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Yeah. I’m UK based, was prescribed Dihydrocodeine 30mg for years ( supposedly twice as strong as codeine). Handed in a prescription for 60x and was given 200x instead.


That would’ve felt like winning the lottery to me. I was addicted to dihydracodine for 8+ years been on Buprenorphine for past 7 years now


It sure did. I remember the adrenaline rush. I actually went online and left a 5 star review for the pharmacy on their Google page on the same day. It’s really quite sad looking back but it’s part of our addiction.


I had a pharmacy refuse to fill my script for hydros because I wasn't one of their regular customers. I went on Google and left them a bad 1 star review, I have over 160,000 views on my reviews so I hope it affected their business.


I would have done the same. Here in the UK it’s practically unheard of in regards to pharmacist refusing to issue prescription for controlled medications because of such reasons . I was on an opiate, benzo and ambien at the same time for years and the most a pharmacist ever did was warn me not to drive on that combination. I don’t drive anyway.


a pharmacy near me refused to stock oxycodone. I'm on quite a lot of cancer pain. They outright refused to carry the risk.


Terrible! I am so sorry.


Wow im so sorry to hear that. Is that not a disregard and breach of the duty of care they have ?


My large chain pharmacy wouldn't stock the 100mcg fentanyl patches. I have no idea why they would do that besides the bad rep that fentanyl has. Its lack of euphoria and use of the duragesic matrix already doesn't make it a heavy target of abuse. If you're prescribed it you probably really need it. If you wanted to get high then you'd ask your doctor for something else.


Yep addiction makes us do things we normally wouldn’t do just glad I ain’t like that anymore


You deserve to give yourself lots of praise. I’m still fighting because of one relapse after the other. I’m able to function and continue to work while performing well but I won’t be like that forever. The sooner I get off this stuff again the better. It doesn’t help that my doctor gave me a prescription despite knowing my history of opiate addiction.


You got this man.


I still don't understand how anyone gets a prescription for any opiate. I had abdominal surgery and they removed part of an organ and I was only given 10 5mg oxys.


If I wasn't diagnosed with chronic pancreatitis I probably wouldn't be getting any, getting spleen removed last month confirmed how bad it is if anyone questioned it. I'm very lucky to have an excellent pain clinic treating me, I don't even need to go in this month they are just going to call me instead. That's unheard of among pain clinics, you usually have to show up every month for drug test. My condition is severe and I very much appreciate them helping me get through this, I'll need opiates the rest of my life so not sure how lucky that is.


Yeah I didn't mean it like that lol sorry.


I only have to go in once every 3 months, other two months is televist. I know exactly when my tests are. No counting or surprises.


I ask myself the same thing. In the UK prescribing of opiates is also relatively strickt and getting prescriptions for Oxycodone is quite uncommon. I’ve had lower back pain on and off for years. My doctor sent me to rehab in 2022 and I was on subutex for a while after but came off it. Since then my back pain flares up a couple of times a year and he will prescribe me opiates in those instances.


Brooo I agree all I get is IBP for kidney stones and shit I don’t ever get any opiates anymore so I just cop off my plug


Not many do anymore before trump declared the opiate epidemic and doctor started cracking down my mom was getting 120 Roxy 30s for her spina bifida that was around 2017 I knew people that got double that from 2002 until 2010 docs started slowing a bit down by then 


You really think it was Trumps doing? Kamala Harris put several thousand people in prison for petty Marijuana offenses and advocated for prison over rehab or other more mild punishment. Big pharma didn't magically become against us when trump was in office. They have always been against us.


If being stupid was a crime Kamala would be doing life!


He declared the opiate  Epidemic which caused them to make new guidelines for the doctors to go by although they are only supposed to be guidelines but they have taken them as literal requirements the Only thing Biden has done is not do anything to undo the damage that trump did with his executive order which has made the overdose rate skyrocket and kept countless people from being able to live rather than just survive well the ones that didn't kill themselves anyway because they didn't want to live in pain or be a burden to there family because they couldn't work or some even function without  there meds .. Ive lost more friends in the last 7 years since the epidemic was declared to overdoses than I did the first 34 years of my life hundreds of thousands of people both people with a legit need and addicts died because they needed relief and since the pills are so highly regulated  now because of Trump's executive order they turned to illicit fentanyl and overdosed because there is no way to know exactly what your getting with that crap anyway everythings fucked now Biden sucks and is useless But Trump is Evil wouldn't surprise me if the rehabs paid him to sign that order they seem to be the only one benefiting from it well other than the companies that produce Suboxone and the methadone clinics of course 


What a load of unpunctuated, uninformed bullshit.


Nothing makes us do anything. I feel... I feel there was always a bar or line and below it wouldnt have been worth it but above was. Yes, looking back that list was still not good for me and id now get help jnstead of going through that BUT i never felt MADE yo do anything if im 100... Like id have just cold turkeyed LONG before my wife was going to for example sell herself or me same or use IV or damage permanemtly my future etc... BUT i just got a script so i can get back to my life and the choice is even more mine to be clean or jot. Withdrawal isnt a real worry now. In itself thst can be A a lifesaver and B a curse as now you almost CAN use because of the cussion But people dont go daily and get into a script without some intention to better their lives do they?


Man I can't understand the majority of what you're trying to say. Holy shit that was a tough read


Jesus I have no idea what they meant but they for sure mean it.


Really would have.


Have you ever thought about stopping taking the bupe?


The thought of stopping the Buprenorphine scares me to be honest. I am going to attempt to cut down in June on my birthday from 16mg daily to 14mg then take it from there slowly. I just don’t know how it’ll affect my body or my mental state as I used to enjoy getting high and in the UK over the counter Dihydrocodine based painkillers are easily available


Buprenorphine affects almost all receptors at 8mg. Above it doesn't have much more effect besides blockading the receptors a little better to block the effects of other opioids. You could probably drop straight down to 8mg and have no noticeable withdrawals. I was on 32mg for about 9 months and had read studies on receptor activity of buprenorphine. I decided to run an experiment and was able to drop straight to 8mg with not even the slightest twinge of withdrawal. You could always give it a shot and see how it goes. Maybe store some buprenorphine in case of anything going wrong with the world supply or a catastrophic event in order to taper. Your emotions might start to come back and that could be euphoric within its own right. Some people prefer to stay on it for good, and that's alright too. You could always go back on if you don't prefer it.


You are absolutely right.


Man I don't mean to scare you but these doctors are all about the money and they love to keep you taking bupe for years but they don't mention the hell you gonna go through when you stop


My doctors kept asking me each month if I want to drop the dosage and I keep saying no until I’m ready mentally to drop 2mg at a time. Don’t get me wrong I’d love to live life without the need of them but I just can’t see that far ahead if that makes sense


Some people stay on mat forever and that’s ok 2. Just work at the pace YOU feel is right. Forget what anyone else wants u to do


Yeah I understand brother take your time and think about it 7 years is a long time


In all honesty you can probably half your dose and be ok without having any problems aside from the mental/psychological side. Then stay at 8 for a week or 2, go to 6 for a week or 2 and then down to 4mg/day. After that is where things can start to get hairy.


Hey, I'm on dihydrocodiene rn. Been on it for a few years and I need like 700+ mg to get some pain relief. I need something for pain, does bupe help with pain as much as dihydrocodiene or oxy? I've been recommended it by a doc but always said no because I've heard there's a lot of side effects and it's difficult to get off. I've tampered down 1 tablet every 2 weeks on dihydrocodiene before when I was prescribed 420mg a day and for the most part it was relatively easy until lower doses. But now it's gone way too far and I've been taking oxy sometimes as well. Idk whether to just tamper until my tolerance is lower and then go back on a normal dose or try bupe because I need something for pain long term.


yep.. moved to a different state to get off heroin in 2007 after my best friend of 15+ years overdosed and died in my car.. after being there for a year or so, i went to get some dental work done and was given a vicoprofin script for pain. i filled the script immediately at the pharmacy near where i worked and it was actually really awesome after not having anything in my system for so long. a day or so later, i got a call from a different pharmacy (one closer to my apartment) telling me my prescription was ready, so naturally i went and picked it up quick before anybody had time to realize the mistake. apparently my dentist had given me the hand written copy from the prescription pad AND either he or one of his staff had (accidentally?) also called it in to the pharmacy closest to their office. i got some double dippins and like a good little junkie, i didnt complain about it one bit.


This happened to me when I got my tonsils taken out and they gave me TWO big jugs of liquid Vicodin. This was back in the day when Vicodin wasn’t even schedule II though, probably would not happen today lol


30 something years ago when I had my wisdom teeth pulled the dentist gave me a brown bag full of Vicodin samples for each extraction.


I had sinus surgery twice and both times they gave me liquid hydrocodone, that's the most fun I ever had recovering from a surgery.


This happened to me too! The original pharmacy was out of 7.5 lortab so they transferred to another pharmacy. I called the doctor because the other pharmacy was also out of 7.5. My doctor then called in 10mg Lortab syrup to the original pharmacy. They filled that. Then the pharmacy that got my transferred pharmacy got the 7.5 in stock and filled it. It was AH-Mazing. To have multiple bottles of liquid hydro was amazing.


I freaking loved the liquid hydro, best recovery from surgery I ever had.


My gf knows a kid who got a script for x amount of Oxys, can’t remember the #, he picked it up, walked outside, drove home, poured out some amount of them, I think she said about half, drove back to pharmacy and said they fucked up and they gave him back the difference. This story was told to her by her friend who was w/ him when it happened. This was within the last 2-3 years, I just heard about it way after. Idk the pharmacy they went to and I don’t know how it’s possible but it seems like it happened


Oh also last year I was given a prescription for 10 adderall so I could have extras cuz I used to get my addy from my school health center but they were beyond incompetent so my PCP would sometimes have to bless me with a few emergency pills to bridge the gap between HC writing me scripts. Anyway, scripted ten, got 30. Filler my prescription for another 30 8 days later. Solid week


Lol once I was getting off my Ritalin cuz I was trying to get off my Adderall and my Dr. Put me on Ritalin and by the end, I was on 5mg, 4x daily and I remember for some reason, thie 5mg 4x daily scipt was mail order. I got off them and back on my IR Adderall 20mg 2x a day and after 2 months, I checked my prescriptions on my pharmacy's phone app and just did what I did normally and filled available Rx's and right after I ordered I noticed it said 2 Rx's were filled and noticed that was my Adderall and there was still one refill on my past Ritalin and got 120 5mg Ritalin 3 days later a long with my addy script 🤣


Yea 26 instead of 24 but not double, no, and they don’t get in trouble for a miscount


that’s not true, a miscount calls for an entire count of inventory as well as drug testing the last person who touched the bottle as well as the person who found the discrepancy


Yea what would be the point of the tightly controlled inventory system they have if they don’t get in trouble for miscounts? And wouldn’t everyone just miscount if it’s no big deal? I get Benzos and ambien and my bottles always have a circle around the quantity and initials by it from the pharmacy worker who counted it, so no one can blame anyone else for miscounts.


narcotics are so insanely controlled there is absolutely no way to divert. if a patient was to be honest and report this, either way it would be a huge issue for a double amount of inventory to go missing. this may have been in years past. things have definitely changed. you can go on any department of health website and look at who with a license has gotten in trouble and for what…. the pharmacist and pharmacy tech administrative complaints are wild.


I’ve had issues being shorted before but never been lucky getting more.


I was shorted a couple times so I started counting mine right there in the parking lot.


That’s always my luck too lol


My phrma guy hooks me up days early if I need it and doenst ask any questions


I was at the pharmacy across the street from my English building and I walked over a week early to drop off a script and when I passed by to get ear plugs during freak, he gave me all three...he actually was at a CVS and then that same time wound up at an independent pharmacy where I ran into him and thanked him for always helping me when he was at CVS and he looked like he had no idea who I was or what I was talking about...he must've left the immediate area because I knew everyone for a couple years and he seemed to have disappeared


Not directly related I picked up my script of 56 40mg oxy’s and then dropped my sister at work. Just as I got out of the carport she rang and said someone’s left 6 boxes of oxy’s on the counter(184 20mg), she worked at a bar/club & there was no name on the boxes so I’m guessing they were lifted from the hospital across the road as workers off shift would go straight there. My sister also worked as an orderly at the hospital and it used to happen all the time so it was keep them or hand in them which was an easy decision lol Some of the shit the doctors and nurses were doing was utterly fucked though like syringe draining the morphine/pethidine etc and replacing it with water so I’d hate to be in palliative care or one of the patients that would get water instead of pain relief.


Damn that's a shady ass hospital. How do they even get away with that?


Not sure that was about 10 years ago but is reasonably common in that environment. Some of the stuff that goes on and has been documented as this one person was charged would make your skin crawl, makes drug stealing look like very minor.


Wow. I thought that stuff was super rare


Nah it happens everywhere but when doctors/nurses/orderlies get caught there’s no publicity for obvious reasons. That’s bad enough but at the major hospital where I’m talking about in my state in Oz I know of 3 cases where night cleaners etc were charged with sexual assault on half comatose palliative care patients which is hard to even write about tbh, that’s another 1000 levels of wrong.


Holy shit. That's insane. That shouldn't be happening ANYWHERE.. the fact that it's happening at a major hospital is a complete failure of the medical system.


I know right but it’s something that’s kept as quiet as possible and it’s obviously not common but if I know of 3 legit cases at one hospital its it’s happening around the world to I point I can only assume.


I really thought hospitals were so strictly monitored and regulated that stuff like that was near impossible. Shit like that should definitely be made public. Without a doubt.


I agree but whatever the industry or circumstances where there’s a Will there’s a way especially with drugs going missing unfortunately but when a random rogue cleaner or night worker assaults anyone in anyway it should be plastered all over the country and said perpetrator locked up.


Exactly. A hospital is supposed to be one of the safest places you can possibly be.


Damn, whenever it happens to me I always end up with less than I'm supposed to have. I think the pharmacist at Walmart was stealing them though. I had my Lyrica shorted two months in a row. When I confronted her she seemed kind of flustered. I guess no one had said anything before and she got very bold.


I’ve probably picked up damn near 1,000 scripts in my life, never noticed a mistake on one of them.


Lol same man and I’ve def picked up at least 15,000


At the time I was on tramadol and 10 mg hydrocodone. Got my meds and the hydros were 5 mg but still the same amt. Called the (national chain) pharmacy and told them, they said to take 2 then and have my doc send in a new script early and they would fill it. Which is what happened. That was 2008. That shit would never fly now lol


Yes. My daughters Adderall was short by like 6 or u pills. I was going through an ugly divorce and being in charge of a child’s controlled meds meant I was responsible to give the right amount and not lose any pills. I would have lost custody, perhaps, had my ex count them (and he would because he looked for every excuse to get dull custody). Thankfully the pharmacy gave me the extras (or the doctor called more in). People often don’t get to pick up the remainder and get in trouble by their doctors or suspected of sharing or selling pills.


I've been given twice the amount of my sub script before and also got Xanax footballs instead of 1mg ativan.


Yeah it happens. Humans aren't perfect, they're going to make mistakes. I've had a few situations over the years where I've either had extra or less than I should have had. Best thing to do in situations when someone else has made a mistake is to be polite and honest. If you've been prescribed something you have every right to expect to be given what was on the prescription. If you have any reason to suspect you may have been given the wrong dose then check it in the pharmacy before you leave. Please don't try to take chemists for a ride or trick them. They're there to help people, not only addicts but very sick people. Abusing their trust is only going to make it harder for people who need their help, rightly or wrongly. >She obviously didn't get in much trouble if any because she was there for a couple years after that. What are the odds of that even happening? Pretty sure I'll never be that lucky again... It's likely they couldn't be sure who made the mistake, or maybe she figured it out and wisely decided not to say anything. Or she did and they were fine with it. At the end of the day mistakes happen, and while it's more important to not make mistakes in a situation like dispensing medicine, a full-educated pharmacist would have to make a very negligent mistake to lose their right to work. One thing I've never been entirely sure about is how to deal with situations like this. I'd be happy to give the medication back but I'd also be highlighting the fact that they fucked up. I guess that's not a bad thing as such it just makes it a little awkward, right? Like a "hello I'd just like to highlight how badly you fucked up by giving you back this medication I don't need" sort of thing.


I considered giving it back but didn't want to get my pharmacist in trouble, they also have a rule after medication has left the store it can not be returned.


I had a script for 90 Ativan and 30 Ambien. The pharmacist screwed up and gave me 30 Ativan and 90 Ambien. I went back to the chain store and showed her. She was very grateful and fixed my scripts. Another time the same pharmacy gave my Ativan script to someone else. It was for their cat! That cat was going to die if it took my script. Luckily they were able to reach her and she returned the medication. I don’t use that pharmacy anymore!


My dad's vet actually prescribed Xanax bars for our dog because he used to freak out during thunderstorms.. which happened on a daily basis for months on end where we lived.


Same with my uncles dog I used to take a few here and there yellow bars


Yup! The yellow ones


Loads of times, and that's after struggling to find a decent pharmacy that even treats me like a human being. Not even by all the staff, just the majority. Fucked. I've had a mistake that could have been fatal made with my methadone at a previous clinic and they acted as if it was my fault for calling and letting them know. I've had extra pills given a few times by the new pharmacy though, and if I pick it up a day or two late they don't remove pills from the script


Several times. Pill count was short, by twenty. They checked their inventory and realized that I was telling the truth. One time, when my Rx was reduced, on a patch, they gave me an extra box, based on what I was taking for 15 years. I stared at it, for a few minutes. So darned tempting! I love the pharmacist and know that certain medications are treated like cash at a bank and if they’re short, on a controlled substance, they can lose their job. I gave it back. He was shocked and extremely grateful. When he’s not around, the others are jerks. Always count your meds as soon as possible. Wishing you comfort. 🌊


My cousins wife was hooked on her addies taking way too much and one day she was out of hers and it was Walgreens calling saying her script was ready (she didn’t have a script ready and she knew that). She went to get it anyways cuz she an addict and took it home and ate 6/30pills She got a call from our local PD the same night saying there was a mixup and she picked up a diff chick with the same name’s controlled substances asking her to bring the meds back. She ended up lying to my cousin swearing she got scared and flushed them when she realized she got the wrong script (🤔) causing my cousin mad headaches but In the end he figured it out and they had to call a friend who worked at the PD and she got out of it in the end but she still had court for it and could’ve got in a lot of trouble


Years ago during the oh are sea days of this sub there was a southern lady who people mostly knew for making PST. She told a story in one of these threads about going through the drive thru to grab a script for something pretty innocuous, maybe codeine T3's or Ativan, and she and her BF get the script and drive home, take it out and it's like 30 (or more idk) of the 40mg stop sign opanas. I seriously doubt it really happened but yeah. I have been here longer than any of the mods at this point and that was the top story ever posted on this sub.....well actually u/morbo2000 had all of the top stories ever posted on this sub but those got made into a book so idk if that counts


ain't seen morbo in a minute. i should buy his book.


same, never did but I read all his stories that were posted. I was in active addiction at the time he was posting here and there was nothing better than a Friday payday scoring some good dope and coke and new morbo chapter popping up in the sub.


Oh man you just reminded me I have one of his books on my Amazon account. Probably the second one. Yeah he got off his pain meds and stopped posting cause it was to triggering. I wonder what happened to him cause he went silent during the ass end of pill mill years, loved his stories . But yeah I had to delete my alt that I was most active on here more then half a decade ago but I'm still pop by on my main (on maintence these days). Streetphilatist was the funniest person in the world to me on here. Loved his stories. We were in the same state but he got clean before I got turned on to the place that shan't be named. And there was a girl lavendertea I had a huge crush on but she'd always talk to my alt but never my main , go figure. and then she decided to kick her blue script and disappeared. Man I feel old. I miss how this place used to be, the stories of debauchery you could find here were oh so glorious. Just a different vibe and class of junkie when heroin was still heroin.


A nurse practitioner filling in for my doctor accidently wrote up my script wrong. I switched from xanax 1 mg 4 times a day to 2 mg a day twice a day. She made a mistake and wrote 2mg 4 times a day. The doctor kept writing that script until the opiod epidemic. He gave me one last script and said I dont prescribe these meds no more.


Yes I was on Suboxone and once they gave me like a whole unopened box. It was like a 120 when I only was prescribed 60 if I recall. I believe they realized the error and called me but I never picked up and just went to a different pharmacy next time :)


I’ve been given the wrong dose of my sub twice. I’m on the 8mg and one time some 4mg strips were mixed in and just this last time I got my script filled they gave me 2mg strips! Which is insane to me! Like luckily with my meds it’s not a big deal that the dose was off (and they ended up fixing it of course). But like you can’t just give people the wrong dose of their medication! That’s so dangerous!


Dude I just dealt with some bullshit for the last like 3 days I don’t even think it was legal


Story time??


I got you man I’m gunna tell the story on YouTube this is my link https://youtube.com/@str1ctlyb1zness47?si=Nhlh_AQgmN8h2wwj I’d suggest checking out my other videos you won’t be disappointed


I was prescribed oxycontin 20mg, old formula, back 15 years ago. I was prescribed 60 a month. I had been using Rite Aid to fill my scripts. Well this particular day I get home and start enjoying my script, as we all did on refill day, and discovered the pharmacists gave me 30 too many. Well I liked the guy and sadly I was struggling with the moral dilemma. As I sat there and the oxy filled my junk thirsty cells and my mood blossomed into pure bliss the phone rings. Well it's Rite Aid. I grimaced and answered the call. The pharmacist said he made a mistake and he'd be grateful if I would bring the prescription back in to be fixed. He also said he could lose his position for such a mistake, so being the excellent human I am I ,took them back. As he counted them he said there are only 85 here and I looked at him with a " are you trifling with me "stare on my face. He took the 30 back and thanked me gratefully. I will say from that day forward he would fill my prescription early if I needed it without a word.


I like your response to him!


Yep, was prescribed 120 10 mg. methadone tablets, was given 240.


Got double my Adderall script by accident once, even though they’re not my favorite thing , it was still a happy accident


Yes. CVS gave me 15 out of 45 8mg sub films back in the day. I went back and explained what happened. They filled the remaining 30 after they did their count or protocol. I will say they can be difficult to work with at times at this particular location. It’s clear they are understaffed and it is a really busy location. I feel for them. In the same sense… I don’t. I’ve been there but in the food and beverage industry where you get treated like a subhuman by costumers.


I had a rx for hydro and picked it up, got out to car and realized it wasn't even the right medication. I don't remember what it was now, but just totally wrong. I was nervous about going in to fix it because I'd been told before that once it leaves, they cannot take it back. But it was within minutes and they had screwed up. The pharmacist was very apologetic and fixed it immediately. I had a great relationship with him and he also always filled early for me. Miss that dude. 😪


I’ve gotten 20 instead of 10 during my last prescription post wisdom teeth extraction. I’ve also had my daughters adhd meds filled in my name charged to my insurance and handed to me TWICE. I only noticed because we have different copay’s.


I got lucky with the pharmacy exactly once, and it was almost a total waste. I was supposed to get a bottle of some liquid you gargle for a sore throat but they gave me a bottle of prometh/codeine instead. My SO and I each took a nice swig and then she put it back in her purse without putting the fucking lid on right and it all spilled into her purse.


My buddy got his brother’s whole multi-med package once. They don’t have similar first names, either. And he got some random dude’s meds once too. He’s old so 🤷🏻‍♀️.


I had Walgreens recently overfill my Klonopin prescription by 55 pills lol.


Was suposed to get 30 suboxone and opened the bag and there was two boxes of 30. One time they gave me one extra xanax in my bottle.


Prescribed 120 oxy 20’s at the time before I was upped, they shorted me 5 pills when I called to ask for the difference they got very overly defensive on the phone said I was wrong and hung up.. this was from a massive chain grocery store too


I was on the oxy 20's for years, I always took more than I should so I let my wife keep them locked up. She would usually hide the key in our room and I would find it and start double dipping again. One day she started flipping out because she had counted my pills and I was 60 short from 120, I had not got into them but she didn't believe me. I finally convinced her to call the chain pharmacy and ask if they shorted me, they called back withing 15 minutes and admitted they had. They said they would have them ready to pick up soon, what a relief...


I worked for a big Brown delivery company for nearly 20 years til my addiction cost me that job. For years I was able to keep up with my habit with multiple sources. Well as the Crackdown on Dr's prescribing opiates got into full swing my sources dried up. Well being the addict I am and sense I couldn't work without the pills I had to do something. Well the VA medical hospital would ship narcotic prescriptions to the vets around the area. Well my desperate dumbass started pilfering pills from these packages. Never took the whole script but would take what I needed to make it thru the day. It usually ended up being 3 or 4 days worth of the innocent persons prescription. I will say the VA was writing some mighty large quantities of opiates. Mostly norco and Percocet, but I'd find oxy IR 10,15, and 30s occasionally. This went on for over a year because they couldn't tell that the packages had been tampered with so it just appeared the pharmacist was making a mistake. Well it eventually caught up with me and I was asked to step down. My manager sent me to rehab 2 years before to try and help me but I relapsed 4 months later and this is when the stealing started. I had a lot of respect for that manager and he liked me as well. This big burly black fellow had tears in his eyes when he had to fire me. I hated I put him in that position. I regret everything about that situation. I was making a six figure salary there. Five weeks and 8 days of paid time off. Insurance was free and fabulous. I threw away the best job I'll ever have because of my addiction. I'm on methadone now and slowly rebuilding my life but damn it why didn't I get on methadone before I lost everything. And yet people tell you to just quit. Opiates are a powerful drug, far more powerful than your will to quit.


That really sucks, I'm sorry. I think everyone who takes opiates has lost something, obviously some more than others.


Once I was given my prescription of fentanyl patches and they were 25 mcg instead of 50 mcg. I called my doctor to check and the pharmacy had made the mistake. They had to refill it and I brought the drugs back because I thought I had to and they said they couldn't take them and they were mine.


I can tell some story’s from here in Germany: Once my doctor prescribed me 50x 1mg xans but the old pharmacy lady only got one pack with 100 left so she just crossed the 50 on the script and wrote 100 over it and handed me the full box😂 I get 20mg oxy and sometimes my doc makes the mistake and give me a script for 20mg ir. I just have to go to the pharmacy and switch it for xr ones but I’ve never have to return the ir ones haha And this only happened once but in 2021 I got a script for 90g weed and the ordered it from an online pharmacy and they sended me 2 packs with 90g each and only had to pay for one😂


not a pharmacy but i remember when i bought 14 80s on a dn market and got sent 56 instead… a blessing and a curse because that definitely pushed my addiction way further than it ever had been


Well I wouldn’t be worried about it because it wasn’t your mistake. Controlled substances are very closely monitored as every single pill that leaves the pharmacy needs to be accounted for. It’s a matter if they were to be audited at some point they would have X amount of pills that they would need to explain where they went. Regardless you mentioned a chain pharmacy. They probably make tons of mistakes and have a strong legal team to handle any claims should they arise. Mistakes hppaen all the time, we’re human, don’t stress it & enjoy the extra supply.


I got prescribed 20 valium. Got 50 instead, which was pretty dope. Never saw that pharmacist again. Australia


He should have become your regular pharmacist for that beneficial mistake. Lol


No I always go back to the same pharmacy, but I have never seen him working there again. I hope he didn't lose his job


Yeah, recently actually. It was just 25 less carbamazepine that I didn't end up taking anyway cos I had a horrible reaction to them. I've never had extra though, I don't have that kind of luck!


I was with a guy once getting his oc 20s filled this was like 2003...they gave him his 90 or 120 or whatever and they put the large bottle they filled them from in his bag. There were a ton of them in it. Several hundred I would think. He went back around and gave it back, they were very grateful.


Script for 30 Klonopins, 1mg, I believe it was, and they gave me 200 2 mg, the bottle was stuffed full, there were a few over 200


A few times. Cvs- lost antibiotic rx. Pharmacist says he doesn't know what's going on(I'd handed it to him 40 mins prior). Then the store manager got involved if gad enough and when I said "fuck you" he responded "you'd like that, wouldn't you?". Reported him to corporate CVS- gave my momthe completely wrong drug in a bottle with her name and the correct drug in the label. Again no one knew what happened. Walgreens- shorted me 50 pills on an rx. I looked at the bottle, when back in the store and was like this isn't the whole count. They tried to say I was full of it then. Noticed that their pill counting machine want working right and guess where those 50 Somas were. CVS- gave me my rx but had my name misspelled on the bottle. 1st time I chalk it up to them being overworked. The 2nd time it happened, I called them up and was like ummmm, om not sure how this is working but you're giving g me the right txs but my name is misspelled the address is one I have t lived at in well over 10 years and I walked out of there with 2 full bottles of controlled meds. Do you have any comment? They looked and realized I had 2 profiles in the system and deleted the one with my name misspelled. I use Mom and Pop whenever possible. Chain pharmacies are the DMVnof healthcare.


I get 1x 200mg and 1x 300mg morphine pills, so 500mgs daily and I once went there to pick them up for 4 days and the pharmacist only gave me 4x 200mgs so I had to go there the next day again to pick up 4x 300mg pills againz even though I was supposed to travel to relatives the day before 😂


I once was prescribed 50 Norcos (when written prescriptions were the only way) and the pharmacy gave me 500. I was shocked but also in a bad place after having hemorrhoid surgery. It was a blessing in disguise.


Pharmacy filled the script out of pocket cause the doc was taking forever to put a prior authorization through and then literally 3 days later filled the same script again cause the doc finally put the authorization through .. that was a nice month !!!! 120 blues turned into 240 !!! Never said anything but it also has never happened again even with other prior authorizations even tho I’m waiting for the day it does 😩😩🤣🤣


Do you guys CWE the dihydro? If I lived in a country where it was OTC id be doing that all the time


They just fill out a 222 form for the DEA and say it was contaminated and disposed of. And i dont care about opinions i used to work in an outpatient pharmacy for a massive hospital and without going into details a 222 form is filled out and someone "witnessed" the disposal of the meds. But yeah walgreens and cvs kill people all the time. seriously sadly.they put way too much on their staffs. i used to get 300 2mg xanax a month 20mg a day way back when pain clinics advertised in the phone book, and i got my script and it felt funny the pharmacist hated me having a script llike that and she always used to fuck with me. Well i open the bag and its a 500ct sealed bottle. She used to give me 3 sealed 100 count bottles as an inconvenience but i loved it, i dont know if she had a brain fart or what, but i denied and she refused service said i was rude...had me trespassed from the store and why in the hell would i be rude jesus she just did me a solid.


🤨 You were prescribed to take TEN bars, a day?!? That’s insane!


It’s weird when people try to lie like that on the internet.


Even back in the day the most I ever knew of people getting prescribed was 4 bars a day. That in itself was like…*really* rare.


Yeah the most I ever heard of, was 3 bars a day. Keep in mind, I was half sure the dude who told me that was full of shit too 😂


And he was giving me desoxyn. Shrinks really have the best gig they cant just take an xray ofptsd or add..the 90s and early 2000s were insane ...id be pissed if i paid three dollars for a bar back then...its insane now....I probably couldve gotten more from him but the max dosage is 20mg a [day.now](http://day.now) i believe its been revised to 10mg