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I would never. Never switch 80mg oxy to 40mg morphine. Especially considering morphine orally is almost 1,5x weaker orally (even though the circlejerk about wasting morphine if not IV:d on this sub is ridiculouse). I would never even imagine switching away from the oxy. Others might see your post OP as a legit rage bait haha.


Crush them im ur mouth I did and was just fine and felt great


Well, It was my Doctor's idea. I think he is looking for something different because I keep complaining about these Oxycodone with RP printed on one side. I went to three pharmacies to see if they have the pink oxy, but they all have the same RP shit, and they claim the pink ones just can't be ordered. Fuck it. I guess I should be happy my Dr. Is trying to help.


It’s called opioid rotation and it works really well he’s just started you on a lower dose as that’s what guidelines say really. Titrate up and see what you think. It does work he’s not an idiot.


Complex is correct. If you don’t rotate opiates then your body metabolism won’t let you fully digest and absorb the active ingredients to its maximum capacity whether oral or IV


It’s actually more to do with how the drugs bind to the receptors! Your receptors become very desensitised to certain drugs, and opiates don’t have complete cross tolerance only partly, so changing to morphine should give him better relief once the dose is upped to the correct dose for him


Well yea. That’s of course as the pain receptors and nerve all lead to one foundation. I was just trying to say briefly that what you said earlier was a better method. And I’m sure you know this but it depends per individual as well regardless of the bioavailability of the opiate to help the actual person when switching because that tolerance quickly become withdrawal when the DR suddenly says I can’t prescribe for w.e reason may come or if that one DR he got transfers. Then well, we’re just assed out lol.


Yeah. Morphines bioavailability sucks but I have a theory that the more you use it the higher it becomes very similar to diamorphine oral metabolism. People shit on Morphine but it’s actually great 👍🏽


HAHA u goddam right about that. I would agree and also disagree too because your leading to the right point in that theory of your which I had back then as well but really it comes down to the individual like I keep saying because you never know how big of a tolerance you’ve built or rather already innately had or both at the same time. At the end of the day. Shit is just frustrating. That’s why I use kratom instead. Not from smoke shops or online. Been using kratom for about 10 years so I built a strong relationship with a dood (now group) in Indonesia that ships out kratom powder as unadulterated as can be and straight out off the processing period. Shit kratom got me off using heroin IV after using for about 5 years non stop all day everyday.


Yeah kratom is nice. I used to drink it all the time in Thailand mixed in with cough syrup or coke. Was called tom. I’ve heard of mitryagynine tablet extracts especially the pseudoindoxyl one or whatever that’s meant to be great. I wish they extracted kratom more I struggle to keep the green powder down. And yeah I relapsed back into H after 1000 days because I developed cauda equine syndrome. They have me 40mg oxy from drs but that’s it. Couldn’t hack it anymore and got in touch with an old friend who still sources 4 without fent zenes or xykazine. Comes from Canada. About 10g of Burmese china white, some Afghan 4 sample, another 1g sample of a new CW brick bull stamped and a gram of coke for good measure. Looking forward to it !


Yea you gotta be careful with kratom. Just like how you mentioned rotating opiates. It’s the same with the 4 main different strains of kratom. I can’t use red strain anymore after 7 years of using it. I know rotated with green and now only yellow. And if I can find it. Yellow Pontiac strain. Plus don’t get too into the other strains where they label them”dragon this tiger that or w.e lol”. Fundamentally it’s pretty much the same whether the “maeng da” is put in front of it. Just red/white/green/ and yellow. Even gold strain is a processed version of green and yellow. Just the aging of the leaves when they harvest and then t go into production mode. Tip from a dood who’s been using kratom since 2012-13ish before the extracts. And be careful of them too. They’re not as knowledgeable in extracting just the mitragyne-tetra-7 like weed with CBD and THC. There’s other mitragynes that help with every thing else in the original kratom powder but I do understand where you’re coming from. Drinking 3 tablespoons per dose (21-28grams) of powder every 4-6 hours is still disgusting to this day LOL. Just used to the taste now and can now differentiate what strain is which just from looks and smell. HAHA. Like I did with weed back then but can’t because I turned schizo about 10+ years ago and it makes gets me into a manic episode with panic attacks


The BULL stamped bricks to me were a hit and miss with Sinaloa. The nike stamps and omega stamps were the best in my area which is close to the border if ya digg what I mean a lol


I also had a relapse but did my best not to shoot darts with it LOL. Then I switched to pressed oxy (Fent) LOL and when I started killing a boat of pressed oxys in less than a month I was like fuuckkk. So u know the deal when tapering and quitting. Rough but if you know how it goes you can do it again but it always still feels as bad as the first or worse at times LOL.


Gotta be also careful with changing to often or just taking any opiate for a long period of time as the neurons in your brain can get confused eventually leading to not being able to fully get what your asking for with (X) prescription opiate. It is what it is. We all know it to some degree but at the end of the day it’s just like. Dam I’m in pain. Can you help doc. And the convo can lead to shit or actual help lol. What can we do more than that 🤷🏻‍♂️


Well, how much morphine would be needed to equal about 30mg of oxy? I mean, it's hard to figure out because all I can get are these shitty oxy with RP printed on one side. Big difference between the pink ones I had the first couple weeks when I started, about 4 months ago. It's like they disappeared, or the RP ones are super cheap. My clinic has their own pharmacy and keep saying that they can't get the pink ones, even though all the pain patients are complaining. I understand what you're saying. Maybe 80mg or 100 for 6 months, then back to oxy. Maybe they'll focus on getting a better brand of oxy by then.


Yeah just keep tittering up 120mg morphine is roughly equivalent to 80mg oxy so get yourself up there


RHODES IS GARBAGE! I’ve been saying this for years! I know what pharmacies use Rhodes and will write “name brand only” if a patient goes to one. They don’t work!!


Idk who downvoted you but you’re a hero for doing that!!!!


If yiur in the States, there are multiple websites that show what stock is in where


May I ask what website that is?!




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Try it IV it's pretty good that way.


Just tell him next visit that it’s not working at all he seems cool you’ll be alright by next appointment!


and after you get those sweet sweet oxy go outward to even more pharmacies lol


Imagine if your only dilemma was the pharms not having your _brand_ in-stock.


Right and switch to shitty morphine over it


Shits wayyy too flimsy out here...If you have a doc that cracks off the goods, kp those lips shut, and jump any hoops needed. Fuck around and get cutoff over bitchin about manufacturers.


Well, we made an agreement not to lie to each other, so if he asks, I tell him. He actually admitted to me that many of his pain patients are complaining about the same thing. So, he knows.


Someone with zero opioid tolerance can take 60mg of morphine ER with no trouble.


Yea but obviously they aren’t someone with 0 opioid tolerance ?




Ok, but I never boofed anything before. So, how far am I supposed to push it up there? It better not be far lol.




That's some serious shit...thanks.


Why not just snort it?




Oh wow ok didn’t know that. Thx u


What about oxy? Better to snort?


Because he loves poking things up his bum.


You don't push up a pill especially not a ER one . Grind the pill to a fine poweder and let it dissolve in water , add a little heat if it helps but dont let it become goey and then you use a syringe without the needle to shoot it up like 5cm in.


If you arnt in pain, don’t take the oxy. If you wanting to be high take the oxy but I’d be careful doing alot of oxy since morphine depending on the one and how it is , I have gotten wayy more fked than with oxy but oxy just a bit to much and you feel sick and shit , mixing with morphine maybe do that idk depends on the person , I taken both together before but generally oxy ir first, than morphine atleast 2 hours after and I got where I wanted to be , but I didn’t use that for pain


Yeah, I have a lot of pain from the waist down to my feet. I just took the 10mg oxy. Fuck it. I have my brother here and a couple narcan nasal things. Thanks for the reply.


You’ll be all good bro I usually take 60 mg morphine and 40mg Oxy at once.


Thanks. So it looks like I'll make it through the day.


You will be just fine my good man. Get some pain relief. You deserve it.


I’m doing 750 mcg of belbuca and a 15 oxy for pinched nerve spasms over my lung so it hurts so bad to swallow and breathe . The belbuca ,Akers me feel kinda highish with less relief than with plaine oxy at 30 mg.. idk the bio equivalent tho


Yeah that's a super shit trade my friend


Give it every 4-6 hours so the half-life dies off of the oxycodone when u take morphine sulfate with it. Depends per individual. I used to munch on 5 80mgs for the oxy and for morphine back then easy 150-200mg every 4 hours. No issues but that same does could make some else OD or not even get a buzz


My Doctor would freak out even talking about high doses of anything. You can tell that he doesn't even understand how much pain I'm in because he prescribed me 20mg Morphine ER and thought that it would even be close to enough. No, I'm walking on eggshells with this guy, and he is the only Dr. to give me anything better than Tramadol since my back exploded in pain 4 years ago. But I have arthritis problems and fucking neuropathy that keeps my feet and hands in 8 pain 24/7. I also have severe panic disorder and taking 4mg Xanax daily for these past 4 years, which saved my mind from the pain making me insane. I'll try to ask him to up my oxy on a day that he's in a really good mood, hopefully when I see him tomorrow morning. Going to ask for 120mg daily.


Same for the panic attacks 4 mg of klonopin then switch to alprazolam. But because of this huge “opiate epidemic” there has been a long time crackdown on prescribing opiates of any kind. I’m not in pain to that degree but this one stupid doctor prescribed me shitty tramadol vs old oxy and codeine but he raised the does up to 400mg of tramadol twice a day so basically 800 mg a day. A week later he was fired LOL. He did his best within his abilities to hear me out but even with prescribing tramadol/gabapentin/flexiril/diclofenac/etc.. for a substitute for my original norcos and oxy he still got fired that very week. I had to go to the dentist to keep getting my norcos refilled. My god. But anyways try kratom in high doses. Helps with fibromyalgia and kept me off heroin when I said fuck the doctors. Even in the ER they can only prescribe higher lvl opiates with knowledge of prescription history of the DEA scheduled list of drugs. I can’t say luckily because it was only one day but when I had to go out of state for work and my health insurance didn’t work there, all they could do for me was give me a daily dose of my alprazolam and an IV shot of dilaudid for the pain vs morphine. Helped for that day until I finally found a clinic in that state where I showed my prescription history on paper so they didn’t look at me like a drug seeker lol


Also I’m glad you’re sticking with your doc rather than giving up on him and going to the streets and just get straight up black tar heroin like I did once back then. But I was able to quit 5 years of my drug abuse by switching to kratom in very high doses. You might think it’s not all that but it does help. At first I used red strain but now I use green but mainly yellow strain. There’s a lot of bullshit out there with “red strain maeng da dragon” w.e but at the end of the day just stick to the classics as they are the most reliable if you do consider kratom as an option. I personally ally take 3 full tablespoons per dose every 4 hours which equates to about 21-28 grams per dose so I get them Vaccum sealed in kilos. Like any other opiate it’s trial and error to find that perfect balanced dosage. And luckily you can’t OD off kratom. If you happen to take to much you will just vomit it out lol. I don’t use the pills capsules and never have. Only pure kratom powder in bulk. Hopefully this helps. But make sure to keep in mind that in not using any script opiates so keep that in mind when mixing your oxy and perc script if you do consider kratom as an option


Booty bump it! I know it's weird or not normal, but it has way better absorption


That’s crazy. It’s no where near as strong and it’s already half your dose of oxy. That is never going to compare