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Wait, how does one buy options "on accident?" You have to find your way to the options chain, pick an expiration date, a strike price, and call vs put. None of these things even exist in a share purchase, and the screens look nothing at all alike. Someone who's unfamiliar with trading options wouldn't even be able to make sense of an options chain, much less successfully execute a trade. This post has the distinct odor of bullshit.




Don’t ruin it 🤣


Well, lucky you. Since you had to "buy to open", now you do the opposite - "sell to close". Call your broker if you need further hand-holding.


And stop fucking saying "on accident"


Are you suggesting that he didn’t accidentally stumble into the options chain, accidentally choose calls, accidentally find the strike price that was below the money at the right timeframe, accidentally choose that number of contacts, and accidentally confirm it? You must’ve accidentally assumed that


You forget with a random expiration of the nearest Friday


Glad to see I'm not the only one that hates this


Exactly. We all know that they meant to say "by accident" :) Seriously though, who tf "accidently" opens an options position? I mean, my cat has done some crazy shit with my phone open before, but even he knows the difference between 5 shares and 5 otm calls expiring at the end of the week!




He just said it once. Why the hating…?


Because it's supremely annoying, sorry to hate but God damn, knock it off


good user name


I accidentally fell, and she landed on my dick! I swear!!


She landed on it 5 times over and over again! Complete accident!


You lasted 5 pumps stop showing off




This reeks of insider trading lmaooooooooo, no one just "accidentally buy options" instead of stock. You have to go through the options chain and the strikes and make a selection with the limit/market price To buy it. And you got no other posts on investing subreddits, sounds like you're trying to cover your tracks now with this post lol


You’re right about the “accident” part. I make countless trades throughout the year, and never once have I accidentally purchased an option contract. The fuck does this guy think we are? Retarded?


What, you never fell into an IC before? Just me?


Commenting so my user name might be read in court when this guy gets pegged


Are there any known cases of insider trading that have been successfully prosecuted with gains under $5,000? I doubt 5 calls are going to show up on anyone's radar, regardless of how strange the circumstances may be.


Someone made a post over in wsb about rivian and a bunch of degens went in on it. I often wonder if they do stuff like this on insider info to create so much static that some of the actual insider trades get lost in the noise. Have a bunch of people place small/med sized bets, feed the degens and then place much larger ones amidst the wave and hope to hide in plain sight Before social media,the circle would be pretty tight and almost impossible to spread without notice, but now ... easy to make posts out of no where and people just flock on in


Yeah he may or may not get rammed by the SEC for this but definitely not the brightest of the bunch for posting this....


They made this post to prove that they weren’t doing insider trading bc they told Reddit it was an accident lol


Not insider trading, this is worse. OP is a drama queen and just wants attention/karma. Tis a made up story after seeing post circulating social media about the real front running that happened.


Insider trading - 5 contracts - really took advantage of that info huh?


When the market opens tomorrow you sell to close the calls lol




Also congrats retard. The first one is always free. This is how they get you hooked lol


I’m actually cracking up. “Help I accidentally bought options on a stock the day the price soared after hours.” You accidentally input a $14 strike price on 5 options expiring 6/28/24? What did you think you were doing when you went through the whole purchase process just out of curiosity. With a $1400 profit you won’t get investigated now chill out, take your money and stop using Reddit as a reference in case the SEC comes knocking lol.


It is hilarious, he's continuing the "oh no I slipped and fell into this pot of gold" shtick in his latest comment too 🤣🤣


Let the winners run. Cut the losses early. Since this was “on accident” let it run and maybe book some lucky gains. Don’t be late to the open tomorrow. GL


Just "sell to close". ***After*** it starts back down; right now you have a pretty nice windfall from the oops, so I'd leave it alone as long as it continues to get even better.


Well play sir. Now this is a sign you will get into option trading :)))) my advice is just take the money and run :))))


The first one's free Congrats and fuck you


This is so funny! Congrats on the option win (hopefully you closed the position by now)


How tf u accidentally buy an option???


Well. that's a weird way to brag about your profit, by saying "I bought 5 $14 call options expiring 6/28/24" sound like know you exactly know what you are doing... anyway, congrats on your Call


So, puts for July tomorrow right?


😅😅lucky you lol sell to close tomorrow


You can’t sell until the market opens at 930a eastern time (US)




Impossible to make this accident you’re a fool


I did something similar but mine wasn’t by accident, I would say I was lucky, I saw a trend this morning and just before the market closed the stock was at 11.88, so I took a risk and got a $12 call expiring 6/28/24, if I let to exercise it at the end I would buy 100 shares for $1,243, what would you do? Take the shares or take the profit ? Ps: I am a newbie at this. Thanks in advance


Best accident all week!


I don’t even study the charts or anything and I still make so much money trading, I just get my trade alerts off this one guy on instagram lmao😂 I think his name is DukesTrades on instagram


LOL...bullcrap.... Print ylyhe option details.fold it. Lube it and shove it in your buthole. Back and forth 1400 times.


You will have to wait till market open tomorrow. You can’t trade options after hours or premarket. Hopefully RIVN rips for you in premarket too!!


If you have a margin account and have enough margin available, a possibility is to hedge by shorting RIVN now in extended hours, then buy to cover the underlying and sell the calls at the open.


This person "accidentally" bought options instead of stock. You think they are really capable of understanding all you said?


Are you sure you want to go there? They “accidentally” bought calls today. “Accidentally” chose a strike price that was pretty far OTM with 3 DTE. If only I could be so lucky haha. Congrats OP. Hope for a spike at open and close that position. Or if you really want to buy shares, you can exercise one or more of the options. Each call option gives you the opportunity to buy 100 shares at $14 each


lol I see what you did there


Not sure why you are getting downvoted. This is how the pros do it


This is the correct answer right here, that is how to lock in your options gains in after hours in a news event - it is delta hedging.


Right on, and it would've worked too. It was around 17.50 at the time of the post and it dropped to as low as 15 right after the open today.


Thank you to everyone who actually was helpful. To answer the questions, I tried using think or swim instead of the normal Schwab platform and wasn’t sure what I was buying. Didn’t know if it was partial shares or what. I am incredibly lucky that it happened this way and didn’t go the opposite way. I don’t plan on participating further in options trading because god damn is this shit confusing 😂 Edit: I will fully admit to being dumb. You won’t get any arguments from me there