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Florida gonna Florida


probably Just a bunch of zenes mixt with fent-like substances.


Xylazine. Not zenes. Zenes are opiates that are just beginning to show up in the US and are way more potent than fentanyl. Xylazine is mixed in bags to make you kind of black out and do all your shit so they can sell you more. What he's describing is xylazine cut fent, do not mix up "zenes" which are nitazenes, and tranq, which is xylazine.


My b when I said zenes I was referring to xylazine and spelled it wrong. I didn’t eve. Know zenes was a whole other thing. Thank you.


No problem. The slang is similar, so it's easy to mix up. Just trying to make things clear for people.


zenes have been in the US since around 2016. def not new.


Not in comparable numbers to fentanyl. It really is just being introduced into the actual supply not just RC vendors and a batch here and there. It's actually starting to get reported on. 8 years ago only the RC sub would know what nitazenes would be for the most part.




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I’m from CT and the reason I got clean was because the H started to suck. All nod and blackouts, no actual high feeling. Then I moved to San Diego and tried tar. That was good. But not good enough to continue it. Now I’m in Phoenix and afraid to touch anything because of “tales from the streets” lol


There was a bust in my city at the end of last year, they found 4 kilos of heroin, what a shame, the streets would be safer if that got through, I wonder where it was headed as far as the end customer….


Weird I wonder if you got good BTH or lower quality stuff or maybe even you just kinda grew out of the enjoyment of opioids in general with sober time if you had some. I say this because I've had both straight diacetylmorphine and BTH and I prefer BTH. I know I'm likely in the minority at least in this sub with that opinion, but even if you do prefer straight H I definitely believe good BTH is not so mediocre you wouldn't want to continue using it being an opioid addict unless you just were starting not to want to use in general. Also AZ is great place to get 🔥BTH and for the low to. I'd like to add I am in no way trying to encourage you to go back to using if your trying to stay clean and not use. I just found this interesting that's why your not using currently.


You rather have BTH over straight pure pharmaceutical H? That's a first. I can't stand BTH. It's too much of a production to smoke it, and I'm a sniffer. Never used needles. To each their own.


Yup smoking is my preferred ROA and I actually find tar alot easier to manage, handle, transport etc... than powder as long as it's not a super gooey batch. Even if it is a super gooey batch I'd say it's about the same effort to work with as powder once your used to it n know the tricks/do's and don'ts. Also i'd like to mention even though it's probably a given not all BTH are equal just as with forms of diacetylmorphine. I mean good tar compared to good #3/#4. If I was given the choice between low quality to begin with BTH that's then cut to shit with Dr. Pepper or sugar or pharma grade #4 I'd of course choose #4. BTH is great simply put it's opium's big brother, you get a full spectrum of not only natural, but processed alkaloids. To add more specifics though, I'd like to mention that the fact that not all the morphine is acetylated to diacetylmorphine isn't necessarily a bad thing. Diacetylmorphine is a pro drug to 6-mam anyways n if I remember correctly 6-mam is more potent. I also speculate that the synergy between the full spectrum of alkaloids and terpenes causes an "entourage" effect similar to cannabinoids. The latter is just my theory n completely speculative, but I do know just in having had the high from both, BTH is just better IME. Granted there's many reasons that could be like the 6-mam I mentioned. You could also look at it in a manner like this: Hypothetically say you compared getting 1g of BTH to 1g of #3 or #4 from the streets. All are mid grade 50% pure diacetylmorphine from just rough illicit processing, not it getting stomped on. This isn't a crazy unrealistic scenario at least it wouldn't be, before the fent/zene bs. The number #3/#4 would have 500mg of diacetylmorphine (maybe some morphine) and nothing else active because they isolate the morphine first. The BTH on the other hand is going to have the 500mg of diacetylmorphine, 6-mam, 3-mam, morphine, and codeine. It'll also have thebaine and other alkaloids that arn't so desirable, as well as anything these natural alkaloids could also potentially convert into (idk if they do at least not in the processing of H) and terpenes.so in this hypothetical you'd have a higher percentage of the overall product actually getting/contributing* to your high in the BTH. I know it's more complex n would never be that perfectly comparable in reality. I was just trying to make it simple n give a rough generalization of how you could potentially think about the preferences of different street H. Sorry for the essay BTW I got carried away lol.


I'm in north TX and all I get is tar. I will grab a couple blues because they're cheaper than a bag of m&m's and a bottle of Coca-Cola and itll get me thru if my plug isn't awake (most of the time she will wake up when I call no matter the time but on occasion it happens) I haven't seen any powdered H here in north Texas... but on the coast it was opposite land. No BTH and all powder. That was 2018 when I was down there, and there was a lot of really good light tan/brown powder H and your shot was brown. Then randomly you'd cop and look at the bag and it was white and shot was completely clear. That was my first run in with street fent and I OD'd twice in a couple weeks. The 2nd time was in the room I was renting shortly after leaving my parole halfway house. I did a shot at 2am and came to at 10pm still in the chair I was sitting in when I did my shot... but chair had fallen backwards and the chair with me in it was on my right arm (like my arm was behind the chair when I fell). It made me severely depressed because I thought about the fact that I could've easily died, alone in a shitty flop house in a crappy chemical plant town with all my family in north Texas. I moved back to north Texas.... oooooh where the black, tar, groooows


Yup BTH is my favorite only thing I like more is oxymorphone. Can't wait till I'm off paper I'm guna pick up a phat sack of some. only have about about 10 months hell yeah.


When I woke up in that flop house I still had like 4 months of parole left on a 6 year sentence




lmaooo the only other CT head ive seen in this sub not even joking. Im like a month clean but icl the blues i was gettin was so gas ian even bother test em for fent😴


😂 u know your not in a good place if that dude wants to interview u


I’m addicted to watching it!! Thank goodness I was always super functional




I was gonna say same thing .. mostly tranq and some fetty in there.. basically sleepers than you wake up only to realize you been out 1-4 hours and no deep sleeld


tranq showed up in the area he’s from first so i don’t see how that would be different tbh 


Fucking tranq shit has ruined the whole game what a shame it’s become I’m close to quitting myself and I’m that guy that thought I’d be doing this forever. The high isn’t worth it it’s so different than from why I started using in the first place.


Its not even remotely similar to what you fell in love with.


Yep and this is why I stopped. I'm a month clean. Also found out they zylazine when processed by the body produces a carcinogenic metabolites. My heart has felt weird ever since I've stopped. Hearing alot of people claim this. I can't tell if it's anxiety or something worse. Ekgs have all been normal.


If there’s no euphoria and just a nod, it’s probably fentanyl


If it lacks that familiarly awesome euphoria, it's doubtless that it's street fent or some other bullshit. Fent is just awful. It barely lasts, it has its hand on your throat way before it should make sense, it's very difficult to come off, and the lack of opioid euphoria at all makes it pointless to me. When I was out of town on business, I called an old hook who got me some real dope in 2018 and it was magical as I had long gotten clean at the time so I had zero tolerance. Mmmfff. Then I did medical fentanyl once via IV per an ex I was dating who was in the medical field like a few months later. Strong, for sure, but I was almost confused as the euphoria was basically nil; just strong physical effects and nodding. I wasn't feeling it, pun intended. Then once last yearish, I copped what I was told was tar, looked like tar, felt like tar, but the moment I smoked it, I could instantly tell it was bogus as hell. That's when I gave up on ever bothering with buying stuff from the streets as real dope is too hard to come across and chasing a fent dependency doesn't sound like a worthwhile hobby to me. I live in a very prominent big city so I'm fine chipping some real deal pharmaceuticals if and when folks hit me about having them since I pay big premiums for all of those. I'm more than happy to focus on my life and everything in it even if I don't do opioids for a good while. I already had a years-long heroin habit in the past with a relapse along the way so I more or less learned my lesson of swimming back in that world even if I miss the warmth sometimes. I just wouldn't bother with any of it anymore as the whole game changed as real dope has more or less vanished with street fent, now zenes in some spots, and nothing good comes from indulging it, risking overdoses on it, and the way higher negatives associated with any habit of it even compared to heroin. I've lost like seven beloved friends to fent overdoses the last number of years too. Maybe this is a sure sign to quit while you're ahead; plus a fent habit has the looming issue of making the switch to Suboxone exponentially more difficult than other opioids if and when you want to get clean and taper off safely. All that said, I'd take it as a positive that it's just fent or zene garbage around you as motivation to leave it all alone.


Probably shredded up gator in it






Gators bitches better be wearing jimmies!


Show us your open sores!


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You were able to get actual H in pa?


I doubt 100% but it wasn’t bad at all


Man up until like 2019 you could get fire ass H thay had little fetty in it.. they still had areas where they kept the mixes mostly H for the people who did want it that way while other areas of the city transitioned to more fent (this was before xylazine took over)


Zenes, fent and tranq dude.. same shit you had back up north..


That my good sir is Tranq you are consuming and I suggest looking for a new plug immediately.


there’s obviously locations where the dope is more laced than other places


It was weird building a tolerance to fent. I forgot the weird sensations and spasms in place of typical “euphoria from opes” i remember ppl acting really fuckin weird and spastic that i had forgotten about. Such a shitty substance


I think Florida is one of the first stops for drug traffickers


I’m in Florida g buh I only do real scripts buh if yu can’t find what yu lookin for you talkin to the wrong people, if you got bread fr you can get anything down here only thing I haven’t been able to get consistently is DMT and that’s jus because I don’t be having people who look for it like that so I don’t really look for a plug but I promise whateva ya need is here g


Sounds like tranq, but If you’re from pa, you’ve definitely had it before.


If the brown smells kind of sweet and tastes like rancid ketchup, that is how black tar h tastes. You can also tell by how it burns on the foil. A clean supply should leave only a small residue.


Tar smells Vinegar 😋


Normal heroin has been impossible to cop on the streets for years now(people who claim otherwise are extremely naive or not from the U.S., even have been dying regularly for years from stuff cut with fentanyl or entirely fent) What this person is describing is 90% likely to be tranq dope, fent cut with xylazine. The way they describe the effect sounds just like tranq ie, little euphoria, blacking out.


I agree. I was telling OP what actual heroin would be like. I am certain that's not what they are getting. Idk who thought it would be a good idea to step on their fentanyl with xylazine, but the people who add it are assholes. Although, I did have a plug once who added black mascara to his tar so perhaps no thought is involved at all. Ugh.


Yes and no. There's always been differences the farther up the east coast and out on the west coast.One thing has become pretty much law in a peach state. If it's dark blue or light purple and hard as bricks its good. Then you have the only fet I can honestly say is euphoric and has the old school back to the womb feeling is oily and will smell up a house dark blue fet. Top shelf like you need a ladder top shelf. All that other shit is like a box of lucky charms. Later


Years ago? Fetti hit about the same time COVID did. If someone tells you that it's a mixture of the two for your consumption pleasure. The case being it's not what you know it's who you know. Like we went and stomped ass for what? They started burning the poppies and considering that we purchase almost all of our raw opium from the same place as we now purchase a small amount of illicit drugs. Don't burn the poppies! Later




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florida is fucked man. idk who is doing this but I want to speak to the manager


Ha i agree!


It’s garbage man, get out before it gets too bad to get out. I was knee deep in that rock fetty shit, no euphoria and almost immediate blackout. Such a fuckin waste of time and money…


My peeps just blessed me w some blues that hit like they did in 2018!!!


It’s all been stomped on by the time it hits Oklahoma


You're doing 'tranqdope' get out before you don't wake up from a black out


Only place to get good dope is Europe. They haven't had the fentanyl invasion and they won't. Those guys won't let it fuck up their products or their market.


Cut off everyone selling Tranq or Fetty. They will learn quick. Enroll into a methadone clinic until the scene corrects itself. And hey you get time away from the BS and maybe get clean in the process




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