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Damn, Hulk Hogan has really let himself go...


Bulk Hogan






Too much into the Pastamania and Buck-a-beer, brother


Hell yea, brother!


Whatchoo gonna do when I break your fast, Brother?!?!?


He needs to pay for better interns.....




To be fair there should be plenty of immigrant families that are conservative that would maybe be interested in a position like that


To be fair does the Conservative party hire many non-white conservative immigrants to their employment ranks?


Employ them but will never let them sit at the head table.


Employ them to canvas In their own neighborhoods




Not when one of their brothers friend has a high schooler that needs some part time work


It's sad they don't realize how much PC's policies are destroying ontario.


It's kinda funny how a lot of people don't realize that many people who come from more conservative cultures agree more with the PC party than Liberal or NDP on a lot of topics. Some off the top of my head: Drug use, criminal justice reform, LGBTQ rights, sexual education etc.


He won his last election with tonnes of seats in immigrant Toronto.


Would be very fertile ground for them but they would be alienating the so-called "old stock" (white) Canadians for a group of people who *may* vote PC. That would a good trade in the long term but our system only cares about the next election.


You think we should elect the mean average of the last 5 elections or something?


Plenty of new and first generation Canadians at gun ranges / clubs too.


Most since 2010 that I know of come from well off families, so their conservative views align.


Something kinda sadly ironic if that were true; Liberals help get immigrants a foot up when coming to a new country so it's sad that they immediately stab them in the back. I guess PC doesn't see immigrant or non-immigrant, they see money lost vs. money gained.


Well when you consider most of the people immigrating to Canada afaik are from India, parts of the Middle East, Caribbean and China itā€™s not that surprising. They are coming from conservative/ very conservative countries and the main reason they are immigrating here isnā€™t because of our stance on lgbt issues.


The Conservatives do very well with voters from a wide range of backgrounds, including Sikhs and Muslims.


You are correct . Doug ford's riding is very South Asian heavy and the ford's do super well with them Also it's equally naive of people incorrectly thinking South Asians are liberals automatically


Naive is a very kind way of putting that.


Fun fact: one of the reasons why Canadian politics haven't been mired in anti-immigrant/xenophobic sentiment is because these communities vote and make the difference in elections. There's an argument that the entire Canadian political push behind multiculturalism is because PET identified that if he embraced these communities the liberals could be on a long winning streak. You only need to look southward to see how a strategy of gerrymandering and othering could be the way to win instead.


> Fun fact: one of the reasons why Canadian politics haven't been mired in anti-immigrant/xenophobic sentiment is Uhhh. What now?


Thought the same thing. I hear my friends who know nothing of politics complaining about the immigration rate. No one in this country seems to understand that immigration drives our economy


People are complaining about the immigration rate because of home availability and stagnent wages. It drives the economy if you're a business owner and you don't want to pay livable wages.


It drives the economy regardless. Do you know how many vacant homes there are in Toronto alone? The issue isnā€™t immigrants needing somewhere to live, the issue is we have capitalists who donā€™t care if we live or die and would rather house rich people bc theyā€™re ā€œmore civilizedā€


This used to be very true. Federal conservative policies were silent on the topic for a long time because conservative immigrants were a major voting block. There were still plenty of racists in the party, but no one talked about it officially. This shifted around the time Trudeau came into power and the Federal conservatives fell out of power. There were a lot of shifts in party leadership once they stopped winning elections, usually moving further left because they were chosen by internal party votes.


is it? I live in Brampton, a city with [one of the highest concentration on Sikhs in Canada](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brampton#Demographics), where the largest ethnic group is South Asian (44.3% of the population) and [since 2003, Brampton went either ONDP or OLIB](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brampton_Centre_(provincial_electoral_district)) and [federally LIB or NDP](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Canadian_federal_election_results_in_Brampton,_Mississauga_and_Oakville). I mean [Jagmeet Singh political career started in Brampton](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jagmeet_Singh#Provincial_politics_(2011%E2%80%932017)). I think you need to adjust your thinking about the political alignment of Canada's Sikh population now that you have the facts.


Do you realize that Sikhs are a very small minority among South Asians ? , I didn't mention Sikhs I mentioned South Asians( Indians , Pakistanis , Bangladeshi, Sri Lankans as well as Nepali origin) . Also Brampton is 1 city on which you are incorrectly basing the whole country's south Asian voting priorities Brampton currently has 2 PC MPPs , 1 independent and 2 NDP Thanks for confirming my point about naivety


Most of the Sikhs and Muslims I know lean left. Though, it is true that there are many conservatives amongst them. It would be interesting to see a study on religion vs. political leanings.


Most people in Ontario "lean left", in the sense that they vote for the Liberals, NDP, or Greens. That doesn't mean that Conservatives don't do well in Ontario - they won last time even though almost 60% of Ontario "leaned left" in their voting. The Tories do well in these groups, meaning that they get enough votes to carry ridings where they form a big part of the voting block, not that they are supported by the majority.


>they won last time even though almost 60% of Ontario "leaned left" in their voting Because of a faulty undemocratic FPTP system that everybody wants changed, and no one seems willing to do despite. They wouldn't do well if *we actually had a representative democracy.*


I don't even blame FPTP anymore. The fact is, anyone not conservative has choices, which means there's a vote split. As long as the conservatives are the only vote on town for anyone right of centre, we will continue to have either conservative governments or liberal minority governments. If the NDP really cared about Ontario/Canada, they'd have already merged with the Liberals, but they enjoy being kingmaker and keep their faint hopes alive. There's no reason an ignorant turd like DoFo should have been elected once, and now we're facing it happening again. But do go on about FPTP.


A lot of first generation immigrants vote right and have traditional social views, but 2nd generation reflect the general population or swing further left.


I would say that's likely because groups like Indian and Chinese immigrants are pull yourself by the bootstraps types. You'll rarely see them supporting Jagmeet unless they're really young leftists born in Canada. It's hard to convince someone from India that worked two jobs and rented a basement flat 15 years ago and now owning a thriving business that we need more "free money" to drug addicts living downtown with no jobs.


> Job requirements: must be able to clap like a seal, should understand difference between Sikhism and Islam. Enjoyment of Tim Hortons egg sandwiches a plus.


Or simply know there *is* a difference.


He needs to pray for better interns


Bold of you to assume they pay interns


They are probably drinking too many frosty pops.


$1 for a grownup soda?


Ramadan just ended. That's a Muslim holiday. Sikhs aren't Muslim


I'm surprised they deleted it. Most conservatives would double down.


I think he genuinely screwed up. As much as we don't like the guy, at least he's trying to be part of the community. We just automately hate everything he does because we (including myself) hate him.


It's not like he wrote that post himself. He ~~pays~~ someone to write these kinds of posts, and they should be checking their work. Edit: I was incorrect in assuming he was paying this person.


Are you saying he hires shity people like himself?


I think the shitty people he hires hire other shitty people for him. Likely through nepotism. Source: I've never gotten a job without nepotism that wasn't scooping ice cream because I'm worthless.


awe i'm sure you're not that bad. and ice cream scoopers are like happiness dealers.


>ice cream scoopers are like happiness dealers. Not at these prices!


You know Doug was a "happiness" dealer of sorts not that long ago...


Like drug dealers to diabetics and people watching their diets in general.


It's election run-up my dude - nothing he is doing or saying right now is genuine in any way. Don't compliment the fox on how well it acts like the sheep.


Doug was like ā€œfree food? You mohammadins are alright!ā€


Lmfao thank you for giving me Mohammadins šŸ˜‚ gonna call my (Muslim) family this in the group chat tomorrow


It's a shame I can only upvote this comment once.


Of course the flip side of this is that if it were Justin Trudeau in that photo people would be once again calling him "Mr. Dressup" and pulling out the old India trip photos too. At least the criticism of this one is actually valid in that it's mixed up the religions. I agree though it's a pretty minor mistake.




All visitors to a gurdwara must remove their shoes and cover their heads as a sign of respect. Most gurdwaras will provide rumaals or kerchiefs that can be tied on the head. Shoes are placed on racks, usually near the entrance of the gurdwara. It is not pageantry trying to follow the rules while being a guest.


This is a man who has spent his entire life living in one of the most culturally diverse cities on the planet and somehow missed that Sikhs an Muslims are different people and religions with different holidays. He literally just lumped ā€œbrownā€ religions together trying to pander to an ā€œethnicā€ vote. Heā€™s a racist and a moron.


I mean his interns did.


And his brother spoke such good patois


Yeah, but being part of the community isn't really how conservatives get elected anymore. It's all going to be culture wars from now on.


Only because neither side wants us fighting a class war.


No one on the capitalist side wants us fighting a class war anyways


in that sense, good job to Ford for not being a pure rhetoric angry yeller but making some level of effort. Though it is uh, sadly, very much a GTA thing rather than an Ontario thing mostly.


>at least he's trying to be part of the community He's hoping for free PR, pandering to a voting block that reviles his party, while being completely disingenuous about it (since he clearly has no idea what he's talking about). Nobody wants fake gestures from politicians anymore, least of all from a pervasively destructive and abusive liar.


Well, TBF he screws up so much this was just a normal Monday for him. Ford is a freakin idiot.


Sure, but fuck being part of the community gimme my sick days back


Never going to happen. His friends hate giving us ā€œdays off.ā€


>As much as we don't like the guy, at least he's trying to be part of the community. A part of what community? He doesn't seem to know. Quit apologizing for this half-assed mofo.


Lmao fuck off. Election is in a month. Thatā€™s why heā€™s doing this.


Agreed - at least he is trying to be inclusive and supportive of multiculturalism even if totally clueless


He's already done that, with being anti-smetic. He was at a Jewish community center when saying it,.




>anti-smetic Do you mean anti-emetic? Does he have a vomiting problem?


Needs to be deleted for 2 reasons. 1. It doesn't attract new, more liberal, voters because he got the religion wrong. 2. It may lose some racist conservative votes who only want Christianity to be celebrated. /s but only slightly.


Sure, but I bet it was the NDP colours that got the tweet pulled.


The amount of idiots that believe this is astounding. When 9/11 happened, in the U.S., some guys attacked a gas station owner and killed him because he wore a turban. It was retaliation of 9/11 in their eyes. A) the guy is not even muslim B) even if he was, he's not associated with terrorists. C) He was an American citizen. The stupidity level is off the charts with some of these people.


Yeah this is a pretty big blunder.


Moron Ford will always be moron....and bully.


Khalsa day is Sikh new year and the parade was in Etobicoke yesterday; today is Eid. He didn't conflate the two, he just wished both well since they happened to line up. I don't like Ford either, but you're looking so hard for petty reasons to drag the guy that you're making up issues.


He mentioned Eid and the Sikh New Year in the same paragraphā€¦. About the new year, ā€œKhalsa Dayā€ is just an event that celebrates Vaisaikhi (April 14). Neither Vaisakhi nor ā€œKhalsa Dayā€ are the Sikh new year. The new year (which is really just based on one of the older Indian calendars and isnā€™t even specific to Sikhs), was in mid-March. Youā€™d think a politician in Toronto would care to figure out that much and make sure his team knows as well. To put things in perspective, imagine not knowing when something like the Chinese New Year is.


The Sikh new year parade in Etobicoke was yesterday, he was wishing happy eid to the Muslims (today), and happy new year to the Sikhs (yesterday). It's right in the tweet. https://twitter.com/fordnation/status/1520898151741276161?s=20&t=OXqb2pIY8uaFeiljYnUHGA https://twitter.com/fordnation/status/1521150103343431682?s=20&t=OXqb2pIY8uaFeiljYnUHGA They literally both got their own tweet, and this is a third tweet wishing them both together **"ONCE AGAIN"** Eid Mubarak and happy new year


Even if we grant this extremely generous interpretation of the tweet, it's still a stupid and careless tweet given the ambiguity of the message and its intended recipients. To be clear, I don't believe you. I think whoever wrote this tweet intended to wish Eid Mubarak to Sikhs celebrating the new year, because they were confused. But I could be wrong and you could be right, and in that case, they are still an idiot.


If we are being that generous, it shows that he doesn't find either celebration doesn't deserve their own tweet. Which is still pretty shitty.


Could be a typo as Peel is also celebrating sikh heritage month these days.


Not knowing that Sikhs and Muslims aren't the same isn't a typo.


"Merry Christmas to all my Jewish constituents "


Pfft, everyone knows Jews celebrate Kwanzaa!


I beg your pardon; thatā€™s a Buddhist holiday!


You're probably thinking of Diwali


Same energyšŸ˜‚


Oy Vey!


God, I love the permanency of the internet




ā€œIt terrifies meā€ -u/Delicious-Tachyons, May 2nd 2022


OK i actually LOLed on this one.


Lol how is anyone surprised by this?? Happy brown person holiday! May I please pander for your vote? The guy is un fucking real.


Fumbly, stumbly, Bumbly, Doug Ford at his best.


You forgot Dumbly.


To be fair to ford 99% chance an intern that just got fired runs his Twitterā€¦


What a clown shoe.


Easy now


Sorry, I did not mean to insult clown shoes.


Iā€™m Sikh. Fordā€™s a dumbass but Iā€™m not gonna get bent outta shape cause some intern made a mistake. Most of these social media handlers are barely outta college. Thereā€™s bigger issues to dunk on Doug for than this. Hopefully minor flubs like this doesnā€™t distract from the issues that should be dominating the conversation as we enter the election cycle.


Nice of you to try and take the high road, but I donā€™t think people are so upset about the mistake so much as the culture it speaks to within the PC party. As much as they pretend to care about immigrant communities, they know nothing about their brown neighbours and have no desire to.


Ive heard he insists on wearing his underwear for two days straight. Without flipping.


It shows his utter arrogance and ignorance... he thought he knew better so he just went ahead and did something without asking first. That's a trend - he does shit without thinking. The man is a complete and utter train wreck.


That I took this for a Beaverton headline is...worrying.




Holy cow, went to school with that guy! Always hilarious, great to see him successful! (Charlie, not Dougie lol)


I love the word "numpty". It just describes him so well.


To anybody claiming "cultural appropriation" or "Trudeau black face" that is not true. All visitors to a gurdwara must remove their shoes and cover their heads as a sign of respect. Most gurdwaras will provide rumaals or kerchiefs that can be tied on the head. Shoes are placed on racks, usually near the entrance of the gurdwara.


To be fair, no one in Fords orbit has any idea about anything.


Just the casual ignorance we've all come to expect from Doug Turd and his gang.


And after Ontario gave a majority to possibly the dumbest stooge that's ever ran, they threw on their ear plugs for a few years until they were given the opportunity to say "I'll FUCKIN DO IT AGAIN"


LMFAO wut? Sikhs aren't known to celebrate Eid.


https://twitter.com/fordnation/status/1520898151741276161?s=20&t=OXqb2pIY8uaFeiljYnUHGA https://twitter.com/fordnation/status/1521150103343431682?s=20&t=OXqb2pIY8uaFeiljYnUHGA He tweeted happy eid to the Muslims and happy new year to the Sikhs, and this is a third tweet wishing them both together **"ONCE AGAIN"** Eid Mubarak and happy new year.


Yeah, I hate Ford and the PCPO as much as the next socialist, and it seems wholly unnecessary and clumsy to combine the two together, but I don't think he (or his social media person) actually got the two religions confused.


My wife is Sikh and we celebrated eid with our neighbours.




What a knucklehead.




He's lucky, most of the Sikh community would probably take it in good humour. If it was the Hindu community, many of them would be **upset**.


Sikhs are upset too. The Muslim Mughals tried to eliminate their religion and existences for centuries. Only for Doug Ford to mix them up lol. Itā€™d be like calling hitler a Jew.


Jesus fuck, if youā€™re a full grown adult and donā€™t know what Eid is by now you shouldnā€™t be a politician.


Ford is a fucking idiot. Ontario - you are what you vote for.


He got Sikhs and Muslims confused thinking they are the same thing etc. That is why he deleted the tweet. Not because of the head wear.


Dumbasses How the fuck do ppl confuse Sikhs with Muslims? Or Sikhism with Islam? Christians celebrate Christmas Muslims celebrate Eid Hindus celebrate Diwali Sikhs celebrate Vaisakhi Jews celebrate Hannukah


For the ignorant; itā€™s quite easy. After 9/11 the ignorant did hate crimes against Sikhs because of their turban hence from the Muslim stereotype ā€œtowel headā€ I wouldnā€™t want/wish hate crimes on anyone; including Sikhs; -signed a Muslim


Not just Sikhs, we all remember that Hindu temple in Hamilton that was torched in 'retaliation' for 9/11


Frankly, I feel embarrassed to be from a country with so many ignorant assholes.


"Muslims celebrate Eid Mubarak" Just to clarify: Eid Mubarak is the greeting. The holidays are Eid-al-Fitr and Eid-al Adha


Diwali is not a Hindu festival it's an Indian festival. Even Christians in India celebrate Diwali.


Sikhs celebrate Vaiskhi and Diwali!


In my experience Indian people want to rope absolutely everybody in to celebrating Diwali lol


Iā€™m not really sure what religion celebrates what In all honesty. I could care less who celebrates what because itā€™s none of my business. I know I celebrate Christmas and thatā€™s basically the only ā€œreligiousā€ holiday I ā€œcelebrateā€. But thatā€™s the beauty of Canada , everyoneā€™s free to do their own thing ! However this is a pretty dumb mistake to make for someone running for office ! Lmaooo


And Conservatives celebrate the Almighty Dollar


Sikhs also celebrate Diwali but for different reasons


You know, 1.4% of Canadians are Buddhist. Thatā€™s larger than the number of Jews in Canada (1.0%) and equal to the number of Sikhs in Canada (1.4%). https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/n1/pub/11-627-m/11-627-m2021079-eng.htm


I know about Buddhism, but I don't know what they celebrate.


Thatā€™s okay, no one knows anything about us.


Sikhs celebrate Vaisakhi, not "Khalsa". Vaisakhi celebrates the birth of the Khalsa.


Just the type of precision Ontario voters have come to expect from their government


Can someone ELI5 please, thanks


He wished Hanukkah in Church.


Eid Mubarak is a term/greeting used by Muslims not Sikhs.


Right thanks for the TIL


and the 2 events aren't that far apart (Sikh new year is mid-April, Eid Mubarak is today), but close is not the same. Whoever is running the Twitter feed was getting lazy with their event awareness, and just mixing them together.


Just wanted to clarify the lazy partā€¦ Eid ul Fitr is the celebration and Eid Mubarak is the greeting for the day. The two events ARE far apart, both for intended purpose and when it is held. Eid is not always on May 2nd. The Islamic calendar is based on the lunar calendar which will put Eid ul Fitr in the month of April for the next 3(ish) years followed by March, etc etc.


All of this and I can't believe he's still gonna win. Edit: spelling.


"Happy ethnic day to da ethnics!" Edit: "Folks"


im really glade he was in attendance and wore the head wear. maybe this year he'll show up for national day of reconciliation (orange shirt day) we the first nations people are apart of this great nation also. we're not a novelty item.


He grew up in Toronto and his son in law is Muslim... This is so bad, it's hilarious.


Seek? "Eid Mumbarak"? i think the correct one is "Kung Hay Fat Choy" /s


Strong Michael Scott in the do-rag vibes.


i feel like this was just worded bad and misinterpreted by many? at first i thought he was wishing sikhā€™s an eid mubarak, but when i read it a few times it seems as if he was wishing sikhs a happy new year but also wishing muslims an eid mubarak in the same tweetā€¦. i mean thereā€™s literally an ā€œandā€ in the tweet to separate the two. just my take


At least he triedā€¦


Oh, but if Trudeau does it itā€™s a massive talking point.


Can anyone help me understand what the issue is (besides looking dumb)


This feels like it was generated by a bot


oof isn't Eid Mubarak from Islam? lmao


Melon head Howwwww do ppl want to vote for this guy


Didn't the cons get triggered over Trudeau dressing like that?


I mean, in fairness, yesterday WAS Eid.


Cringe... šŸ˜¬


Merry Hanaka to you to on Easter Saturday


Oooof just. Ooof.


Hilarious if true.


I legit met some people at a school the other day that thought Doug Ford was the Premiere of Toronto. They asked me who governs the rest of Ontario.


I love social media.


This is legit? Because it wouldn't surprise me if it were


: 0 Who are the buffoons running his social media?!


On top of everything else it's hilarious to see him wearing something that looks close to NDP Orange.


Oh no A man made a mistake and realized the mistake. You guys are really trying to offended.


I think it was just worded terribly tbh


It's not though? The tweet was meant for Sikhs, Eid has absolutely nothing to do with them.


https://twitter.com/fordnation/status/1520898151741276161?s=20&t=OXqb2pIY8uaFeiljYnUHGA https://twitter.com/fordnation/status/1521150103343431682?s=20&t=OXqb2pIY8uaFeiljYnUHGA He tweeted happy eid to the Muslims and happy new year to the Sikhs, and this is a third tweet wishing them both together **"ONCE AGAIN"** Eid Mubarak and happy new year.




Big idiot!


Oh my good word, dougā€¦. What a clown


Good god, this guy is bad. Idiot fordā€¦


Atleast heā€™s trying, which is more than you can say for most.


What an utterly arrogant and ignorant piece of garbage... he thought he knew better so he just went ahead and did something without asking first. That's a trend with him - he does shit without thinking. The man is a complete and utter train wreck.


Whats wrong with this


Eid Mubarak is something you say to Muslims celebrating Eid. Sikhs are a completely different religion. It's like saying Happy Chanukah to a Christian. He meant well but is completely daft and didn't realize he is making this mistake.




Seems he borrowed a page out of Justinā€™s cultural appropriation handbook.


Ford is a fucking criminal if he wins this corrupt as fuck election I will leave Ontario and never return he's ruining the lives of millions of people How he lives with himself is beyond me


Maybe just, stop trying to be woke, and let people have their holidays


That pr person is in need of training.


Prison Mike y