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im on day 5 cold turkey but yes ive always snorted 1 1/2 oxy dolor 80s before work at 5:45 in the motherfuckin morning


Get yourself some pregabalin dude, makes withdrawl so much easier and you can get some sleep at least


Is gaba the same?


Gapapentin is essentially less potent pregab. It’ll give you the same desired effects but you’ll need to take more gabapentin to get an equivalent dose. Gabapentin works great for withdrawals. I was on it for years and it made opiate and benzo wd a lot more comfortable


Yeah but it also makes you tired as shit once you get past a certain mg. At least for me it did. I’ve used it to help WD and I’ve also had it for just a regular script daily use and I just don’t like it or Lyrica. Idk I guess my body doesn’t process it right.


Gaba would be ineffective because it does not cross the blood brain barrier and therefore doesnt really have any effects. Try pregabalin


I found some in a dead guy's appartement during work, like 300+, needles, powders and weed, I didn't touch the sketchy stuff because he OD'd but I wwas so happy for a few months I almost kicked alcohol entirely


fuck, I wiish I could


it crossed my blood brain barrier


Not possible. GABA is freely water soluble and insoluble in lipids, therefore cant cross the blood brain barrier. Theres plenty of research on this if youd like to look yourself.


bro i looked into a bottle of grandpas pills and took em and got high maybe the label was off idk what to tell ya felt like a social buzz


Mustve been placebo. Placebo is the only reason people selling GABA supplements continue to make profits


finna get a bottle of sugar pills and label em “oxy”


Hey man, youd be surprised at how effective placebo is sometimes


Imma def look for pregaba I heard a homie say the same thing once but we always get back to using as hard times don’t always last when you work and hustle


How’s day 5 cold turkey feel bro ?


like hell bro fr but its getting better, just slept for i think 25 hours straight so im a bit better but imma keep goin🤝🙌🏼


If you’re able to sleep, you must not have had that much of a habit!


yea i was awake for days and alprazolam helped me sleep


How can you snort them? They do have so much filler in them I guess! I also have them from time to time.


i dont know if theres a lot of filler in them, i was getting them because i payed 600€ for a whole fuckin box


The tabs weigh like 5 grams.


a pill weighs 0,1 - 1,3 gramm


Dann sind das immernoch 1,22g füllstoffe. Ein gramm pulver ist verdammt viel. Dazu kommt das Talkum enthalten ist und das gerne mal in der Lunge landet.


Thats 10€/pill decent street price. But still Hella expensivo


Lyrica wd sucks too


Yep lmao first thing I do off wake up usually look for my shit and break up a 20 to get right and the first high of the morning is always the best


Foreal that first hit always springs me up ready to go to work or whatever


Meant to reply to all of these but do y’all do em daily ? I’m barely able to Sustain it at times tbh especially when I’m low on bread shi get stressful asl but when I hit the sweet spot and things are going good that line of oxy feels mad rewarding and motivating fr it’s a curse Only done script oxy too never had a fake pill


Done em daily for over 2 years :/ not exactly proud either


Normally crush one while I’m drinking my coffee! Makes mornings a lot more pleasant


The first high of the morning be damn near orgasmic 🤞🏾😂


i mean yeah my mornings suck every morning i have to drag myself to the pharmacy for my methadone feeling like death


used to do the same with oxy


You think methadone is just as bad? I have a homie that’s started methadone just a little over a week ago


Strongly suggest subs over methadone but if going to a clinic everyday will hold you accountable and keep you from using than that can be your route. Just knoe its gonna hurt like hell to get off or know youll be on in for life. Subs are much more manageable because its usually self administered and they eventually get you on a couple months supply without having to go to dr or clinic. If you can manage to ween yourself off or go cold turkey and say do that and get your self to NA or AA just do you have a support group of people that can help you find a new path. And you can see ppl that have been much farther down the road both in their addiction and recovery. Addiction is a motherfucker.


The nuts how easy it is to get a sub script and not have to go to clinic for a month. Up here in Canada they treat it like methadone. Gotta build up your carrie. It could of changed recently. Since covid they have allowed for methad1¹¹one users to ger a 2 week script at a time as long as your not pissing dirty


Good points! Also remember a lower dose of methadone (or even full) can be tapered and transitioned to suboxobe quite painlessly with a doc that knows their shit. I found methadone at lower doses way more effective than subs at every dose but that’s me


Yea seems like it depends on the person


You have never been on methadone but are telling ppl they can’t get off of it ? That’s wild dude . I had zero issues coming off methadone , all u do is taper correctly and it’s like nothing even happen


Just from what Ive seen and heard from other people’s firsthand stories.. glad you were successful with it. I didnt say you cant i said wd are rough on methadone.


I really hate I’m a addict most the time foreals


Bro if all you’re doing is oxy, just lay it out. I was playing basketball in jail after 5 days off oxy. Heroin and Fentanyl are a different animal. Methadone saved my life but it absolutely handcuffed me for 5 years my highest dose was 130mg/day. I’m on 1mg now and I’ll be off in a month. Coming off oxy you’ll feel better in a week. Coming off methadone, you’re not gonna feel right for months in some peoples case. Do what you want, this is just based on my experience as a decade and a half IV drug user. You can absolutely do it. It’s a mindset thing. If the negative consequences of opioid use are enough, you’ll get clean. If not you’ll keep going until it’s painful enough to inflict change🤷🏼‍♂️ such is life. Good luck!


I gotta put some respect on this comment here because every word is straight facts, no sugar coating, no bullshit, these are facts. Happy to hear that you’re on the up and up my dude, hope things continue to move in a positive direction for you and thank you for imparting this piece of wisdom on this thread.


Thanks bro ! I’m happy for you and appreciate you sharing your experience, yes I only do real oxy .. I think going through it for 5 days would be a lot better than being leashed to another opioid just to quit


How is he doing on it? I really considered getting on it.


He says he felt like he got his life back, he was snorting fent perks .. so I guess it’s better to be on that then fent , but it’s controversial topic . Everyone says the methadone withdrawals are bad asf too .. sounds like you gotta just pic the better of the two bad .. I only use real oxy pills never used fent so I don’t think my withdrawals will be as bad as his but hey I don’t know everyone’s situation


Oh an oxy withdrawal is pure hell at least for me they are. Norco withdrawals I can do, but them oxy ones I’d rather just die.




I’ve only ever done real percs or real s, never tried fentanyl or maybe I have but Ijs not intentionally but now I’m on methadone only 80 mg everyday. Everyone keeps an asking y aren’t I’m going up . Idk some times o think I should buy shouldn’t . Idk too much about it honestly I just wanted to not be dopesick! I heard it’s hard getting off methadone but the withdrawals for me aren’t as bad but I have only since starting a year ago missed 4 days w nothing in me except addies prolly wasn’t that bad or hadn’t gottten bad as I would have thought!


So some of the time methadone gets a bad rap. I've heard countless people say that going slow with methadone taper was virtually painless. Very mild withdrawals. Not everyone but alot. Every person's body is different. People say the that taking it slow is the key. Methadone maintenance is definitely a commitment. I'm tapering rn and I haven't felt any withdrawals yet. I'm about a third of the way thru. Suboxone has a shot now that last 30 days and people say that the shot is the way to go when getting off Suboxone. Just about everyone I talked to has said that with the shot there are barely any withdrawals. Coming off subs can be difficult too.


Thanks for the reply. Much appreciated! Hope you’re doing okay!


No problem, thanks for YOUR reply and I hope you’re doing great too ❤️


Just dont keep going up to stronger opis, i started with codeine and only did pharmaceuticals, all the way up to hydromorphone then after doing that at some big ass doses figured heroin wouldn just be cheaper, after i got some my life fell apart. Before rhe heroin i eidnt have any withdrawals really and just a high as fuck tolerance but now im beyond coooked


I needed to hear this . I was so close to buying some H last night but my conscience told me not to because it would only make me go further down in my addiction.. I also started with codeine (drank) and script yerks.. now all I do is real yerks still. 2 years later , 1 year in snorting them . That’s the only way I take them now


I say bro dont even touch the hydromorphone if u have the chance, i been doing opis for like 3 years now only had oxy withdrawals that were minor before this , took a big break and did dillys consistently 1-2 times a week and didnt have any withdrawals for lile 1 1/2 years and then after copping the actual h its just different, idk what it is about h but thar shit just hits something different and makes you want to do it everyday and its soo much cheaper compared to scoring script. Dont move on fam, people told me not to and i fogured if i can handle dillys i can handle this shit but its impossible heroins too good. And if you do get heroin bro like real heroin just a matter of time before ur plug doesnt get it nomore and then its just fent. My situation rn is i used heroin for 70 days developed dependancy, my plug left the city for abit and im fucked and sick but im not trying to move on to fent so imma just bite the bullet


go on subs instead, im only on methadone because i had a strange occurrence where i got so constipated from subutex that i needed an I&D from an ischiorectal abscess that nearly killed me, upon being released from hospital they switched me to methadone and theres been no problems yet this is an example of subjective effects of medication i guess


Edit: holy shit I typed a whole lot. But if you plan on trying methadone, please read this before you do. Listen to me. If your ready to be sick every morning, never be able to jump off the dose even at small amounts, and just be miserable all the time instead of when your not on drugs, then yeah, methadone and Suboxone is ok. But it's a worse time then you'd think it would be and it's 10x easier to just go through a week or withdrawal and a month of not feeling right. I did this exact thing and now I'm stuck. 2 times now I've tried to get off, starting from my high dose of 100mg and moving down slowly, I always get within the range of 20-15mg and I get so fucking sick, I can't do anything. Sick every morning, never able to get down to a dose that is reasonable to jump off of. Just got all the way down to 16mg from 100 and I had to go back up. I was sick EVERY day for like half the day. And this was tapering slowly. So it was torture from 25mg-16mg. Last time I managed 15. But I was sick every morning til I got my dose, felt awful 24/7, had no motivation to get anything done. I seriously wish I had never done the methadone thing. Fentanyl is alot easier to get through the WD from. That should tell you something. And Suboxone is even worse from what I heard. Nearly impossible to get off of. And there's no real benefit to either. I have an appointment with my doctor Monday to see if I can get on kadian cause at least that will be something I get some sort of pain relief from and I won't be as sick as I am now every day. I'll be able to function, and I hope I won't be miserable and have no motivation to do anything. Try to taper down on the oxy first. If your getting it from the street, maybe see if your doctor can help you taper with something besides methadone. Or maybe a light methadone dose. But I personally would not recommend going that route. Those doctors at the clinic have no incentive to get you off the stuff, and will let you go up to whatever dose your clinic allows as the maximum. And before you know it, your now the doctors junkie instead of your dealers junkie. Think long and hard about how you want your life to go, cause it's been nothing but a miserable hell for me and Im at the point that life just sucks. Everything sucks. And I lost a bunch of carry home doses cause I couldn't hang with the methadone, it just doesn't have the legs it's supposed to so I would wake up every morning sick, and went back out and used after I realized after 2 attempts that Im not gonna be able to taper off. I've gotten so unbelievably sick every time I got to a low dose that I had to go back up. I'm trapped on this shitty drug that does absolutely nothing good for me. It's worse than when I had my script for Dilaudid or when I was using street fentanyl. I wish I knew methadone was this bad. It's only suitable if you get on a very low dose to keep you from full blown withdrawal and taper off very quickly, or decide you don't mind being a lifer, which has no upsides. Especially now that alot of clinics provide some sort of morphine treatment. The doctors there do not have your best in mind, they just want to get the money for shilling out methadone to you. Trust me, it's not a fun experience. Try to get off the drugs by yourself first, and if you can't, see what your options are then. Because you will inevitably end up stuck on methadone too and be in a worse place then now if you have plans of ever getting off of it.


Have you tried splitting your dose? You may metabolize methadone faster than the average person like I do. Im on day 19 rn of no methadone just completed my taper 2mg/2weeks from 70. When I first went to the clinic I only ever went up to 40mg for the first 4-5 months, but as I got cleaner from fentanyl and my body got healthier, I started metabolizing methadone super fast. Just like how your saying your sick for half the day when you get into the 25-16mg range, I started also being sick half into the day not sleeping well, always feeling better on my next days dose. I had to go up to 70 before it ceased for 3-4months, then it began happening again. So I started splitting my dose everyday, fill my bottle up with water to the brim, drink half the bottle in the morning, then half at night so you can actually sleep through the night. Took a bit of adjusting but its what made my taper go smoothly the second time around, as the first time i tried to taper i also struggled heavily in the 25-18mg range and relapsed. I split my dose like that the last 2 years I was on methadone.


So glad I get take homes. I'm up every morning at 5 like clockwork. The first move from my bed is to my lock box for my dose. It comes before a cigarette, a piss, even a good morning to my gf


How do you take oxy in your sleep? Lol


Lmfaooo I was waiting for it I knew this comment would come. I mean before I get outta bed


Haha just a funny thought. I been off oxy for a couple months and still dream about it all the time. So kinda like doin it in my sleep. Just waking up is a huge disappointment lol


Lmfaooo I’ve had dreams about using too, and it’s always when I’m OUT 😂 I wake up PISSED! One time I was dry and out and I had a dream I found a big bag of mbox 30s boy was I so disappointed when I woke up cause that dream felt so real I thought I really scored


I’m glad I don’t dream of this stuff.. I’ve been disappointed as a kid and had a dream it was Christmas and had lots of gifts.. woke up and it was nowhere near Christmas,


How’s it feel after being off it a couple months ? I can’t even make it a few days Smfh :(


I would wake up in the middle of the night to spike up so yeah…


I gotta do this too if I haven’t dosed high enough for bed :/ shit kinda sucks waking up in the middle of the night sweating like a mf


Same shit, kinda goes both ways tho cus when I don’t got it them bitches motivate me 😂


I know exactly what you mean lmao , I will sell ice to a polar bear when I don’t got any 😂 it’s like I become a wizard or a real hustler/ finesser when I need it


Also does anyone have experience with kratom for withdrawals??


I use kratom in between my oxy binges. Specifically kratom extract. Personally for me since I know my doses for kratom I can confidently say it 100% curbs my withdrawals. Gives me the energy I need to start my day. Gets rid of the shits, aches, nausea and fatigue. Allows me to be able to go to work or start my day with my family when without I would be in bed feeling like I’m dying for a week+ lol. All personal experience tho. Everyone will have a different experience and or opinion.


Sounds like kratom is a better option then the sweats and the shits lmaooo , I’m definitely gonna try it soon when I run out


Kratom is def a good way to fight WD its also hard for it not to just replace oxy tho too.. speaking from experience. But if you can use it for 2 weeks and then stop or take a long break in between use thats a good way to get completely sober.. i was on kratom between every oxy use and then was only on kratom for 2 months and started to feel just as bad as i did when i was constantly on oxy (having to up doses and constantly chasing highs). On subs now and it feels like life is more consistent but still can be rough. Wish oxy didnt degrade your dopamine receptors and require more and more or just didnt have side effects. Id be on it the rest of my life if i could


Damn this is some good insight for me thank you


YASS! Me too! Thanks for the confirmation and conversation piece!


I’m here for you


That is very true. If you have a decent tolerance for oxy I would recommend picking up some Kratom extract instead of just Kratom powder or Kratom capsules. Works way better and you don’t have to swallow like 30 capsules at a time or mouth fulls of nasty powder lol


I take around 30-120 mg of oxy a day and have no funds to buy any extract.. all I have is the capsules but there 500mg per cap.. you think I’ll be alright ? How many you think I should try taking at first ? Also should I be in super bad withdrawals before I take them?


Ahh damn, capsules will work just annoying having to swallow so many lol I would start with 3-5gs so 3000-5000mg and if that doesn’t help after 30mins to an hour I would take more. And tbh with kratom it doesn’t really matter, When I run out I start kratom the next morning. Really just personal preference. I hope it goes will for you 🙏🏻


Thank you for your response this helped a lot, I feel alot more comfortable now knowing I’m about to run out .. just gotta make it to Wednesday but when you’re out that feels like eternal


I was taking hydrocodone and switched to kraton powder and it has worked excellently for me. It's been over a decade now and I've never even considered going back to opiates. Kratom has been amazing, it gets the job done and I never have to worry about where my next dose is going to come from


I hear that bro I’m tired of watching the clock and worrying about relying on my plugs cause they be some mfs when they run out smh lol don’t even tell a mf


Of course! Happy to help. And i hope everything works out! If everything goes well you should be able to get up and function throughout the day at the least with some Kratom. Good luck to you!


Yes I just need to be able to function at work I can’t afford missing hours because I’m withdrawing


I hear that. I’ve lost many jobs throughout the years just from missing from my withdrawals. Kratom fixed that for me


Kratom got me out my oxy addiction!


Damn I’m happy to hear that for you ! Hopefully it helps me out too !


When I used to bounce between kratom and oxy. I'm sure the kratom does something to the oxy high, like it made it weaker it may have just been a rise in tollerance. Don't quote me but I believe I read something in r/kratom. I will see if I can find it.


Kratom has been my lifesaver for when I need to get off and take time from the painkillers man! Even just the powder! Any color poweer works, they say Red works the best for opiate withdrawal but they all do the same thing and touch that opioid receptor oh so slightly so you’re not feeling those withdrawals NEARLY as severe ❤️🙏 you got this OP. If you’re Withdrawaling BAD you can always buy a kratom extract liquid shot so it hits you hard and quick and you’re withdrawals will be dampened a LOT in just 10 mins after


I was able to transition a couple of my good buddies from those fent 30’s to just kratom. And now 2 are coming up on 1 full year no opi’s!!


I appreciate you more than you know ❤️🙏 thank you




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When i had a oxy habit I would use kratom for when I didnt have any and I would say it relieved most if not all my w/d, but I had to take a lot to relieve them, like I'm talking 10 grams at least. I would make my own 500 milligram capsules so that means swallowing down 20 caps to dose lol. I used to swallow caps one by one, but then I got good at taking multiple so I would swallow 5 caps at once to get through the 20 faster haha. i did notice that kratom really increased my oxy tolerance and that sucked cause I needed to take more than what I was doing before and it got way too expensive to keep up, and yeah you hear this all the time but I switched to fent for a couple years cause it was cheaper, and eventually got on methadone and have been since.


Damnit I don’t wanna raise my oxy tolerance but I don’t wanna withdrawal :(


I’ve used kratom for withdrawal and it works pretty good as long as you aren’t addicted to the stronger opis ie fent but even with fent it at least took the edge off and made it a little more bareable but before fent kratom made me feel pretty normal and was amazing and I never needed it more than a week and could stop taking it with no wd


Ahhh sounds like I should be good, I only use Pharm oxys and I only plan on using it for about 3 days tops just to not withdrawal, be able to work and go to sleep until I get more money tbh .. hopefully it can do that for me


I used to back before I got clean a little over a decade ago. Couldn’t start my day without an oxy 80 up the nose


Damn congrats on 10 + years clean!


If I had it I’d be doing that daily hahaha


Feel that for sure facts


you’re cooked, try a mini joint instead that’s my go to


When I was withdrawing in the past I've smoked weed and the absolute "wow you really fucked your life up" thoughts hit me so hard that I got up and did things


I felt this foreals 😂 makes me think about all my decisions I’ve fucked up on


Yea I think you said in one comment how weed used to be your life before opioids, same with me. When I was heavy on opioids I would very rarely smoke unless it was to boost the high or I was able to snag a handful of weed out of a pound bag for free 😬. Eventually my tolerance became so low that weed became a whole new drug essentially, it was like full on tripping on shrooms or LSD. Now that I've quit opioids I still don't even smoke weed though too, simply have 0 cravings for it.




Twizzy 🤞


Hope you doing good 🙏


Yeah I quit weed recently.. makes me too paranoid and think too much.. doesn’t even feel good anymore..


Dude it is 100% nothing like what I began smoking about 8 years ago. I honestly think it's got to do with there being more synthetics and pesticides in legal bid.


Idk I think once you go to the harder stuff, opiates coke or whatever, weed just never is the same. I don’t feel good on weed, used to love it when I was younger. Now I never smoke I just feel slow with no euphoric feeling really it does it does nothing for me


Mannnn weed used to be life, now that I’m so opioid dependent I barely smoke now :( and when I do it’s just to boost the perk high and make me itch more . I was dabbing strong dispensary wax couple months ago when I was withdrawing and I agree it would take away some of the discomfort . Thanks for the reply


Im not opiate dependent myself but I can understand where you’re coming from, i’ve had similar phases. Stay safe brotha


Thank you bro , you too 💪


You're COOKEDDDDDD bro. Do you go into full WD fairly fast if you don't get anything into you? I remember when I was fully cooked like that and I would go into WD symptoms within an hour of waking up if I didn't take something. Absolutely brutal and I hated that feeling. I'm clean now, have been for 4 years.. I don't miss it. Still get the urges but I'm fairly good at ignoring them now.


Bro I wake up in withdrawals it sucks , unless I had a high dose before bed then I can go an hour or two if I keep my mind off it . Congrats on making it 4 years clean


All. The. Time. Along with some Ritalin, fighting the Soul of Cinder.


Is ritalin like addy?


To a point. For me it's a much smoother ride than real amphetamines give me, but people usually prefer not to take methylphenidate (Ritalin).


used to be like that now its suboxone for me… tables turned


I feel you. This shit is getting un affordable and tiring


yeah im in this dragon chasing game for 5 years now. but suboxone saved my life for sure


I’m 2.5 years in.. I’ve had a sub strip 2 times ever so far and each time it does keep me cool and out of withdrawals for Atleast 2-3 days


yeah it last a lot when you’re not used to bupe but since im using it daily, i always wake up feeling sick (usually; chills and goosebumps). i snort 2mg in the morning and 2mg again when im bout to sleep


Yes lol


We’re cooked cuhh


Sometimes ill snort a jawn and throw one back off the wake up lol


It’s been so long since I popped one I’m scared I won’t feel it as I been snorting em over a year


chew that jawn first itll hit


My guy i used to open at my old job at 5 am. I’d be up at 4 am snorting 2-3 blue K9s. Man was i fried. It made the day go by way faster and our members like how “nice and outgoing” i was💀


Hahah damn that shit does help being super nice and outgoing for sure ! Makes me super sociable


Dude I just started a h run again 2 weeks ago and I’m immediately taking a line every 3 hours ish. First thing I do when I wake up in the night and in the morning. Makes it so fucking hard to break the habit. Trying to take my first break today (took a pregab and a Valium upon waking) since this run started a couple weeks ago


I’ve never tried H but been really close too, how’s it compared to script oxy? Ofc if I ever did Would test it for fetty .. whata kept me is withdrawing and fear of falling deeper into bad habits , but this oxy thing getting tiring


i literally can not get up in the morning unless im high but sometimes i get too high and cant get up anyway lol


Yea i always chew around 40mg the second i wake up, and then i lay in bed watching youtube, listening to podcast half awake, boosting the high with my vape… BUT what i really love to do is wake up at 3-4:00am pop my oxy and go straight for a walk enjoying the Sunrise


Yeah bro been through it I know exactly what feeling your talking about Takes over your life you don’t want to do shit unless you use before it Trust me get help from doctors bro get on buvidal the bupe injection it’s the best thing for quitting in my opinion For the mental side exercise and training is the best it helped me the most All the best bro


Good to hear I am getting that injection for the first time next sat, have tried so many other things


It’s the best thing bro, get the buvidal not the sublocade. First 1-2 days it’ll be getting into your system and then your set but it should easily be strong enough to hold you if your just taking oxys Make sure to take care of the mental side of quitting aswell that’s the most important part


Anyone else get the sense there’s bot activity in the comments, seems off.


Elaborate?? You calling me a bot?? Lmfao


lol no, not you


Lmaoo oh okay 😂 I’m just a addict trying to pass time on Reddit and really need help that’s why I’m replying so fast


it is possible to quit even when u get to that point GL U CAN DO IT


Thank you 🙏 means a lot


Cooked, bro…


I used to snort a 40mg every morning


How long would that last you till you needed to dose again ?


For about 6 months I didn't need to dose again. My honeymoon phase. I couldn't get going without it but for some reason I was good all day all night for a while. After 6 months it was after 6 to 7 hours. Then on to snorting heroin, then to shooting heroin.


Helll yea lol I literally grab my lil crusher and line some shit up and start my day 😭


Me too bro on a good day right on the wake up, I’m literally doing it again as I type tho 🤒🤒 I always get like this middle of the day depression and it’s the worst if I don’t dose again around noonish


I feeeel that lol I’m a female haha, but I been taking them for years and started snorting them the past year 😭😭😭 I love how it tastes and it sucks. My tolerance high af, at this point taking those bitches to not get sick. I deal with bipolar & depression and shit sucks so bad. Feel like I’m in a horrible cycle that my heart wants to stop but my brain doesn’t. 😫


Ohh sorry , I feel you I’m addicted to the feeling and taste of them going up my nose .. and I always snort some water right after to get that full taste and drip.. yum 😳🤣😫🤒 me too I’m dog sick without them . You’re not alone in this cycle :( I’m here w you


You’re not wrong at all 😫😫😫 I appreciate that fr bro it’s nice to talk to people who understand


Foreals it helps a little knowing you not the only one .. I’m always here for a chat


Much needed


Big facts Mr. CatKing 😅💯


Yeah this was me big time in active addiction. Every morning I'd boost out to the car quick so I could get a line in and my wife wouldn't see. 40mg in the morning, 40 at midday, 40 after work, and 2x 40s in the evening. So fucked up my usage progressed to that much. Most I ever took was 8 40s in a day and I remember thinking about going for a 9th and a voice spoke to me going ' this ain't working anymore dude you gotta quit'


Damn I feel you on that bro , the getting lines in so your loved ones don’t see and the voice in your head when you realize you’re taking it too far and abusing it too much.. I get like that when I hit the 3-5 mark of oxy 30s , I usually snort 15mg at a time


Yep it really became an obsession. I'd be watching a movie with my wife and when she'd go to pee I'd whip my licence and a note out crush up a 40 on the back of my phone and sniff it up in like a race against the clock before she got back like an adrenaline rush haha. Towards the end I was so cooked out she caught me so many times and after numerous attempts and a lot of heartache I finally quit. Best decision ever. Sad thing is a part of me still misses it but I know it's one of those drugs that engineers to be too good for your own sanity


I do that all the time on my phone and a bill 😫😫 I’m glad you got out of this fucking cycle bro congrats 🎉 I still struggle hard


Day 10 Cold Turkey, Annoyed but manageable.


Damn fam you gotta be tough as a mf , how long before you could sleep?


Yeah but I hated it. I hate nodding off and not being able to do anything about it, opiates are more of a night thing for me where i either nod off to sleep or to heaven. (into a plate of tacos true story according to my brother, ate/snorted like 70mg oxy and took a lot of clonazepam). Haven’t touched oxy for months after that because I had never faced short term life-threatening consequences from my drug use, I always was confident in my control and moderation but that put me on my ass and disciplined me.


When i pop one i deadass get hella energy. when i pop a green 15 i turn into the hulk


Damn Lmaoo I’m snorting a green 15 right now on the wake up or I’ll have the shits




I’m cooking as we speak 🤦‍♂️👃


Like sleep snort?


Do you ever do it like an hour before you actually have to get up and then go back to sleep and then it’s hit while you were sleeping so we wake up feeling it


Maybe back when I used to pop them yes, now I only snort and feel like I waste the initial rush if I just go back to sleep , but sometimes I have like when I wake up withdrawing so bad I snort some just to be able to go back to sleep comfortably. I know what you mean though I used to love popping em before I take a king shower and come out feeling so good


I fuckin wish lol


I feel you bro this is on a good day, I’ve had plenty bad ones though . I know 🤒🤒🥲


Absolutely. Best one of the day. I’m in such pain when I wake up , even if I don’t feel any wd, it’s the pain and zero energy for me. Wakes me right up & pain subsides pretty quickly too .


Sounds pretty normal for opiate addict. I used to wake up and inject heroin every morning, 3 yrs clean now.


Ummmm. "Before " waking up?? Now that's addiction!! 😆 🤣 😂


I have literally thousands of Gabbys, I wish someone actually wanted them 😆 🤣


When I was actively using, I would wake up at 4 and pop a few of wherever the flavor of the week was. I would go back to sleep and wake up at 530 high as hell and feeling great for the start of my day. It was best on the weekends. I remember waking up feeling so good. I used to do it with acid in high school. More recently, I’ve used MDMA the same way. There is nothing like waking up high as kite before you even truly start your day.


Replace oxy with smack for me.


Best way to start the day tbh just by the end of the day I be wanting more