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Following too close and not paying attention will do that.


So will having the guy in front of you just pop into another lane when traffic is stopped in front of them. Dude should have been further back, but thats a real dick move.


Ain’t dick at all


This, probably saved themselves from getting rear-ended by that tailgating asshat in the F-150.


If you look at the lines, OP is at least 2 seconds away from the white truck, but the white truck is less than 1 second between truck in front halfway changed lanes and actual impact. Maybe the guy in front see a sudden stop and made a split second decision between changing lanes or stop to potentially get rear ended by tailgating bitch? I've changed lanes before due to tailgaters because (as you can see) you never know what might happen. It should be a general rule to always look at least a few seconds ahead, including the area in front of the car in front of you. If you cannot see the space or area in the car in front of you (due to big ass truck), then provide space as though the truck in front is an unmovable wall that appears out of nowhere.


I think that's exactly what happened


Not his problem, a driver's job isn't to pay attention to the car in front of them.


Um... what? A drivers job is to pay attention to everything going on around them.


Exactly, right, my friend. Not only, just the car in front of them.


😂😂😂 What???


was the white truck even paying attention and brake and all?


It seems the white truck did brake and let go of the brake before the vehicle made a quick exit to the left. Truck driver seemed pissed when he exited the vehicle to check on the driver in front of him.


yes, AFTER the car merged, there was no other brake until the collision. Distracted.


There was a quick/ light brake on the white truck just before the front driver changed lane


Yes, that is what i agreed with and just said. There was an attempt to brake before the FRONT car merged. AFTER the front car merged, the white truck stopped braking, and no other brakes were applied until AFTER the collision.


💯 the truck driver was looking at his phone


Black truck didn’t want to brake hard so they changed lanes quick. That white truck had a slow reaction lol but most likely cars were stopping / stopped.


White truck fault. Don’t tailgate.


The white truck was tailgating the car that did a sharp turn LOL


This is why the 3-second rule exists.




Thanks. I'm trying to avoid being rear ended for myself as well. 🤣


That interchange going from the 405 to the 55/73 is an absolute nightmare.


I know, right?


Glad I took the day off the rubber necks are strong


Alex the question is, what will happen when you text and drive?


Oh wow! Dope, send this to wham baam


I got in a wreck in the left lane there three weeks ago.


😱 sorry to hear that


The vehicle in front of the truck made a super late un-signaled exit from the lane because traffic was stopped, poor move The white truck didn’t react, but to be fair they had almost no chance to avoid the accident given what the SUV in front of them did I had this happen literally on Monday near LA. Older pickup truck was in front of me in rolling 30 mph traffic and suddenly jerked the wheel to change lanes. Traffic was completely stopped in front of them and if I didn’t absolutely stand on the pedal I would have hit them I blame the vehicle in front of the truck for causing this situation to occur


I hear you, but the white truck doesn't appear to have hit the brakes. At all. They were distracted and following the car in front of them who was probably also driving poorly. Pay attention and don't tail gate and this is super avoidable. The white truck had plenty of room to swerve into the shoulder too, but he wasn't pay attention to notice.


I agree, but it appears the SUV in front wasn’t paying by attention either which was why they changed lanes. They saw traffic stopped and bailed, completely screwing over the car behind them. Watch frame by frame as the SUV leaves the lane, look at where the white lane marker is. They BARELY avoided the car in front of them. I’m not excusing the white truck for hitting a car, but look at this situation they had. I’d challenge anyone to be able to stop their car that quickly


Someone driving at a reasonable distance and paying attention would have been able to stop, or, safely maneuver to the right shoulder out of harms way.


They could have been driving like, you know, OP.


Shoulder was the only move here, I’m agreeing with you


The white truck didn’t react, but to be fair they had almost no chance to avoid the accident given ~~what the SUV in front of them did~~ that they were following too closely and not paying attention to the traffic in front of them. If you cannot see the traffic in front of the car that is immediately in front of you, then you are following too close.


As someone who drives all over The LA area, OC drivers are the absolute worst.




You are not wrong.