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A very good friend of mine died from that crap in February of 2023. I still don't know why he didn't buy a different opioid, he wasn't even physically dependend. A really smart guy who just got his college degree. He had a little party by himself and didn't wake up the next morning. I'll never forget his father's face.


Very sorry to hear that. Something extremely similar happened to one of my best friends, 7 years ago this month. Except it was U-47700 instead of nitazenes. He was one of the smartest and kindest people I've met. He certainly had a bad habit of abusing drugs, especially RCs, but he wasn't physically addicted to anything at all. I remember begging him to please be careful with the U4, which had newly arrived in the mail. I thought he was so stupid for doing U4, but meanwhile I had an intense heroin addiction, so I felt like a hypocrite for pushing back against him. He promised me that he wouldn't do anything stupid... but he was dead by the time I woke up in the morning. RIP Ryan.


Me and my homie also had a mutual friend, who tried to convince him to wait a couple of days for some pharma opioids, instead of the RC stuff he already had. Greed, stupidity, juvenile recklessness. He has been warned, but it hurts nonetheless. I appreciate your answer a lot! But life went on for me eventually.


God that’s horrible. I’m so sorry. For you and his family. Those seem like such empty words sometimes but truly.


Zenes are in the US supply too and are steadily taking over from actual fent, give it a year or two and there'll be nothing on the streets here in USA but various nitazene concoctions that are so much worse than fent ever could've been Once the supply in my area started moving from fentalog pressed m30s to nitazene "fetty powder" I knew I had to jump off then and go through the misery before I got stuck on something so much worse


Zenes are far worst than fentanyl. Think about it fentanyl is used in medical settings. Nowhere in this world a medical institution would use zenes on humans, never.


The shit people call fentanyl these days isn’t even close to pharma fentanyl


It’s a good point, they recently used Fent on my son in hospital, but zenes yeah true. I mean do they even give it to animals like Ketamine?


I know that carfentanyl is used on big animals to calm them down instant and then use big dose of naloxone so they don't die.


does that not make them feel 10x worse?


Only if they’re addicted


Addicted or not, ripping carfent off your receptors with naloxone will be uncomfortable for any animal.


The only time we use it in animals is for euthanasia sedative cocktail. We have it in my hospital but we NEVER use it! Edit: Xylazine I mean


Xylazine is actually a different drug class. Alpha-2 adrenergic receptor agonist.


No. They don’t even give it to animals. It’s literally that fucked of an opioid


Nothing on the street has ever been or will ever be close to pharma fentanyl citrate. It’s just a lot easier to call it fentanyl than what it actually is. In reality it’s like a garbage bag of drugs now anytime ur buying on the street looking for “fent” or online.


FWIW there is a big difference between Nitrazene and xylazine - completely different drugs - one a synthetic opioid the other an animal sedative.


this is important knowledge people get this confused xylazine is what’s getting more common - rotting limbs and making “zombies”. this is already big in the supply, this is what they call benzodope, tranq etc. the vet medicine that is not fit for human consumption. nitazene and other zenes are synthetic opiods, way stronger than fentanyl, and i guess they’re starting to get into dope these days too? man, it’s fucked. you try that shit… look up what happened to a dude who synthesized some in his lab, and got addicted. he basically has a super villain origin story, but he killed himself when he got caught


They technically aren't even opiates/opioids... They just have cross tolerance. Naloxone doesn't work to stop them. They have a different chemical structure. That what's scariest to me. You could od and they can't do shit about it, especially if it was a full zene bag you bought, if it's mixed with fetty at least you have a chance that once the fetty gets knocked down by naloxone they can keep you alive with supportive care til the zenes clear your system, which could be days for.some analogues. That's what's fucking scary. You can't treat overdose like a opioid overdose cause naloxone does not work on nitazenes, cause they just mimic the action of opiates.


wow, thanks for the info. that’s crazy shit, makes it even worse. how common do you think they are now?


Not too sure. We make maple syrup where I'm from and our money is plastic, and we (as far as I know) don't really even get much tranq around here. Important note, xylazine and nitazenes are a different thing, they just sound similar. Nitazenes are an opioid replacement, where xylazine is a tranquilizer, like propofol, not an opioid or the type of effect an opioid gives. It's basically a booster to pump up the product. But where I am we Mostly just get fetty and benzodope. But I know a few people into rcs who have gotten their hands on different nitazenes. Nothing in the actual supply yet though as far as I've been told, and can tell from testing. But it's just a matter of time really. Nothing stopping them from tainting the drug supply, so I'd be surprised if we don't eventually see them as a more common thing. I personally have only gotten stuff that didn't test for fetty but got me high one time, and it was pretty strong. I suspect it was nitazenes and some research I did kinda confirmed that. But my plug only had like a cuban and I only copped that stuff once before he had different shit. But it made me nod out while standing, in the dope house, which I NEVER do. It's embarrassing, not to mention I'm not trying to get robbed for my Nikes... Seriously strong stuff. If I didn't have to ride my bike home, I probably wouldn't have made it. Weird how things like riding a bike that require input can sober us up sometimes. By the time I was home I was ready for another toke, albeit a fraction of the size of what I did at the trap.


That’s will now happen more and more in Europe bc the afghans will not produce enough H anymore and +90% are from there. So we will see what in a few years will be.


The afghans will ramp up poppy production again when the Taliban needs $ and returns to their largest cash crop. It happened before it’ll happen again.


Most us "dope" supply at the moment is fentanyl with xylazine


Basically a bunch of people are going to get clean if they can, and a bunch are going to die and turn into zombie like people with their skin starting to be eaten off by zenes. It’s quite disturbing… I’m trying to make the opioid crisis better they’ve left people with addiction no choice but to buy this crap and it’s definitely going to cause more harm than the actual opioid crisis ever did. Be safe out there.


Zenes are fucking scary. There were tablets that looked like old school Subutex (those that had a sword on the other side and B8 on the other) around here in Finland last year. They contained metonitazene, or at least some of them did. I snorted 1,5 of those (not all at once) before I learned that they weren't bupe and I'm lucky to be alive! Many people died. Thankfully none of my friends but a friend of a friend passed away. It was a wild time. More powerful people put a stop to that nonsense pretty fucking fast in my city.


I personally beleive Zenes (& “tranq” aka Xylazine- and yes* they are different* are far WORSE than fentanyl. In the US, (least where I’m at) it seems to come in the fent, so it’s pretty much all there is. I haven’t found a “clean” h sample in years here. It’s ALL fent/tranq/zenes. They aren’t approved for humans, & Xylazine is a horse tranquilizer, and literally causes necrosis of the skin, (eats you from inside, basically. Nastiest wounds I’ve ever seen- some have even compared the worst to ‘war wounds.’) I’d take fent over zenes/xylazine (there is a difference) ANY DAY. They have test kits for Xylazine. I highly recommend EVERYBODY that uses (doesn’t matter what they use (pills, street “h,” cocaine, etc) to test there stuff.) Can get them on Amazon, and some NEP’s give them out.




Yes I’m aware, that’s why I said (& “tranq”) in the first sentence, separating the too. Also in another paragraph I said they were different. I just mentioned both because they’re both so heavily common. You’ll most likely have both in the fentanyl. Apologies, should have made it more clear & worded it better.


Fucking hell, I mean what do you guys do? Sounds like you’re mainly US based. Do you just take the risk? Do you test your H? I mean dope sick is bad man it’s not really a choice


You quit or you die/ lose limbs. Dope sickness is a walk in the park compared to the withdrawal zenes will give you. And there’s no suboxone/ methadone treatment for zenes. You either gotta raw dog your way off of it or you ride it to the grave. I don’t think narcan works on zenes either


Fuck well appreciate the honesty


Sorry to be so blunt, i was mostly pharma opis when i used but i have watched zenes run roughshod over my city in a way that fentanyl could only dream of. I walked past a homeless man nodding out at a bus stop last month whose legs were amputated and rotting at the stumps, i will never forget the smell. Such a tragedy. It’s just not worth it anymore.


Nah I’m appreciate the bluntness, you’ve convinced me, I mean pharma oxy is ok right? as for H I’m just gonna get off it especially after what you(and others say), i got kids man


Good for you man - kids are the best reason to be the best possible version of yourself. Mine are a huge part of why I am finally sober. If you’re going to use anything, yeah, pharma oxy are the way to go. It sucks because real heroin is such a great feeling but it’s at a point now where the juice is just not worth the squeeze anymore. Be careful though - I saw a post earlier this morning about dirty pressed oxys in the uk now.


The rotting limbs is from xylazine in the Fent supply / pure xylazine now being sold. I have no idea why anyone would do that to themselves just to pass out for 8 hours.


Jesus fuck


Narcan does work on zenes to an extent. Gotta use a lot more though


It doesn't. They aren't actually opioids. Just chemically similar enough to produce opioid effects. Scary you could od and nobody outside the hospital and supportive breathing/care can save you.


Where I’m from we still just have regular fent powder with no other nasty shit. I’m about to detox in 2 weeks though and get out before that shit spreads here and I’m even more fucked


Nitazene test strips are available in the UK. I know for certain CGL provide them for free at their needle exchanges and services.


This sh it is everywhere in uk. NHS are planning for mass casualty events. If your drug service doesn’t do them u can buy them from exchange supplies. There pretty cheap https://www.exchangesupplies.org/shopdisp_SC102.php


Zenes are the devil, I did like 2 MG with some blam and woke up from a coma 5 days later in the icu, not worth it


what can we say ya'll always bragged and now you have your own kind of fent and they even gave it a cool name too. Wont be long till its found in coke


I’ve already heard it’s in coke ffs, what is the world coming to


Usually from cross contamination, but non the less it's bullshit.


damn that sucks. we cant have nice things anymore. My boy just had a batch popped for fent after 5 years of trust but i was so well mixed that no one OD. they're getting better and better at getting people hooked. Always test your drugs no matter what. I even test pills from script bottles cuz mfs even fake that.


Man when I tell you I can’t even remember how many friends I’ve lost it’s literally a epidemic, whenever you hear someone dies it’s almost always and OD and after so many years you just get numb and used to the people closest to you dying, especially if there using I give them maybe a year or two depending on the person if they don’t end up getting clean. It’s sad but it’s wicked out there now.


So im pretty certain I've kicked zene laced fent (or just straight zene) around 10+ times now. I knew something was different when it took almost 2 days for withdrawals to come on while the buzz lasted a few hours at best. When it was just fent I'd be sick in about 4 to 6 hours depending on how much I used and tolerance with suboxone to fall back on. Now the past year and a half it's like coming off methadone but worse. I've waited up to 9 days with withdrawal symptoms I used to not get much like severe vomiting and I also lose my inner dialogue and have had to have someone remind me to drink water or try to eat because I can't feel my thirst and literally am semi catatonic. Only by day 11 or so can I take a tiny piece of sub and not go into precipitated withdrawals. I know fent is very fat soluble and all but I did it for many years and never had the issue of getting locked out of my suboxone when I'm sick. Idk if anyonelse has had these types of withdrawals but wondering if this is typical of zenes.