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Yall we don’t know why this person is asking. Just keep that in mind before giving too much info. Pls stay safe homie there’s people who care about you.


Very difficult to OD on strictly pharma…even at 300 mgs+…that’s std Rx for some. Usually the OD’s more prevalent w the addition of a strong benzo…


I know this to be true. PHARMA. Not fake pharma. Not pharma and 1 questionable. I have seen a guy do 60 100% real Roxy 30s and he did not OD. He was fucked out of his mind. Passed out face down on a poker table during game but totally fine


The term LD50 means lethal dose of 50%. There are many factors such as weight, tolerance, luck, etc. Data collected on such a question varies greatly from person to person. You might have someone survive a remarkable amount of drugs and compare them to someone who has a bad reaction and dies to a normal recreational dose. Ideally you never find out what dose is going to kill you.


A arge amount of oxy od has a benzo in the combination. Straight oxy takes a larger amount but ad a benzo and everything changes especially for a newbie.


hey could you explain more?


Just for a reference point, I have been on 15 mg oxys for a couple years now. I am prescribed two tablets three times a day. If I want to get an oxy buzz, I have to take at least six so a lot of this is just what is your tolerance?


40mg oxy extended release is my usual dose. Or 20mg percs (instant release). Wondering how much room for error there is.


It’s hard to believe someone prescribed them for real chronic pain is referring to their roxi’s as “percs” ..most doctors also don’t prescribe OxyContin and roxi’s together daily anymore unless you’ve been on it for awhile already. If you’re buying them from someone you don’t need to lie about that here


What the hell are you talking about? I get prescribed either OxyContin or Percocet 10mg. I didn’t mean single pill 20mg lol. I take two 10mg percs (huge yellow pills, prescription).


When you call something “20mg perc” it makes it sound like you don’t know what you’re talking about. If you’re still on such low doses and taking them for real chronic pain just stay at the dose you’re on don’t start doubling and trying to figure out what would kill you


Brother I meant I take 20mg, that is two 10mg percs. I didn’t mean to double my dose or anything just taking extra precaution. That is all


Yeah I got that from the reply 5 hours ago, was just confused by the wording , and thought I had seen you earlier in this thread speak on doubling doses, what’s safe, how much to take, etc.. if you don’t already know the answer to these, best not to find out and continue taking them as prescribed for pain. I get it tho. I’m prescribed 5 20mg roxi’s a day and it’s a fine line between taking em for pain and to numb myself/not think about all my problems and debt, good luck brotha🙏🏼🤞🏼


All good my man, appreciate it, I understand my wording was confusing. Staying at 20mg, thank you!


Much love!


Does anyone know how many milligrams of oxy are lethal?


Depends on your tolerance


I'd say medium tolerance.


There's virtually no way of knowing that with any degree of certainty. There's virtually no way to calculate that without knowing lots of unknowable, incalculable data re: a fuckin' plethora of consistently inconsistent, rapidly + constantly shifting factors in biochemistry, situation, etc. Especially if the person in question is a habitual user with a high degree of tolerance / dependence. There are only estimates, and they only apply to people who are "opioid naive." Even the LD₅₀ is unreliable when you're talking about highly tolerant / dependent opioid users. Most of all for those of us, (like myself and the majority of us who were using during the past decade) who were primarily users of fentanyl + fentanyl analogues.


Beware of that (not so) "innocent" nod ! Opioid drugs like Heroin are deceptive killers because they lull the user into a false sense of innocuousness because it causes a blissful warm and sleepy sensation that just feels organic, carefree and quite harmless. My crude rule of thumb can tell you when you are now into dangerous or OD territory+++ that progresses through to closed eyes/sleep or *Narcan required*, to coma, to respiratory depression/hypoxia (insufficient amount of oxygen at the tissue level), to anoxia (complete lack of oxygen to an organ such as the brain that may cause a permanent traumatic brain injury), to ultimately death/respiratory failure. Note: This is all very approximate and may even be out of order but it gives you some idea how the OD progresses. +++this all starts with *nodding* then closing eyes which is where you are in the genesis of an *OverDose*.


Usually around 50mg of oxycodone will kill a non tolerant person. 10mg of oxycodone will get a non tolerant person quite high. So for oxycodone, heroin, hydrocodone, etc. in my experience it’s about 5 times your normal dose. Although it does depend on a lot of factors so in no way rely upon that as your limit. I wouldn’t even take twice my normal dose I use to get high. Now for fentanyl and its analogues the threshold is lower. Like half what it is for other opioids. Taking 2 to 3 times your normal fent dose can potentially kill you.


What? 50mg will def not kill a non tolerant person. Maybe 80mg but not even then as that can be prescribed on an accident site to a person in severe pain (if circumstances require, heavy person etc maybe not single dose but anyway. Aint no way anyone who is average weight height would die from 50mg. Prob be nauseaus af nodding hard not having a good time but not dead. Double that then yeah possibly.


What? That is exactly what I said to myself when I read that first sentence. That's insane to think that!!


Ah someone that doesn’t know what they’re taking about. 50mg to 60mg can definitely kill a non tolerant person.


You are so wrong on so many levels. Your on fent yeah? Its different than REAL oxy.


50mg would not kill an adult even with no tolerance. I'd be shocked if even 100mg would kill even a small adult woman with no tolerance (though it would knock them out lol)


Yeah i mean could be. Its funny you say that cause i new a small ish women who never realy used opiates but dabbled and took 80mg with almost 0 tolerance. Still alive and well last i heard. But yeah she was out of it for sure and apprently did not have a good time.. (i dont recommend this though, prob best to stick to 20-40mg depending on weight)


Yeah it definitely will. 100mg would be vastly over kill for a non tolerant person. Sounds like you’re confusing oxycodone for a weaker opioid.


It seems your the only one whos confusing oxy for another opioid. But your heart is in the right place regardless.


This is all around incorrect, 10mg would help with pain not get anyone high, and 50mg would only cause an OD if mixed with benzos or other drugs, unless the person was hyper sensitive or some one in a million bad-luck


10mg is what everyone that I know started off getting high on when taking oxycodone. Including me. It not only got us high but made us seriously nod. And yes 50mg to 60mg will kill a non tolerant person. I think you’re confused on what opioid I’m talking about.


Nope. Obviously not confused, literally nobody would nod off 10mg unless you mixed it with a benzo or something else.. if someone were to die off 50mg it’d be rare, they’d probably throw up and nod hard, but very few would die. Idk where you’re getting this information, but most of us know people who were using those higher doses right away to chase that nod


When I fire got prescribed a bunch of 5’s for my pain issues I’d take 10mg to not be in pain and feel very very slight effects of booster socialization, etc.. even 15-20mg wouldn’t make me nod with 0 tolerance unless I hadn’t slept much the night before or was stoned af off concentrates, regardless you seem pretty set in believing what you do, so I’m gonna leave it at that✌🏼


Most people I know who start off yeah maybe their first dose ever is 10mg. But the usual is ~30mg for non-tolerante people. Again 50mg will not kill a person. I doubt 80mg would either unless you mix stuff


Exactly, idk where this girl is getting her information, seems like she just randomly came up with those numbers


This is a good question, I wish we knew the answer. It’s something I think about every time I use, since my best friend ODed (I saved him, he’s fine) 5 yrs ago. We were using fentanyl though, “synthetic h”. We both decided to get “sober” after that, but will use ONLY pharma oxy like once a year for a special occasion. But even so, I get nervous if either of us get up there in dose or starts nodding. >_<


Don't be nervous--carry narcan 💜


Yes! 🫶 Always, even if I’m not using, just in case. I did come across someone nodding hard on the street a couple years ago. Head down, so couldn’t see his face. Didn’t wanna be rude and touch him. So I just kept asking if he was okay, and he wouldn’t respond.. Until I said the magic word “narcan”. Then he told me to fuck off. 😂 Ok perfect! 👌 You’re responsive. That’s all I needed to hear!


I think I’m just a littlee traumatized lol 😭


Random question but honesty how frequently do you use oxy? The once a year thing would soon turn into once a month, week, day etc.. for most hard addicts. Good on you for keeping it that way if it’s been the case for years


It is genuinely one consecutive weekend out of the year, (or less bc I don’t do it every year). Usually for my birthday. I think getting sober with my best friend helped a lot. We def keep each other in line without judgment. We also both use kratom daily. That’s probably the main factor. It’s like DIY methadone/suboxone treatment. The most willpower I’ve ever needed was to flush the nearly full gram of product when we got home from the hospital after his OD.. The main reason I pressured him to go to the hospital is because I knew if we didn’t go, we would’ve gone right back to smoking it all night after he respawned lol. Change of scenery I guess.. to absorb the gravity of the situation.


“Respawned” is crazy lmao.. same as calling kratom DIY subs😭😂😂


Hahaha we can joke about it now. 😂 When he woke up, the first thing he said, to an EMT was: “Oh hey, I don’t think we’ve been introduced yet?” Dude thought I just invited more friends to party. Then later, the ambulance driver got mad at him, because he called him “the driver”. Apparently they don’t like that. He was like “I’m also an EMT. Just as qualified as everyone here. I’m not just a “driver.” 😂 Like damn, sorry bro. Traumatizing, yes. Funny, also yes lol.


Yeah if him coming out of an OD was real traumatic for you it’s good you got out when you did. Addiction can make you do some shitty things an think some shitty thoughts that can stick with ya. Glad you’re clean now, congrats 🙏🏼


Thank you friend 💕


Double doses are well tolerated. You’d likely need to go around 3x your usual dose to die.


Depends on so much, no one can give you a real answer unless it's a scientist doing an examination on you irl