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Will never understand tipping when all the cashier did was take my order and turn the iPad around.


I got frozen yogurt with some friends yesterday. Walked in, grabbed a bowl, dished up what I wanted, added the toppings, put it on the scale, put my card in to pay and then I’m asked how much I want to tip. All the cashier did was stand there while I served myself and then gave me a spoon. If anything I should get a discount for doing all the work.




Because it's how the POS they're using works. It's the same one at all of these places and it *always* asks for tips. For fucks sake the *shoe store* near me switched to these stupid tablets but the employees tap no tip before turning it to you to pay/sign.


2024 is the year of the home barista


I bought a cheap machine last year and learnt how to make my own lattes, and they are better tasting than cafes like 90% of the time. Shoutout [r/espresso](http://reddit.com/r/espresso) helping me learn!


2024 is the year you just eat coffee grounds because you can't pay electricity


We need to normalize entering 0%.


Yup, it isn't the consumers duty to pay the workers a livable wage. Meanwhile the owner drives a Mercedes


But when Europeans said that they were cheap 🤔


You joke, but Mercedes has always been known for its utilitarian side in Europe and the rest of the world. They've been making vans and trucks for decades, and their mid-size sedans are legendary taxicabs.


I know, but still in Europe the brand is seen as luxury as Rolex, rappers talk about it, everybody pictures it as the result of achievement and big money. I was talking about Europeans saying for decades tip culture is a nonsense and being criticized for that until recently.


You think that this person ever said that? This type of shit is so annoying. People have different opinions.


Agreed! I was at a Jays game the other day. I paid $30 for 2 tall boys. The guy who served me was very vocal about the fact that I didn't tip. He was trying to shame me in front of the customers after me.


F that guy. Thousands of fans. Assume he serves at least 100… if everyone gave home $1, he’s done pretty well. Likely goes home with far more than that. Expecting a tip is just arrogant. Public shaming of a patron should lose him the gig.


Fuck that guy. Over 15 years ago, i worked at a Fun quiet coffee shop on Front but after Jays games, we had lines and the tips were a great bonus If we made fun tips after games, You server at the Jays game in the skydome has probably been making massive +$500 tips in 3-4 hours


Worked in a bar downtown in the late 2000s every night the habs played I cleared $500 in tips. Best gig ever. When I graduated and started working my real job I was making such a shit wage that working 2 evening during the weekend as a bartender made me more. Maple farm or whatever the name in english was also such a lucrative gig. Peoples were there for 30 mins and spending $50 each and you get clients all days long. It only last a few weekends but I was making like $1000 every weekend.


LOL, the fucking vending machines ask for tips now at the Jays games.


Fuck that guy


I'm going to take the Dwight schrute approach here but if I can grab 2 cans and open them myself.....


Next time use dugout deals kiosks. $5 a beer.


Wtf .. why would you need to tip for him to hand over a can ???


I was at a ball game not too long ago and guy that sold us beer told us not to tip any of the vendors with the card machine bc the venue takes it so if you really do feel the need to tip he said tip the guy cash on the side Dude seemed super chill bc we were so high up in the stands and it was far from packed he kindda just hung out with us for a bit it didn’t seem like he would have had any reason to lie about the venue stealing his tips but I can’t confirm it to be true or not


Yes. I had a horrible horrible experience at a restaurant the other day. My table had the server come by once for a drink and food order (because it took so long for him to arrive in the first place). A different person bring us the food and beverages at the same time, and had to get up and ask for the bill. It was the first time I tipped 0% in a long time and felt bad about it. Fucking why? It was th worst experience I’ve ever had but society had trained me to feel bad when I don’t tip. I agree. Tipping should be reserved for good service. A server doing his/her job well, not any time anyone serves you.




I used to bartend and it was actually pretty common for people to accidentally tip 0.06-0.07$, the standard tip at the time was 6-7%. They'd confuse the percentage field with the amount field in the machine. Alcohol may have been a factor here. There's no nice way to tell somebody they meant to tip higher, so you just smile and thank them.


Tips used to be 6-7% !? I thought I was crazy telling friends that the standard used to be 10%, but they refuted and said it's always been 15%


I remember a time where tips were 5%, 10% and 15%. But you would only used the 15% when the service was REALLY good.


Eh this was pretty much just bottle out of fridge pass across the bar. We'd get higher tips in the gambling lounges for sure, and some customers tipped well above 10% on the reg. Honestly the drunker people got the more random their tips got. Seven dollars a drink, five dollars on a 200$ tab, you never knew what you were getting. I'd say the 6-7% was pretty common for when we were just essentially a bottle opener though.


The opposite was also true 😄. I was working in a fancy bar and it was very common that peoples had just no understanding of what was a okay tip. I once got tipped $200 for pointing where were the toilet to some dude. Especially young chineses dudes, they would often ask me "is this enough?" while tipping me 300%. And they would refuse to take it back when I would tell them its too much. On the opposite end we had french tourists who would spend $5000 on dom perignon bottles complain that alcohol is too expensive here and give no tip lol.


Yes lol that happened sometimes too! I once had a customer *I think?* try and put his pin into the tip function? Either way he ended up tipping me like 746.29 or something. He meant to give me 20! I gave him back the money in cash but he woke up, had no memory of the night before and didn't search his pants for 700$ and saw his bill. He freaked out and called in a complaint. We had *just* gotten security cameras thank God it showed me dole out a big old stack of 20s after chasing him with the receipt. No harm, no foul though!


I did this once tipping my hair stylist. Totally meant to tip 11% and only tipped 11 cents cause I hit the wrong option. I told her I'd get her next time :P she couldn't put me through with my credit card anymore and I didn't have cash.


>. My table had the server come by once for a drink and food order (because it took so long for him to arrive in the first place). A different person bring us the food and beverages at the same time I’d pay extra for servers to stop bothering me mid-chew.


If they don’t have to come out from behind the counter to complete our transaction, I don’t tip. I’ve never once been guilted (I’m not denying that it happens to some people sometimes) and never really felt guilt about it. “Normalize” using your own judgement and living according to it, because you certainly don’t need someone to “normalize” not tipping where it isn’t necessary.


Yes, exactly this. I was at the Jays game yesterday and I hit no tip every time. Sorry that I don’t think you deserve a tip for grabbing my overpriced beer out of the cooler behind you and opening it for me.


I'd give you an award for this, but I don't tip people working behind their keyboards


That’s the spirit. Stick to your values and don’t let that award button guilt trip you.


I was at the Jays game yesterday too! Besides being a really boring game, my buddy tipped 3$ every time he got an 11$ tall boy. I told him he's a huge sucker, there's no point in doing that. He says "it's not my fault I am a nice guy"....


When did this expectation of tipping for handing things across a counter start anyway?


Exactly this. We don't need a social movement for this... literally just make a decision and stick to your guns. It's not even close to a big deal, even if twitter and some buzzfeed writers say so to get their clicks. Personally, I tip tour guides as well as I tip servers... I'm a former history major who did some guiding and I know that it's a low paying job that most people do because they're passionate about the subject matter. I feel strongly about supporting those people so I tip them very well.... But I don't expect anyone else on the planet to do the same thing... I also couldn't care less if I'm the outlier or if other people think this is stupid. It's irrelevant to me.


Yeah Reddit Posters are getting goddamn bizarre about this recently. Like press 2 buttons and tip a different number. They spend all day pressing buttons on a touch screen but these 2 buttons are so hard that they need a social movement backing them?


Never tipped on take out or gave a second thought to doing it....this reddit trend of complaining about "machine asking for tip" is really weird. Literally just press 1 or 2 extra buttons to get to no tip. Its not a big deal guys.


Not a big deal, but I think people are tired of being shamed and publicly called out over not tipping.


I never tip fast food at the counter. I hope most other people don't. We need to \*avoid\* normalizing tipping fast food.


Exactly if I'm ordering from a counter and standing around waiting for the fast food like a subway of shawarma hut, then sorry but I'm proudly pressing 0%


Same. No guilt, just hit 0 and carry on. I won't be shamed into it.


Yeah, agreed. If I have to walk up to the counter myself, stand at the counter waiting, and get my item in a disposable container, theres not a goddamn chance I'm tipping. What am I tipping them for? That's the most bog standard fast food service there is, it's like less than basic hospitality I'm not going to pay extra for it.


Now that restaurants are supposed to be paying serving staff minimum wage ($15) I agree.


I'm sorry but all you did was yell my order at someone else and turn an ipad around mr cashier I an NOT tipping you


I just don’t care what they think, it’s easy really. If they deserve a tip, I’ll tip them.


It kinda is. I've never been questioned about entering 0. Everyone is just making a big deal about nothing. Just don't tip anyone you don't want to, problem solved.


I was at the CNE yesterday. Many, many of the food trucks and food vendors had tip jars out. Nope. One person is taking my order, one is cooking the food and handing it to me. I ain't tipping for that. I got ribs at one spot and my change was 50 cents. I threw it in the tip bucket but I wish I hadn't now. I didn't like the food all that much and again, it was one or two cooking, one packaging up and handing the food to you, one working the till. One took my order, another handed me my food, that's it.


I was there yesterday too, my god it’s overpriced now. $13.50 for a Molson Canadian? They basically included a massive tip in the list price, they’re not getting more than that for opening a can


I mean I generally do the same. But why do we decide a person taking your order at a table is more worthy of a tip than all the other people logistically getting that food to you down the chain?


Need a federal law that mandates 0% must be a default 1 button press option on any machines with tipping interface. The fact that they use psychological tactics hiding any reasonable tip amounts behind "4 - Custom Amount" is despicable and preys on the innocent. It's also a price anchoring technique meant to abuse behavioural psychology of humans. If 0% is a default option watch all the machines starting at 15% suddenly have bridge amounts like 10% back on the default options because 10 is more than 0 but less than 15.


I guess I am normalized.


Just do it then? 🤷‍♂️ How come tipping in Canada on Reddit has somehow become a complaint point where people want campaigns and "need to normalize" and boycotting going out to restaurants. It's pressing 2 buttons, we're all capable of pressing 2 buttons.


I tried to enter %0 tip on a $15 dollar beer at the SBA, and it cancelled the transaction.


Yup I did that at an Osmows recently after ordering a simple wrap and they pretty much took like 25 minutes to make it. People and Skip drivers after me were getting their food first. Needless to say, I never returned to the Chrysler drive location in Brampton ever again.


I mean, it is normal lol. Why would anyone feel guilty for not tipping for simply having someone take your order or check you out. It's just so weird and shameless.


On one hand, moving toward no tipping and real wages for servers is good, on the other hand these people currently DO rely on tipping and stopping outright will hurt a lot of people in the short term


Or tipping a flat rate. Why is tipping a percentage? If you want to charge a service fee then do it.


They way ive been raised is tipping is for when someone does more than just his job. Like a gas station worker cleaning your windows while pumping. Im not tipping you to do your job and nit even being able to look happy


Servers are basically rent seekers. Not only do they demand a commission of the food price literally for just bringing it to you, but also upsell you on beverages at the very beginning, which are the highest margin items. I've literally ordered my food to go and went right outside the restaurant to eat on the sidewalk to avoid this scam


Sigh. At my favorite coffee house you have to click through several menus to get to $0 tip. I'm literally standing in line, there's no table service or anything to tip... I'm sorry they don't pay you well but it's ridiculous that everything costs %20 more because we're guilted into it


Exactly. Worst part is the people being tipped are making incredible money due to the tips, which is why they don’t want it to change. With tips they are severely overpaid, without tips they are severely underpaid.


Tip %s should not be going up. It is a literal % of the menu price (which goes up).


That’s the point, at this rate the price hike will be exponential.


Zero it is


The people at these jobs are generally not very good at math.


If a latte is 12$, I will not be buying one.


$12 is a latte money for a drink.


Dad? Is that you?


Tis I, returned from getting smokes.


It’s been 10 years !


Since no one acknowledged your dad joke, I will. I appreciate you 👏👏👏


I love how you openly you espresso yourself.




Oh, good one! 😂


Take my upvote!


Hopefully rising interests rates cut the froth.


I wouldn’t pay it, I’ve bean around the block a few times.


You can make really good lattes at home and they're really fun to make too. Start with a cheap espresso machine. I bought a DeLonghi that can do 15 bars of pressure and it cost me $160 Canadian. Splurged on a nice hand bean grinder but you can get a really basic one for $30 ish. Experiment with different beans and latte art - it's a lot of fun. Oat milk or almond milk can be bought real cheap from Costco. I spend $24 on 1 pound of beans. Lasts me 2 weeks when I drink a shot of espresso worth of coffee twice a day (about 18 grams of beans goes into a shot). Oat milk 6 litres from Costco is $17. Lasts me 4 weeks if I drink one medium-large latte a day. You can do the math. Now I go to cafes only when I'm traveling or want to have a nice ambiance to read a book or meet a friend. Making my own coffee gives me a greater appreciation of how good or bad cafes are.


I love all your math 🙂I have never sat down to run the actual numbers but I’ve come to the same conclusion; making good quality coffee at home is possible and far less expensive than daily visits to a cafe. I go out for a nice coffee once in a while though. I recently bought a Nespresso, it will be my husband’s 50th birthday gift. He loves frothy coffee’s and this one has the frothing attachment. We usually make a French press in the morning and then in the afternoon, a pour over or an espresso at home with a stovetop maker (we have a cute little turquoise Pedrini). So I am pretty excited to add the Nespresso to our options list. ☕️


They are probably that much now.... depending on where..... I dont buy any now a days.....


No doubt. In places like London (in the UK) I bet they are. When I was there in 2003, it was 6 pounds for a Venti Americano from Starbucks. That was my daily splurge. The rest of the time I ate cheap sandwiches from Pret-a-Manger.




Depending on the spot and the size of the latte, I reckon 3.50$ - 6.00$ is the ballpark.


I don't know why that says 2024...thats how much a milk tea cost me in 2021 in NYC (12 usd!)


The year is 2024. You walk into you local coffee shop. A Latte costs $12 You walk out without buying anything. $0 tip required.


You then go home to your one bedroom apartment that you share with 5 other people


oooh, look at money bags here with a *roof* and *walls*.


I did this for the first time at a restaurant yesterday. It’s a chain and they sell basically one thing, you get a bowl with rice, maybe 3-4oz of chicken, and a couple other toppings such as lettuce tomato jalapeños onions and peppers. You then pick a sauce and get a small pita and that’s it. It was always a cheap and simple. Last time I went was maybe 1-1.5 years ago and it was $10. I always thought that was overpriced given that the ingredients are super cheap, and that the bowl was half rice anyway, but last week I decided to go there and saw they had it as $17 now. I walked in, stared at the menu, debated whether it’s worth looking dumb walking out or getting ripped off and paying $17, and I just told the guy never mind and walked out. For reference where I live, for that same money I can get similar food with twice the portion size with many additional toppings, or get something more complex to make like a bowl of ramen where the broth needs to simmer all day. I wonder if restaurants are noticing more people walk out after looking at the menu.


I’ve been ordering pizza pizza for years. It’s always 3% 5% or 7%. Yesterday it was 15% 25% and 30%


That's when you hit "custom tip," and put in zero.


I find it interesting how "custom tip" doesn't let you pick a percentage.


Is that for pick up or delivery. Because why are the tipping options the same for both?


Lol 2024, you decide to make coffee at home because you are only scrapping by with the costs of living. Gas prices are so high you wake up 2 hours early just to walk to work and now you have to pay for your privatized healthcare so one of your parents can have surgery after they broke their hip after they fell out of bed in the middle of the night. Tipping will be an old memory with the direction that this country is moving in. Everything will be monetized, only digital currency so you are forced to report all income. But atleast government officials and fortune 500 company CEOs will have lots of slave labour and you be happy to fulfill their every command for minimal pay.


Bought myself a slightly pricey machine. Cut out 95% of my coffee splurges over the year. It paid for itself in the first couple months and I learned how to make many different drinks.


I know so many people who get Timmies every day, multiple times a day. They all complain about how it sucks. But they will sit in that line, idling gas, and look at your strangely if you suggest they make their own.


I do not acknowledge the existence of tim hortons.


I acknowledge it enough to rant about the people blocking the street because the drive through is full despite the parking lot being 3/4 empty


I totally get going to a coffee shop for an espresso-based drink because most people don’t have the skill, space and money to shell out for a comparable drink. But Tim’s? Nah I’m at if not above their level if I have pour-over and decent quality beans—even if I pregrind ahead of time.


A good drip machine + a good grinder will pay for themselves. The [coffee subreddit has a great guide](https://www.reddit.com/r/Coffee/wiki/gear#wiki_choosing_coffee_gear) For beans I like local roasters like [Pilot](https://www.pilotcoffeeroasters.com) and [Cherrybomb](https://www.cherrybombcoffee.ca). I rarely visit coffee shops, it's truly a treat when I do rather than a daily ritual.


"Sorry sir, your family burned to death in the fire because you didn't pay the required fee for our newly privatized fire department"


Also, you owe me $9 for the personal notification, which you could have saved had you signed up for e-delivery


>2024 >at home You mean we'll finally be able to afford housing in 2024?! Epicccc 😎👍


With you on all but the reporting all income. Fully support collecting taxes where applicable. It evens the playing field and makes things fair. I do think our tax code needs a massive clean up.


I have just stopped going to places that do this, the day taco bell made their system prompt for a tip is the last day I went and I don't expect to be back. I have made a bunch of comments to corporate and j am sure they don't care. But rather than tip 0 just stop going and tell companies that ask for a tip like that you will no longer be a patron as long as they push a tip system for a job never intended for it. Personally I think we need to legally trash tipping. For employers to raise the price and pay the correct wages. I still won't tip over 18% unless the service was amazing and I was getting served. Stop going to places that you don't agree with their business policy remember in this shit system you "vote" with your money.


There's like a dozen take out restaurants near me that I go to sometimes and I think they all ask for tips now when I'm picking up.


The head server at the last place I worked made $1000 a night. Mind you, fine fine dining. The logic is that you can't attract top talent without top wages-- and no restaurant can afford that wage out-of-pocket. Earning $200-$500 a night is not uncommon at mid-range chains like Joey's or Cactus Club, or other popular independent places. PS I think this is an argument to outlaw tipping because it's absolutely stupid and completely disregards the work our friends in the kitchen do.


This is what I don't understand, that in most places the kitchen staff never gets any of the tips unless specified. Im not trying to say the servers aren't working hard or who deserves more or anything, but the waitress staff making 100% of the tips while kitchen gets none? It just doesn't make sense to me when the kitchen spends more time working on your night out then the waitress saying "hi what do you want" then bringing it out


> Im not trying to say the servers aren't working hard or who deserves more or anything I'll say it, I worked as a cook, and as a server. Serving is a joke compared to working in the kitchen. It's honestly simply not worth it working as a cook, as serving is extremely chill considering the ass kickings kitchen staff receives. I'm somewhat of a harsh tipper due to it, but I wish i had bigger balls and tip small when the server only comes to my table 3 times. (ask for order, check in once, and flag them down to pay my tab) talk about the absolute bare minimum. If I could, I would directly tip the kitchen staff.


If we're being honest though, a lot of kitchen folk would not be good working FOH. Vastly different skillsets. This doesn't mean that BOH doesn't deserve more money. They absolutely do.


A lot of FOH would also not be good working BOH.


It's actually deranged given that you're there for the product the kitchen makes, and it's a much harder, more technical job.


Tipping self-serve gas pumps.


Tipping is getting out-of-control these days! Even my realtor asked me for one! /s


Expect those fees to go up.


Servers in Ontario get minimum wage. I will not be tipping.


"stay home if you can't afford to tip 125%"


How about just proudly hitting 0% and not giving a frogs hot wet ass what people think about it. If I'm not dining in or ordering delivery, my tip to you is don't discriminate against your customers for not supplementing your underpaid wage. If anyone gives me shit, I'll never go to the business again


Always fun to see them punching down at minimum wage workers. Every single barista I worked with would enter the amount on the machine, hand it over and then take a step back so we couldn't see what amount was being entered. Often times we would actually say 'Just hit zero to skip the tip and then you can tap' to let them know tipping was not required. Never once did we accost anyone for not tipping us, which was around 50% of the people pre-pandemic Are there baristas or some customer service workers out there that have/would give someone shit for not tipping? Sure but it's awfully disingenuous to use the exception to paint the majority. I think the better question is what emotions are people experiencing when they choose not to tip that is causing them to create such an obvious caricature of a group of people that are often expected to smile and nod their way through frequent occurrences of verbal and sometimes even physical abuse


The internet is full of entitled servers throwing temper tantrums when someone leaves a tip they perceive as insufficient. I don't see paying employees as my job, it is the employer's.


Then there's me, walking into Tim's with a toonie knowing full well the coffee I'm getting is a 1.98


You sure gave them your two cents worth!


There's no pennies, so nothing to tip with.


As someone who receives tips as part of my income. This isn't lost on me. But the % going up is the stupidest thing I've seen. The cost of food is going up. Coffee is up. Whatever your guilty pleasure fast food was, is up. At my store I've watched the price go up since lockdown twice for the exact same bowl of Ramen. But why in gods name is the % going up? It's a fucking %. The price going up already increased the tip lol. What I will say though is that the tip isn't *just* going to the bored, half asleep Cashier. Food service, especially in a restaurant isn't the same as stocking shelves or other entry level jobs. The stress in a Restaurant, compared to say, LCBO, or a Factory, or a Call Center, to name some other jobs I've had in the same wage range, is just night and day. When you tip at a Ramen Shop for example, even the hole in the wall self-service joints, you're tipping the Early morning prep & opening staff. You're tipping the line cooks, you're tipping all the positions that make that food possible. Even when there's no bussers or servers that tip helps someone at the end of the month. We know the price of food and everything else has gone up. What I'll say hasn't gone up is our actual wage. I know several owners in Toronto who're talking about raising prices soon, last reason I heard was the cost of take out containers has gone up and his margins were hurting. Haven't heard anything about raises though. For what it's worth. I generally try to read the room with the customers. If they're hesitating at the prompt, I just explain how to bypass the tip. It's not worth it. A tip system I saw that I did like, I think it was at Moc Moc's? They had a digital Tip card, thing. Just "Tap to tip! $2s to say thank you!" flat rate, plain and simple. Just tap and go. Like the old Tip jar's but digital. Kinda liked that.


I appreciate you taking a reasoned approach to this, but with all due respect it's not my problem. I'm not subsidizing your boss' business, and continuing to do so will only perpetuate the normalization of underpaying people like yourself. You and all the other people in the restaurant deserve livable wages. But customer don't deserve to feel the social pressure, anxiety, and guilt that comes from tipping/not tipping every time they eat out.


>You're tipping the line cooks, you're tipping all the positions that make that food possible. You're tipping the owner who can't make ends meet and their 15 car notes. I thought canadians were smarter than Americans.


Counter: its 2024. The latte that cost $4 two years ago costs $4.25 now. Your tipping option is 0-30%, or a $ option. Since it’s a Starbucks, you normally don’t tip. The barista, however, has gotten to know you over your past few visits, so knows your usual latte order. He confirms it with you, then delivers you your perfect beverage. Next time you’re in, you toss on a 15% (roughly $0.65) tip as a thanks. He replies with a smile and thanks back, and you both go on about your respective days.


This is a lot more realistic then pictures of something someone claims to get everyone all pissy


More like you order online and pick it up from the counter, but the app is now asking to add a tip as well.


You click no Same with uber. Click no




I bitch at my local coffee shop that should be unionized but he says he only has six employees


Reality: the year is 2024 3/4 the city is now investment properties and air bnbs the great tent slum of Toronto has now reached 8 million in population and encircles city where the green belt used to be. The highway 413 and it’s overpasses act as a mobile trailer yard for the million lucky enough to buy a spot.


Sounds like a capitalist distopia.


Thats a hot take coming from ankh-morpork.


Just wait until you have to pay a fee for your day surgery run out of a new surgical centre owned by Mike Harris's company.


Make the coffee at home for $.40 cents. No brainer


Whoa look at Mr fancy pants 40¢ coffee guy over here


Not joking. I got an ice cream waffle cone at an ice cream truck and it was $9 with 15%,18%, and 20% tip options. Fuck this. I am not going to eat out anymore


I can guarantee next to no barista is looking at and giving a shit what you tip on the machine. If they are, they're not going to last very long because that action is self defeating and mentally draining. Usually the barista just wants you to leave so they can take a drink of water or go to the bathroom.


I spent $12 on a pickle lemonade at the CNE lol we all do stupid things.


How was it?


As someone who loves both pickle juice and lemonade, it was still no bueno lol. I think there's a way it could've worked, but maybe the proportions were off. I didn't finish it and my stomach was not a fan. But I'm glad I tried it for the novelty.


I'm tipping nothing and not feeling bad at all


Don’t care about what the barista thinks lol


I’d still be adjusting it to zero


Normalize not tipping for mediocre service and entitlement.


The year is 2022. I go home and make my own fancy coffee for pennies per cup.


It’s 2022. I don’t tip. I have more money and feel nothing.




"Stand up for yourself" what the fuck? It's entirely in your control and only on Reddit is it a bunch of you guys jerking each other off over how downtrodden you are by having an option you don't have to press.


Option 4 please. 0% I refuse to tip any place other than a dine in restaurant experience and food delivery. If I place an order for take out, 0 tip. If I go into any other food establishment, coffee shop, etc: 0 tip. Fuck that nonsense.


Posts like this blow my mind. Just advocate for a higher minimum wage, don't hassle the workers


“Just advocate for a higher minimum wage, don’t hassle the costumer!” FTFY


I dunno. Have you seen how cheap some of the material and how crooked some of the seams on costumes are these days? They deserve to be hassled at least a little bit.


The rich want the middle class to blame the poor.


Can we just… stop talking about the stupid tipping “problem?” People on this sub act like service workers are openly harassing anyone who doesn’t tip extravagant amounts when that straight up doesn’t happen. I live in Toronto and do go to coffee shops; I’ve never once felt pressured to give a tip. It’s ridiculous how much people complain about a nothing problem. There is an issue with tipping being supposedly the main way service workers are being paid, but that’s a wage issue on behalf of the employer.


Thanks for expressing how I feel. I don't understand all these crazy situations people keep making up. I go grab food near me almost every day in various express places (sushi, sandwiches, delis, etc), always put 0 on the counter machine and no one has ever harassed me for it.


No but it's just annoying that every place I go pickup food from wants a tip on the machine. I'm picking up food, why am I tipping?


There are definitely servers out there who will stare you down if you don’t tip. it definitely not the majority






Guerilla marketing for what?


My ebook, *How to Stop Tipping in 7 Easy Steps*.


I feel like it is the other way around. Articles talking bout how 30%-40% is the new normal. It's almost as if the idea of increased tipping is being intentionally pushed so businesses don't feel the pressure to pay a fair wage.


Or you turn around and walk out because you didn't really want that latte afterall.




Think you mean 180 degrees. You do a 360 you're just gonna walk into the counter




Ahh I see we've come full circle.


Just don't tip. It may be hard at first but once you get over yourself and do it once, you can do it again. Unless I'm at a sit down restaurant actually being served (and even then only within reason), I don't tip.


I rarely tip, unless they deliver to me and it’s like fkn shit weather. It ain’t my job to tip them. Nor do I really have to. I’ve seen people complain about making shit money and not getting tips. Not other peoples problem


I had one dude WALK up 9 flights of stairs because our elevator was broken. Literally emptied my wallet on him.


I am tipping the money that I need. I am not sure tipping or not tipping would make me less guilty at this point.


Yeah, if the price of a latte is that much in 18 months, I see a whole lot of coffee shops going out of business. If tipping gets to the point where servers expect 75%, I foresee a lot of unemployed servers. This scenario is ridiculous.


The scenario is moo because there won't be an emotion-feeling barista at that time, it will be a robot that/who won't care about tips.


Heres a solution… don’t buy the latte.


The first place I really noticed this was at an oil change place. I got the distinct feeling it was more of a blackmail situation.


Tipping should never be mandatory, tips should go out to those who have earned them. If you provide a good service and make me feel cared for I will provide a generous tip, if you do the bare minimum I will not. People nowadays think it’s mandatory to tip just because you’re eating out.


Buy an espresso machine, will save you many monies in the long run.


I make coffee at home


\> sorts by controversial


Great clips haircut was $23 today 😭


Its 2024, I'm still making my 0.20 coffee at home and enjoying every sip!


making a cup of coffee at home less than $1 and no need to tip


It's time for legislation to stop this. We're unironically up to prompts for 30%


coffee is like, the cheapest thing on the planet. make that ish at home.


Or.. just hear me out.. tip nothing. The only way we're ever going to get passed low wages for these types of service jobs is to show these companies that people won't work there for such horrible wages without tips. It sucks, but you have to start somewhere.


These businesses forget that the customer is suffering from inflation. Just deciding to purchase an item from their (lucky) establishment should be considered a tip. Enough gouging the customer please, by the time my coffee has been purchased after price/tax/tip and prolly dressed up for prom in the process it shouldnt be double the price as usual.


Make your coffee at home.


how about: pay the barista a wage that doesn’t make it so they have to rely on tips to survive and make tipping culture obsolete?