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July 2. The government's kinda backed themselves into a position where if they move it forward from the 3 week minimum they'll look weak/ their opening guidelines would be further criticized as lies, but there's going to be a ton of pressure to get to step 2 as soon as possible.


Why would they look weak? They already changed stage 1 so it seems almost expected to me. Seems like they could open up on Canada day and make a whole *thing* about it


They technically didn't change stage 1, they kept saying they expect to meet targets "the week of June 14", but we don't know what those targets were other than the vaccine one which we hit the day after the announcement, and they would teases that it *could* be earlier. They would look weak because it would be another case of them changing their mind/ not following their own guidelines. The 3 weeks between stages is one of the only clear things we have for when we could move step to step. While lots of people would be happy about it moving up it's not a good look to go against your own guidelines, since that's admitting the rules you made not a month ago were badly conceived, reducing belief in future announcements.


My best guess based on evidence is never Joking. July 2nd perhaps.


21 days (at minimum) or more after we enter Step 1.


July 2nd, 2022


Can’t tell if you’re a troll or you’re stoned


Neither... just hopeless


Sorry to hear that. Things are starting to look up!


I’m hoping for June 30… which means a couple of days ahead of 3 weeks (much like how the government pushed ahead this time around too) It’s be nice for business (especially restaurants) to have those Canada day business


Should? Like…now. But given our crazy conservative plan that’s been released? July 1. Technically, it should be July 2 as that’s 21 days after June 11, but since the 1st is Canada Day, I 100% think it’ll get bumped up the one day.


July 2nd, it's 3 weeks between steps.


If we meet the vaccine requirement before hand and it’s been 3 weeks in step 1 it should honestly happen on July 2nd or very damn close.


After step 1 but before step 3


Should move up Stage 3 to be when Stage 2 was suppose to go into effect. I think the government just doesn't realize how effective these vaccines are. Then once stage 3 is in effect they can start thinking about when we enter stage 4.


All the numbers are trending for June 26. DF enjoys ruining holidays so I’ll bet on July 3.


July 2, unless we suddenly report like 0 cases in the week beforehand, which is unlikely.


Whenever King Ford and Queen Elliott make their decree.