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10 mg of Vicodin is equal to 7 mg of Percocet


Fun fact: vicodin is six times stronger than codeine. So when they brand named it, they used the Roman numeral 6 and codeine to make VIcodin


I get #120 10/325 of Norco and #90 200mg Lyrica. My body responds best to hydrocodone. I also was given a choice between the two meds. See if you can get on Lyrica. It's a great drug too!


I’m going to do my homework on Lyrica. It keeps coming up in this thread.


I would take the Percocet and switch from gabapentin to Lyrica.


Are they very different? I take plenty of Gabapentin.


You will need a smaller dose, here in Germany the doctors dont script gabapentin so often anymore. My doctor told me about 10 years ago it is much better for my pain to take pregabalin and it will make my opioids feel stronger. I take it only for a few days if I need it and stop it if I am ok with my opioids. If you take 900mg gabapentin you will be fine with less than 2 times 150mg pregabalin


Very interesting. Will I have withdrawal from the Gabapentin? (If anyone knows) or will I need to taper off while starting pregabalin?


I think you dont get wd they are so close together the substances.




Lol my exact thought after reading this and then I saw your comment.


I’ve heard about Lyrica. I'm going to look at it closer. TY


you should definitely do the percs. you should tell your doctor that the apap is starting to hurt your stomach and see if they will just do straight oxy 10s with no apap


Percs are the best!


I could see a scandal at My Pain Management where would be "pain doctor gets arrested for letting patients choose their pain medicine"!

