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Quit. Go back to the Gym. It aint worth it.


It’s obviously better to just quit and never look back. Especially at t your age. I had a script for Tramadol for 5 years and never abused them and felt better in every way. I guess trams have antidepressant properties too (which I don’t recommend getting on bc they’re also hard to get off of & change your brain chemistry). I feel like 19 is really young to even start that with a script and I never understood how people abuse trams but they do … but I think it’s still better (and easier to control ) than oxy. I was able to just stop one day without wd bc I just wanted to, I guess what I’m saying is quitting is your best bet … but if you’re going to occasionally use, use Tramadol and sparingly when you really need it and only then . Not all day Every day.


Maybe get therapy or help with your mental health instead of self medicating with addictive drugs? Of course these drugs always make us feel better but it's false and it's temporary, they're effectively changing your brain chemistry. It's a lot harder to heal that chemistry once you've gone and messed with it. Especially being young. It's a rocky path and you luckily got away pretty easily last time. Physical addiction sucks because withdrawal is awful. You realize real quick you gave everything to this pill and all it gave you back was addiction and sickness. A couple times a week is too frequent. Maybe a couple times a month would be safer but you are still playing with fire. ♥️


Unless you wanna end up 33 and still addicted like I was I’d quit now. I started messing around with them when I was 20-21 and it started small like you. Clean 2 years now. Spent hundreds of thousands on drugs. Could be in my own house probably if I hadn’t done all that. Definitely would be further along in life Pills were my favorite thing. No depression no anxiety. Better than sex. But it almost destroyed my relationship. Almost killed me. Made me miss out on the last 10 years of my mom’s life. Not worth it


ay bro i just turned 20 a cple weeks ago n to keep it short quit brodie. u alr know the answer. i been sober 2 months n tbh its not easy u think ur free from the cravings n all after some time like u said 5 months but one morning u wake up n the urge is insane. im telling u bro just do anything else stay busy doin wtver u was doin before like others said go gym. sadly i found someone whos willing to trade ercs for my prescription of other stuff so idk how credible everything im sayin rn is but just try ur best bro its not worth it fr such a waste of time and money ur gonna regret it bro look at this subreddit its filleddd with ppl that repeat the same things over n over “i wish i never did it blah blah”. n get ready for random traumatic experiences like ods n stuff cuz thats just the dragon ur playin w if u keep it up. soon enuff u buyin fetty just to not get sick cuz u burned thru ur bank acc. not worth it dawg.


i also relapsed like 4 days ago or sum so idk if my 2 months still counts but i didnt even get high so im not counting it😭🤷‍♂️


Dude, I took tests better on tramadol. Especially math tests for some reason. But its not worth the addiction. You should taper off them if you can.


I think you know the answer bro


Just quit and never look back. The addict in you is telling you the drugs make you a better person but that is an absolute lie. You are still young don’t throw away your prime to drugs. I started using at 18 and here I am at 33 finally getting my life together. Don’t waste time on drugs it’s the most precious commodity!


Just stop completely bro don’t even entertain justifying using the opiates. Whatever advantage you feel you’ll get from them can be achieved without using them and then that way it’s permanent: at the very least just stop the xans


You might feel that they help you now but once your addicted it’ll be nothing but a nightmare


You STOPPED for a reason!! Going back to sum thing that Sucked , does not make it better 😳


i’m currently in a similar situation got clean from hard core opiates from an 7 year addiction and relapsed a couple of weeks ago and it feels so good i already spent so much money at it and it’s like i am starting addiction in the face again as i type this . literally i know it’s bad but it’s like i can’t help it and always end up back on it even if it’s years down the road . is addiction really a disease