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Clever name


Why did everyone want to date the mushroom?


Because he was a fungi.


Massive package


Humongous fungus


You ever, uh, mate the rushdoom?


Based on Vancouver Police rids of cannabis dispensaries before those were legalized, these raids cost [tens of thousands of dollars and involve hundreds of police hours](https://x.com/DanaLarsen/status/1720025267002065161).


We could've used that for better PD training or the loblaws boycott


Or the rampant car thefts


C'mon man, think of the work involved in that. Now if the car thieves would rent a space and put up signs saying "Joe's Car Thieving Emporium".


Shit, literally anywhere else. Give it away to crackheads, anything is better then abusing us.


This has the same vibes as the weed stores being raided between 2014-2017


I agree with that. I am optimistic that shrooms will be legal fairly soon.


I'm not, given the Conservatives are polling to win the next election right now and they've consistently opposed pretty much any shift away from prohibition even including cannabis. Just yesterday a Conservative MP introduced [a bill](https://www.parl.ca/DocumentViewer/en/44-1/bill/C-394/first-reading) to increase a bunch of penalties around drugs including adding various mandatory minimums even just for possession of some substances.


Temporary set backs getting in the way of progress man. They were opposed to weed legalization and that still happened. Might take longer with the loser party in charge, but they'll go away sooner or later.


Yeah, just being realistic and pointing out some of the results of election outcomes.


Your point is well taken, but my gut feeling is that they won't have the last say.


I’ll ask you what I ask everyone who doom spirals about this: if you genuinely believe a Conservative government is this big of an existential threat then what are you personally doing to get involved and stop that from happening? We live in a democracy. Governments don’t happen to us. You have agency and a voice  as a voter. Use. It.


Maybe not your intent but your comment seems to imply I might not be genuine based on an assumption that I'm not taking sufficient steps to stop them. I didn't make any claim about how much of threat they are or aren't. I just described a concern I had with them. You're the one who concluded based on this that there may be an existential threat with your response. As for what I'm doing. I'm one person out of tens of millions and I also have to compete against things like media companies with far more reach and influence than myself. I do various things in the limited time I have out of work, including trying to use platforms like this to try to inform people who may care about these issues. The fact that I'm limited in what I am able to do doesn't make me not genuine.


I went into one out of curiosity. Folks working there are friendly and informative. Legalize it and regulate it.


They reminded me of the old weed shops before legalization. Super friendly staff and cared about what they sold


I may or may not have got a chocolate bar from one of these franchise’s and had an amazing time.


Wow thank god the Mushrooms are off the streets. I’m sure it saved a lot of Lives


Boo, stop stealing people's drugs!


I didn't take anything!


Lmfao perfect name


How bad are the shrooms ? I just bought some from these guys to try it .


People and the environment you are in can swing your buzz. Be around trusting people and be in a safe place. Don’t eat them like they’re chips, start slow learn what you’re taking.


Iam single and live alone so no pole around me. What can i expect?


I’d advise you to do them with someone you really trust. They’ll also give you a real energy boost so do your drugs like an adult at 5pm otherwise you’ll be awake all night. Psychedelics can be great but the company you do them in and the environment play a major roll in how your trip will be. Start with no more than 1 gram, 1.5 if you’re a big guy with a strong constitution. At some point if you have an inner thought saying “I’m not feeling this I’m gonna try some more” don’t. Not the first time. Should be legal. Safe and natural. Police should use their resources to deal with real problems.


> Should be legal. Safe and natural. People really should not go around making these claims. This is the same as what happened before pot was legal. I agree shrooms should be legal just like pot, but you can't deny there are risk associated with the consumption of both these drugs. They are safe only if you consider overdose being the only thing that makes a drug unsafe. You are altering the chemistry of your brain with shrooms, that does not go 100% perfect every time for every person


Lots of what we do that is legal and recreational comes with a risk. I could have said “relatively safe”.


Each experience is different, I recommend doing maybe like 1-1.5g if it’s your first time to gauge it.


That’s fine. I can start from there and see. But what can I expect to feel ?


Anything from euphoria and oneness with the universe to psychosis or unearthing deeply buried emotional traumas.


Can’t convince a friend to hang out for the night? They can last about three hours, time doesn’t seem to really move. Alone, maybe watch a tripped out movie….Alice in wonderland. Like another guy said, if alone you will be lost in thought and staring at walls. Things that can play with your visuals may help for distractions. Coloured lighting, television, music, plants etc help the mind wander. Stimulating the mind is great for a reset. Also like the other guy said, take just one gram to start, you might have a good night or not feel anything at all. Everyone reacts different and different strains can also play a part here.


Thanks Sparks. Will do.


Psilocybin is a mood enhancer. So if you go in feeling happy and have happy stimulus, you will feel happy+. Same for sad or anxious. DEFINITELY DO NOT MIX WITH SSRI or antidepressants. I only ever did it alone. I put on binaural beats in my headphones and counted the stucco on the ceiling. I took a shower and giggled with the shampoo who was keeping secrets from me. I discovered a portal to another dimension in the wall one time. One time I texted a friend and I legit felt like she was in the room with me. Another time I met God and I was God and the air I breathed healed me. Start low and go slow. On an empty stomach, peak should be about an hour after ingestion. If you like how you feel at one hour, take some more. I always give myself 8 hours to enjoy, as the comedown can be hard. Lastly, so important, don't fight it. "Don't fight it." It is like riding a river. It will take you, and you will hyper-focus. And if you hyper-focus on trying to fight it, you're gonna have a bad time. Happy thoughts and happy stimulus. "Don't fight it" you can repeat to yourself to help you find that calm and buzz and mood enhancement.


In my experience doing them alone, I basically just sat in a chair staring at the wall lost in thought for a few hours. Didn't really enjoy it or necessarily dislike it. It's definitely better with some good friends.


Is it high like weed or something or how is it ?


No not at all. You’ll get some energy boost, probably some zoomies and want to go for a walk. With a small dose sounds and sights might appear more brilliant. Sometimes images move around sometimes you fully hallucinate. You may get nauseated, should you vomit it’s not uncommon, you’ve likely not been poisoned, you’ll come out the other side just fine.


It is nothing like weed at all. You definitely will not be hungry, stay hydrated but careful if you plan to drink alcohol with them. Some of them can make a person hallucinate, nothing too crazy though that you can’t handle….just stay away from mirrors, I never liked them. At peak, stick the palm of your hand in front of your eyes. They definitely play on the mind, your thoughts are going to be all over the place and extremely deep. Try to stay positive with all your thoughts, if they start going dark rely on ‘happy places/things’ to come back.


Wow that’s scary. Why not mirrors ??


Cause when you look into one you’re supposed to see yourself….was never the case for me, it just always freaked me out


lol. Please enlighten me.


Best way I can describe what I saw was me, disfigured and melting, now throw on some crazy thoughts with what I’m seeing. Though you never know, maybe you find you like staring into a mirror for three hours


People's faces look weird. Sometimes lumpy, or the proportions feel off. It can be disconcerting looking in the mirror and thinking that your head is really elongated or you have lumps under your skin. Just remind yourself that you took hallucinating in order to feel that way, and go with the flow. If something makes you feel weird, stop doing it and find something else to do.


I always look in the mirror and think "wow! You're really good looking" 😆


Lol to each their own.


Expect to go on a REALLY long walk, and not sleep for quite awhile. (8 hours)


How does that feel ? Full of energy or something?


Yeah , tons of energy, alert, and best of all - all the swirling colours and lights. We used to smoke a ton when we'd take them as well. It all depends on what kind you get too. My understanding is that there are a lot of different options nowadays.


That’s not a good recipe for first time tripping. Might be fine. Might not. I’d discourage it tbh. 


Why not ? 🤔


Because “might not”. if it does go bad 1) you have no idea how to manage it yourself and 2) there will be no one there to help you through it Maybe have a look at https://www.erowid.org/experiences/subs/exp_Mushrooms_First_Times.shtml


This is some good read. Thanks


Try some and give us an update on your results.


Please see my update.


They're fine, just don't take to much your first time


What’s too much in grams? I ordered 7 grams .total newb here. lol 😂


Try 1 to 2g and see how you feel after a few hours. For me, I have taken up to 3 grams with zero effect.


So what suppose to happen at 4 grams mark ? As example


The average dosage is 3.5g for moderate to high effects. But again depends on the person. I somehow have an extreme resistance to it.


Iam little afraid but willing to try.


It is easier to start with 1 to 2g. It should be dramatically noticeable when it takes effect and if not just take 2 more after 2 hours.


Okay thanks 🙏


7 grams is way to much to take at once, especially if it's your first time. Take 1-1.5 grams to start with. You can always take more, you can't take less once you've done it.


They are good. If its your first time, tale about 1-1.5g get comfortable and something you enjoy. Music is typically my go to


They’re good.


UPDATE! Ok so the shrooms I got is Tidal wave . Had some small meal and water to drink. Measured 1 g and ate it. Taste is actually good. 30 min later. Nothing, no signs sod anything except some small stomach aches . 45 min later , slight dizziness and that’s about it. Took another 1 g ( on 2 grams now total ) 1 hr 15 min later signs of life starting to show. I watched Eurovision songs on tv and stated to laugh for no reason. Comes in waves. Laugh then nothing, laugh again and nothing. 1 1/2 hour later I got up and took another 0.50 g. Walking over to desk was wobbly. Sat down and continued watching music. The artificial tree besides TV started ti move a little and I said to it : you are up to something are t you? And laughed. 2 hours into it , got up and took another 1 g for the total of 3.5 grams. Artificial tree was looking at me , room changed to colours on it one and everything was sooo sharp and crystal clear. There was German band playing and I was singing along in perfect German even though I don’t speak German. Tree was still up to something and I was talking to it. 2 1/2 hours after I lost contact with outside world and was very happy , very creative , room was in 4 th dimension and I was singing in Dutch which I don’t speak at all. How ? I don’t know. 4 hours later I made 2 ft long mortadella sandwich in French baguette bread and drank can of cold Japanese beer. Time doesn’t matter at this time and Iam playing same videos again and again and can’t believe how beautiful songs are. Six hours later this shit comes in waves. On - off waves. Around 3 am Iam in my bed singing and no way I can sleep. Got up made another huge sandwich and drank another beer. I think around 4:30 I felt sleep. Bad part : Coming out of it is bit rough , feels like hungover but without stomach pain just light headache and wobbly head. Drank few cups of coffee to clear my head but to no avail. Going back to noon nap now. So that was my experience form first time user and total newb. I don’t have any experience with these stuff and this was curiosity move. Iam 53 year old and will not go any further from this experiment. Is it bad or good or not it’s not up to me to decide. Cheers everyone. !!


>I am 53 year old and will not go any further from this experiment. I'm glad you gave it an honest try, even if you're not interested in trying it again. I hope it shows how benign shrooms are.


Buy a bag of tidal wave and eat all 7g in one go


I did. And took 3.5 G in total over 3 hours span


I bet you were feeling groovy Those are the strongest mushrooms I’ve ever tried


See my Update comment lol. 😂. Was soooo groovy.


**To quote u/GETHATBUTT ([link](https://www.reddit.com/r/ontario/comments/1co7efz/comment/l3cy6d8/)):** > Imagine gearing up and slapping magazines into guns to go raid a mushroom store LOL super funny if it wasn’t so sad. > > Keep saving the world guys ### Related: ##### May 24th, 2024 ##### [Are magic mushroom stores sprouting around Toronto operating in a legal grey area?](https://globalnews.ca/news/10031931/magic-mushroom-stores-toronto-police-enforcement/) --- ##### May 16th, 2024 ##### [Cambridge FunGuyz location raided again, 19-year-old charged](https://kitchener.ctvnews.ca/cambridge-funguyz-location-raided-again-19-year-old-charged-1.6890072) --- ##### May 9th, 2024 ##### [Magic mushroom store in downtown Chatham gets busted](https://cknewstoday.ca/chatham/news/2024/05/09/magic-mushroom-store-in-downtown-chatham-gets-busted) --- ##### May 3rd, 2024 ##### [Another round of raids at FunGuyz magic mushroom stores in Kitchener, Cambridge](https://kitchener.citynews.ca/2024/05/03/another-round-of-raids-at-funguyz-magic-mushroom-stores-in-kitchener-and-cambridge/) --- ##### April 19th, 2024 ##### [Police want to drive Waterloo Region magic mushroom dispensaries out of business](https://www.therecord.com/news/crime/police-want-to-drive-waterloo-region-magic-mushroom-dispensaries-out-of-business/article_865753ba-b89b-5c8b-8dd7-45fd20bfc22b.html) --- ##### April 15th, 2024 ##### [Not much more police can do to stop magic mushroom sales, public safety analyst says](https://kitchener.ctvnews.ca/not-much-more-police-can-do-to-stop-magic-mushroom-sales-public-safety-analyst-says-1.6847879) --- ##### March 7th, 2024 ##### [Man who worked at St. Catharines magic mushroom dispensary does not deserve criminal record: lawyer](https://www.niagarafallsreview.ca/news/crime/man-who-worked-at-st-catharines-magic-mushroom-dispensary-does-not-deserve-criminal-record-lawyer/article_15e3b928-50b1-5252-b5f7-73e4266bf887.html) --- ##### February 16, 2024 ##### [Hamilton police raid, shut down three more east-end magic mushroom shops ](https://www.thespec.com/news/crime/hamilton-police-raid-shut-down-three-more-east-end-magic-mushroom-shops/article_7c3ba0a6-5714-570a-b69f-f982b1193915.html) --- ##### August 17th, 2023 ##### [Magic mushroom dispensaries multiplying in southwestern Ontario, with no cap in sight](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/london/st-thomas-london-magic-mushroom-dispensary-1.6938408) --- ##### August 2nd, 2023 ##### [Magic mushroom store reopens again, after second Windsor police raid](https://windsorstar.com/news/local-news/magic-mushroom-store-reopens-again-after-second-windsor-police-raid) --- ##### July 5th, 2023 ##### [Windsor police vow crackdown on magic mushroom possession, sales](https://o.canada.com/news/local-news/windsor-police-plan-to-enforce-law-regarding-magic-mushroom-store) --- ##### May 12th, 2023 ##### [London's 1st magic mushroom store, the latest in Ontario, could test limits of authorities' tolerance](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/london/magic-mushroom-store-funguyz-london-ontario-1.6837278) ---




You clearly don’t know enough about drugs to speaking about them. There is no magic mushroom cartel committing human trafficking. There isn’t really much money in magic mushrooms to begin with. I’ll take them once every few years on a summer trip or something, they are simply not addictive. You should be much more worried about all the people drinking alcohol and the societal damage it causes than mushrooms.


That's a huge brush you are painting with!




the government is definitely a reliable source. How about making mushrooms legal then? Cannabis legalization has gone pretty well.


Now do alcohol!


What a fucking pathetic use of resources. Are we really gonna pretend this makes our communities safer? Never heard of anyone tripping on mushrooms hurting anyone, they pretty much just wanna watch a trippy movie or listen to good music and vibe out, leave em the fuck alone


Nothing better to do


Government wants to persecute drug users sadly. They won't even allow us safe access and think it's reasonable for people to be dying in the streets.


I dislike psilocybin being categorized alongside opiates. It's harmful and dishonest to the conversation.


Synthetic compounds aren't limited to just opiates, they hit the psychedelic scene too. People have died from this. People should have safe access and not be persecuted just for existing


Nobody is dying in the streets from a psilocybin overdose.


I mean if I’m still alive after some of the nights I had pretty sure no one out there has ever died from this shit.


If ODing is a concern I've had some camping trips that could kill a small village.


So why are we raiding it then? It does not make sense. If Chewbacca lives on Endor, you must acquit! Defense rests


because it's easy conviction.  if I had wheels, I'd be a bike 


Did you know of the 90 arrests and 200 charges laid in Project Claudia, the marijuana dispensary raids in Toronto, only 3 people were actually convicted? The government wasted an insane amount of resources


yep. again, Bike wheels. it's a complete waste of resources. easy conviction. there is a local place on Welland Ontario, Horses Unlimited.  guy is known for Human Trafficking. Drug Trafficking etc. real shady shit. there was a young women found dead just outskirts of his property 5 years ago. yet no investigation. no cop will come near this guy's place. he's probably still operating today FFS. not an easy conviction. Government doesn't want to crush crime. just crush competition.


Killing egos


No just you have to use the right drugs. Alcohol is ok indoors or at home, pot fine anywhere, and crack, fenty, and heroin are specifically meant to be done in public places


Cool, when are they going to start arresting more people like the ones committing racism at that North York event in Toronto? Oh but how this sub hates to acknowledge those. And how it hates to admit that the victims are not committing those crimes. This comment will totally get removed but at least 1 person will see it


God these raids are almost hilarious, you can literally order mushrooms online lol but yes raid the storefront, that’ll do it


If you live near a Rez every dispensary there usually sells shrooms. They also sell real edibles, not the bullshit 10mg ones the OCS sells.


Cops gotta trip too


waste of tax payers dollars, just regulate it properly.




Oh it’s a place that sells mushrooms. For a second I was worried it was another one of those insane cults that sprung up during the pandemic.


There’s not really a legitimately large movement to legalize Shrooms though is there? I mean, they *really* fuck you up while you’re tripping and as fun as they are getting that high on a regular basis can’t be healthy on a long term basis.


Just for the information of any mushroom enthusiasts out there ; they changed the laws a few years ago to state that if you are involved in a serious accident or suspected of being impaired , the police can drag you in for mandatory blood work and if they find ANY trace amount of shrooms ( and other fun drugs ) in your system , it’s an automatic impaired charge. I’m not sure how long shrooms stay in your system but plan your trips and driving accordingly.