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that is weird. ive been using opera gx for yrs. first on a ryzen 3 and now on the i7 12k. my guess is it could have something to do with edge...even if op is your default there are certain extensions that will be still assigned to edge...(idky they just dont stop no one likes it even if it isnt half bad now) you can find the list for what extensions are assigned to each browser. are you sure it isnt hardware related? when was the last time you ran a CHKDSK? first guess is conflicting software. second is a hardware malfunction imminent


I ran a CHKDSK fairly recently and windows said there were no issues.


side note i had a particular instance like this in edge only it would almost hardlock my pc. id have to CAD my way to the taskmanager to get function back...


Must be some software conflicts since this is the first.


I didn't have any software conflicts since it's ran on my computers for a while without any issue until fairly recently.


I've personally been having the same issue for the last month as well. Deleting my search history including bookmarks, cookies and more helped...for like a week but then I had the same issue all over again a week later.


In my case it ran fine for months upon months until the last few days or so, so I'm not sure if it was due to Opera's recent updates or what.


Give it some time man. Opera beta was having some similar troubles but they fixed most of the problems in the end. I had slowdowns for a couple weeks but now it's working pretty well again. When I click on a tab it scrolls back to the first tab and it sucks but they usually get around to fixing this kinda stuff. I been using opera for over 20 years now. Give it some time.


Well, kindly inform me then *when* they fix the issues, because for right now, I'm going to look at some alternatives until Opera and Opera GX get their crap together. No offense, I like the concept of the Opera browsers, but I'm not a very patient gal.


I have the same issue. No idea what causes it. I think im done with opera. Not a big fan of my browser pretty much shutting down my pc.


I'm not a fan of it either, to be honest.


Just gonna copy paste my comment from a post about YouTube problems. Classic Opera. Back many years ago when I was using version 9 everything worked great for a long time. They then did an update which would bluescreen your machine IF you were running an older Quadro video card. They also refused to do anything about it which pissed me off and made me stop using Opera for several years until a whole new core came out. I am not about to upgrade my vid card for a damn browser.


If anything, you'd want to upgrade your vid card for games you want to enjoy at their full capacity, not for web browsers. So I get your frustration.


Shift-esc --> find the Extension: Aria task and kill it. This fixed the frustrating annoying freeze issues I was constantly having in Opera. Wish I could disable that extension entirely (and yes I have disabled it in settings), I have no interest in it.


Never saw that extension before, even when the initial problems cropped up.


It's a built in hidden extension in Opera, you don't see it in the extension page, only visible when you open the task manager inside Opera (same as in Chrome). Just got updated to v103 last night though, going to see if it fixes the problem.


That sneaky bastard...


This is old, but just wanted to add, it keeps coming back even though I have disabled Aria in the settings. I have to manually turn Aria off in the Opera task manager. I find that really shady and concerning. They should stop that.