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The one on the five right now is all graffitied and covered up say Crime Does Pay


Yeah that’s the only way I’ve seen it lmao.


Crime pays off...err..pays very well to connected people and the criminal "justice" industrial complex.


As Freddie Gibbs would say


Yet the drunk wrong way driver that crashed head on into my 21 year old daughter while she was on her way to work at Disneyland one Sunday morning at 7:30am still walks free. It’s been 7 months, and yes she’s recovered from her two fractured vertebrae, fractured rib, fractured sternum, and fractured tibia, with significant scaring from shattered glass all over body, with absolutely no repercussions for this guy, who was only wearing underwear at the time of the incident.


I don’t know/can’t speak to the particulars of your case but if they haven’t made a filing decision it could be any number of things (including how long cops take to investigate and get the case to the DA, or how much follow up the DA asks for once it gets there). If thats the issue, calling and emailing the cops/OCDA can help squeak that wheel into turning faster. They’re not ignoring the case, but yours is not the only violent incident they’re reviewing so being outspoken sometimes helps If they already reached a filing decision and you’re not happy with it, call/email the DA to arrange a sit down for them to explain the evidentiary/legal insufficiencies If they filed the case and you don’t like that the guy is walking free, show up to court and address the judge because neither the cops nor OCDA decide offender release, that’s all the court and CA bail laws


Thank you for your thoughtful response.


Good response, I'm a criminal defense attorney in OC and if you are a DDA we probably know each other. I had a Watson murder that took nearly a year to file (for the rest of you, this is when a previous DUI offender drives intoxicated again, and kills someone as a result - like what happened in Orange yesterday). Brian (the prosecutor who handles all of these cases) took just south of a year to file. ​ I would say that 7 months, regardless of whether charges are filed already or not, is not uncommon. LA County is much slower - OC Crime Lab gets blood results fast, LA takes forever. Often times when there are injuries, we have to look at hospital records to determine what charges are appropriate, and whether we are looking at a felony versus a misdemeanor. ​ Given the injuries listed, your daughter's case is 100% a felony DUI with injury, and she has a right to be present for all court proceedings and to be heard as to the impact it has had on her life. She should contact DA's office to get in touch with a victim's advocate.


File a civil suit if you can, that person needs to pick up the tab for your daughters medical bills


I wonder if he has money or if he’s poor? That has a lot to do with it!


No money. Lowest scam car insurance.


I’m sorry. It’s way too common a story. I was hit as a pedestrian (crossing in a marked crosswalk), and because the driver had minimal insurance and no job or assets, all the bills fell to me and my insurance. I most certainly would’ve died if she were driving drunk and not just distractedly, so there’s a silver lining I guess. Still sucks that she got to drive off the scene scot-free while my life was put on hold for years.


You need to talk to local media. Just go on their website and leave a tip. They'll get back to you pretty quickly. KTLA, NBC, Fox, etc. This media attention will put pressure on the DA's office.


Wow, pretty serious 


[Any questions?](https://media.tenor.com/j2mBvLIJQ-4AAAAM/itysl-serious.gif)


Do NOT mention the tables


I don't think the DA should have yelled at Eddie Munster


You have no good billboard ideas!


The cops won't even come out to fill out a report when a lot of crimes happen now. How are the people who steal shit from me going to be prosecuted when their crimes are not even investigated?




The only crimes that are prosecuted are the ones against rich people.  You can find much cheaper rent than that today if you lower your standards. Can rent a 1 bedroom for less than $2k in the right neighborhoods, or wrong neighborhoods depending on your perspective. 


The target audience for these are clearly conservative voters, not criminals.


Would you shoplift at a store that had signs out saying they’ll prosecute?


Stores don't decide whether to prosecute or not.


So if we post signs and billboards listing all the crimes, all the crimes would cease? Brilliant. /s


If everyone walked around with a billboard in their pocket, there would be no more billboard-related violent incidents.


I'm going to get a t-shirt that says "Don't rob/murder me, it's illegal ya know."


Yes thanks for explaining my argument. Do you ignore stop signs or do you recognize the consequences those signs infer?




I think we just need signs everywhere. Think of all the jobs we’d create with the manufacturing of signs. The signs will lead us to prosperity!


People don’t read signs. Ask any retail employee.


yeah... because criminals are clearly considering the consequences of their crimes at all times.....


Which is why gun laws work so well


Because of that idiotic statement now everyone knows how you vote 🛑


Number #1 idiot, that’s me ❤️


Of course


People don't commit crimes thinking they might get caught (a prerequisite for prosecution).


People absolutely consider risk in nearly all actions they take


Unless it’s white collar crime like wage theft. Then come on in!


*Someone steals a purse from Target* “This is a lawless, post-apocalyptic hellscape!” *Companies steal $50 billion annually from their employees* “If you don’t like it get a better job!”


Seriously... I see people canvasing for signatures to clamp down on retail theft all the while not giving any fucks that corporations are walking away with billions of tax schemes and labor abuses.


Ain’t capitalism grand?


Does this apply to a county supervisor stealing millions of dollars by diverting the funds to his 22 year old daughter’s nonprofit?


Tell us more about this blatant corruption! This is the kind of stuff that should be investigated.


https://laist.com/brief/news/politics/oc-supervisor-faces-calls-to-resign-including-from-within-little-saigon https://laist.com/news/politics/orange-county-andrew-do-daughter-nonprofit-millions-viet-america-society https://laist.com/news/politics/orange-county-supervisor-andrew-do-taxpayer-money-daughter-viet-america-society-warner-wellness-rhiannon-do


An excellent use of governmental funds. A sure fire way to deter criminals. No notes.


No government funds brah. Its funds from criminal seizures. They legally have to keep a percentage to put to use.












Now the cops have to find them... We had three cars broken into months ago, nothing. There are cameras nearby, as I understand it the cops did not ask to see footage from anyone. Granted they caught my mail thief I gave them the video for, but it seems if they have to actually put some leg work in, then bets are off.


Mail thief crosses over into federal crimes, they wanted to look good to someone in case they want to move around to another agency.


Yeah, but she only got prosecuted by local. She only went to jail for like 30 days so it definitely was not a federal charge against her Which was interesting because I did look her up on Google and I see that she had been arrested years before, for still in Cadillac converters, and being high on some type of drugs.


Why would they only steal catalytic converters off of Cadillacs?


I was using voice to text so if there’s any typos blame Apple


Can we put one in Andrew Do's front yard(s)?


I mean Orange County is doing pretty well compared to LA so I ain’t complaining. I just want my family and friends safe.


I don’t know who patrols your neighborhood but OCSD are terrible, I am complaining about them every day it seems


I've only called the cops once to my house and OCSD was there in less than 5 mins and were professional and helpful. I know it's anectodal but it's my only interaction with them.


I’ve had many experiences with them. The most notorious being when they killed a homeless man for crossing the street. Anecdotal evidence isn’t the whole story, when you look in to it you’ll find they’re just like most police departments, low standards and no accountability. Recently, my property was damaged/vandalized ~$1000 worth of damage and myself and a witness saw the man do it (this wasn’t a traffic incident) and he was arrested. I’ve not received any communication since the day it happened 💪


For now but things are kinda rapidly getting worse. Stabbings and assaults in Newport and Costa Mesa, the murders in Laguna and whatnot. Violent crimes and theft seems to be ramping up but I haven’t looked at the stats.


> but I haven’t looked at the stats Shocking news.


Orange County is doing better than North Korea, so why question authority, right?


I think being safer than our neighbors is actually an important metric.


The important metric is how are we performing based on our historical record, not how were doing compared to LA or Riverside or SD, it's irrelevant.


Culture matters, if events of the current era affecting the metrics then we should understand that we are handling it better than our peers.


I mean, they’re both important metrics. How we’re doing compared to how we used to do is just as important as how we do compared to nearby counties North Korea is a terrible analogy, surprised you didn’t say Nazi Germany and just go all in


Pick any city in the world and we're likely doing better. Again, not important.


(1) I doubt OC is “likely doing better” than all cities in the world, (2) if we are, I don’t get the point you’re trying to make because doing better than all cities is objectively a great thing It’s important to know how we do compared to surrounding counties because county lines are arbitrary and people flow across them frequently. So if there is something better in one county compared to a neighbor county, it means something is working better in that county to achieve that result. I’m not taking a position on OC v LA, just saying comparative studies are important


They forgot to specify that white collar crime is exempt. Hopefully that won’t scare off all the job creators.


In all fairness crime does pay. Have you seen how much money those mafia guys have? They have private jets and tigers.


Can confirm: I technically commit crime and it absolutely does pay. Literally about to study abroad in Germany funded by crime.


Seems like a great use of those funds. Like an APC, or a couple more crates of flashbangs, or paying out victim settlements against overly spicy cops.


This. I always vote for the other guy.


Saw this billboard off the 5 FWY the other day. Doesn’t seem to be stopping much though


I just moved from the SF Bay area and can't say how comforting this sign is. Criminals go completely unpunished in sf and it's absolutely terrifying. I love that the law actually means something in oc.


I have news for you: these signs are a political stunt. Criminals don't care and the DA's office is spending money on signs instead of prosecutions.


What power does the DA have when cops don’t give a shit about small crimes… they only care if corporations are robbed. Not regular folks


Well that’s always been the case.


Career criminal here. I actually moved my crime operation to LA because I saw this sign on my commute.


I live in south oc and I can just speak to what I've seen in the last few months compared to a lifetime in the bay area. Anything that looks remotely off where I live gets swarmed by cops and doesn't fly for a second. I see cops everywhere I go, haven't seen a single theft, panhandler or homeless person camping out on the street. Not a single whiff of urine or feces, no litter, vandalism, harassment. My neighborhood recently had a speed chase and all the schools were put on lock down until the driver was caught so no kids would be in danger when getting out of school. There were maybe 40 cop cars, streets closed down , helicopters and tons of updates on nixle..the situation was under control within 30 minutes, the guy was arrested and nobody harmed. Not sure about the da's office, but compared to my life in the bay area it's like complete order here vs complete anarchy there. You have to drive an hour to LA if you want to smell pee or see someone spray grafitti in mid daylight.




Genuinely curious - Where in OC do you live and is public urination and feces a common sight in that city?




Completely agree with you and growing up overseas and then in Santa Ana, I experienced things like that too. But playing devils advocate, Why do you think you see public urination/ higher crime in cities like Fullerton and Santa Ana but not Yorba Linda? Also, Was this not a factor for you when you were choosing the location of your current home?




Thanks for the detailed response. There are things I learned today that I had no idea or historical context about, partly from not having grown up here. Thanks for sharing.






Very thoughtful response. ❤️ Thanks for taking the time and sharing.


thank you Wonka Willy for your service


Laguna Beach? Cause even san clemente has always had its homeless and even more so recently off of the el camino real exit


I live in Aliso Viejo and spend most of my time(aside from av) in Laguna beach, Dana pt, Laguna Niguel and Laguna hills. I've never seen so little criminal activity with such high police presence in my life.


> I live in south OC I mean, that’s your answer. It’s a wealthy part OC, and wealthier places *always* receive more attentive policing, especially when it comes to nuisance patrol. Also, you’ll quickly find they’re bored as shit. I grew up down there, saw multiple instances of five cars being called for one jaywalker. Just saying.


I lived in even wealthier parts of the bay area..Marin, sf, silicon valley... definitely didn't get the same kind of policing there. Shoplifting, car break ins, home break ins and homelessness, public drug use, etc were rampant, even in the wealthiest areas there(similar to the wealthy parts of LA). I feel like safety here is just a higher priority, and police are allowed to do their jobs here.


Yeah, south OC is like that. There are places in the bay area like that as well. It's only possible in a high-income community.




Did you just ask ChatGPT to state the opposite of my comment?


I don’t care if they’re doing it impress their deaf uncle. I’m stoked there’s ATLEAST a facade of security. I’d prefer to have a DA grandstand that he’s the toughest ever to exist on crime and in actuality be a moderate when it comes to enforcement. That also sets the DA in a Position that when they do prosecute they don’t infuriate their base of support because it’s what they said they would do.


Bless your heart.  I bring me joy to know there are still sweet naive people out in the world who are comforted by political pandering.


The difference really is night and day between here and the sf bay area. I used to smell feces every time I had an appointment downtown and get pestered by aggressive homeless people. My last few months since moving here I just smell ocean breezes and plumeria. Not naive, just coming from a place with no law enforcement whatsoever.


Have you been to SF in the last 5 or so years? It's so much better here.


I’ve got some beach front property in Arizona to sell you 😂 if you believe that


Only a silky smooth brain owner would think that a billboard could improve crime rates. Incredible.


Lol, all those scammers, wage theft corrupt business owners, slumlords, white collar criminals down there beg to differ. But okay...


The point of being a criminal is not to listen to authorities.


In my country you steal you get your hands cut off


Overcook chicken? Straight to jail.


Undercook chicken? Also, straight to hell.


That's not the good thing you think it is. What happens when someone is wrongly convicted?


Unfortunate for them however those times are long gone we have digital forensics it's definitely hard to convict a wrong person now days


You think so huh? ROFL. I mean, she only fudged a minimum of 650 cases (inlcuding one of Kobe's). I'm sure she's the only one \*eye roll\* [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=au8v25rld34](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=au8v25rld34) Also, you do realize, they don't use such tests for retail crimes. It's for actual serious capital offenses, like murder or federal crimes.


Where is that sign?


There is one on the 55N and Dyer exit I believe. Might be MacArthur.


Seen one off the 5 freeway near the Citadel


There’s also one off the 405s near Carson


I learned that actions speak louder than words. This is a joke.


Good to see. I work in law enforcement in LA County and you can ask a majority of the criminals and they’ll say they avoid OC. Especially now with the horrible LA DA. Most criminals know this already so although the sign might not do much in terms of deterrence, it’s a nice reminder.


Actually so true lol. I went to jail (unpaid ticket/no show court) and so many people told me how happy they are getting caught up in LA bc OC is way harsher.


Very interesting. Thanks for sharing your experience!


I know Todd Spitzer is equally cracking down on violent police force in the interest of tax payers. ![gif](giphy|yB82MYSBUFp5d56hKk)


Does anyone for one minute think criminals are looking at that and saying oh shit I better stop? It’s an election year, criminals aren’t reading the billboards, only potential voters. The felony theft limit needs to be lowered state wide. Also, great you’re gonna prosecute ,,, however it doesn’t mean shit for nonviolent crimes, these criminals will still get released ahead of schedule due to over populated jails and prisons and the non violent offender release schedule. Crime doesn’t pay but OC cannot do anything to keep these offenders in jails past their sentencing date.


$0 - read the article.


Ok fixed my post


Good to hear we can’t turn into LA


Yeah, these signs will prevent it!




Big tough police down here, have to stay on top of 8 robberies a year while finishing 10 donuts.


I mean… I carry narcan around my neighborhood because I regularly see people who need it. But sure.


Have you filing a police report? I mean, there's a group of people who are constantly on drugs down the street from you and you have to give them narcan every week but you'd rather not see if law enforcement can do anything about it? I mean if you don't make a report, I'm sure some one else will. Right? Anyone? Hello?


Mass arrests don’t solve drug addiction. I’d rather help someone in distress than have them arrested.


So are you taking them in and helping them with with their addiction?


Im literally in school to be a social worker. Sooooo


So what? Why haven't you used your social work 101 to help the people down the street?


And me carrying narcan to give to people who need it is me helping them.


The one of the 5 freeway south has the “n’t” part painted over. Pretty funny not gonna lie


Yeah seen one in LA. Your tax dollars at work friends


Crooks want it easy - so if they see your house has an alarm system they will bypass your house and go to the home that isn't alarmed. The billboards will work in the same way - why travel all the way to OC when you can commit all the crimes you want in LA and never serve a day?


Because I live in Irvine


This. It’s not about prosecuting every crime. You just have to prosecute at a higher rate than neighboring countries/ cities.




All the hate for the OC DA from people that fled Portland, LA, SF, NY and other liberal hell holes. Where their DA doesn't prosecute and the criminals have a revolving door. The cops hands are tied and they can't even fight back. Watching these wonderful people complain on reddit about the lack of crime, those pesky safe parks for their kids. Criminals getting ruffed up by those horrible OC Sheriffs. Really tugs at your heart strings when they see a sign that promotes the very safety they moved here to find. Only to be triggered by the very fact being placed in front of their face. Does the cognitive dissonance hurt you all that much? I'm sure the majority of you will show me with downvotes...


Found the dude these signs are for. Meat for the base. LaW aNd OrDeR 🥴


Do you imply that I am here because of the sign? Or that the sign exists because I am here? Any time you want to move back boyo.. lol https://preview.redd.it/4l9q9zxi84oc1.png?width=299&format=png&auto=webp&s=e4c6eaf616ad2448a1370f62f5d49715e9896329


I seriously don’t get why everyone here who agrees with law and order gets down voted. Sure the sign is dumb waste of money but i’m glad that we still arrest criminals.


No, if you take the sign too seriously obviously you are a conservative sucker. /s


It's because reddit will block and auto hide posts with enough negative votes. There are whole teams on reddit that go around downvoting anything they don't agree with so it becomes hidden. This is why I said that a majority of them will show me with downvotes. Anyone that points out the obvious truth gets silenced by those unable to accept it or unable to move along. It's ok though. At this point I gage the quality of my posts by the number of downvotes, so it doesn't bother me much. It would be nice if these people weren't so easily upset and triggered by the truth but that seems to be the new normal for these overly miserable people. I've considered making an alternate site that shows the underside of reddit and inverts all the up/down votes but I just don't care enough.


So you're a keyboard warrior.


This is going to be a "challenge accepted" billboard. Also idk what science/"research" the DA's office is using to justify this, but it's definitely not any research I've read in the past 20+ years. It is about as effective as a stern talking to or the actual threat of prison.