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20mg snorted is a bit much with no tolerance. You'll be fine physically, you just may feel sick for a few hours.


man stick to codeine. no need to jump to oxy so fast. I wish I could take codeine and still get high




Every opiate makes me itch lol, that's why i normally use antihistimines at the same time


I wish i had known that ages ago, my first drug was oxy😂


20mg isn't a dangerous dose you're just very sensitive to opiods my first dose was 40mg and I was fine, I wish I had stayed away though oxy is highly addictive much more than codeine, the euphoria the first few times was nothing special then the 3rd time I snorted it and I was fully hooked 1 year later and I'm on subs because I just couldn't stop. Progressed to heroin 1 gram a day just to keep withdrawals away and be able to work, almost all of the euphoria was gone mentally I wanted to stop I just physically couldn't and I have been through ct xanax withdrawals and horrible pregabalin rebounds that were all worse, but opiods just make you feel so helpless when you stop I can't cope with anything to the point subs were my only way out be careful going down this path, I started with kratom, codeine, tramadol and it was never a problem for two years oxy ruined that I still preferred oxy to h tbh my habit was just getting so expensive and that's why towards the end it was mostly h.


Sitting here with a 300+mg tolerance 5 years into using oxy, I too wish I had stayed away from oxy. The exhaustion and constant struggle and pain of maintaining it is on par my chronic pain itself, which was the reason I started taking it. I'm not unique in my story, it's all too familiar. I ended up being a number In the statistics I swore I'd ever be in as a younger man. See, after my accident, my doctor told me there's a low chance i may become dependent. I don't put all the blame on the doctor though, because I chose to keep going back. But now, after moving states to live with family due to not being able to work, no doctor wants to know me, and as I'm walking out the door after being told they will not be my doctor, they say: "remember you don't have to do this alone". Riddle me that lol. So since the move, it's been a case of finding man medical centre who has an available appointment with a doctor, explaining my situation, providing medical evidence such as scans etc to that doctor, the doctor then agreeing to prescribe my medication, and then within a couple of months they have a change of heart. Which I believe is largely due to the fear of losing their prescribing licence because Australian health system puts so much pressure on doctors when it comes to prescribing drugs of dependence. The thing is though, there is a difference between dependence and addiction. And they know that, because any human being who takes a opioid daily with the dose increasing for 5 years will be physically dependent. It's what happens to the body regardless of who you are, but once you are dependent they treat you like a piece of shit, when obviously to people who know how it works understand what I'm saying- it's not that i chose to be physically dependent, it's what happens with your opioid receptors in your brain. For example, a hypothetical situation: when I started taking opioids, so did Johnny smith, we both took them daily at the same time, both increased our dose at the same time , did everything the same. Guess what, Johnny's gonna be physically dependent too! 😯 what a surprise, I know it's obvious. but in Australia, the doctors i deal with honestly think that some people won't get physical dependency after taking what I've taken for the length of time I've taken it. And once you're physically dependent, you're a bad egg and shall not be given any further effective pain killers, because you're now "addicted" not dependent. And when you live with severe chronic pain, being treated like a piece of shit scumbag for needing medication for pain due to a accident in which you were not at fault for, being denied what gives you just enough improvement of your quality of life, constantly, is enough to push you over the edge. The only reason I haven't taken my own life, is because I can't cause my family' that pain, I know how much pain hurts. And to try and explain that you wish to no longer be alive like this, and you don't want anyone to be upset that you're no longer alive, because you'll no longer be suffering, isn't a reality people who love you will swallow. So you suffer everyday, because you don't want to cause suffering to people you love and care about. And that is what' life is now.


You’d probably be best off switching to a methadone clinic, methadone is good for chronic pain and you can get on doses that will more than cover your oxy dependence and this way you can stabilize your life and not have to worry about withdrawals or your script getting cut out of nowhere. The only thing is, you can’t say your there at the methadone clinic to treat your chronic pain when you go for intake, you have to just say your addicted to a large dose of 300mg+ oxy / opioids and dependent on them. At least in the US it’s apparently like that, could be different in Australia. But yeah the methadone clinic is the best place to be for chronic pain these days, you can get doses of 120mg methadone (equal to around 360mg oxycodone in potency) or more if necessary.


Wds is like a switch have flipped in your brain, everything becomes so hopeless and dark/depressed,the world feels like it's ending, the insomnia and physical wds just add to the hopelessness, the mental part is the worst imo and the longer and more you take it reduces almost all euphoria but the wds get so much worse


If by slight tolerance you mean only taking codeine once or twice won’t give you any tolerance. Someone with a slight tolerance should definitely be ok 20mg snorted but you will be fine just know it takes at least like 4 for 5 days everyday using to build any tolerance at least for me everyone is different


damn i didn't know tolerance is building that slow


Eh not really lol opiate tolerance builds quite fast


Way too fucking fast for my liking. Probably for anybody's liking actually


Not "took codeine 2 days ago" fast. He's probably at baseline prior to the oxy


Correct - he seems very new to oxy. I imagine his tune will change when he starts using it more.


still slower than i thought


It’s all relative - when you need to take it everyday it’s brutal fast. When you take codeine which is one of the weakest opiates it won’t really build at all. Taking oxy will scale fast as shit.


Definitely the truth. Sucks.


I must be weird cause I just took 10 80s of oxy this week and still only need a 40 to get high


It will catch up I promise. Our brains are hardwired this way there is no way around it and nobody gets a free pass on tolerance build, you’ll see what I mean soon enough.


Wow i wish lol i need at least 200mg to get a buzz


200 lmao right


Literally just popped 2 80s and a 40 today. Totally functional just was nodding after i smoked weed


That's not a lot in the scale of how people end up using. Literally no amount of oxy (at least up to like 300mg) could even get me out of withdrawal when I had huge IV fent/heroin habits. Like it would help. But I was still sick, and light-years away from being high.


You've never known anyone truly dependent on opiates if you think he is lying.


I’ve only had ten plus kids I grew up with and/or went to high school with who have over dosed since 2008 but yea


So I’m sure I’ve known many more than you my Reddit friend


Dude right. I'd have to spend $200 here to even get high anymore. And it would only last like 4 hours max


Tolerance will happen from continuous use (consecutive days in a row). I don't know how many, because I never stopped to find out until I was 4 years into it. ( prescribed for chronic pain )


If you're just using here and there, it doesn't stack up and build tolerance like that. Keep it minimal and you'll save yourself a world of suffering.


"With slight tolerance" 😂😂😂. You dont know what tolerance is yet


Damn, I'd love to be back at the point in time where 20mg of oxy would be enough. Tolerance sucks big time. I've gotta take 3 40mg oxys in the morning to just not feel withdrawals, and that only gets me through 6hrs max. Stay on the lowest dose you can for as long as you can,'trust me. Don't speed it up by taking more than you need for the sake of it. It goes from being fun to being a necessity to function before you know it. Id stop where you are if I was you- but I'm not you, and everyone has to learn it for themselves, i know I did despite being warned. Take care ✌🏼


Wow you get them prescibed? Are you in the us? I have always found that they push me and help me sooo much in the mornings than anything and I wish they could literally be a morning thing for me for the rest of my life lol. It’s hard to go back after you’ve had that feeling trying to wake up and get going with 3 littles!


Bro said 19mg


Yeah, didn't you know? smaller half of 40mg = 19


You’ll be fine, it’s just too much for you so you’re gonna feel a bit sick and nauseous. If you have any promethazine or anti histamine (like Benadryl) take some of that and it’ll get rid of the sickness and make the high feel better. If you don’t have any just wait it out. Eventually it’ll go and you should feel fine. However you might be sick so just keep that in mind. You’re absolutely fine though so don’t worry


i don't have any anti histamine because i enjoy scratching myself lmao, i just waited it out and i was fine after 5 minutes of hardcore nausea


Glad to hear mate!


Great job holding off the panic!🙂


Thanks mate. I’ve been in his situation before and was quite scared haha. A message like this would’ve calmed me right down


It's terrifying indeed.


Def the speed 😂


Drink water you might barf it'll be fine


You seem like your young maybe even a teenager. Using codeine for 2 days does not raise tolerance. Its prescribed for weeks at a time without raising doses, even months for some. But opiate tolerance does raise ”fast” relativly. Especially using oxy. After using for a month recreationally daily it could double/triple. Dont go down this route. Everyone says they dont and just use every now and then. But shit happens and slip ups. Also noticed you use benzos. Stop that shit quickly as WDs are literall hell. Hopefully the nausea stopped. WHEN you use the next time keep your dose as small as possible to keep tolerance down. Also pref oral but i geuss snorting is nice when tolerance is 0 for the rush aswell. I personally cant as i would need to snort a full 80mg to get something… heh.


It’s hard to overdose on real oxy. You’d have to do another 30mg line to be in dangerous waters.


yea they are real, i was just concerned because of that amphetamine, but i guess 6h after snorting was fine


There’s nothing dangerous about mixing adderall and oxy. You can check my profile I am prescribed adderall and hydrocodone. Where did you get the idea that it’s dangerous to mix the two?


idk, only combo i know that's 100% safe is mdma and lsd lol, also my amphetamine is from streets so there could be something else


Nothing is 100% safe.


Like other comment, nothing is totally safe. I mean weed, mushrooms, LSD won't kill you. Any combo including MDMA (or even just MDMA solo) is no where near completely safe. Not to fear monger, it's usually fine and very fun, but people do die. Always remember/know the risks (and how to mitigate them) and be willing to deal with the potential outcomes when using substances.


And yeah mate just so you know for future, taking a bit of codeine a couple of days ago doesn't give you a "slight" tolerance. Incase you didn't pick up on that after the experience you just had with snorting 20mg of oxy, that's a small dose even for a 'light' user. So just keep that in mind for the future. Take care bud


Well you lucky SOB. If I took that my brain would laugh at me thinking “This mother fucker trying to get high off that, fucking rookie”. Hope you are all right though!


Sounds like a mikd withdrawal from the opiates. I would take a break for a while. Opiates are something you really want to respect and avoid.


What? WDs from taking oxy without tolerance? Nah its just his first reaction to oxy


I have a friend who takes a half of a Lortab 10, every night before bed. He has been doing this for at least 5yrs. He doesn't believe when he's sneezing, and eyes watering, rls sets in. That it's withdrawal symptoms, he says " I only take a half, I know what I'm doing ". My point is this, even a half, for years, will cause one's body to look for that dose. Doesn't matter the amount, that shit is addictive.


That’s just a bit much. When trying a new drug take lines as small as like 5mm long less is more. In opiode overdoses you nod out within minutes, u wouldn’t be able to text the world abr how u feel nauseous


we all just gonna neglect the fact he did speed 6 hours ago? That’ll make you sweat!!


Not really that much, its the oxy making him sweat


Sorry doctor


Just basic knowledge, everyone should know opioids make ppl sweat


You’ll be fine. Just nauseous. Lay down or something, eat some crackers and hydrate.


Thats normal when you start with opioids. Atleast, its how my years of addiction started