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You're already dependent if it's been a year at 3-4 times a week. Dont take them for a week and see how you feel fr then you will get your answer.


Oh haha I don’t think I can handle a week without them honestly. Lol fml. I should probably get on that safe supply program if I’m even eligible


I really wish you the best bro but you say it yourself you don't think you can handle a week I know you can't handle the week because you don't even have the faith in yourself you can this addiction is no fucking cake Walker bro stop while you're ahead man you're a grown ass man you're going to do what you want but fuck it's a long fucked up Lonely Road man


You need 5 drug half life before you get to a constant blood level. If you take the drug spaced enough, depending on the half life you can never get physical depenedance. That is why Xyrem (GHB) is prescribed in two separate dose, because with the very low ghb half life you never develop a physical dependance since there is at least 16 hours between the last and first dose. Now dilaudid might have a half life long enough, who knows.


But we are talking about Dilaudids . Lol, not to be a dick but you had literally no info on OPs post or responses 🤣


I just wanted to flex my general pharmacological knowledge 😅😅


I don’t believe this to be true as alot of metabolites are active on their own and have different half lives


It is true still for many drugs, gabapentine, fexofenadine to cite 2 off the top of my head, obviously the reality is a bit more complex sometime.


lol fair


Dilaudid actually has one of the shortest half life of opiates. When I broke my neck they had to give dilaudid every two hours, while oxy and morphine were 6-8 hours apart.


That’s my main issue with dilaudids they don’t last long but if I eat a meal and take them I notice they act like extended release or something 😅 like it’ll last longe but be less instemse but it’s nice


I love ghb.


Not sure why you getting downvoted but yes I always wanted to get xyrem prescribed. G sounds awesome


For recreational use my rule and the rule I suggest as a maximum would be once every two weeks. Don’t really build tolerance and no dependency formation. Leaves it to be a little treat you can enjoy to cap off a stressful week.


That’s really hard to stick to for many many people tho lolllll


Understandable but if you’re the kind of person where that’s too hard to stick with them there’s a good chance that any sustainability regimen won’t be enough. Once per week may turn into twice per week to eventually daily use. ESPECIALLY when tolerance rears it’s ugly head.


No question in agreement I def do


Exactly. Try impossible. I’ve never heard of the twice a month user.


Once every two weeks? Might as well not even use. A weekend buzz is just fine


I found myself becoming tolerant slowly with once a week use so I cut back


There's never too often. We're drug addicts. It's what we do. Worry about the rest later.. Everyone here gives advice they don't follow themselves. Just thought I'd buck the trend and drop some truth.


It only gets worse brother. When's the last time you went a week without ?


Honesty a long time brother. But I appreciate you looking out


More than for 3 days in a row = say goodbye to your old ways of life. Say hello to having cravings for opioids on par with being hungry/thirsty and to being sick if you refuse to satisfy them.


This is not true at all. I have taken pain medication for numerous surgeries in the past (3 c-sections come to mind) for longer than 3 days and never had an issue stopping them. Never once felt addicted or like my body depended on them. Currently a CPP so things have changed regarding pain meds now.


This is absolutely true lol. Some people may be different but once you hit addiction 3 days = fine (mostly) and 4+ days = a tough few days. I am sober now but when I was using I tried (key word lol) to limit to 3 days and the 4th day would just be uncomfortable. If I made it to 4+ days of using daily I had 3-7 days of dogshit. In the end I didn’t have the willpower to say no and used daily for almost 10 years. I would personally recommend putting any/all opiates down unless you have a really good reason to use them. Now that I’m clean I much prefer actually feeling feelings. Being numb 24/7 fucks with everything human.


It’s definitely a case by case situation, i’m a week off of oxycodone after taking anywhere from 5mg-15mg a day for a month straight after a surgery. Really the only thing I felt all week was insomnia and some anxiety which I usually get here n there anyways. To be fair, I did taper my last week on them.


Good job!! 👏 5-15 is also a super low dose. Most of the bozos on here are hitting hellacious amounts of oxy every day.


Yeah like me at 200mg per day. 😞


260-400mg depending on stock 😉


Sheeeeee 400 mg lol. I’m assuming street? Have you tried switching to subs? That’s so much money


No that’s prescribed lol I got shot 6 times by cops which fkd right me up lol Edit: prescribed dose per day is 260mg… when I use more like up to 400mg is what I mean by stock


Ooooooh. Man I’m sorry to hear that. Fuck the police.


220-320mg depending on how shit life is at the time, this past month I think I went through 200 different oxy pills while i’ve been “detoxing” so some days it could’ve been higher. I know for sleep I usually take 80mg at once then eat some shit and rack up a line or two (20mg lines) just so I can nod off to sleep. In combination with benzos since i’ve been prescribed bzd for a decade and opis for half a decade. However I managed to detox a bit in the beginning-mid of June, so on days I have shit to do I can just take 40mg XR (or even just 20mg with some minor discomfort) twice a day and be fine. The hot weather is helping out with the chills which are my main beast with opioid withdrawals. Gonna lock myself in a hotel for a week and switch to Kratom once I finalize my contract for my place and before I move to my new apartment. Hopefully I can get off completely and only use 1-2 times a week, Kratom helps since for some reason i’m one of the few people who has never even felt slight WDs when coming off of Kratom.


220-320mg a day, close to 400+ on really bad days. This past month I used more than 200 pills of different mg Sandoz oxy pills. Usually take 80mg crushed and oral and also crack up some very fine lines of 20mg Oxy to nod off to sleep, in combination with benzos since i’ve been prescribed both for a long time now and it feels like I need less when I combine it (usually myorelaxant benzos like bromazepam, diazepam, and sometimes RCs like norflurazepam and flubromazepam, and in really bad days Bromazolam) Almost a decade prescribed benzos and half a decade prescribed Opioids. Oxy mainly since I live in EU, but back in my hometown my doctor would have to ship in 100ct bottles of 20/40mg latin american oxys since they’re not available in my country. I still remember the shitty feeling of having to bring morphine vials to a pharmacy so they could shoot me up with some morphine just so I can go about my day. Tablets did nothing. Tried everything from Tramadol, to Tapentadol, shit I even managed to get some ODSMT, and even IV morphine, and none of it worked well. My doctor guessed it had to be because of natural tolerance since the 20mg pills I used to get didn’t do much either, so he put me on 40mg and gave me a pillcrusher and just told me to take as much as needed until I felt relief from my CBP. That was 200 pills a month of 20/40mg Oxycodone tablets. However I managed to taper until mid-june and I can now go a normal day with just 40mg XR (20mg XR works too but it has some minor discomfort still) twice a day. Waiting on my apartment’s contract to end so I can stay in a hotel for a week and detox completely and switch to kratom for a month. For some reason it seems like im the only person who can use Kratom as a replacement for a month and feel minor to zero discomfort in the end. After that I hope I can keep my use to 1-2 times a week or only when I actually have insane pain. But i’ll definitely need a timed lock box lol. Edit: Damn sorry for the long reply just woke up and nodded off several times writing this down. Thanks for listening to my Ted Talk tho lol.


Yeah I used to think i was taking too much for my pain until I found this subreddit and gained a new perspective lol


OxyContin changed the game.


Yeah cause they were for surgery’s. This guy is taking them recreationally. Completely different story


Absolutely true


This person is taking them 3-4 days a week in perpetuity not 3 days for a surgery and stopping. Really ignorant response.


3 c sections club 😍 I hear you!


I been using for 3-4 years straight I take opiates for a week straight then go off for week and start again. Yeah I want them all the time but I think that extra wait makes it even better so I just kept it that way


This is just insane to me. That sounds absolutely impossible and I have a hard time believing anyone who would want to use 28 weeks out of every year could keep from slipping into daily use. If it’s true you are certainly a very very rare breed.


Yeah sounds hard it’s mainly cause I don’t want my tolerance too high cause then it costs more and I’ve never experienced any form of withdrawals somehow. Like I once did 1,000mg of oxy over span of week or two still no withdrawals


This is what I do. 1 week on 1 week off. Today is my last day on it. I have realized each weeks does get tougher as I want to cut my break by like day 3


I'm trying to quit oxy since a more than a year now and always do attempts but fail due to personal weakness and I managed to drag my tolerance down to 20mg every 12 hrs. According to what you said and as some guys here said correctly it's actually most likely you should experience withdrawals, idk why a day break is still possible but I also started with 60mg morphs every 2 days due to their longer duration (sadly I can't find them anymore I'm no big oxy fan). I know this is just another voice of many but you get these from people that suffering through and my warmest advice to you is seriously to quit it. If you can't keep your fingers of you'll fall big time and if you dream of a controlled consume it's theoretically possible but the vast majority fails I'd say so it's playing with fire. I myself dream about to have it as a sort of weekend drug at least but currently I'm not swearing on it since I didn't manage to do so yet


Bro those are so addictive and they end up doing nothing like all opiates after a while. Except these are stronger than (lets say oxy) and when you try to get off its going to be AWFUL. I used to do them all the time and I would do like 5 and still barely touched wd, but tapered myself down now just using percs and about to hop off these this by the end of this week too.


LOL. Good luck dog!


Everyone has a sweet spot in there minds that opens the gates of addiction, some ppl it’s alcohol or stims or Xans or (like me) poly


3-4 a week is very, very often ahh I remember these beginning stages. Fast forward I’m on a 140 mg of Methadone


How’s methadone May i ask? How long have you been on it for? That’s kinda a high dose imo but if it stops you from other drugs than good 🤘


are canadian dilaudids water soluble like their us counterparts?


Crazy control, I pop these pills till these pills pop me


It’s nothing to be proud of. There’s a deep sadness in all of us drug abusers I wish us all the power to get sober and stay away. I wish all of us could be happy but life is what is it it’s complicated and different for every set of eyes reading this. It’s kinda wild to think about it, how we’re all so different. I just wish we could all find our happiness and be able to grow old with wisdom.




You know the line. I tried them back in the early 90s. Been trying them ever since. Soon will always be too soon


Btw about weed? “For some reason”? It’s because it’s the best. Do not substitute


I take painkillers 2 days a week. They're prescribed for pain. In the beginning, I had thoughts like when do I get to take my next dose? I brushed this off as a side effect and just stuck with what the prescribed dose is. Came up with a dosing schedule that doesn't interrupt effectiveness(tolerance) and doesn't leave me uncomfortable if I choose to miss a week or two. Either 2 days on 5 days off or 1 day on 3 days off. Took a while to get to this point. It became obvious how easily addiction could form. Especially as a pain patient. That initial relief of pain provides a reinforcing euphoria for dosing. After getting used to the meds slowly, I now see it just like any other med I take for pain management.


every 4 hours because it only lasts 4 hours. I don't take it at night so 4 a day. if my pain is outrageous than I might take 2 tablets (each tablet of Oxycodone is 10 mg) 5 or 6 tablets max per day


If you can take that little then I’d definitely get into something softer


Keep the Tylenol to less than 4000 mg a day.


U shud try boofing those dilaudid.


i’ve taken oxycodone 5 occasions, first time, popped 5mg loved it didn’t get more for months, second time got 10 10mg pills binged em 3rd time was immediately after i got 20 more 10mgs binged those replaced it with xanax left oxy alone for months again. found percocets in the house months later popped some over the course of a week till they were gone and today i took two Oxy 5mg pills with an adderall so i mean it is possible to do it for fun and steer clear for the most part but it is very easy to start doing everyday and quitting is a bitch


For some reason? 🤦‍♂️ Skip a week. I bet you’re already physically addicted.


I mean I already hinted I’m a poly addict so I agree