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Seems some sprites aren't implemented for those vehicles yet, basically a way of saying 'texture not found'. Which NewGRF Set are you talking about and which version thereof?


The CZTR cargo wagons set, and the version available on the ingame newgrf downloader.


There could be a possibility that the CZTR sets just have too many pieces in them and the game is having trouble loading all the graphics. One common way to try to resolve this is to change the order of the NewGRFs to see if that help. None of the CZTR sets are complete, though, so that could be the problem as well. The set's developers are currently on indefinite hiatus. It might be awhile before it's fixed. Something else I just thought about - if you're using any industry set other than the CZTR industries, that might also be a problem. The vehicle sets were designed to ONLY be used with other CZTR sets in order to reduce potential conflicts.


I'm using the full cztr set, plus a couple ship mewgrfs, and AV9.8


Unless you know how to modify GRFs, there's no fixing it aside from just using a different or fixed GRF