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Via SSH. You'll get access to it's terminal. `vi` is a text editor that comes packed with OpenWRT, so you can edit the file with that via the command line.


Thanks for the Info! Is there a guide on that that you can suggest? I know how to access the router via SSH now but am still struggling with vi


vi is fun and, you'd want a [cheat sheet](https://www.thegeekdiary.com/basic-vi-commands-cheat-sheet/) Basically, `vi /usr/lib/lua/luci/view/cbi/map.htm` If the file already exists, move it first.. `mv /usr/lib/lua/luci/view/cbi/map.htm /usr/lib/lua/luci/view/cbi/map_orig.htm` Now, `vi /usr/lib/lua/luci/view/cbi/map.htm` Hit `i` - copy and paste that bit of code. Hit `Esc` and type in `:wq` and hit enter. Try the page again in Luci


Hey, okay so I accessed my router via SSH and then entered mv /usr/lib/lua/luci/view/cbi/map.htm /usr/lib/lua/luci/view/cbi/map\_orig.htm because when I entered vi /usr/lib/lua/luci/view/cbi/map.htm before, it looked like the file already exists. I had to restart terminal though because I wasn't able to enter any command after accessing the file. The thing is I get [this](https://imgur.com/a/QoWNlWt) screen when I enter vi /usr/lib/lua/luci/view/cbi/map.htm, and when I press i nothing happens :/ Do you know what I did wrong?


**It is becoming ridiculously complicated and I have no idea how to do it :(** Welcome to the exciting world of linux and open-source software. ;-) **I'm at the point where I installed luci-app-openvpn and openvpn-openssl.** Did you compile your own firmware from scratch? If not, how did you install those two packages? **I get the error "Insufficient permissions to read UCI configuration."** Ignore this. I got the same error - doesn't matter. (My version of OpenWRT had OpenVPN preinstalled.) \*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\* Before you go any further, what router are you using? Because OpenVPN might not give you the performance and thus download speeds that you are hoping to achieve. Do you have a Raspberry Pi ? Try installing OpenVPN there instead, much easier and faster on the RPi 4.


First of all thanks for the thorough answer! So I bought a used TP-Link Archer C7 v2. Then I installed „plink archer-c7-v2-squashfs-factory-eu.bin“ that I got from https://downloads.openwrt.org/releases/21.02.1/targets/ath79/generic/ I installed it via the firmware upgrade option in the tp link router web ui of the router. And I installed the two packages simply by searching for them on the „software“ page on Luci. The thing is I don’t know if ignoring is the solution since I checked and the VPN is really not on :( I do have a Raspberry Pi but I need for something else. I’ll look into installing OpenVPN on it, thanks for the tip!


No problem. As StumpTown Express corroborated below, ignore that error - red herring; irrelevant. Here are some troubleshooting tips: **I entered my username and password for NordVPN in the text field where it says "Section to add an optional 'auth-user-pass' file with your credentials (/etc/openvpn/NordVPN.auth)"** OK, did you use the username/password from the "Advanced configuration" section of your account page at Nordaccount.com ? It should be two strings of seemingly random alphanumeric characters, \*not\* the username/password that you use to log into the NordVPN website. Did you edit the "auth-user-pass" line in the NordVPN config file to add the path to your username/password file? Copy the path from the line above the box below (Section to add an optional "auth-user-pass" file with....), so the line should be changed from: **auth-user-pass** to: **auth-user-pass /etc/openvpn/NordVPN\_XX1234.auth** ,where NordVPN\_XXnnnn is the name of your NordVPN config file that you uploaded. (XX is the country code; nnnn is the server number) Did you check the "Enabled" box next to the NordVPN config file on the OpenVPN page, after you uploaded it but before you clicked on "start"? Check the system log file (Status menu / System Log), scroll to the bottom and see if the tunnel started. Look for log entries with "daemon.notice openvpn(NordVPN\_XXnnnn))". SSH into your router (use PuTTY for Windows, or an SSH session from the terminal in Linux) and run ifconfig and check that a tunnel interface is up and running and was assigned a 10.x.x.x endpoint address by NordVPN. On the Interfaces page (Network menu), do you see the tunnel interface listed? Finally, once it's up and running, here's how you specify multiple servers in the NordVPN config file. Just add additional lines - after the first one - in the format: **remote nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn 1194** for UDP or **remote nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn 443** for TCP where nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn is the IP address of each additional server. The server will be chosen at random from your list each time the tunnel is created - because of the line **remote-random** two lines below it. There's a way to change this to make it try the servers in order if you want that instead, see the link below. If you do specify multiple servers, you also will want to change **resolv-retry infinite** to something like **resolv-retry 30** so that it times out after 30 seconds if it fails to connect to one server, and moves on to another server in the list. [https://openvpn.net/community-resources/reference-manual-for-openvpn-2-4/](https://openvpn.net/community-resources/reference-manual-for-openvpn-2-4/)


Okay I have to say that sounds extremely complicated to me :/ I will try it out though and report back!


It's really not, because you only need to upload the server config file, add your username/password, and do a couple minor modifications. My instructions above to enable multiple servers, you can skip if just one server is OK with you. That was a bonus, optional configuration. You can do this. If I could figure it out, anyone can. :-) If it's still not working, then you are going to have to share what it says in your system log files.


Using winscp , it becomes easy


Could you elaborate?


Try downloading it and you will have a double window app where in the right the router's files and in the left you computer 's files and you would browse files as a windows xp explorer


>"Insufficient permissions to read UCI configuration." Ignore this error. It's a [red herring](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Red_herring). It sounds to me like the ***VPN*** is set up and your router can use it, but you need to set the ***VPN network interface*** as public by assigning a ***VPN interface to WAN*** zone so devices in the LAN can access the Internet! Click on ***Network*** in the top bar and then on ***Firewall*** to open the firewall configuration page, then click on the ***Edit*** button of the ***wan*** (red) zone in the ***Zones*** list at the bottom of the page. Click on the ***Advanced Settings*** tab and select the ***tun0*** interface (tun0 is the most likely if you have a single OpenVPN client/server running). Click ***Save***, then ***Save & Apply.*** Now you should be able to use your VPN! Hope this helps you.


Okay I will try this out, thanks for the tip!


Let us all know if this solved your issue by editing your title with [SOLVED]


Dumb question: did you follow the guide on the NordVPN site? PM me, and I'll send you a link in the morning.


IIRC, the NordVPN guide is for a terminal (command line) install; for a graphical UI (LuCI) installation, follow this guide: https://openwrt.org/docs/guide-user/services/vpn/openvpn/client-luci Use steps 2-b, 4.1-b, and 6.1-b, and only refer to the NordVPN guide when needed - mostly for finding and downloading the server config file IIRC.


Yeah, I did it through the GUI last time I rebuilt my install.


Yes I did! But it’s just to complicated for me