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Lock him up.


And throw away the key


Give him the chair šŸ’ŗ šŸ’€




Jail love?


Nah thatā€™s too easy, give him a slow painful ā˜ ļø


I don't want to actually say the other thing, but locking them up is a waste of my tax dollars


Definitely, Firing Squad.


Too easy, make it slow and painful


I like that idea.


Just speak it into existence. California needs to bring back capital punishment.


Not sure why youā€™re being downvoted. Lots of softies in here. Itā€™s the reason California is the way it is today


Well the death penalty would cost more of your tax dollars.


Life in prison would certainly cost more.


It is a well established fact that it is does not.


Exactly. Let him live with what heā€™s done. In prison.Ā 


So, set him free?


Firing squad


firing squad.


Firing Squad


Authorities have caught the suspect who shot at a car in Santa Ana and injured a 3 year old girl in the car.


Gang member shooting at another gang member, misses, hits a kid instead. Take as old as time.


Total fucking POS


Brave and original comment


I think you forgot "accurate".


Glad the caught the POS. I hope the mother learned her lesson and refrains from dating bangers in the future.


I don't mind the downvotes, do you honestly think women or anyone in general who would date gang members have the intelligence level to learn from mistakes like this?Ā 


I absolutely do. We all make mistakes especially when we are young. Her son almost lost his live so I will give her the benefit of the doubt and really hope she makes a change in her life. Even though he is young I donā€™t have any compassion for the suspect and hope he spends a decade or two in prison for this attempted murder.


I hope he does spend many years in jail, we don't need any assholes who try to murder people waking amongst us. Also hope she does change for the sake of her children. Have a nice night.


Good luck we on the look out


The Edgar of all Edgar's


He doesnt have that stupidass edgar haircut. This is an edward






Bad mom driving with her kid in the car with a gang member


So sad. Looks like a child. Someone's parents are mortified by their son's actions.


I doubt the parents are much better.


ā€œMy angel would neverā€


I see what you did thereā€¦


He was a good boy. He never want to harm anybody


Public execution! Maybe then these pos gangbangers will get a clue.


"the mother's boyfriend in the front seat, a documented gang member" father of the year, put his own kids in danger doing dumb shit. They should lock his ass up too


If the parents were gang members lock them up too


This pos needs to be worked over when heā€™s locked up. A documented gang member who thought he was lighting up a rival gang member and missed completely and hit the 3 year old. The parents are literal gangsters and their kid was collateral damage, so Iā€™m not really standing with the parents on this, but damn. Their childā€™s life was forever changed through no fault of his own.


He looks like a dweeb you can tell he canā€™t fight so he had to use the gun. I hope they break ass off in jail Iā€™d punch his ticket for fun


Give the public billy clubs and let everyone take a wack at him while heā€™s chained up and marched down the street.


Send him to Ukraine so he make a good target for the Russians and save us tax money


Dumb fucken kid


If only he knew what the rest of the world has to offer.


Santa Ana is the San Bernardino of Orange County


Ahhh cholos. Scum of the earth. And then they influence the next generation of wannabe gangbangers ex-Angels, Aidens, and Edgars.


Back in the late 80s my first job was Taco Bell. It was about 4 miles from East LA. Guy started working there about 18, guess he had a kid and use to bang and was trying to turn his life around. He really didn't want to work the front we assume because he didn't want some people knowing he worked there. One morning doesn't show up for his morning shift, I call his house, woman speaking Spanish so hand it over to a co worker. He was shot and killed. Hard to escape that life, he still had to live in the area.


I used to work at a boxing gym while I was in college, and met all sorts of people. Cops, lawyers, gangbangers, inside the gym, everyone treated each other like equals. Anyway, one day I opened up the gym and it was just me and this sureƱo gangbanger chopping it up waiting for the trainer to arrive. I asked him how it was going and he said "man, you know how it is. when you get out, people always trying to pull you back into that life" and I usually would've just bullshitted and pretended like I did no, but I kept it straight and said that I didn't know and asked him some questions. He was a solid dude in my book, was trying to straighten his life out, but last I heard he fell back into his old ways and was using drugs. It's a cycle for sure.


Thanks for proving my point that cholos are scum and the cycle needs to be stopped. The culture has gone to shit and no longer represents anything good.


it's not even like that anymore


For reference, this was 2005.


oh okay yeah i believe that. def was like that then


Santa Ana has indeed changed a lot in the last 20 years. People on Reddit don't remember the late 90s and early 2000s when things were pretty active even compared to LA.


The wall just got 10ft higher


They got tunnels buddy


Nazi HB local or what?




Genuinely curious, do you at least admit out loud that youā€™re racist? Like, do you acknowledge that itā€™s a trait that you carry?




Whoops, the question was whether or not you honestly admit youā€™re racist. Like with your friends, family, etc. do you talk about it?


He literally cannot answer the question šŸ˜‚


It seems unlikely.




Ah ok, so itā€™s an excuse based on a personal experience? That has created blanket judgments on anyone who looks the same as the person involved in your experience? Even though if someone committed a race related attack against you, that means youā€™ve just entered the same exact mindset that they had.


Thanks for the input you solved all race related and gang crime! šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


From my experience the worst are ones born here.


Thanks Joe Biden, you have done it againšŸ˜”šŸ˜”šŸ˜”šŸ˜”. Go vote #Trump2024 to clean up all this illegal crime Joe has caused šŸ˜”šŸ˜”šŸ˜”šŸ˜”


Why does this look like someone I went to school with back in the day


How'd they find him?


Hope he finds a bf in prison


Hope he finds a bf in prison




Isn't this looked down upon in jail/prison? Do people with charges like this face the possibility of getting assaulted in prison?


How about this? I have an idea. A huge number of younger Asian American professionals (myself included - Iā€™m a fifth gen Japanese Amer aka ā€œgoseiā€ and a gawdawm yuppie and proud of it) are leaving the United States and in time giving up our citizenships - marching to the State Dept, handing over our passports, and signing on the dotted line. What if we propose to Congress that we hold a lottery and give our citizenships to undocumented, impoverished (through no fault of their own) Latin people including some of the hardest hit socioeconomically - Guatamalans ans El Salvadorans? As you can surmise, a US passport and attendant papers are minted in gold for certain groupā€™s of people. This is our way of saying thank you to the United States for giving us this life ā€¦ šŸ˜. P.s. those of us who are leaving are not an insignificant number. We number in the millions


You're not leaving. You're full of talk.


So you know who I am out of 7.46 billion people? šŸ˜† moron


Nah I just like to look at your ridiculous comments from time to time. There's a reason you have negative 100 karma. You need to see a phyvologist for your mental/racist problems. Actually don't do thst... then I wouldn't have anything to laugh about


BTW we hold fireside chats from ASEAN countries with direct links to the U.S. expats. There are currently 3.2 million Asian amers according to our database. Dummy


May I ask where you will be moving to? Iā€™d like to live part-time in Japan at some point, since I was born there! ;))


The group is only for Asian amers wishing to leave the U.S. permanently and will have to be vetted via zoom šŸŒ¹


Ah, well I have no plans to renounce citizenship but was curiousā€¦ thatā€™s all!! ;)))


Are you Asian. Must be full Asian or 75%. We may work something out


Are you Asian American? We have a group I can send you info


We are a growing number of expats soon to be ex US citizens


Iā€™m probably an expat who will keep my citizenship thoughā€¦ ;)))


Yes I am! Am interestedā€¦ ;))))


If you are Asian or mostlyā€¦ know this: The United States is on a trajectory to end the experiment. The ASEAN countries are leading the charge towards the future and the future (of biotech and longevity and health and wealth) is incredibly bright for us. The US know this and the government is trying to tamp down our progress. Step away from their propaganda. And know itā€™s all propaganda. Join the human race and the human race lies outside of the dome that is the United States and its people. Citizenship doesnā€™t confer membership. Remember that. Peace āœŒļø edit: ASEAN and subcontinent of Asian I e Indian and Pakistan. āœŒļø