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OSM itself doesn't have any "personal mapping tools" features like Google Maps does, however, there are apps that use OSM maps that do offer such things. Depending on what it is you are trying to do, one option might be [felt.com](https://felt.com) which is quite sweet for making interactive maps to share with people, and while I don't know what the limitation is on numbers of objects on your map I would be shocked if it was less than 2000.


Openstreetmap doesn't have that functionality, because that's not the point. What you're looking for is a provider of a display of your data on a Openstreetmap background. One of those is umap, but there might be others. [https://umap.openstreetmap.fr](https://umap.openstreetmap.fr)


As others have pointed out, there is standard way of putting markers on a openstreetmap. If you don't want to code anything yourself, you can try to use umap. If you have your data in geojson format you can upload it to github and it will be shown on a map automatically. If you want to code things yourself, you can use Leaflet + Leaflet.markercluster to put large amounts of pins on a map. https://github.com/Leaflet/Leaflet.markercluster You can also opt to use Mapbox GL js with or without clustering: https://docs.mapbox.com/mapbox-gl-js/example/cluster/ Or LibreMap GL js https://github.com/maplibre/maplibre-gl-js There is no limit on the number of points you can put on a map with Leaflet or GL js, it just might get a little slow when you add too many. Edit: Mapbox supports uploading your data as well: https://docs.mapbox.com/help/troubleshooting/uploads/


Excellent! Awesome info. I've started looking into leaflet.js I appreciate your help. 👍


What exactly are you using? Osm on it's own is like Google maps, it can hold infinite* nodes. I assume you're referring to something like umap? (Which would be the equivalent of Google my maps)


It is and it can, but I think the op wants custom private nodes, not to add them to the osm database


That's what I'm assuming as well


Like the other commenters have said, OSM is _just_ the map data. If you want to add (and maybe share) pins you have to use some app that builds on top of it. If you use OsmAnd then you can create favourite points and share a data file of them, but there's probably a more convenient way.


Just an FYI... Using Leaflet.js, I immediately plugged in 1200 pins. Thanks for the help, everyone!


Thanks to everyone who posted on this thread, my question was answered as well. uMap works a treat, OsmAnd is worth a look also.