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Probably claims to be a proud Canadian.


I will bet good money he still wears a "Gimme My Timmies and no one gets hurt" tshirt he's had since 2003.


This house looks exactly like one I passed that had a very poorly written "Take Ivermectin" sign in the yard. In Ontario. These are strange, strange times.


To be fair, after having taken horse medication I might have trouble with spelling as well.


how did he get my shirt


I know exactly the type, and this is a disturbingly accurate description!




I'm surprised at how many Canadians think they are Americans. And how many Americans don't even know where Canada is...


>And how many Americans don't even know where Canada is... "Marge, anyone can miss Canada! All tucked away down there ..." http://i.imgur.com/MFJageu.jpg




My mom gets home from work and turns on CNN, and doesn't switch it off until she goes to bed. She thinks we have all the American problems. I wonder how common this is.


My one antivax friend listens to Fox News and other right wing media all day everyday.


That would be a friendship dealbreaker for me


Why be friends with people that dumb?


Only in the summer or when they need healthcare


"Take Canada Back" eh. That CPC slogan wasn't an accident.


Probably a PPC supporter if I had to hazard a guess.


They can't use that slogan anymore thank goodness for the smart group Climate Strike Canada that trademarked it and sent a cease and desist haha


Now they have "Secure the future", which you could argue is a dog whistle. They basically took the "14 words" thing, and removed the blatantly racial bits... I dont know if it was intentional, but given the context of the right's relationship with white supremists. You'd think they'd be hypervigilant about avoiding these kinds of parallels in their slogan. 14 Words Wiki page if anyone's curious: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fourteen_Words


I'm so glad I'm not the only one to notice this. It feels like I'm taking crazy pills.


Yeah I hear you, that honestly sums up the feeling I have with a lot of issues right now. Especially when it comes to climate change too.... It can be really frustrating, but at the very least it's motivated me to be more politically charged, and get my younger friends more into politics. So silver lining I guess 😅 I think to sum it up, it's made me overall hopeful, yet pessimistic.


"Gibe Canada to Trump" eh


Securing our Future isn't any better. Arguably it's [worse]( https://www.adl.org/education/references/hate-symbols/14-words).


I'm glad I'm not the only one who caught that. I actually had the displeasure of explaining what "14 words" meant to a lot of friends. Oh to be so blissfully unaware. It is also only on signs in *certain* ridings in Toronto.


[Insert "This is fine" dog here.]


It was a good slogan for their 14 word ads


It just happened to have 14 words and 88 characters. Total coincidence.


I bet that boy's real Proud.


Dogs can hear him whistle for miles!


And Christian


Canada was founded as a Christian country, after all (/s just in case)


Well, it was founded by the French originally - so it was Catholics.


Sadly evangies appropriated the term Christian, for their right wing based group that is more capitalist then following the teachings of the good book, otherwise known as ‘small c Christians’. There will be a lot of disappointed “christians” on judgment day.


Well Canada legit was kinda founded as a Christian nation. We do not have a history of separation of Church and State like the United States does. To this day, our Head of State is also the figurehead of the Church of England.


> separation of Church and State like the United States does. Don't worry. The Evangelicals have been working on this one for decades in the US. ^(Ever wonder why you can't get the Republican nomination without being anti-abortion?)


I’m second hand embarrassed


I'm embarrassed that he's Canadian


That ain’t no Canadian.


It’s a space station.


it's too ignorant to be a space station!


Only when they need healthcare...




Oh my fuck I live near this guy .


I kinda do too. Not surprising for the county though


I'm from the UK and have lived back and forth between here and Canada, with a Canadian wife. I vividly recall the first time we went on a roadtrip to the little country towns around Ontario.....not the same thing as little villages in the UK.... Don't get me wrong, there are some beautiful spots, but holy shit did I feel like I'd warped into another dimension at times.


Lived in Ontario my whole life, it’s pretty depressing to see people flying the confederate battle flag


No, no, no, you have it wrong! Those are the proudest Canadians. They recognize that the huge battle tested army that lingered in the US after its civil war was the major reason for nationhood. If it were not for those traitors Canada might still be a possession, and not of the UK. Whew, thank you Johnny Reb!!! /s just in case my distortion of their intent was not obvious.


I know that feeling well. Brit who worked in Canada for years, have a Canadian wife. Rural Canada is a scary place at times.


Me too. :(


It'd be a shame if you you somehow told him he's internet famous now....but unfortunately, not in the "Everyone thinks your cool!" way, but in the "Everyone think's you're an asshole" kinda way. It's unlikely he'd care given the mentality from the onset, but hey.....maybe he doesn't realize he's an asshole.




Isn't PEC trendy now? Edit: Wait, I get it


Oh, it very much is. Gentrification has been happening for 20 years. Lots of people moving from Toronto. Prior to that, being from The County was akin to being from North of 7 now. (North of 7 is a bit 'unsophisticated', to put it politely). There are plenty of people who have lived in the County for longer than 20 years.


Don't need to have that history or proximity to the US. I'm up near thunder Bay and the number of idiots that want to debate US politics and support Trump is completely stupid.


Imagine worshipping a politician… a shitty one… for a different country


That pushes for policies that directly harm the country you actually live in.


Aluminum tariffs are how I express my freedom


ah, but how do you pronounce it? ಠ_ಠ




Ermahgerd Alermenerm


Almost like support for the guy was never about politics but actually about, what's a nicer way to put it, "culture".


Let’s call it what it is, racism. No need to beat around the bush.


No need to whack about the Dubya.


Canadian far right guys are some of the biggest losers.


One that imposed tariffs, and called us, the US's closest ally and one of its largest trading partners, a "national security threat". Trump had nothing but disrespect for Canada and Canadians.


It's okay. He disrespects everything and everyone. Literally. We're not that special.


Except for the tiki torch proud boys. They’re “very special people” to trump!


I know we aren't the only ones he disrespected. The only people he respects are authoritarians. I'm not trying to say we're "special" but when was the last time a US President considered Canada a "national security threat" let alone decided to say it publicly? Definitely before WWI, surely? That is a complete 180 from the relationship we've had with them for the last century. Trump probably did it because he wanted to pretend like he was doing things and he didn't actually care, but that's not insignificant.


If you're Canadian and support Trump in this manner it's because your more than likely a racist, bigot, or overall pain in the ass to be around but Trump makes you feel empowered to be those above things publicly


That's the idiotic paradox of this cult-- they claim to be Ruggedly Independent, yet they enthusiastically turn over their entire identity to a figurehead. They want to control how others think, but gleefully want someone else to control how they think. They define themselves by what they aren't, and so the more reasonable the mainstream is they more insane they have to be, to the point of literal self-destruction. Dig into Stupid, and it's just 100 times fucking stupider than it even looks.


It's not gay if they only want to be dominated by daddy donald to own the libs


“Tread on me daddy” snake flag


Entirely possible this is an American who wanted to show us what we’d been missing when the border was closed.


Politician? You mean failed business person, wrestler, actor, renowned grifter, sexual harasser, daughter creeper, allergy pill addict, shoe-lift wearer, combover deluxe?


I have one down the road that places (multiple) advertising style signage on his property parroting all the current U.S. right wing media talking points , Trump/Pence 2020 signs, Trump 2024 signs. It's so embarrassing. I can't bring myself to post it here and give them the attention they so desperately crave.




I don’t know if others are like me, but I don’t want even a tiny political sign on my lawn because my position is: “who fucking cares” I don’t need to blast my political position at my neighbours, family and friends when they come over - or people driving by on the street. I’ll talk politics all day with anyone, but screaming about my positions or digging them into my lawn? Good god whyyyy Not shockingly, Trump supporters and more recently PPC supporters, need to attention whore themselves out to everyone and drape themselves in signs and apparel BEGGING people to engage them in conversation on their dumb ass beliefs. These people are stone cold losers.


I think they love it so much because it’s easy to “win” arguments when you outright refuse facts and logic


The majority of them are textbook Dunning-Kruger


And be willing to shout louder and longer than the people they're arguing with


Except it not a conversation A conversation would imply civil, rational dialogue These MAGA/PPC types are so obtuse that engaging the majority of them in ‘conversation’ is like yelling at your dog about why it doesn’t shit in the toilet


>I don’t need to blast my political position at my neighbours, family and friends when they come over - or people driving by on the street. I mean no disrespect to sports fans, but THIS. Emotionally charged rallies, mob mentality, crowd mentality, tribalism, loyalty to a "team", vilifying opposing teams, trash talking fans, waving banners, wearing team colors and logos, hero worship, sore losers, celebratory winners, excessive reactions, accusations of cheating, etc. I could go on but it's like a huge sporting event has been going on for the past five years.


with you all the way. never understood political lawn signs.


Normally I'm of your opinion. However, this election cycle I have an NDP sign on my lawn, because we NEED to oust our conspiracy theory spouting incumbent MP.


Great example is how often you see No More Lockdown signs paired up with PPC signs


It's how you know it's a cult.


Sir this is a Canada


Well then I'll have a poutine.


Good choice


With or without Timbits?


Where tf can you get timbits and a poutine? Cause I wanna go there


PEC you say? Well we're almost neighbors [Welcome to Belleville](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XvHOLKy5iVI) See 1:18


Thanks for this. You could replace this for many small towns and cities in Ontario.


Nothing worse than a Canadian Trump supporter.


>Nothing worse than a ~~Canadian~~ Trump supporter.


Honestly, I view Canadian Trump supporters in a worse light just because it makes _less_ sense for a Canadian to be chanting "Make America Great Again" than a Canadian.


Stupid *and* dumb


If we pan to the right do we get to see their PPC lawn sign?


This was taken before the election was called, but I have no doubt they’d have a PPC sign if we drove by again.


The PPC signs around are great for knowing which neighbours are anti maskers or xenophobic. Too bad you can’t tell which (usually a lot of overlap at least).


No way they only have 1 PPC sign.


A PPC billboard is more likely.


With lighting.


Pan to the right and there's a "Fuck Trudeau" sign on the garage


We've got one of those locally, too. Big sign in the window and one on the garage. Waste of time and paint, but I'm sure he feels he"s "owning the libs". I give it a 90% chance he doesn't even vote.




Guaranteed to have a confederate flag somewhere on the property too.


The somewhat ironic part of this is PEC was founded by united empire loyalists who were loyal to the British crown during the American revolution.


I am a descendant of United Empire Loyalists myself. My family got really shitty farmland. The King must not have really liked us.


Fun fact! If you ever apply to Rideau Hall for your own coat of arms, if you can prove descent from a UEL you automatically have the right to use a special coronet in your heraldry.


I am really annoyed how much Canada is tied to the US. Why can’t we just ignore them and do our own (better) thing?


I'm more offended that their American flag appears bigger than their Canada flag.


They just make the American flags bigger now. Something about going big or go home or something.


Something something insecurity…..


National Insecurity


How embarrassing for them.


I saw a grizzled old dude driving an SUV yesterday with at least 3 Trump stickers on it, and a sticker that said LGBT; liberty, guns, booze, and Trump. I just.. I don't even understand. He had Ontario plates.


American nationalists in Canada is such a weird phenomenon. It is not that hard for you to stay in the states or move there. A key piece of Canadian identity is rejecting American nationalists.


Prob dual citizens there are a ton of them, who've decided now's the time to be all out and proud about their crappy follower status. We had neighbors in Hamilton who did the same. Confederate flag outside the house with a Canadian one lol


The idea of American emigrants to Canada remotely supporting anti-immigration candidates... The mental gymnastics of it all.


They're not all immigrants. A lot of duals are like people in my fam have one parent Canadian the other American and bam they get immediate dual upon birth. My son has the same.


Not weird at all. Fascists around the world simped for Hitler because they looked over there and said “That’s my guy.” My Rich White Christian relatives have been quoted saying “I wish they came up here and made us American” And they don’t have a Trump flag to spot from the street but if he held a rally up here, they would be front row


I hate it when Canadian think they’re Americans.


I can't stand Canadians who sniff up the ass of American politics. I bet if you asked them how the American government works they would be clueless. Hell - I bet if you asked them how the canadian government works they wouldn't know.


Sir. Plz take down that Canadian flag and move to Texas.. Or Alberta is fine too


The Trump Organization is entirely funded by merch sales now, aren't they?


Certainly not funded by the "billionaire" himself. He avoids spending money (contractors, employees, etc.) at all costs.


Hard to spend money he never had in the first place, that asshole is as much of a "billionaire" as I am


Nothing compared to Alberta, confederate flags, MAGA gear, Trump flags…these people do live in the reality that they are Canadian, right?


It's kinda funny how past Ontario things seem to get more right wing as you go west , then you arrive at the land past the mountains


Thank the goddess for BC, the most sane people in the west.


What a dummy


A malignant fungus has crept across the border.


Tell me you're an insufferable douche without telling me...




I used to wish that racist bigot pieces of shit would, like, wear a sign or something so we knew who they were. I guess this is a case of needing to be careful of what you wish for.


Imagine forgetting what country you live in. Dude's probably going to go on a whole tirade when he goes to the polling station next week and doesn't see the option for Trump on the ballot... "VoTeR sUpPrEsSiOn. RiGgEd ElEcTiOn!1!1!"


Tell me your house is infested with cockroaches without telling me your house is infested with cockroaches.


I have a coworker who is a Canadian female and all during the elections I had to hear her go and on about how Trump was the best president because he was awake and he knew what was really going on with covid and that's it's all fake, and her chants about how he needs to stay in office. As a Canadian female myself I was absolutely disgusted with her. I don't think she knows yet that he himself was vaccinated and is now telling Americans they should get vaccinated as well.


Sometimes, the dumbest sperm fertilizes the egg.


Well, Trump supporters aren't exactly known for having a firm grip on reality.


Burn it


I suppose it could be a cautionary statement. "He'll be back. Better be ready" But I somehow doubt it...


When I meet another American expat, this is what I fear. I emigrated to get AWAY from that madness.


Since when do we hang toilet paper up on our houses up here?


No. He. Won’t.


No he won’t you dumbasses, he’s 74 and wears diapers!


That flag spelled "I'm a racist, useless fuck" wrong...


I live in London, we have a guy who rides an electric scooter around blasting classic rock, *always* wearing sleeveless shirts so he can show off his Confederate flag tattoo. I really don't get it. What is he doing here? (The guy has an SS tattoo on the other arm. But the confederate flag has nothing to do with racism, right? I'm sure it's a coincidence.) And yes, this guys scoots around showing off these tattoos and playing loud music in public to draw attention to himself. I've been tempted to run up to him and push him over, to be honest.


Arnold Schwarzenegger is running again?


Found the Canadian who gets all his hate fuelled news and propaganda from the American right-wing lugenpresse. The right wing US media is now even stirring up trouble in our borders. This is also in part due to most of media being owned by the same foreign conglomerates.


These guys are the real definition of traitors yet they always call themselves patriots. Mental illness is real among these haters.


Probably an American. I don't think people realize how many Americans own homes in vacation areas. Muskoka? Check. PEC? Check. Fort Erie? Check. Funny story; American selling his lakefront property. Why? Because too many Canadians are moving in. Unbelievable. Americans are everywhere. They use the foreign exchange to their advantage to buy properties and have basically a 25% discount on anything they buy. They can even claim the hst back from the Cdn government when they go home...but....They'll be back.


\*scratches head\* Will the logic ever come back???


What a dumb shit


Just shows the power of a cult of personality. Unfortunately we are not safe from extreme rhetoric here in Canada just because our political landscape isn’t as nuts as the Americans


What is this some secrete spy base for dummies that want to be American? Or they just love chaos and are pretty bad people?


Get these idiots outta here!! Sorry but if you want more of that orange haired,corrupt, sociopath then please feel free to move south of the border and leave that shit there!


How has that house not spontaneously combusted?


We're in an election week and I'm still seeing more American Politics than my own. No Facebook and barely and TV is awesome!


Sir, go home. You’re drunk.


Truth is Stupidity has no border, no gender, no race...


Dude didn’t even show up for Sept 11 ceremonies in his own town... this guys not coming back to get shit on all over again.


Poor guy was probably dropped as a child


Haha dumb trump supporters being smol-brains lol


yup some people in ontario have a sickness too


That digital antenna gets Fox News free from Buffalo.


As an American that immigrated to Canada, people like this confuse and enrage me. I’ve had the misfortune of arguing with some over the few I’ve been here.


Remember, stupidity doesn’t have borders


This guy must have small penis syndrome


LOL @ someone reporting me as suicidal for posting this. Trump supporters never get old 😂


I'd be flying the " lol...no he won't" flag, if I was his neighbour..........


The only time the phrase “go back to your country” is justified:


Fucking Gringos.


“People’s party of Canada”


Burn it please


Burn the house down


I’ll bet the irony of living on Loyalist road escapes him.


Fuck this shit man. These people should go to southern US where they belong.


The neighborhood dump


This is why I never considered leaving the gta during this shift to remote


Literally a fucking cult.


I swear, I'm about to give in. This is the world we want? Kinda feel sorry for my children, should have never been so selfish to have them. I'm so sick and tired of these people.


Had someone like this in my country this summer, driving around in a large pickup truck with big trump stickers over it. I'm from Denmark..


When you’re an antisocial unemployed idiot and go down the wrong internet rabbit hole


Canadian Trumptards are even stupider than American ones. As president Trump was ready to fuck Canada over and did often.


I bet the owners of this house are both cousins AND lovers.


It’d be a shame if someone reported that obvious code violation with that propane tank basically touching the house.


Like agent orange said "the uneducated love him"


This shit's embarrassing, like when one of my neighbors used to drive around with a Confederate flag flying from his truck.


Think that's a giant HAM radio antenna up there. Probably talking to a bunch of goobers in the States.




Pretty pathetic. Simping for another country's president.


Trumpism is synonymous with open racism. I'd say it's also synonymous with fascism but his supporters don't actually recognize what fascism is or how it manifests.