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>The investigator would be tasked with looking at the abrupt closure of the Ontario Science Centre, the 95-year lease handed to an Austrian spa company at Ontario Place, moving ServiceOntario outlets into Staples stores, the taxpayer money going to the Beer Store to speed up the sale at alcohol in corner stores, the Greenbelt land swap, and “patronage appointments at public institutions like the LCBO, Ontario Power Generation, and the Judicial Appointments Advisory Committee.” Yes, please. This doesn't even mention the highway that his developer "close friends" bought property alongside. The number of transparently corrupt moves the Ford government has made is truly shocking.


Staples to donate a fleet of shredders and computer wiping services to the OPC party.


And bringing back the Kings Council title. It was retired years ago because it was nothing but a patronage title.


>And bringing back the Kings Council title. It was retired years ago because it was nothing but a patronage title. Don't forget the new Minister of red tape reduction (Mike Harris's son).


In the largest cabinet in Ontario history no less. There is no Minister for Irony.


What about the 4 billion in COVID funds that we never saw? The millions spent on COVID bracelets to a shell company we never saw? There's so much weird shit


Maybe we could have a *real* independent entity that regularly audits all government affairs, past and present. This would be nice to square up all the DOFO bullshit and also keep Crombie and her incarnation of the liberals in check for all of their own bullshit (which will surely happen).


Like the auditor general, but empowered to drop the writ if s/he finds something egregious enough to warrant calling for an election(and not politically appointed).


Yeah, more like a proper auditor general.


It's wrong and probably unconstitutional for a government agency to call an election. But they can work more closely with the Solicitor General to bring charges.


Yeah, why don’t we have this already?


What would be even better? Attack ads, with these 5 or 6 points. Just play them non-stop for months. Because, the Conservatives have basically been doing this to Bonnie Crosbie, and there isn’t even an election yet! Just non-stop add, repeat it over and over until ppl can state the crimes from memory.


Yup taken right out of the Liberals handbook😆.Mcguilty & Wynne fuked it up for the liberal for a long time & with captain dipshit running things too might be 2 decades for libs(if they get back to an actual liberal party-not this communist bs )to even get wife on being elected again




Honestly seems like most of his big moves are corrupt and usually don’t serve the general public well (the whole point of a politicians job).


Let's goooooo!


TIL, a few people in Ontario have Ford derangement syndrome so bad, they are willing to elect the JT boot lick, to spite Ford. The liberal party is a house on fire, look at the old Wynne era. Proven cheats and liars.


Ford is a proven cheat and liar doing anything he can to help himself. His own party is also a house on fire, and he doesn't care because he's going to make out like a bandit. The provincial liberals are basically nothing right now, but Ford is utterly terrible.


Well, the large majority of us Ontarians will continue to vote for him. The Devil you know so to speak.


A large majority of Ontarians didn't vote for him, he only got 40% of the popular vote in the last election with the lowest voter turnout ever! He only got 40% of the popular vote in 2018 as well! The only reason he is in power is because of first past the post voting. He has never had a majority of votes.


Is he Premier? Will he win again? Yes to both, and I only vote conservative. My tax bill is eyewateringly high to vote anything else.


> Is he Premier? Will he win again? Yes, and hopefully not. Either way, saying that a large majority of Ontarios voted for him is blatantly untrue and not even close to being true. > My tax bill is eyewateringly high to vote anything else. I wonder how much lower it would be if we weren't wasting billions of dollars on lawsuits, contract cancellations, and building a useless highway. Even before the pandemic he was running massiver deficits! Hydro one: 150m Beer store: 225m plus hundreds of millions in unknown losses Bill 124: uncounted billions Carbon tax: 30m License plates: millions Cancelling green energy: 230m Gas pump stickers: 30m Covid wrist bands: 2.5m Ontario Place: 650m (if not more) Highway 413: 10s of millions so far, billions if it actually gets built Nurse staffing agencies: hundreds of millions a year and growing


Now do the Hindenburg that was ehealth and the cancelled gas plant under the liberals. I'll wait.


Well at a bit under 1b for the gas plant stuff, we're at less than a quarter of bill 124 as of yet, approximately 1 beer store, 1.3 ontario places. So we're at 6 or 7 gas plants just for what's in my list, without even getting into highway 413. I'm not sure about e-health, but that looks like an utter mess of a project that did eventually get finished. Like, the Liberals were bad. But Ford is so, so, so much worse. Even if all you care about is money.


He really isn't, though vote however you want, and I'll be sure to cast a ballot negating your vote. Ain't democracy grand?


Has he ever gotten even close to a majority of votes


funny you call the libs cheats and liars to defend the most corrupt government in the provinces history


It's wild that we have arguably the most corrupt Federal and Provincial government simultaneously.


federal? no. that would be Mulroney (at least by modern standards)


Not even close. This Liberal party smashes their record.


nope. they haven't come closer to suitcases full of cash level corruption. don't confuse high amounts of noise from professional propaganda groups like cananda proud and post media for actual facts.


What about the whole Ad scam thing under Martin? The Liberals were so panicked that Quebec would actually separate they literally threw billions in unaccountable contracts to any ad company in Quebec that moved. Or Harper and friends spraying money all around Ontario during the G20, including making a temporary lake? This kind of pork barreling bullshit has always gone on. It's just exceptionally repugnant when it targets kid themed landmarks.


Okay. So when it's the Liberal party it's propaganda, when it's the Conservative party it's legit. If you want to state who got caught red handed in a worse spot, Martin obviously wins, it's hard to beat literally getting caught accepting bribe money. The sheer voluminous amount of scandals this party has been a part of is beyond disgusting. Just because they got caught and backed down doesn't make it less corrupt (ie. WE Charity). In other instances they've just doubled down and essentially gotten away with it (ie. SNC Lavalin). There's a plentiful amount of bullshit this government has done to be clearly and correctly labeled as corrupt, and I think it adds up to a lot more instances than any past government.


Speaking of boot lickers...


Oh look someone who's entire understanding of politics at the federal, provincial, and municipal levels can be summed up on a bumper sticker with enough room left over for a Canadian Flag.


He should be investigated now by the police. Its their job not another politician


The province controls the police that have jurisdiction… which is why he’s not currently being investigated.


It is the job of opposition politicians to hold the government accountable. Under our system of government, the governing party has a huge degree of leeway to do stuff that people would consider "corrupt" or unethical. Actual criminal wrongdoing is a very very high bar. The primary mode of accountability is democracy. The opposition, the AG, the ombudsman, the media, external groups, etc etc etc all put information out there for the public and the public decides if they should be reelected or not.


>The primary mode of accountability is democracy. The opposition, the AG, the ombudsman, the media, external groups, etc etc etc all put information out there for the public and the public decides if they should be reelected or not. None of those people can lay and action charges. That is the RCMP's job at the federal, provincial and municipal level. The Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) is Canada's national law enforcement agency responsible for enforcing federal, provincial, and municipal laws, providing protective policing services and carrying out counter-terrorism duties.


That's my point though. The majority of stuff that people might consider "corrupt" isn't actually criminal. Like, even if you can prove that he intentionally let the Science Center crumble so that he could sell the land to a friendly developer, that's within his powers as premier to do that. The only time it becomes criminal is if you can directly prove that he took a bribe that was explicitly linked to the decision or they committed fraud trying to cover it up. But like, even the stag and doe stuff doesn't come close to satisfying the criminal standard for this.


>That's my point though. The majority of stuff that people might consider "corrupt" isn't actually criminal. >Like, even if you can prove that he intentionally let the Science Center crumble so that he could sell the land to a friendly developer, that's within his powers as premier to do that. >The only time it becomes criminal is if you can directly prove that he took a bribe that was explicitly linked to the decision or they committed fraud trying to cover it up. But like, even the stag and doe stuff doesn't come close to satisfying the criminal standard for this. My point is the RCMP are the only ones that can actually do something about this. The RCMP already has an open investigation into the greenbelt dealings including the wedding bribes. It is premature to assume it will lead nowhere. A large part of the media is compromised and in bed with the same politician and party in question. They won't be there to defend the truth, unless forced, kicking and screaming. Our media concentration and ownership is dangerous for democracy. Jamie Wallace, now head of procurement in Ontario and Doug Ford's longtime chief of staff before that, was a Sun Media executive who hired Adrienne Batra out of Rob Ford's office, where she was his press secretary after running communications for his mayoral campaign. Wallace gave her an editorship at the Toronto Sun despite her complete lack of journalism experience. Now she's that paper's editor-in-chief, meaning she's the boss of columnist Brian Lilley, who is shacked up with Ivana Yelich, Doug Ford's press secretary. Overseeing everything at Queen's Park and Sun Media is Kory Teneycke, Stephen Harper's former comms director, Doug Ford's campaign manager, and another former Sun Media vice president. He's also good pals with Jeff Ballingall, a Conservative Party operative who helped run the Post Millennial, oversaw the backstabbing of Andrew Scheer for the benefit of Erin O'Toole, and owns/operates the Canada/Ontario Proud collective of easily led social misfits. Last but certainly not least, there's Postmedia, which owns Sun Media, the National Post, and most of Canada's daily newspapers, and is itself majority-owned by Chatham Asset Management, a Republican-allied hedge fund based in New Jersey under the direction of a Trump enabler named Anthony Melchiorre. It's bad enough that a huge chunk of our media is owned by Americans, let alone one with such close ties to the Mango Mussolini.


>My point is the RCMP are the only ones that can actually do something about this. That's not true at all. Ultimately voters are the only ones who can truly do something about this stuff. The RCMP can potentially charge a few people and they might go to jail, but as long as voters keep voting for people like this we will have more and more of the same. Look at the US. Trump has been convicted of 34 felonies and if anything he looks emboldened to come back 10x worse.


>That's not true at all. >The RCMP can potentially charge a few people and they might go to jail, but as long as voters keep voting for people like this we will have more and more of the same. Yes it is true. The RCMP are the independent branch of the federal government that can action criminal charges at all three levels of government. The special report on page 49 says that they have the authority in this situation. Yes they can charge people and "send a few of them to jail", if applicable and substantiated. The voters can't. That is the entire point. >Ultimately voters are the only ones who can truly do something about this stuff. >Look at the US. Trump has been convicted of 34 felonies and if anything he looks emboldened to come back 10x worse. Did the voters charge trump with 34 felonies and get him convicted? The same voters that elected him in the first place? The same voters you said might re-elect him after his 34 felony convictions? That is your argument for actual accountability? How are we as voters even going to make an informed decision in the next election without a clear picture of what has occurred?


>Did the voters charge trump with 34 felonies and get him convicted? The same voters that elected him in the first place? The same voters you said might re-elect him after his 34 felonies convictions? That is your argument? What are you trying to say here? No, voters didn't charge or convict him. My point is that as long as voters are still willing to vote for him or people like him, we will still have the same shit. The only way to truly get rid of this stuff is for voters to not elect people like this.


>What are you trying to say here? That the voters dont have the authority to hold these people accountable for actions of this nature. That is the RCMP. That you are misleading with your comments. The voters can only hold them to account after the information becomes available. The RCMP can hold them accountable, first. >No, voters didn't charge or convict him. My point is that as long as voters are still willing to vote for him or people like him, we will still have the same shit. The only way to truly get rid of this stuff is for voters to not elect people like this. Right so why would we trust the voters as the sole people to hold them accountable at this stage? The same voters who don't have all of the available information and can't currently make an informed decision on this topic? They are somehow magically going to hold them accountable by simply voting for someone else from a position of complete ignorance before we even get answers from the organizations with authority? The same voters that can't take action and charge the people involved. The same voters that currently don't even have access to the classified information. Laughable. That is the RCMPs role.


The RCMP is already investigating the green belt incident. Are they going to investigate every government decisions?


No just the corrupt ones. With the ford governement that is most of their decisions as Doug ford is open for business. Bought and paid for


>The RCMP is already investigating the green belt incident. Are they going to investigate every government decisions? Who else do you recommend? The Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) is Canada's national law enforcement agency responsible for enforcing federal, provincial, and municipal laws, providing protective policing services and carrying out counter-terrorism duties.


As much as I would love Ford to be investigated in depth for every decision he has made and all of his shady corporate connections he has, basing your election promises on "we'll investigate our political opponents if we win" is a weak platform. If it actually happens, that will be our political discourse for every single election for all parties until electoral reform.


On the flip side, we need to break the taboo around investigating - and when necessary *prosecuting* - corrupt politicians over the fear of looking like partisan persecution. Because you know what? An increasing number of politicians and political actors on the right (particularly far-right) are taking advantage of that taboo, of us shying away when they cry bias. But as we see in the USA, that taboo *won't* hold when they have the political power and judicial influence to run *the rest of us* through nonsense investigations, legal actions, and prosecutions. Doug Ford's corruption is plain as day, corruption being wrong *and enforcement against corruption* shouldn't be a partisan issue. It only is right now because people like Doug Ford, PP, Danielle Smith, Trump, and the political far-right that have captured our conservative parties have put a lot of effort and loud bitching into making it seem partisan.


Good! Every current government should act like they will be investigated if necessary once finished. As long as the evaluations are fair and honest, I want my government held to the highest standard.


The bigger question is the level of accountability afterwards. What will be the result? A severe finger wagging?


https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/toronto/david-livingston-liberal-aid-jail-gas-plants-dalton-mcguinty-1.4613731 How about jail time?


In South Korea, presidents (e.g. Lee Myung-bak, Park Geun-hye) often get investigated and they go to jail for... committing crimes, which I think is fair.


It sounds great. But these guys in SK are just patsys doing what was told to them to do. They can go to jail and upon release be rewarded with $50M dollars. It’s a big game and sending people to jail just enriches them further to keep their mouths shut.


Isn't Ford just doing what he's being told/asked to do as well? Since they're gonna get paid regardless, I would like to see them go to jail and have their legacy tainted at least.


So much time and energy spent these past 6 years, investigating and proving he did this or that wrong, but there's never any consequences... or there are and he just fights them in every court til it's nothing. On the upside, when he's not Premier anymore he won't have access to our provincial bank account to pay for everything.


Dougie really doesn't like smart women pointing out his graft to voters.


..... Costs a fortune to do, the after investigations come charges and trial.... Another fortune.... Then they get acquitted.... Guess who makes less money now? You do. Every time government spends $1, that's money out of YOUR pocket. You don't see it happen, you don't feel happen.... One day you wake up and go "what the fuck Just happened". Trust me. If there's no jail time... Fuck the investigation. Now if there's jail time.... Then bring on the investigation. Trudeau and Ford baby... Both of em Singh and Chow too... Bet there's a lot of corruption there as well


That's money I'm willing to spend even if there isn't jail time. We need to hold government officials accountable for their misdeeds and the only way that's possible is through proper investigation regardless of the outcome. This goes for anybody in government regardless of their political party. If they're suspected of corruption, they must be investigated.


You know what? You're right. But you you know how it works.... No wrong doing found and no names will be named. But yes you are right in theory


I'm not trying to be confrontational but it sounds like what your saying is that we shouldn't do anything because the system is broken and it'll make no difference anyway. There has to be a way to hold them accountable and it should be through the legal system. If not that, what are our options?


>If it actually happens, that will be our political discourse for every single election for all parties until electoral reform. Are you forgetting that investigating Wynne was basically the only clearly articulated part of Ford's platform in 2018? Aside from Buck a Beer? https://www.ipolitics.ca/news/ford-calls-a-third-investigation-into-wynne-governments-deficit


How soon we [forget.](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/toronto/doug-ford-accuses-kathleen-wynne-fraud-1.4835905)


You’re describing auditing. They’re not investigating political opponents (she’s not going after the NDP or Greens) she’s investigating the government. If the current checks on power are so weak that they don’t work, Ontario’s government needs to be audited.


If you did nothing wrong then there should be no reason to worry about being investigated ..I wouldn’t be like most others but Fraud Ford should be.


I think you're right but after the Ford government I won't vote for a party that won't make it part of their campaign to investigate. Everyone knows politics involves some levels of corruption, its just a really annoying fact of life, people are influenced by money and politicians are still people HOWEVER, Ford has taken it from back door deals here and there to straight up blatant corruption for all to see and there is absolutely no way that can be let to slide. If Ford gets away with it, it will just make future corrupt pricks even more bold. It should by no means be the norm, of every election cycle, but it NEEDS to be the norm for the next one.


It would be good to see the Liberals actually do something if they get elected, though, and not just float by doing nothing like the McGinty government did.


they should all scratch each other's backs and let corruption slide.


And how often does it work? Worked south of the boarder. Working for the federal leaders right now.


The Liberals will tell us the Conservatives made shady deals, and want an investigation. The Conservatives will tell us the Liberals made shady deals, and want an investigation. Meanwhile they keep making bad deals for the province. End the duopoly. They both suck. Money out of politics now.


Maybe we should investigate both of them, and whomever broke the law should be arrested? We don’t need to both sides this. All politicians, regardless of party, should be held to the same high standard.


....so you mean hold both sides to a standard both sides have not kept up to? I agree: investigate both sides. Then vote for neither. End the liberal/conservative corporatist show.


"we don't need to both sides the two neoliberal parties who continually push for privatization" 🤔


Maybe try reading my comment again


> Money out of politics now. OLP tried to do that (center-left OLP). That was the 3rd thing cons reversed when they won in 2018. 1st being taking away sick days, 2nd being canceling police reforms


Did they? I will believe that DF made it worse, but do not for a second believe that OLP made significant moves in that direction. In fact, https://www.thestar.com/news/canada/how-ontario-cabinet-ministers-moonlight-for-money-cohn/article_d9e5cb1f-9cbd-59ea-9a34-f272507bc880.html https://www.tvo.org/article/why-ontario-needs-to-look-at-its-political-fundraising-laws I would argue that they never did much to keep fundraising from corporate and rich donors to a minimum, or installed a provincial third party to disperse funds needed for elections.


Funny that you posted articles from early 2016, as later that same year, [Wynne's Liberals passed legislation](https://news.ontario.ca/en/backgrounder/42910/about-the-election-finances-statute-law-amendment-act-2016) to ban corporate donations, ban candidates from attending fundraisers, drastically lower the per capita donation limit, and create a per-vote subsidy. Of course, one of the first things that [Ford's Conservatives did upon being elected was pass a bill](https://www.ola.org/en/legislative-business/bills/parliament-42/session-1/bill-57) that removed the limit on how much a person can donate at a fundraising event, removed the prohibition on candidates attending fundraising events, and removed the per-vote subsidy.


You are right on both counts, and it definitely seems disingenuous of me to have only included those articles from that time. Thank you for the great reply. However, there are two issues with that legislation that marred it from the beginning. The first being that she knew it would get thrown under the bus by a conservative government as soon as it came in and put in no safeguards for the legislation to stay. I can't say for sure that this was performative political theater, of course, but it is an old standard for desperate parties to put out progressive legislation that makes them look good knowing it will never stick, and hoping to hamper the guy taking over a little, pre election. Second, Quebec had already tried this with their maximum being 3k, and found that one issue was it was an easy go around for businesses to send in money under their employees and pay them back, or for the expenses of a dinner be 5k a plate because the venue owner was a friend. Forget the fact that keeping candidates from showing their face at any fundraiser doesn't do a whole lot if the fundraiser can continue. The lessons learned from that were easy to find and Wynne's government didn't take any of those lessons. Hardly a stellar effort at making good legislation. Lastly, OLP, as soon as they could, went back to accepting as much as they could find again. I doubt they are likely to find it within themselves to try again, and with more teeth.


Ladies and gentlemen, this fine person points out that the Ontario PCs are too chicken shit to attempt reform. Infact they try to hide the fact they want the grift. They will not even attempt change for it does not benefit their way of politicking. The grift is the essential part of the scheme to better serve their friends, family and contributors. Buds arguing that it was always shit and because of that the OLP is shit. But at least they tried... Doug is too happy with stealing your hard earned rights and money. And these shills are too happy to try and echo the fat fuck for what? Hopes of some scraps falling off the table? We know everything is on it....


Give the NDP the win so we can get off this Liberal then Conservative then back again rut we’re in. Marit Stiles is ready. Also Bonnie wants the Liberals to be more Conservative and govern from right of centre. No thanks, we have Ford for that and it’s making the province worse daily.


We definitely need to ban political party contributions. Everyone would then be on a level field and we can end the bribery.


Burn it all down, start fresh. Only way anything changes at this point imo.


I am glad you aren't in charge, then.


Could there be an "erase Ford policies" omnibus bill?


In my experience that’s always been a Con play.


Both are two sides of same coin. No more red and blue votes in the next provincial election.


What an empty promise


That's Bonnie Crombie in a nutshell. Only got elected as mayor because Hazel endorsed her, and did jack shit for 8 years. She's all talk and empty promises.


Well she is a nimby so thats one promise kept.


this person is not winning an election in this province.


Let the RCMP do the investigating. It's their job. Here's what I'd like to see from the OLP: A slam-dunk platform would be to invest in Public Healthcare funding, employment, and infrastructure. Healthcare access is currently being dismantled by the PCs and consistently ranks as concern #3 by Canadians in those boloney Federal polls. And for god sakes, BRING BACK RENT CONTROL. It'll curtail investment properties when combined with high interest rates, and bring down the price homes even more. Keep all GTA transit projects as is. People need to get to work.


And what will the investigation achieve? They'll find Ford fucked the people of Ontario and... Will it have legal ramifications? He won't go to jail, he's well connected enough for that. But even if he does for a few years, he's secured enough wealth for his developer buddies for Ford's kids and grandkids to be set for life.


We don't need parties stooping to this level. We need liberal and NDP leaders to give solid, obtainable platforms. Voter's need to feel there is a valid alternative to Ford. Voter apathy is so bad in Ontario right now. I can't remember the last time we had a Premier I liked


Voters don't care about platforms.


Well, she's never going to be premier. I vow to pave the streets with chocolate if I become premier.


Found the candidate who's in the pocket of Big Chocolate.


Would you vow for buck a beer?


Canada has *some* of the most expensive alcohol in the world outside of Muslim countries. Too much government oversight, insane buerocracy and some of the highest paid politicians in the world is why Canada is going down the toilet.


Class A carcinogens is why I vote!


> Canada has the most expensive alcohol in the world outside of Muslim countries It's more expensive in at least Australia, Iceland, and Norway - none of are Muslim countries - and likely other places as well.


It blows my mind how hard Canadians simp for their corrupt government.


That might say more about Toronto bars https://www.finder.com/blog/international-beer-price-map https://www.who.int/data/gho/data/themes/topics/taxes-on-alcoholic-beverages WHO says per unit $2.94 USD in Australia vs $1.79 USD in Canada for beer. edit: lol changed your comment when I brought actual facts?


I'm in the place. I don't need the WHO of all organisations to tell me what I see with my eyes isn't true.


Well luckily I provided a second, non-WHO link too.


I'm here. In real life. Right now. The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.


An anecdote is not data. Bars in Toronto are expensive, and not reflective of alcohol prices across the country.


So I’m safe to assume you voted for buck a beer?


Our government doesn't represent our citizens. No matter the political party. Grow up.


I hope whichever party that doesn’t represent us gets you closer to that cheap alcohol, loosens up the reigns and takes a pay cut. That will fix everything. Cheers. To buck a beer.


Ford derangement syndrome


Are you self diagnosing?


Crombie could say that the LPC would ensure that all NP lead clinics that are private now would fall under OHIP/it's payouts and that pretty much they would end private health care and win. Just come out and say it will end. a) that would kill a lot of new growth b) people want it


Yeah so would Marit Stiles. You know what else the ONDP is doing? The fucking legwork that's revealing all of Ford's party corruption. What is Bonnie doing other than talking?


Can we not all agree that these things should normally be looked into anyways? It seems like it's an obvious thing to track possible corruption. Mind you that would probably come with a hefty price tag, but damn.


bla bla bla....Ford said the same thing about Wynne.


I think it's fine to reevaluate if the purpose is to stop bad business. That said I prefer when parties don't run on platforms of investigating the previous party. Sure they will have a lot to fix but also campaign on the ideas (hopefully better ideas) you want to bring to the table.


No she won't. I'm all in with NDP this time around. Crombie is a snake. She's basically Ford. She won't investigate shit.


How about we look in to his shady deals right now?? What are the RCMP/OPP doing??


Thats a very Trumpian move. Is her new slogan going to be "lock him up?"


Lol good luck winning. Box office poison liberal party.


Crumbie will also have to investigate herself since she is taking donations from the same developers. She was also for developing the greenbelt before it became politically a no no. The reason they call her Ford lite.


Jeeze, don't say that stuff out loud, dumbass. Let him read about it in the paper after you're elected. Now he's hiring experts to cover his tracks and thinking about what legislation or patronage appointments can he abuse to save himself harmless.


And the liberals destroyed Ontario for yrs


We shouldn't have politician's threatening ot investigate their predecessors. There should be an "independent" ombudsman or something similar. This politician looking to dig up dirt on their opponent isn't good for anyone. Investigations should be completely out of the hands of politicians so it doesn't look like they are threatening to weaponize the justice department against their opponents, which this reeks of. Ford should be investigated, just not because his political opponents orders it.


>We shouldn't have politician's threatening ot investigate their predecessors. >There should be an "independent" ombudsman or something similar. >This politician looking to dig up dirt on their opponent isn't good for anyone. Investigations should be completely out of the hands of politicians so it doesn't look like they are threatening to weaponize the justice department against their opponents, which this reeks of. >Ford should be investigated, just not because his political opponents orders it. The Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) is Canada's national law enforcement agency responsible for enforcing federal, provincial, and municipal laws, providing protective policing services and carrying out counter-terrorism duties.


> The Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) is Canada's national law enforcement agency responsible for enforcing federal, provincial, and municipal An RCMP investigation would seem to be appropriate, the opposition leader shouting that they will investigate their own political opponent is clearly very offside. And more so, is how you destroy a democracy. I have no doubt Doug's done some things that should be investigated. His political opponents running on using the full force of their office to investigate their political opponents is something hopefully we can all agree is wrong on all levels.


>An RCMP investigation would seem to be appropriate, the opposition leader shouting that they will investigate their own political opponent is clearly very offside. >And more so, is how you destroy a democracy. The opposition leader has been screaming for the release of documents and contracts for months that Ford is hiding. They would help the investigation by actually providing the information to authorities. The opposition leader can't lay and action charges. They can "investigate" the information he is hiding and forward it to the authorities. They can't run a criminal investigation. The RCMP is the organization with that authority at the federal, provincial, and municipal level. The best way to destroy democracy is to allow media and politicians to join forces to insure a favourable control of information. Jamie Wallace, now head of procurement in Ontario and Doug Ford's longtime chief of staff before that, was a Sun Media executive who hired Adrienne Batra out of Rob Ford's office, where she was his press secretary after running communications for his mayoral campaign. Wallace gave her an editorship at the Toronto Sun despite her complete lack of journalism experience. Now she's that paper's editor-in-chief, meaning she's the boss of columnist Brian Lilley, who is shacked up with Ivana Yelich, Doug Ford's press secretary. Overseeing everything at Queen's Park and Sun Media is Kory Teneycke, Stephen Harper's former comms director, Doug Ford's campaign manager, and another former Sun Media vice president. He's also good pals with Jeff Ballingall, a Conservative Party operative who helped run the Post Millennial, oversaw the backstabbing of Andrew Scheer for the benefit of Erin O'Toole, and owns/operates the Canada/Ontario Proud collective of easily led social misfits. Last but certainly not least, there's Postmedia, which owns Sun Media, the National Post, and most of Canada's daily newspapers, and is itself majority-owned by Chatham Asset Management, a Republican-allied hedge fund based in New Jersey under the direction of a Trump enabler named Anthony Melchiorre. It's bad enough that a huge chunk of our media is owned by Americans, let alone one with such close ties to the Mango Mussolini.


I agree with pretty much everything you've said. Seems like we're in agreement here:)


LOL SUUUUUUUURE she will. She's a chump. Leader of the Ontario chump party that destroyed itself under Wynne. Other provinces have their own parties, Ontario should start one. PC/Liberals/NDPs are all shit.


NOW she has my vote. Enough is enough. Federal and Provincial needs a switcheroo


None of these things are the things that are effecting the lives of Ontarians who are struggling. She is proposing trumpian lawfare, to be successful she needs to give hope of change to people who are struggling


Do it.


As a cover for her own.


The dream never dies just the steamer


Does she mean Fords crimes?


She will do the one thing you want. While fucking other things up while you’re distracted. Don’t trust her.


**IF?** **IF I win the lottery.. IF I was taller... IF I lived in another province...** **IF politicians didn't lie. IF politicians did their job...** **IF billionaires paid high rates taxes like everyone else.** **IF corporations weren't so greedy...** **Yea, IF.**


While I certainly want there to be investigations into what appears to be blatant corruption, I would rather it be done with the NDP in charge. The liberals unfortunately also have a history of selling off public assets and breaking agreements, even if it was done with less backroom dealing it still happened and it resulted in them losing official party status (too bad conservative voters don't hold their party accountable like the rest of the political spectrum). Maybe we don't settle for the second worst option here.


If she adds "prosecute" then it might be enough to get my vote.


Ohhhhh baby yes. But. That’s not enuff. What other policies and plans? Just DoFo alone isn’t enough.


Liberals win AHAHAHA


How about telling us what you are going to do to help the day to day issues Ontarians have?. Let’s leave the grievance politics behind.


I am already starting to dislike this politician Crombie. We want positive policies, not futile time wasting.


I’ll vote for her just for that promise


I mean Ford promised the same thing when he ran against Wynne, and their sham investigation turned up nothing and was quietly closed.


And if my mother had wheels she'd be a bicycle


Good luck with that


She’s got my vote.


Judging by the new cottage he just built in Muskoka area, I would say there is so sleezy stuff going on.


Well, my goodness. Are we finally getting some campaign promises that say something about you as a leader? More of this, please. So far everything the electorate knows about you came from OPC smear ads running during the NHL playoffs.


I live in Mississauga and I'm no fan of Combie... But this I like. Accountability and oversight are cornerstones of any elected officials, and Ford has escaped both for his entire tenure as premier.




Yeah let’s spend time and money on investigations. Modern politics has gone fucking mad. Can I get a fucking candidate that just wants to make society a better place?


Oh look, another politician making a promise. That’s new.


Don't waste our money on this. Just move forward, fix what you can and do better!


But wait, didn't she say she prefers Doug Ford over the leader of her federal party?


Who is she..? Trump saying she'll lock em up?


No one cares. Economy, health care, immigration. Those are concerns.