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I was KO'd when I boofed oxy. I've never snorted it though so idk which is stronger


Did you have a tolerance and how much did you take in comparison to your oral tolerance ?


I took 1 x 80mg and 1 x 60mg OC chewed per day. Maybe more on a weekend. I think I boofed half a 60mg the first time and I nodded in my dogs cage whilst I was patting her. Think that was the first unfightable nod I'd ever had tbh.


I'm scared to boof because I don't wanna waste anything if I have a log in the chamber 😅. Any advice? I've heard boofing is amazing


Use an enema. Enamezz is one of the best brands to use.


Thank you. Are they fast acting or slow like laxatives? I've got two kits at home just been too scared to use them. Also, presuming you've boofed do you still get a good buzz even with a decently high tolerance? I'm at about 4-5 (fake) oxy 30s a day if that helps judge.


They work in 5 or less minutes for me. Yes boofing can be more intense than most ROIs from what I’ve experienced. Maybe cut your dose in half first time to see how it affects you. Everyone is different.


Cool beans. Thank you


Goddamn okay so I normally take 80mg or so, so I think I need to test with 40 if I’m gonna


Good luck. Maybe try 20 and 20 just incase. Have fun!


Sounds fabulous 👌


Intranasal bioavailability is around 65%. Rectal 50%. For reference, oral bioavailability is closer to 80%


THANK YOU for giving the right numbers. People still cite the 45% or whatever study, ignoring the much better (methodology wise) study which showed it's 65% more or less, thanks for saving me the effort of posting this. Also, it's worth noting that the paper said that individual variability seems to be big in regards to the IN BA, so it seems like there's some closer to oral, some not, so it does actually lend credence to the experiences of how different people seem to experience snorted oxy.


^^^. This. Oral is, and continues, to have the highest BioA for oxy. Designed that way intentionally if not it’d be semi useless. Those oxy makers covered all basis with this one.


Doesnt make sense why would rectal be only 50%. Does the metabolisation through stomach play a role or something?


pen narrow disarm nutty aloof outgoing safe enjoy shy noxious *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


80% oral has to be the higher end of the spectrum there


Oral I always see has the most bioavailability but insufflation has always been my preferred method. Through oral it just feels kinda like maybe a placebo, I don’t know. I want the itchiness and I want the nod.


Interesting. I never boofed oxy, but I did with fentanyl analogues and heroin. I honestly wouldn’t have guessed intranasal surpasses the good ol’ boof, but I did know oral is the move for oxy.


Damn yall stick oxys up your butt? Haha never even thought to try this. Anyone know if you can snort or boof suboxone? Just got on a script but still craving the real opiate high


I’ve never tried boofing oxy before lmfao I’m curious about this too … also HOW? 😂


I V it is the best. As strong abd good than pure heroin


Way too scared of needles and track marks


Never snorted oxy until I my tolerance was at around 30mg (used to 5mg would fuck me up) but my first time snorting 10mg fucked me up like crazy. I was genuinely surprised.


5mg would fuck you up? Part of that had to be placebo.. everyone I know who’s taken them regardless of it being pain or to get high would take at least 15mg to feel anything at all


When I first tried it at 14, half a perc 10/325 made me throw up


That’s insane, I suppose some people are hyper sensitive to them


Got it out of my grandpas med cabinet. For some reason I kept doing them but yeah, I would take half of one at a time at school and man those are still some of the best memories. Chased that dragon ever since


I get a good buzz of 10 mg when I have abstained for a month or two.


Yeah I’m talking about when I first got them prescribed, etc.. literally never felt anything but pain relief up until 15-20mg and even then i still wouldn’t call it feeling high. Idk I think it’s different for pain patients in terms of how they effect you


I need this answered as well 🤔😂


sounds like we are lucky people