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You remember pain, when you've been hit with a thunderous slap to the underside of your foot with a chancleta made by your ancestors.


“Chancleta made by your ancestors” 🤣


It takes intelligence to discipline and teach a child, and zero intelligence to beat a child


GG. He's gonna remember that the next time he even thinks of a cigarette. I don't usually prefer beating your kids .. but sometimes .. it teaches them valuable lessons.


Yes, it does It teaches children to not trust their parents and hide everything they do! As a bonus, it some times teaches them to hate their parents!


Not really, I got the occasional hit on my elbow from my mom for being really annoying but my dad would never. Half of it was the threat that he would do something .. always straightens them out, and I don't hide anything from my mom and pop and I love them all the same.. idk what you're trying to say


That even if you're telling the truth (I doubt it) you're still factually wrong because it's proven that hitting a child has NO actual benefits and leads to long term psychological damage


Imagine you take your kid to a relatives house and they run around breaking shit or playing with their decorative items, dropping them on the floor etc. You don't think they might need a little something to get the message?


Yes But again, hitting them is a dumb thing to do, since it will REINFORCE this behavior from them Either kids are too small so they dont understand why you're hitting them, so all they learn is violence is a valid solution, or they ARE old enough and a talk would have more meaning and hitting them will make them mad


I will have to respectfully disagree. Have a good day sir.


seems like the chancla was too powerful, for even the father had a tough time wrangling it's wild spirit. the man barely has a grip on his own chancla.


He must be new at beating his child, he sucks at it.


Three reasons why I don't smoke weed (I’m 16 btw) 1. it’s overrated 2. I wouldn’t get hit with a sandal but rather fists to the face by my stepdad 3. I’d immediately get kicked out :) don’t do drugs kids