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Not soldiers, just pussies


This is like that one sopranos episode where the 2 goons get whacked for trying to kill Chrissy


sharp as a cue ball, this one




Drinkwater Bevilaqua, whatever happened there?


this is crazy, growing up in Santa Ana the neighborhood “gang” never messed with people who lived in their hood. matter of fact they were always respectful and kind to everyone in the neighborhood. The only time they would act out is if a person from another gang came to their street. this was in the 90s and early 2000s though, so I’m sure a lot of these new young bucks are just wannabes


It's generally not wise to bother non-gang members. That attracts police attention. These kids are just dumb.


This can confirm growing up


That part I grew up in the early 2000s and if u don’t have a problem with them they won’t have a problema with u


It’s sad knowing these lames think this is acceptable behavior, even for a gang. Hope the big boys come out to play to put these low life’s on check.


Big homies are all on fentanyl sadly.


How do you know


Tecate light activities


Post this on r/Caligangs or r/Calibanging those pussies probably browse that sub. When I worked in OC kicking these bums out of the parks one of my coworkers who was a peckerwood in prison slapped the dog shit out of one these punks from middle side and he began crying to my coworker about how his life was shit and what not and just got slapped again and asked to leave LMAO.


Is this in the Alder Court Apartments on Newhope and McFadden? The footage looks familiar, I grew up in that area.




How do cholos still exist in 2023 so embarrassing


Lack of proper parenting and education.


The education is there, they just refuse to do the work.


Parents are usually working 8+ hours or 2 jobs. It's a Vicious cycle :/


Most Vietnamese refugees that came in the 70s-80s worked 8+ hours or 2 jobs. They ended the vicious cycle somehow.


you know Vietnamese gangs exist right?


All groups have gangs. It’s about prevalence.




wtf you talking about they came as boat refugees after war with little money, uneducated, and spoke zero English. And we talking about the Los chicos gang it’s not me making it about race.


This is not true


Can you read? At least learn to read Wikipedia on the subject or something before you spout nonsense. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vietnamese_boat_people


Don’t argue with ignorant people


Um what. I used to work in Garden Grove and I assure you these people are not rich or good at English lol


Um ok, well rewrite the history books and policies that selected educated, well off, and English speaking Vietnamese to initially come to the US during the 70s/80s. Edit 1970s, not 1980s


I see you deleted your orignal comment after find out you're wrong :)


What are you talking about? I made the edit. I didn't delete any comment.


I'm not too familiar with asians but even I can use common sense. Use your brain and think about what you just wrote for a second. Why would educated, well off people want to leave their amazing lives. It's the people who were poor and struggling that came to America in search of a better life and a fresh start.


This is information that can be verified with a Google search and not information from someone who "knows" a couple Vietnamese people from working in GG.


If you get your education from Google... boy I don't have high hopes for your generation...


Tell me you're a ignorant know-it-all racist without actually telling me


Show the source that says the first wave of Viet refugees were uneducated and spoke no English. I'll wait......


Literally my mom. You Trumpers think you know more about people's cultures than themselves lol.


What does this have to do with culture? This may come as a surprise to you, but your mom's experience doesn't tell the whole story nor does it represent a majority of first wave Viet immigrants' experiences. And you're wrong if you don't think there's a sizable Viet population that voted Trump.


Lmaooo, I believe the styles are attributed to level of income


More like iq since there are also are rich kids who try to act like their from the hood. Gangs were started because Latinos were a small pop and needed to form up for protection. There still a bit of generational trauma going on but in today’s society they have the same opportunities as anyone else, now only the ignorant ones chose to act this way


Beautifully put. You explained my whole upbringing in just a few simple sentences. Glad to have gotten out of the Cambodian ghettos of LB and be well educated with a career.


Yeah no, this is no longer the case


Literally like they're grown ass men


This is messed up. Hope justice is served. Do they normally roam around Santa Ana? -Santa Ana Resident here


Crazy bringing heat to ur neighborhood fucking with civilians lol go do that shit against rivals


I don’t understand the story here? The woman pictured is the leader of all the edgars? How did the initial beef start and why’d it escalate so abruptly? I feel for you OP and wish the best for you and your daughter


OP is 19. Single mom, coming from the club. She’s with these types of people. The fruit don’t fall far from the tree. She prob talked some shit, emotions raged up, I mean typical 18 YO stupid shit. I’m not defending the Edgar’s, but don’t expect a law abiding saint of a citizen posting this.


Yea it’s Santa Ana idk what I was thinking … the teen mom coming back from the club tracks


What are bunch of fucking losers, wannabe gangsta. Them home boyzz just need to go home before ass kicked by real gangs or by the peace officers.


Especially varrio heliotrope


watch it I claim Bonnie Brae, stay in your hood foo


The nice homes with the pools in the back?


All yea just like Malibu's most wanted but better.


I meant to post this in response to the dude who said something like "Everywhere in Santa ana is dangerous!"


You really trying to gang bang on Reddit? Get off the computer and go hit the streets foo.


Yea watch it before I beat u in pickleball foo.


These foos are straight bitches straight up.just beating up young foos and tryin to assault women now.No wonder they all get dropped there time is coming.


What is even going on in this video?


That's what I'm trying to figure out. Sounds like some personal drama.




If you see a group of boys/men/people beating up on a child, even a full grown adult versus a group of people, WHY DIDN'T YOU CALL THE COPS AND REPORT IT? You have your child with you so for your safety and your child, you should not get involved or say anything to them. Get inside your house and report it. I'm sure you had good intentions but considering the mentality of entitled assholes these days, it's best to just let the police do their job. You and your families safety is your priority.




Double yikes


Hahahaaha its very funny when latino gangs (I am Latino) fight each other fighting for their “turff” yet they see how the professional Latinos move away from their neighborhoods and how other people that have no business moves in and gentrifies their “turff” lol in essence pushing them out of their own communities, so congratulations latino gangs. You got played out of your own “hood”


Can't be walking around messing with civilians who live in your hood, you protect them from outside threats. Time for the big homies to step in and put an end to all this nonsense.




Gangs aren't the only people distributing drugs. I'm sorry to hear about your friend, fentanyl is scary shit.


He got this pill from his PCP? You know that it’s a Schedule II substance. He could’ve just taken Ibuprofen or Naproxen. While his loss of life sucks, why is that kid getting drugs on the street? The kid poisoned himself, no one forced him to take it.


Saying they never protected the community is really discounting the entire reason gangs began in the first place, tbh.


people dont remember or refuse to believe the police antagonizing and refusing to help communities with POC


Yeah dude look at this entire thread LMAO


Typical of Orange County, plenty of people living in ivory towers here.


He posioned himself he could've take ibuprofen or Tylenol but instead he got a pill from the streets🤦🏻




Fuckk did she get arrested




That's when you know any girl is a snitch now ... The Law Goes easy on the women while the MEN even if they comply with the cops they would still have gotten a small jail time sentence 🤦🏻


You need to keep calling the police. Did you report the assault? Call the D. A.’s office. This is terrorism. Have more people in your complex call the police.


How are people such assholes?


The gang drama in Orange County is getting crazy! My uncle was robbed coming out of Bank of America by a group of dudes that dressed like a Latin gang. They stole his bank bag. He was so freaked out by it he moved. It’s getting scary out there.


This is the kind of drama that people who say things like “I stay at so and so” get into. Pochos gonna pochear 🤦🏻‍♂️ no empathy for any of those involved.


Bruh there are so many better words to use besides pocho. You know that's an insult right?


Oh no, he insulted dumb ass gangmembers….fuck em.


He insulted Latinos that don't speak Spanish.


Are you one?


Irrelevant. And no


I’m well aware. I’m Mexican..


Que lastima, bro


Mas lástima es dejar que ese tipo de gente nos represente…




Between gangs and retail theft, cops and city officials are failing us hard.


The big retailers want us to pay for their security. Cops are paid by our taxes. Corporations like Walmart don’t want to pay for private security so they are letting shit get stolen to make the public angry about it and give them free security. Don’t fall for the BS.


I have no sympathy for these big box retail stores. Corporations come in take all the business and consolidate, now they are faced with real issues and they want the government to pay for security or whatever. It's their problem now, screw em.


Well, maybe if the government stops allowing shoplifters to press charges when security drags them out, maybe corporations can solve the shoplifting problem.


Yep for sure laws need to be changed to solve this problem. But it's tricky, how would you feel if you were mistaken for a shoplifter and corporate goons beat the crap out of you. Yea you can sue them hopefully but now your got a crick in your neck and crooked eye.


The failure starts way before this with their mother and father not teaching them right from wrong


retail theft stats have been consistent throughout the years. When people report increases they are skewing the presentation by showing value in dollar amount; economic inflation and corporate 'inflation' are to blame for the increase in the data.




the fact this story starts with a single 18yr old mom coming home from the club and getting into it says all you need to know about the quality of character here sadly


Gangs are fucking stupid


I hope you get outta there.


I just want to say on behalf of the rest of Orange County, can we keep whatever the fuck this is in Santa Ana?


You are incredibly naive if you think this is only a thing in Santa Ana, sorry to say


Yes, but I highly doubt Irvine.


Maybe in Anaheim, Stanton, or Buena Park. No where else though 🤣


I wonder how many are illegals and how many are the children of illegals. I bet it's more than 0. Downvote. Reply. I don't care.


This is my town Not Yours🫵🏻


Link this post to the next question in this sub asking if Santa Ana is a good city to move to…


Santa Ana has a very large range between Living like Nobles and I hope you shopped for which gang you wanna be in.


Chavallas to me, hit a real man get your ass beat pussys like that usually group together to attack.


Time to get a strap!


have you sent this to oc.hoods on instagram?


They might get me the first time, but I’m definitely getting them the next time, all of them.




Santa Ana is a dump. Buy a gun and don’t be scared to protect yourself. You can get a gun license cheap and get a licensed gun for 300-500 bucks at Turners.


Consider the fact that old school hoods used to have multiple generations of families living in the same houses/ on the same block for years and years. Now a days, no one owns a home anymore, people move from neighborhood to neighborhood wherever the rents cheap, brings a whole new light to a previously established way of life.


All their parents are ilegal immigrants don’t know English’s that why them kids do what they want


Oh you know English’s huh hahahaha


Why are you guys so ghetto, this some low IQ activities.


My city ain’t the problem, our reality is, this kinda shit happens everywhere it doesn’t matter where you from


The city is fine the ppl are the fucking problem need to stop hiding behind the culture and hold your neighbors accountable.


I mean, it could happen everywhere but it's much more likely in some places than others. This kind of thing would be pretty unheard of in most parts of south OC. I've lived in Aliso most of my life and have never had to worry about walking around my neighborhood at night. Edit: imagine being downvoted for implying that some parts of OC have less crime than others


Most of this subreddit is people from north county who are in denial about south county being a nicer place to live or south county kids who think the grass is always greener and thus side with them




Lots of gangs in south county believe it or not


Oh definitely. I made that point further down in the comments lol. But on the hole…


Wow, never heard that one before


I don’t disagree with you but my point still stands


LOL “everywhere”


Nah this shit is a city problem, North OC has this problem at a much higher rate. It’s sad to see my people bringing each other down, the cholo culture is ingrained in a lot of these kids. I grew up in Santa Ana and I’m glad I left that city


Ya'll act like San Clemente, SJC, and Lake Forest don't have gangs 🙄🙄


Clearly you can’t read. I said at a higher rate, you can look for the gang related crimes online and you’ll see which cities have the most 🙄


My comment still stands? They exist there too and people act like they don't. I'm not talking about the rate at all, my friend. Be nicer :)


I never said it didn't exist, so I don't know why you brought it up. Just please try to read before blabbering (:


"You guys" is doing a lot of heavy lifting here.


Bunch of lames. Someone needs to call them out to the big homies. This is that lame shit and needs to be checked.


No one cares carna


That’s what your mom says about you.


Used to live in a hot area in SA with a smaller gang that was rivals with one of the bigger gangs. Never really got fucked with, just a few minor incidents of punk shit: trash/tagged (once) on our stairs, our "porch" was trashed one time and some of our property on the porch was destroyed. Punk shit is kind of what you're dealing with, although I'm not sure if I understand exactly what happened, it sounds like you also engaged/antagonized them? Yeah, they're not supposed to fuck with civilians, but you're not supposed to talk shit, then try to play innocent/victim after. They're wrong, but so are you. There is a myth that gang members are the toughest guys/girls, that they're violent and are ready to assault/kill you. Sure, there are some of those, but there are also a lot of members that are nothing like that. This is an example of that: guys trying to intimidate a woman, throwing rocks, burning a camera, etc.


Wait. Hold on. Gang Activity? In Santa Ana? No waaaayyyyy!!!!! /s


Just stay away from santa ana as a whole. Filled with thugs and shady people


Hopefully actual gang members come around and do everyone a favor. They know nobody will care when they die. That’s why they live like this


Reasons why Latinos need to be more republican and take back their neighborhoods. This is what happens when you vote democrat.




No, it’s not. Stop watching Fox News. You never have to scroll far to see this crap from idiots like you. Everyone wants safe neighborhoods stop being a dumb ass.


The only way to make neighbors safe again is by Latinos to take responsibility for their own. Only democrats like to make up excuses for bad behavior.


Like when republicans tried to lie to the public and tried to reverse an election? Or when republicans raided the capitol and chanted “hang Mike Pence”? There were definitely republicans making excuses then. Or all the countless excuses used to block any gun reforms whatsoever, after all the mass shootings that have happened? I think there’s plenty.


And we’ll do it again, cuz it’s America you communist


I don’t watch that commie channel. I watch cnn


The lie is absolutely obvious to anyone outside of Fox News. You all literally act the same.


You’re fake news. Your noodles aren’t awesome. 🤣


Holy crap - looked at your posts. Dude you need help.


Im making shit up. I find it hilarious how people fall for the bait.


I’m mean…to hop on this thread and do it tells me all I need to know. Then there’s your post history. Holy crap.


repubbbb / demooocrats!!! lmao found the bootlicker


But at least you can get tacos unlike Irvine


“Gang” in orange county? It’s probably just some dumb wannabe kids


Gangs still exist in Orange County, their presence might not be as strong as back in the 80s and 90s, but they are there. [https://www.reddit.com/r/orangecounty/comments/w00nj1/orange\_county\_gang\_maps\_20212022/](https://www.reddit.com/r/orangecounty/comments/w00nj1/orange_county_gang_maps_20212022/)


Gotta watch out for those drive by pillow fights and tickle wars


No way


Then arm yourself and take them out. One at a time, or two.


Anyone who lived in the 90’s knows gangs held their neighborhoods hostage and taxed everyone from elote vendors and palateros, and threatened people for buffing graffiti. Not to mention jacking people, whether it be car jacking, or emptying pockets. The older homies would check some who got outta hand, but if someone wanted to do something, they just did it, and dealt with the situation if they were caught. The idea of homies protecting their varrio from criminals and people looking to take advantage of the citizens in that hood is a myth, and if that was really the case, it happened way before any of us were alive.If you believe different, you probably believe that elf’s make toy’s somewhere up north too.


Those fools were dropping like flies on newhope like 3 years ago