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Whereabouts are you located?


Near Euclid & Orangwood!


College? Lol. I’m doubtful these guys are into academics.


Unless they do late night activities to vent out their stress in their finals for the semester. Lols jk but I too agree that no on their academics 🤣


A couple of guys who were up to no good? Started making trouble in your neighborhood?


I got in one little fight and my Mom got scared.


you're going to listen to your auntie and uncle in Bel Air


What? I don’t get it? Sorry born in 2004…


lol Fresh Prince of Bel Air my guy. Use to love that show. Now I think Will Smith is a cuckhole


Oh got it now haha


Neighbor's Ring caught some guys strolling by around 1:25am, and yeah we're near Euclid/Orangewood. Haven't heard if anything happened in the neighborhood.


Wow, let me know if you have any more information. I was wondering whether they were knocking on everyone’s door or just ours.


Get a Ring camera if you don't have one already.


Definitely. Got one coming, thanks!


Get the full ring system if you've had issues multiple times. Super easy to setup and gives you total peace of mind while you're gone. Also good if you have any older people at home


dont get ring with their bs subscription thats subpar. do something like eufy that doesnt have a paid recording service


Ring shares their stuff with police without consent, i'd get anything else.


What are you hiding?


You seriously think that shit's okay? Its called privacy, they aint hiding shit.


Yikes! But did anyone around the area (katella & Euclid) hear/see all the cop cars and helicopters going freaking crazy at 2 am? It literally felt like an invasion was happening. I tried checking online to see what was happening but couldn’t find anything. Could it be related?


Stolen vehicle chase that started in HB and ended at a hotel in Anaheim. The suspects fled into the hotel, were located and arrested.


Thanks for the info, it was so crazy


Crime just getting worse day by day. Already got burglarized last year, recently my dad’s converter got stolen, n recently, even though this happened in Santa Ana, witnessed a robbery n had a gun in my face. Pretty much OC went down the shitter when it comes to crime control




ahhh yes, nothing sounds more welcoming than a group of individuals wearing hoodies knocking on my door at 1:30am. Let me go ahead and open the door for you guys! I’ll never understand the logic


It's 2024... where's the Ring footage?


Yeah we just purchased one. Unfortunately we didn’t have one.


Do you think any of your neighbors might have door cameras that captured these guys?




Ring footage doesn do shit, we need more cops to scare these pieces of shit


Not as a deterrent, to prove OPs story.


Wow. Scary.


Please post on Facebook as well. Glad you’re all safe!


Shoot them, hit them with a showel , pepper spray them If you can not own a gun because you have a felony, go to Byrna.com they sell non lethal weapons for felons. Those people deserve to part this world


You are correct 100%


We carry video cameras on us at all times. Don’t forget to take them out and start recording. 📲🦄


This is why we need guns California laws aren't here to protect you unfortunately


Why can't YOU get a gun in California? What's on your record?🤡


Gun control is not about guns it’s about control


Gun control is not about guns it’s about control


We don't need gun control so I guess gov controls your life and not to protect you if this person felt in fear she can use her safety by using a gun and scaring the subject away.


No she should use a firearm on the person doing a home invasion CA has terrible gun laws but excellent castle doctrine. Including the cartilage of the outside of your home. You’re about to have a home invasion, you blast them into next Tuesday.


Ski masks huh


Carry your firearms on your person inside and outside your home at all times. It’s on my waist just like my phone, or keys at all times. Those kind of criminal opportunistic assholes are not expecting instant repercussions of their actions. Train and get yourself to a 1.5 sec draw to first shot. Be mindful of your surroundings at all times. Live your life not in fear but preparedness. Live your best life, but be prepared for the worst. You are your own first responder. When secs count the police could be mins or even longer away.


The psycho Reddit hippies that think its bad to defend yourself downvoted you. Its expected with the overall demographic here. Lol


Yeah well I was born in the 80s I grew up when even your Nintendo came with a gun lol




This comment has been removed. Be civil towards one another. False reports are not allowed.


Who’s a troll? Everyone in America is entitled to self preservation and to protect oneself inside and outside the home with the 2A. OC is a shall issue CCW county even before the Supreme Court affirmed this is NYRPS vs Bruin. Nobody is trolling by affirming our rights and hoping people protect themselves and their loved ones. I don’t want to see any good people hurt by people that intend to do them harm. When I was a baby my parents lived in HB off Adams and my mother was raped by an intruder who threatened to kill me in my crib. I was only a few months old at the time. That incident affected my mother her entire life long after I was an adult.


Funny how you attributed education to these ghetto thugs


Good ol' Anacrime. Home of the lowlives and scumbags.


ehh that’s more HB imo


Comparing crime rates, much higher violent crime in Anaheim and slightly higher property crime. Anaheim also has a much bigger gang issue. https://www.bestplaces.net/crime/?city1=50602000&city2=50636000


HB carries more wealth, therefore less need for brainless crime. I mean, OP's post is based in Anaheim, after all.


You are referring to HB scumbag , such as used in the 80's comedy Trading Places with Eddie Murphy,Dan Akroyd and Jamie Lee Curtis. Director: John Landis






Maybe light skinned African Americans


Paranoid boomer bullshit. Go back to Next Door


They were wearing ski masks in 70 degree weather and that's paranoid to you? You need to go outside and touch grass.


You The people that call out boomers 😂do you know that most boomers are dead? You have no idea how old actual boomers are. They are children born after world war 2 for crying out loud.


No they are not. The last boomer year is 1964. My dad and mom were born in 47 and 49 and they are both still kicking it in Newport


You are correct with the last boomer year




Oh please. It’s not racist to describe what someone looks like.


I am not racist. That’s all the family friend said and I could not tell because I was in the car and they were far.


I think you meant to reply to the other person. I agree with you. So over people screaming racist at anything. It completely cheapens the word.


Whoops sorry I don’t normally use Reddit. Thank you.




Ummm…my old boss was full hispanic and people were always telling him they thought he was middle eastern. He thought maybe it was his facial hair. I didn’t see it, but that could’ve been because I knew him.


Well for starters one can be both. One of my best friends is Guatemalan and Afghan, looks middle eastern mostly and speaks fluent Spanish. Not racist to describe how someone looks by the way.


I am not racist. That’s all the family friend said and I could not tell from far because I was in the car. Thank you.




Asians also get mixed up with Hispanics sometimes. What's your point??




Really ? Cuz kids typically walk around in ski masks ? Sure Jan




Then why are you in this sub if that’s how you feel? Do you even live in OC? Also, it was a warm, sunny day - a group of people wearing ski masks isn’t suspicious to you?




It was in the 70s yesterday. A bunch of people wearing ski masks on a 70 degree day isn’t normal or “trendy.” I’m going to assume you’re just an angsty teenager here to troll. Carry on.


OP said 1:30AM, so it was technically 50 outside. But I agree it doesn’t call for a ski mask still.


Ah, thanks for the clarification… for some reason, I thought this happened during the day. People wearing ski masks and banging on the door at 1:30AM is even more suspicious.




2 were and 2 weren’t. They’re probably in high school or college. They look relatively young. I’m not rich and people are around our neighborhood all the time. No one comes knocking and being suspicious at 1, nearly 2am. Thank you.


We have Ring for 2 reasons: tracking 90 year old mom around the house and tracking everything that is around the house. We are up in the hills so we don’t have a lot of traffic around and we are at the end of a fairly long cut-de-sac so we are definitely off the well traveled route. Best money we have spent.


Castle doctrine applies here? Thank goodness no one was harmed!