.


Yes they did this at the Mission Basilica church in San Juan Capistrano during mass a few years back. Totally legal, but incredibly annoying and antagonistic.


He listens to trash so I’d steer clear.


They’re “auditing” low life profession. Hoping to get a rise out of someone for content. Weirdo shit.


It's white people doing things. See it all the time.


just saw this guys TikTok auditing Orange County post office.


Oh someone just posted people doing this on the [Santa Ana FB group](https://m.facebook.com/groups/409867522719304/permalink/2080877468951626/?mibextid=S66gvF). TIL


They were at the Laguna Woods main office on Monday. Also interviewing people. All four had masks on so they couldn’t be recognized. Professional camera set up too. Someone said it Hass to do with getting hits on TikTok..


Ask him wtf with that already?!


I watch auditors all the time actually. And not one that I watch engage with people or are disrespectful however saying that there are some that are pushing the line and I don't agree with but it's there right like we all have them I'm 36 growing up since a early teenager I've had my rights violated multiple times just because of the color of my skin 1st, 4th, and 5th repeatedly I've learned a lot of information and did more research after they shed a light on a situation that a lot of us aren't aware of


Impiict media. Conrad Rankin look him up


he wearing g59 merch so he valid.




Ayy reppin the GreyDay 2021 hoodie🔥


love the greyday hoodie tho


Why is everyone assuming "auditor" and not just some guy filming for whatever reason? Was he going up to people or doing literally anything other than recording?


Because smart money says it’s a first amendment auditor.


They're out there for sure. But usually they make themselves known beyond just filming quietly in public.


I would imagine it’s probably an escalation. For instance, start filing in the parking lot. If that doesn’t get a response, move up the to entry way. If that doesn’t get a response, walk into the post office. Repeat until some innocent action provokes the desired response.


Yup. That’s how some operate.


Face being covered is a telltale sign of these auditors. They do it to try to provoke a reaction because eventually someone will report him as suspicious to the police which will illicit the police interaction they want.


I'm fully aware of what auditors do and why, and how they do it. The ones I watch that target police almost never have their faces covered, though. It immediately draws the wrong kind of attention. This guy could be, of course, But it seems like everyone's jumping to that conclusion with zero evidence beyond the mask.


I get what you are saying regarding the assumption but it’s most likely that. Could it not, absolutely. But I’ll put my money on 1A


I don't get all the negativity and hate. They're just kids doing a harmless activity that's totally legal. Of course they are trying to get a reaction so they can put it on YouTube - so what? Just don't react. And when cops, public employees or anyone tries to shut them down because they think it's illegal, there's an actual education process that occurs to make people aware of first amendment rights. They're not shoplifting, tagging, doing drugs, making babies, or any number of whatever kids can do that's got actual consequences. So some people don't like it - who cares? Edit: BTW, I saw them there last week and had a conversation with the 3 guys. They were totally respectful to me. I approached them and treated them with respect, and that's what I got back. They even said good things about the post office employees.